Poll: Date of body disposal?

DNA Solves
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What day do you believe KC disposed of Caylee's body?

  • on day of death (June 15-June 17)

    Votes: 53 8.6%
  • June 18

    Votes: 112 18.2%
  • June 19

    Votes: 114 18.5%
  • after June 19

    Votes: 336 54.6%

  • Total voters
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I believe the 2.6 days of decomp results were probably prior to Caylee being double then triple bagged. Casey probably kept wrapping as the stench of decomp became worse, thus 2.6 days of decomp exposed. I am of the opinion that she was dumped on the 24th after the Gas can incedent. IIRC didn't George mention that he saw laundry in the back of casey's car? Casey probably "freaked out" at that moment and drove up the street and threw Caylee out in case George came looking for her as he had done in the past. Fear of her Dad discovering Caylee body in the trunk must have horrified Casey. Too bad the wind was not blowing in the right direction the day George was getting the gas cans!

That. Exactly. Wasn't there also conflicting stories from GA about the Gas Can Day? He saw nothing/he saw laundry/he didn't get near the trunk at all...

I believe that she may have been in the sandbox until shovel day when she was double bagged and placed in the laundry bag(for appearances).
It would be an interesting re-poll narrowed down to each date between June 19-27 as a choice to see what the specific date people are thinking she was disposed of, instead of the current polls >the 19th choice. It's an old poll and there's new data out...
In his own admission, George had to stay out of Casey's business, because it caused alot of friction and fights with him and Cindy who were trying to work on their marriage at the time. It is apparent that George's "hinky meter" went off that day... too bad he didn't totally follow through. I really am convinced that Caylee's body was in the trunk that day concealed in the trash bags and laundry bag. And then Casey took off and dumped her body on the way out of the neighborhood. The problem was that the stench didn't go away, so shortly therafter it's time to dump the car too. Casey's mindset was probably if there was no body, no Caylee, no stinky car.... no problems for Casey. She would have an easier time explaining things about Caylee missing than to have to explain a dead Caylee in her car trunk.
I think Caylee was in the trunk unbagged only from the time she was murdered until George left on the 16th. I don't believe he ever saw them. Casey then put her in the 2 garbage bags only. She got the laundry bag on the 24th, which George saw in the trunk.
The reason I believe she was bagged is that there was only 1 hair found (by luck) by transfer of the newly dead body into the garbage bags on the 16th.. no body fluids yet. There was a spill in the trunk later, either from the garbage bags side-lying position and leaked from the top, or when she transferred the body/bags into the laundry bag on the 24th. While I don't discount the fact that Cindy may have cleaned the trunk, if a copious amount of body fluids had been there from delay in bagging the body, even Cindy couldn't have erased all microscopic evidence that would have been there.. as anal of a cleaning freak as she might be, there still would have been remnants left behind.
I do also believe she attempted to bury her body in the backyard first before she realized it was too hard. Would she bury her in bags or unbagged in the backyard? Maybe she was just wrapped in the blanket in the backyard, and the dogs hit.. (or either the dogs hit on fluids dumped after cleaning the trunk) I do think she bagged her before she went back into the trunk that day though.
I think Caylee was in the trunk unbagged only from the time she was murdered until George left on the 16th. I don't believe he ever saw them. Casey then put her in the 2 garbage bags only. She got the laundry bag on the 24th, which George saw in the trunk.
The reason I believe she was bagged is that there was only 1 hair found (by luck) by transfer of the newly dead body into the garbage bags on the 16th.. no body fluids yet. There was a spill in the trunk later, either from the garbage bags side-lying position and leaked from the top, or when she transferred the body/bags into the laundry bag on the 24th. While I don't discount the fact that Cindy may have cleaned the trunk, if a copious amount of body fluids had been there from delay in bagging the body, even Cindy couldn't have erased all microscopic evidence that would have been there.. as anal of a cleaning freak as she might be, there still would have been remnants left behind.
I do also believe she attempted to bury her body in the backyard first before she realized it was too hard. Would she bury he in bags or unbagged in the backyard? Maybe she was just wrapped in the blanket in the backyard, and the dogs hit.. (or either the dogs hit on fluids dumped after cleaning the trunk) I do think she bagged her before she went back into the trunk that day though.

