Poll: Did Casey Really Keep Caylee in the Trunk Before Caylee Died?

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Did KC Really Keep Caylee in the Trunk at Anytime Before Caylee Died?

  • Yes

    Votes: 490 54.4%
  • No

    Votes: 258 28.7%
  • Unsure

    Votes: 152 16.9%

  • Total voters
As for the motive of why KC killed Caylee? I think for the same reason Susan Smith killed her kids. To be free of her and live her 'beautiful life'. Caylee was getting big and talking. She knew she couldn't keep her in bed with her boyfriends anymore having sex etc. Caylee would start talking. Maybe she was already saying things that no one quite caught on to that worried KC. And she was really into TL and didn't want Caylee in the way anymore. She hated her mother (both parents really) and wasn't about to let her mom have her. Probably also didn't want to hear her mom yelling at her and telling her she has to be responsible yada yada anymore.


When I heard the testimony that Caylee wouldnt sleep without her mom, it really kicked this idea off in my head.
I myself go back and forth with why, how, where, and when exactly Caylee died. I remember through the sir samples, there were certain components that indicated there being a "lack of oxygen" in the trunk. That really bothers me. I wish that someday the whole truth will be known.
I have always thought that it was not caylee's first time in the trunk. The ME made note of the fusion of caylee's skull prematurely from most likely laying on one side for long periods of time- I apologize I can't remember the proper term, but since reading that, I have thought, the poor little thing was in the trunk while her pathetic excuse of a mother was partying. I will try to find that information again and post it here.
June 16 (Monday)

Casey is up by 7:30 a.m. checking her phone messages, calling Tony and instant messaging with witeplayboi. She downloads a picture of Fusian onto the Anthony computer. She pings from her parents house all day until just after 4 p.m.

Then KC killed Caylee right after GA left. She watched and waited somewhere nearby and went back to the home, between 2 and 4 o'clock on the 16th. It is possible she held her down in the water and purposely drowned her. Or she used the chloroform to sedate Caylee and put the duct tape on her mouth until she suffocated. Then she hid her somewhere in the back yard for a short time. Playhouse or better yet sand box, since dogs hit there. Then she knew the A's would find her, so she waited till they were gone again, wrapped her in laundry bag and garbage bags, moved her into car with the shovel. Kept her in trunk for 2.6 days and then
dumped her.
It goes something like this, but can't exactly figure this to be totally correct.
I also think she told someone to move her from where she was originally dumped. One other thing has been bothering me, didn't we have a document dump that showed her in a motel parking lot, pacing back and forth the night of the 15th, after the fight? I could swear we heard or saw that.

This is what I think happened. I also think Casey was drugging her when she started staying over with Tony, because he wouldn't let little girls in his bed like Ricardo would, but she might have started drugging her when she was with Ricardo. I think Casey started with Xanax ("Zanny"), then she happened to see the real Zenaida's name card- which fit for a nickname of Zanny, then Ricardo gave Casey the idea to switch to Chloroform. I think Casey stuck Caylee in the trunk at nighttime, which is why Caylee didn't die previously in the trunk of heatstroke...:twocents:
Not sure though if Caylee died on the night of the 15th, or if George is telling the truth about seeing her on the 16th.
Here is the info - I asked AZ about it on the legal thread - AZ, I have a question regading the autopsy report. The report states "The posterior half of the sagittal suture appears to be in the beginning stages of premature synostosis". From everything I've read Caylee was not born with this defect and the information I have read strongly suggest premature synostosis can be evidence of child abuse. In your opinion will this be brought up during the trial?
AZ did not believe this would be brought up - but this is why I have always believed ICA often put Caylee in the trunk.
This is what I think happened. I also think Casey was drugging her when she started staying over with Tony, because he wouldn't let little girls in his bed like Ricardo would, but she might have started drugging her when she was with Ricardo. I think Casey started with Xanax ("Zanny"), then she happened to see the real Zenaida's name card- which fit for a nickname of Zanny, then Ricardo gave Casey the idea to switch to Chloroform. I think Casey stuck Caylee in the trunk at nighttime, which is why Caylee didn't die previously in the trunk of heatstroke...:twocents:
Not sure though if Caylee died on the night of the 15th, or if George is telling the truth about seeing her on the 16th.

There wasn't any drugs detected in Caylee's hair, so any drug use would have been immediately preceding death. Any earlier use would have showed up in the hair.
I am reading the book by Diane Fanning and her theory and one she says LE has looked at is that Casey used the Chloroform to make Caylee unconscious and then wrapped the duct tape around her mouth and nose to ensure that she never woke up from the chloroform. She thinks when she was trying to bury the body (the day she borrowed the shovel and had backed the car into the garage) she had set the trash bag with Caylee in it in several spots in the back yard (one area was where she had dug down five inches and gave up) and that was why the dogs hit there. Then for a couple of days Casey is pinged at driving around various areas they believe searching for a place to dump the body and finally settles on her old hang out in the woods.
This is my theory too...
I am sorry, but wake up and smell the Ramsey household. :dance:

Duct-taping the child's mouth after death makes it look like a kidnapping-gone-bad instead of domestic violence (or intentional murder) resulting in the child's death. It has been done before, and unfortunately, it was successful...
:hand:However, one major difference between this case and JonBenet Ramsey is that the Ramsey's actually did call 911 and John went and made sure the body was found when LE didn't search the house. They were going for staging.
And if Caylee's death really had been an accident, you don't sit in jail for 3 years and not report it!
As for the motive of why KC killed Caylee? I think for the same reason Susan Smith killed her kids. To be free of her and live her 'beautiful life'. Caylee was getting big and talking. She knew she couldn't keep her in bed with her boyfriends anymore having sex etc. Caylee would start talking. Maybe she was already saying things that no one quite caught on to that worried KC. And she was really into TL and didn't want Caylee in the way anymore. She hated her mother (both parents really) and wasn't about to let her mom have her. Probably also didn't want to hear her mom yelling at her and telling her she has to be responsible yada yada anymore.

