POLL: How do you think the prosecution will handle the cross examination of Arias?

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What do you think will happen during the cross examination by the State?

  • Juan will handle the cross with kid gloves

    Votes: 3 1.7%
  • Juan will ask only for yes or no questions

    Votes: 21 11.6%
  • Juan will challenge Arias on all of her testimony

    Votes: 107 59.1%
  • Juan will limit his cross to Arias testimony on the relationship

    Votes: 9 5.0%
  • Juan will only focus his questioning of Arias on the murder

    Votes: 29 16.0%
  • other (post and describe your "other")

    Votes: 12 6.6%

  • Total voters
I think he will approach her using different styles.

In my opinion, I don't think he will worry about being too aggressive.

When she tries to expound on her testimony, if necessary, he will firmly remind her to answer yes or no when applicable.

I think most of JA's testimony will be condensed to the pertinent areas deemed by him to get a conviction. In other words, I don't think he will go on and on concerning any one subject. It's the totality of the real evidence, possible impeachments minus the BS.

Also, I think there will be a lot of objections from the defense - hope the judge will let the prosecution proceed w/o too many objections being "sustained" to benefit the defense.

Can't wait to see him in action with her - guess the question now is when will this happen.

Just a guess on my part....
all i keep thinking through this whole thing is that it seems she's reading her answers word for word so it would be good if JM uses different styles with JA. it would keep her off balance and she wouldn't be as able to use her "canned" answers.
Too soon to tell...

More evidence will be introduced during the testimony of the current defense witness; moreover, the defense will likely move again for dismissal on various grounds prior to the prosecution's cross-examination of the current defense witness, 'St. Jodi of Arias'.
Juan is a master strategist so he'll structure his cross-exam to get the most impact in the least amount of time. He won't keep Arias up there for 6+ days. He'll whittle her down in probably 3 to 4 hours--enough to be able to prove to the jury that she was the aggressor in the relationship, that she was not abused, that she was an active participant, and he will use her own words against her every step of the way.

He'll get her to admit she never documented any 'abuse,' never told anyone she was abused, kept going to Travis of her own free will, and made the decision on her own without threats or fear to go see Travis that fateful day. She'll lie, but she'll be no match for Mr. Juan-derful. :heartbeat:
Katy, good luck trying to plan your schedule around this trial since there's no court till Tuesday the 18th! I feel your frustration.

As to when liar Jodi may be finished with her lie filled direct examination I'm betting by next Friday at noon. (kidding, maybe) I cannot wait to see her demeanor when it gets to the murder and what happened first, second and third. I bet she cries a river or two and can't remember this, that and the other thing.

I can also see her being "so distraught" court has to be postponed... Whether that occurs during the end of her direct exam or when the prosecution starts, I'm not sure. She's a control freak so I foresee some sort of courtroom antics.

Jodi Arias = 50 Shades Of Crap
I'd like to see Juan prove Arias' lies are complete BS. :please:
The most exciting testimony was the 2 minutes that Juan had questioning her on Wednesday. It was like coming attractions for a movie that I can't wait to see.
This is what I want to hear JM ask this sociapath.


We see that you killed the man THREE TIMES OVER.

If she doesn't say "I can't remember anything because I was fighting for my life and in a total state of panic." I can envision her saying "I had the knife in my hand to protect myself. Travis was wet from the shower and slipped face first into the knife and it cut him. It was awful!"
If she doesn't say "I can't remember anything because I was fighting for my life and in a total state of panic." I can envision her saying "I had the knife in my hand to protect myself. Travis was wet from the shower and slipped face first into the knife and it cut him. It was awful!"

I hope JM makes it PERFECTLY CLEAR to this jury that she HAD TO BE standing BEHIND him when she inflicted this horrible wound. Behind him and over him. The angle of the wound has an upward, front to rear trajectory.

She slaughtered this man. :(
I think he will focus on the murder itself plus every lie he can verify. I also hope there is a section about how Travis can't tell his side of the story . . . because she killed him.
A few thoughts.
1. If she truly wanted to kill herself why is she trying to save it now?
2. Travis was not the first guy to have anal sex with Jodi another ex. Said try had done it once.
3. She accuses her parents of abuse and yet they are there still supporting her
4. How would Travis family be able to financially attend trial for potentially several weeks. Is there some type of fund that gives financial support for their expenses?
5. Is there a fund set up to donate money for the family.?
I hope JM continues to use a strict, strong, and sometimes loud demeanor with her. Do not soften up JM. One way or another she is going to lie, but he def brought out her other side, the I won't take **** from no one side.

Sending prayers and good vibes to JM .
Any way we can have a list of questions JM should ask?

1) When you claimed you first saw the gun - did you ask TA about it and why it was there? heirloom etc.

2) Who keeps a gun on top of a closet shelf v drawer or locked up?

3) Are you aware the same gun is the same model that was stolden from your Grand parents house? But, more importaly they QUIT making them years ago - you cannot just buy them.

4) Who had access to your grandparents house? you or T.

I don't buy into the gun defense at all, I am only answering to what she claims - and none of it makes sense. There is no way to buy into that he owned a hand gun, let alone that make and model.
I hope he asks- What do you consider abuse?
When she starts to show off her finger or tell about the email where Travis called her a sociopath, slay her with the crime scene photos.
Is this abuse Jodi? How about this? This? Ad Infinitum until she's forced to actually look at the damage she did and respond.
Then he should ask her what her definition of self defense is. After reading her the legal definition in Arizona he should replay the crime scene photos one more time so she can explain herself stab by stab. What prompted this stab Jodi? What did Travis do to warrant this one?

But I know he'll be more professional than me.
Yes, the stabbing. She's said some images have come back to her over the years. I hope he asks about every single knife wound.

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