Considering how cunning she appears to be, she does some remarkably dumb things at times, I guess panic was clouding her thoughts...?
Considering how cunning she appears to be, she does some remarkably dumb things at times, I guess panic was clouding her thoughts...?
I think she was totally freaking out. Also on the 24th with the close call explains the hasty dump...on top the ground close to her house? Panic.
I really think she was worried the body would be found really soon by someone. (while in the trunk AND after the poorly chosen dumpsite close to home and just sitting atop the ground)
-George sees "laundry in the trunk" on the 24th.
-Car abandoned at Amscot the 27th.
-No laundry in trunk mentioned by Simon Burch at towyard.
-Clothes in backseat found by Cindy. No clothes found in the trunk per LE.
-Where did the "laundry" in the trunk go between the 24th-27th?
-If the "laundry" in the trunk was soiled evidence, and KC dumped it..why did she leave the garbage bag evidence with the soiled paper towels?
-If she dumped Caylee before the 24th, why would she be transporting laundry or clean clothes in the foul smelling bodiless trunk, wouldn't the backseat make more sense?
-Also, I doubt that she would bring that overwhelming decomp smell into TL's or the A's home to wash it. (and pings say she was not at the A's at all on the 25th, 26th..)she didn't wash it on the 24th at the A's and put clean clothes back into the trunk for obvious smell reasons. Would she risk bringing that smell into Tony's? No way, imo. And the 27th she dumps the car.
She was at the A's on the 27th (freezer pops and Tyson chicken stolen from there that day)... but I think it is unlikely that she dumped the body that day, but she could have. It narrows it down to the 24th being my #1 and the 27th #2. Do you really think about grabbing snacks from the folks house the day you have to deal with the horrible traumatic mess in the trunk?
Here is a question though, that may blow part of my theory, may not.. "They haven't even found her clothes yet"...is she referring to the "laundry" that was in the trunk? Why would she dump that though (if she considered it evidence)...and not the garbage bag with soiled paper towels?

I think she was resigned to the fact there was too much evidence to hide and she would be busted. She dumped the smelling car at Amscot without even caring anymore. I believe her "out" was a plan to run to California..hence the call to Mark Hawkins in CA on the 27th. But Cindy caught her at TL's before. She hesitated too long playing house w/ TL.
Here would be a bizarre twist... what if she intended to use the name Zenaida Gonzalez as her alias in CA? ... But Cindy blows that plan and she just uses the name instead as the kidnapper.
-George sees "laundry in the trunk" on the 24th.
-Car abandoned at Amscot the 27th.
-No laundry in trunk mentioned by Simon Burch at towyard.
-Clothes in backseat found by Cindy. No clothes found in the trunk per LE.
-Where did the "laundry" in the trunk go between the 24th-27th?
-If the "laundry" in the trunk was soiled evidence, and KC dumped it..why did she leave the garbage bag evidence with the soiled paper towels?
-If she dumped Caylee before the 24th, why would she be transporting laundry or clean clothes in the foul smelling bodiless trunk, wouldn't the backseat make more sense?
-Also, I doubt that she would bring that overwhelming decomp smell into TL's or the A's home to wash it. (and pings say she was not at the A's at all on the 25th, 26th..)she didn't wash it on the 24th at the A's and put clean clothes back into the trunk for obvious smell reasons. Would she risk bringing that smell into Tony's? No way, imo. And the 27th she dumps the car.
She was at the A's on the 27th (freezer pops and Tyson chicken stolen from there that day)... but I think it is unlikely that she dumped the body that day, but she could have. It narrows it down to the 24th being my #1 and the 27th #2. Do you really think about grabbing snacks from the folks house the day you have to deal with the horrible traumatic mess in the trunk?
Here is a question though, that may blow part of my theory, may not.. "They haven't even found her clothes yet"...is she referring to the "laundry" that was in the trunk? Why would she dump that though (if she considered it evidence)...and not the garbage bag with soiled paper towels?