I think that + KC was simply jealous of Caylee. Cindy and George doted on their granddaughter - probably more than they ever did their daughter, which is quite normal. Grandparents do that. The big difference is that Casey lived at home with her child.
I also think that KC and Cindy were competing being mom No. 1.
I voted unsure at this time. It has been a while since I read the reports on the hairs found in the trunk. If the only hair found in the trunk was the one of Caylee's with the "death band" on it, which is my only recollection at this time and the reason for my "unsure" vote, I'll have to stick with my current vote. If there were other hairs of Caylee's found in the trunk without the "death band", then I would vote with absolute certainty that Caylee was in fact in the trunk prior to her death. JMO at the moment.
Here is the info - I asked AZ about it on the legal thread - AZ, I have a question regading the autopsy report. The report states "The posterior half of the sagittal suture appears to be in the beginning stages of premature synostosis". From everything I've read Caylee was not born with this defect and the information I have read strongly suggest premature synostosis can be evidence of child abuse. In your opinion will this be brought up during the trial?
AZ did not believe this would be brought up - but this is why I have always believed ICA often put Caylee in the trunk.

I found a link for the info:

Reading it made my blood run cold. :(
I did some searching on the Internet and couldn't find anything else linking premature synostosis to child abuse. My cousin's son had this, and it was not diagnosed until he was three or four (can't remember exactly) because the change in the shape of his head wasn't really noticeable until then. There was no suggestion that child abuse was involved. Not that I think ICA was a good mother, but I'd like to see more about the link between the fusing of the skull bones and abuse.

The question that still has me wondering is:

Where did Casey (and Caylee) go during those two years that Casey had a faux job and a faux nanny? I know she claimed that she did some work from home, but weren't there days when she appeared to be leaving for work?

Is is possible that they spent most of their time at the house and that the Anthonys didn't notice the condition of the house when they came home from work? Is it possible that they went out and bounced from friend's house to friend's house despite the fact that most of her friends were working or going to school and would likely notice that Casey seemed to hang around an awful lot? Did she spend her days at the park or shopping? It's mind-boggling.

Whatever Casey was doing during all those "work" days, it would have become tricky to maintain a low profile during those times so that people wouldn't become suspicious of her employment status. And how the heck do you achieve that with a very young child? A kid is not like a mini chihuahua you can pop into your handbag on a whim - they need supervision, toys, food, entertainment. What was happening during those two years leading up to June 2008?

I had previously thought that maybe she regularly "knocked out" little Caylee via some means (meds, chloroform) and hid her in the trunk, since a child left in the passenger area of a parked car would be noticed by passersby. With the baby asleep and out of sight, Casey would have had much more freedom to do her own thing, whatever that was, during the daytimes when she was supposedly at work. But considering the Florida heat and the possibility of over-dosing the child, that solution doesn't seem realistic over a period of years. So I am stumped as to where Caylee really was when she was "with Zanny/the babysitter/the nanny" all those years, when Casey had no income to pay for a sitter and no job in the first place.
Did KC Really Keep Caylee in the Trunk at Anytime Before Caylee Died?

Although I believe we will never know the real truth from ICA, and I admit that I still cannot discern the stain evidence, I cannot get over these two words:

Fetal Position

If sweet Caylee was already gone when ICA put her in her trunk, why would she be curled up in the fetal position????

This is why I voted placed in the trunk before death. Wish I could hear what Caylee says. Sigh.
There's just no way I believe that Casey had been keeping Caylee in the trunk or knocking her out with chloroform. She hadn't spent nights with Tony yet, but she had major issues over the thefts. She'd been having lots of problems with George over finances (according to what Cindy told coworkers), she'd stolen from her Mom, and she'd already been caught stealing from the grandparents. Casey's previous MO was to make herself out to be a victim. The computer searches when considered as a whole show some possible plot to harm someone in which she might also be a victim herself. I believe the thefts play more of a role in this than the problem of getting Caylee to sleep or any guy that Casey may have wanted to be with. Narcissists are jealous and blame others. She'd always blamed her parents, so Caylee was probably now taking blame. Maybe she just wanted rid of them all since everything was their fault in her eyes.
I used to live in Orlando. From about May onwards, when you get into the car it is so humid and hot all the windows steam up immediately and you have to open the windows and turn on the air conditioning so you can see and breathe and not burn your hands on the steering wheel. No one could survive being in a sealed car in Orlando in June for very long at all. I don't KC was in the habit of using the car as a babysitter.
I myself go back and forth with why, how, where, and when exactly Caylee died. I remember through the sir samples, there were certain components that indicated there being a "lack of oxygen" in the trunk. That really bothers me. I wish that someday the whole truth will be known.

I go back and forth on whether a drugged (Xanax) Caylee was placed in the truck or in the back seat (dark windows opened ajar)...I think the problem truly occurs when Casey decides to use Chloroform (cheaper; yet more dangerous)...Afterall, she did Google how to make it...Not an easy task. I wonder if any cloth rags were found in the car. Casey's next move to cover her huge secret of CHLOROFORM was to use Ohio duct tape to make it apppear to be a kidnapping...Tape only on the face...and with the heart sticker..........................Big mistake!

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