Poll for the Armchair Psychologists

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What Psychological Disorder do you think Jodi may have?

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interesting - had not thought of that possibility. other posters on other threads speculated she could have made more $$ in vegas turning tricks at the big hotels...than she did working as a waitress or for PPL... but $20 increments-? what was she doing? giving bj's for $20 each? that's pretty cheap these days isn't it? i mean i don't really know the going rate but back in the day didn't jimmy swaggart get arrested for trying to stiff a hooker for $25 ?

she gave him a bj and he refused to pay. this was back in 1980 something.

No. $20 increments bc that's all a John can get out of an ATM machine.
"Drugs are Quick" as Willy Shakespeare said. So is prostitution. Both transactions are usually quick and the cash is from an automated teller.

But again I don't think it was prostitution when she was sleeping with the Mormon men. That was a whole other scam or blackmail scheme. She's fake interest in Mormonism, invite the Mormon to her house to teach her about the faith, seduce them if they were weak enough, and attempt to have some evidence of it to use later for blackmail ($$$$)
Sorry I now see what you are saying. ATMs can only dispense $20 bills.
Agreed! I am firmly convinced...don't need no stinking test scales or scores... res ipsa loquitur. The depths of her psychopathy have yet to be fully realized. I venture, that as time progresses we will learn more and more, as Jodi cannot keep her mouth shut. It will be a piecemeal process, but it will all come together to paint a crystal clear picture for those who have lingering doubts and/or questions.

Happy Memorial Day!

I expect once the trial is completely over we will hear from people they knew her and all the psychopathic stuff will come out.

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I know. It's like the Salem Witch Trials on steroids. Everything about the 21st Century is bigger and better as we march towards the extinguishing of our light as the once hallowed city upon a hill. These things have to happen, I guess, in the latter days.

But, I did note, when studying the Salem witch trials, that while most were indulging in hysteria, a select few were engaged in perhaps the real reason behind the trials, a transfer of money, power, and property. The same is undoubtedly true today.

It's not Jodi's sickness we should be concerned about, so much as our own.


I'm afraid many other things are going to have to happen too, the dialectic is very newly on the scene and it has only just begun.
It's cutting edge meta-modern knowledge. It will influence new research methodologies in all areas including psychology.
We may even see a change in the culturally specific DSM to one that is equitable to all nations and not funded by drug companies. Who knows?

The young women who were the 'victims' of the Salem witches, were under the influence of a very very powerful hallucinogenic which caused major delusions...
Gecko I've asked molly specifically to leave this thread as she was trolling and changing the subject. She respectfully did so (not after taking many PMs of PPL offended by her)

Please don't encourage her to come back to this thread I started and lets stay ON TOPIC. If you would like to talk about other ideas, please start your own thread.

Thank you.

P.s. just an idea - Maybe a good thread to start would be a poll on "what is your opinion of the media and it's portrayal of Jodi?". I'm sure many ppl would be interested in that topic as a specific thread. You are a beautiful writer and have some great knowledge of philosophical concepts. I'm sure other philosophically minded people would appreciate a thread created by you specifically for that purpose.
No. $20 increments bc that's all a John can get out of an ATM machine.
"Drugs are Quick" as Willy Shakespeare said. So is prostitution. Both transactions are usually quick and the cash is from an automated teller.

But again I don't think it was prostitution when she was sleeping with the Mormon men. That was a whole other scam or blackmail scheme. She's fake interest in Mormonism, invite the Mormon to her house to teach her about the faith, seduce them if they were weak enough, and attempt to have some evidence of it to use later for blackmail ($$$$)

LM@O! That's hysterical and probably RIGHT ON THE MONEY, no pun intended! :D
LM@O! That's hysterical and probably RIGHT ON THE MONEY, no pun intended! :D

Tell me if you recall this gem from the trial (not sure through journal records or it was during her testimony in court, but either way was confirmed during trial):

When Travis and Jodi met up at Starbucks, he introduced Jodi to the book of Mormon, and then Jodi gave Travis a *advertiser censored* not long after.

Could this be a prime example of her baiting Mormon men (with a fake interest in the faith) in order to sexually seduce/take advantage of their sexual repression/immaturity?

I mean who would want to turn 10 tricks a week in Vehas just to get by with hopes you didn't contract some disease.

It would be a lot safer (sexually/physically) and lucrative to seduce a few Mormon men in a years time and blackmail them with evidence of the sexual activity (or else Jodi would go public and ruin their rep at church/work and marriage)
And also notice the Freudian slip Jodi has during the investigation. Something about how the law of attraction was her hopes of "being wealthy", not finding love.

She kept talking about her debt and being in default on her mortgage.

She even was able to get Matt McCartney to attempt to forge letters as if he were Travis admitting interest in pedophilia. Since the letters were "typed" the state could not enter this as evidence. Which frusterates me to not end.

There's some scam here. Travis used that word. Chris Hughes even said he thinks people need to pay more attention to the word SCAM in Travis's last texts to Jodi.
Tell me if you recall this gem from the trial (not sure through journal records or it was during her testimony in court, but either way was confirmed during trial):

When Travis and Jodi met up at Starbucks, he introduced Jodi to the book of Mormon, and then Jodi gave Travis a *advertiser censored* not long after.

Could this be a prime example of her baiting Mormon men (with a fake interest in the faith) in order to sexually seduce/take advantage of their sexual repression/immaturity?