I think she was resigned to the fact there was too much evidence to hide and she would be busted. She dumped the smelling car at Amscot without even caring anymore. I believe her "out" was a plan to run to California..hence the call to Mark Hawkins in CA on the 27th. But Cindy caught her at TL's before. She hesitated too long playing house w/ TL.
Here would be a bizarre twist... what if she intended to use the name Zenaida Gonzalez as her alias in CA? ... But Cindy blows that plan and she just uses the name instead as the kidnapper.

Excellent post! I think you're right on target. I love your idea of ZFG being an alias intended for CA.
To add to my already really long last post.. the reason I believe the dump date was the 24th or the 27th is..

On the 25th...she talks to Amy on the phone and first alerts her that "smells like something died in my car" "I think my dad hit a squirrel when he borrowed my car". Amy says she discusses the smell for a few days after that.

The reason for her discussing it with Amy could be that either she was traumatized by the task of dumping the body the day before (24th) and also felt safe then to talk about the smell, now that the body was gone. Also needed to (in a backwards sorta way) talk about it with someone to ease the trauma fresh in her mind.

On the 27th...She dumps her car. She texts Amy while waiting at the Amscot for Tony to pick her up (before 1PM)... She says it was definetely a dead squirrel plastered to the frame she had to scrape off. (Paper towels come to mind?) This could also have been the disposal day....but I am thinking it was the 24th (freaked after the gas can incident when George actually saw the laundry bag in the trunk) She was just following up with Amy to confirm the smell was gone....and the source, so if the car was towed, the smell already had an alibi Casey layed out with Amy. I think she would have been too freaked out to dispose of the mess in the trunk AND be thinking of Tyson chicken and freezer pops from the freezer at mom's. This was a big day she dreaded and avoided for a long time.
Excellent post! I think you're right on target. I love your idea of ZFG being an alias intended for CA.
Lot's of attempted contacts to Mark Hawkins between the 25th and 27th also makes me lean towards the 24th being the dump day.
I think it was the 23rd or 24th. I believe she intended to burn the evidence but thought it would bring too much attention to the scene of the crime. That is why I think she was seeking gas cans.
I could lean toward the 24th except that why wouldn't GA have smelled something when she opened the trunk?
I could lean toward the 24th except that why wouldn't GA have smelled something when she opened the trunk?

Maybe Caylee was better sealed early on the 24th. Then, after a close call with GA, KC goes down the street to dump Caylee-A little fluid spills in her car when she lifts Caylee out to dispose of her.
KC realizes by the 26th that it really smells, and people might notice, so she makes up the squirrel story in a text to AH.
Between the 24th and the 27th, KC takes the garbage bag out of TL's apartment and uses a (or maybe many) paper towel(s) to have a go at the spill...(she could have thrown the remainder of the saturated paper towels or a piece of clothing she may have used, in any public trash can, using the last paper towel as an afterthought to clean any residue on her hands-perhaps adipocere got under her nails unbeknownst to her).
I still have to lean towards one of the earlier dates....Even if she was well sealed, the body had to smell quickly. My regular trash smells within a few hours if I forget to take it out of my trunk in the morning when I intend to ride it up to the dumpster (if I don't have my coffee, forgetfulness happens!)
In order to be compatible with the 24th by my logic, KC would have to have stored the body somewhere else initially.
I just can't get around my deep suspicion that she had been pulling Caylee away from Cindy the week before in anger...which led up to the fight on the 15th...if it led to a physical choking incident..it was a bad one. I really think Casey left in anger with Caylee. I just can't see her staying there that night.