Absolutely it could. She set out to get Travis and she did. Why? Idk
Tell me if you recall this gem from the trial (not sure through journal records or it was during her testimony in court, but either way was confirmed during trial):

When Travis and Jodi met up at Starbucks, he introduced Jodi to the book of Mormon, and then Jodi gave Travis a *advertiser censored* not long after.

Could this be a prime example of her baiting Mormon men (with a fake interest in the faith) in order to sexually seduce/take advantage of their sexual repression/immaturity?

If this is the case, it completely changes my opinion of Arias. I no longer view her as troubled, damaged, lost, etc., but as a simple scammer and prostitute: A criminal with the true criminal marrow in her bones. Ugh:furious::furious:
If this is the case, it completely changes my opinion of Arias. I no longer view her as troubled, damaged, lost, etc., but as a simple scammer and prostitute: A criminal with the true criminal marrow in her bones. Ugh:furious::furious:

That's a insult to prostitutes and con artists! IMO

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Tell me if you recall this gem from the trial (not sure through journal records or it was during her testimony in court, but either way was confirmed during trial):

When Travis and Jodi met up at Starbucks, he introduced Jodi to the book of Mormon, and then Jodi gave Travis a *advertiser censored* not long after.

Could this be a prime example of her baiting Mormon men (with a fake interest in the faith) in order to sexually seduce/take advantage of their sexual repression/immaturity?


According to Jodi ....

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She's a sociopath. Some use the term psychopath. One and the same. Pffttt...All the rest is bullchite.

She's a sociopath. Some use the term psychopath. One and the same. Pffttt...All the rest is bullchite.


I disagree. I believe there is a difference between sociopathy and psychopathy. Dr. Hare is my go to source and the reason I believe it to be true.

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Gecko I've asked molly specifically to leave this thread as she was trolling and changing the subject. She respectfully did so (not after taking many PMs of PPL offended by her)

Please don't encourage her to come back to this thread I started and lets stay ON TOPIC. If you would like to talk about other ideas, please start your own thread.

Thank you.

P.s. just an idea - Maybe a good thread to start would be a poll on "what is your opinion of the media and it's portrayal of Jodi?". I'm sure many ppl would be interested in that topic as a specific thread. You are a beautiful writer and have some great knowledge of philosophical concepts. I'm sure other philosophically minded people would appreciate a thread created by you specifically for that purpose.

'Trolling' is a bit of a testy accusation...
Like I said people who appear to 'think' differently are not tolerated.
You have well and truly proven my point by making assumptions about my behaviour...
Assumptions are in no way scientific, nor are they reliable.
The thread topic is clear.

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Yes, the thread topic is clear. A poll and/or discussion of possible JA dx's...

I'm confused, though.

Have (perceived) loose sexual morals & prostitution become a psychological disorder?
Yes, the thread topic is clear. A poll and/or discussion of possible JA dx's...

I'm confused, though.

Have (perceived) loose sexual morals & prostitution become a psychological disorder?

I certainly hope not

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Jodi had 4 seperate bank accounts, all money put in was in $20 increments.

Could Jodi and Darrel have been so hard up to pay their mortgage that he allowed Jodi to use the house as a base for formalized prostitution?

That Jodi knew the best clientele would be Sexually repressed Mormon men?

I think it is more about SCAmMING the men by luring them into sex, photographing it, and threatening blackmail if no money is paid for the pictures.

Did TRAVIS find out she was doing this with men in the Mormon community and was so disgusted/outraged with her scam that he threatened to out Jodi, and consequentially Darrel Brewer as well? Did Jodi accidentally upload pictures or footage of her with all of her blackmail victims onto Travis's computer? Did Travis see this and believe that was all she was trying to do with him throughout their whole relationship? Blackmail him for money?

We know she was at Darrel's before she rented the car. We know a man was with her when she rented the car. Did Darrel Brewer drive Jodi to the rental car station? He gave her the gas cans.

Could Darrel Brewer have been privy to this whole plan?

Jodi called Travis's phone 3 times to leave messages after calling Ryan Burns to establish her alibi. And who is the person she calls after these "communications" and tells "Travis has been killed and the gas cans are empty"?:

Darrel Brewer.

IMHO moo
:twocents: Darryl said when he met JA, she was very responsible and mature for her age. She had $12,000 in the bank and paid all her bills. Darryl also at this time was drinking a lot and his perceptions of her might have been clouded, altho no matter what, she has this aura of confidence.
Her first BF was Bobby and they had no money. Then it was Matt before Darryl. So she accululated $12,000 in the bank in this time, waitressing.
IDK if it's possible to save that much , in that amt. of time, with waitressing. I've been out of the field too many years to relate. I always thought when she and Darryl split the bills, her share of the house paym't was an awful lot to pay, not including utilities and food, for a waitress.
She is very schrewd and confident and can lie like nobody's business. So it's not hard to imagine her doing something shady. I could imagine her having some internet scams going on to pay the bills.
Maybe the quick ways to make money included others or not. Maybe she wanted to help Travis out by letting him in on a scheme and he refused to be involved, then she got scared of exposure.
4 separate bank accounts sounds suspicious. I wasn't aware she called Darryl last. I thought it was Gus. i've been wrong before, but i don't think Darryl had anything to do with it. I think he might have known she was going to see Travis to confront him about something, but didn't know she was going to kill him.:moo: Only she knows why she did it, and she won't talk.
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