I've always felt that Casey left with Caylee in the aftermath of the fight on June 15th. If you look at where Casey's bedroom is on the floor plan of the house, it would be easy for Casey to take Caylee to her bedroom, and then slip out her bedroom window, which faces out on the front yard.

In the immediate aftermath of the fight, Casey takes Caylee with her to her bedroom, slams the door, and gathers up when she might need - cell phone, car keys, some of Caylee's things, and a while later slips out the bedroom window. Cindy thinks Casey and Caylee are in Casey's bedroom that night, not aware that they're gone.

I've always wondered if LE asked George if Casey's car was in the driveway that night when he came home from work sometime after 11:00pm.
I've always felt that Casey left with Caylee in the aftermath of the fight on June 15th. If you look at where Casey's bedroom is on the floor plan of the house, it would be easy for Casey to take Caylee to her bedroom, and then slip out her bedroom window, which faces out on the front yard.

In the immediate aftermath of the fight, Casey takes Caylee with her to her bedroom, slams the door, and gathers up when she might need - cell phone, car keys, some of Caylee's things, and a while later slips out the bedroom window. Cindy thinks Casey and Caylee are in Casey's bedroom that night, not aware that they're gone.

I've always wondered if LE asked George if Casey's car was in the driveway that night when he came home from work sometime after 11:00pm.

I believe he gives conflicintg accounts-In his initial LE interview, he states that her car was home.
In the state depo, he says he does not remember seeing her car.

Lemme find links...
I've always felt that Casey left with Caylee in the aftermath of the fight on June 15th. If you look at where Casey's bedroom is on the floor plan of the house, it would be easy for Casey to take Caylee to her bedroom, and then slip out her bedroom window, which faces out on the front yard.

In the immediate aftermath of the fight, Casey takes Caylee with her to her bedroom, slams the door, and gathers up when she might need - cell phone, car keys, some of Caylee's things, and a while later slips out the bedroom window. Cindy thinks Casey and Caylee are in Casey's bedroom that night, not aware that they're gone.

I've always wondered if LE asked George if Casey's car was in the driveway that night when he came home from work sometime after 11:00pm.

GA interview with LE, at 10:00 mark, they ask about who was home-GA got home shortly after 11 p.m. and says he believes her car should have been there-You have to listen to this, GA gets a little squirrely here.


It's the audio labeled "George Anthony," not "George Anthony-July 24".

I will look into what he said in the depo, if it conflicted, and edit this post to add.

ETA: There is a lot of discussion about GA's statement in the depo, go 'State Deposition of George Anthony" thread-Just search "15th" in the thread, and you will find that in the depo, GA changed his story and did not say that KC was there.
GA interview with LE, at 10:00 mark, they ask about who was home-GA got home shortly after 11 p.m. and says he believes her car should have been there-You have to listen to this, GA gets a little squirrely here.


It's the audio labeled "George Anthony," not "George Anthony-July 24".

I will look into what he said in the depo, if it conflicted, and edit this post to add.

ETA: There is a lot of discussion about GA's statement in the depo, go 'State Deposition of George Anthony" thread-Just search "15th" in the thread, and you will find that in the depo, GA changed his story and did not say that KC was there.

Are you talking about the different statements both GA and CA made to LE and subsquently the depo in August, about KC being in her bedroom the morning of 6-16??

IIRC, GA said she was definitely there in the morning initially (and we all laughed at CA "hearing them breathing" before she went to work). I notice that both GA and CA are very noncommittal about knowing where KC is that morning in their depo. They both say Caylee is definitely there but do not recall if KC was.

Perhaps those calls from the Anthony home to her cell around 7:30-ish are not message checking or figuring out where her cellphone is. I wonder if LE interviewed AL, or JB questioned him in his depo, and he indicated she spent the night on the 15th and so the rents are backtracking to give the appearance of honesty.
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