POLL - Kobe Bryant case dropped: How do you feel?

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  • Good - it should have been dropped!

    Votes: 43 46.2%
  • Bad - it should had proceded!

    Votes: 34 36.6%
  • No Opinion either way.

    Votes: 9 9.7%
  • Other... explain below

    Votes: 7 7.5%

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Ouch!! Kobe outed Shaq:

Bryant Told Police of O'Neal Payouts

Hours after his sexual encounter with a hotel employee in Colorado, Kobe Bryant told investigators that Shaquille O'Neal, his Laker teammate at the time, had paid up to $1 million to women to keep them quiet about "situations like this," according to a police report.

An Eagle County, Colo., detective wrote in a report that Bryant made the comment near the end of a lengthy interrogation on July 2, 2003, about allegations that Bryant had raped the woman, then 19, in his resort hotel room.

O'Neal was informed of the comment last September, about two weeks before Laker training camp opened in Hawaii, when prosecution investigators made an unsuccessful attempt to question him. His agent, Perry Rogers, said Tuesday that the allegation in Bryant's statement was untrue and "undeserving of a response."

Much of Bryant's 75-minute interview was tape-recorded, but Det. Doug Winters wrote that the reference to O'Neal came after his partner, Det. Dan Loya, had turned off the recorder.

The incident report, a portion of which was reviewed by the Los Angeles Times, is part of the sealed file in the criminal case that was brought against Bryant last year and dropped this month. A Colorado judge has a motion before him to unseal documents from the case.

"Bryant made a comment to us about what another teammate does in situations like these," Winters wrote. "Bryant stated he should have done what Shaq (Shaquille O'Neal) does. Bryant stated that Shaq would pay his women not to say anything. He stated Shaq has paid up to a million dollars already for situations like this. He stated he, Bryant, treats a woman with respect, therefore they shouldn't say anything."

Ooooh. No WONDER Shaq hates him so bad.

Edited to add a snippet from the article:

For his part, Bryant seemed perplexed at O'Neal's attitude toward him. "It can't be a personality thing, because I really don't know the guy that much," Bryant said at the time. "I don't really hang around him that much."

How odd that he doesn't know him that much, but he knows that he pays women to keep them quiet after sex? AND he knows how much the alleged payouts are? That doesn't stack up to me.

Kobe initially lied at the beginning of the interview. That's been established. I think he lied throughout the entire thing.
I'm sure there are things that are "known" about all of these guys. Kobe just tried to use what he knew about Shaq to his advantage. I think its probably true. I think it happens a lot more than we know about. There's a lot of hush hush money in Hollywood. Nothing that I've heard surprises me. Men who cheat on their wives are liars. Nothing new about that either. They don't admit it until their backs are against the wall. Doesn't mean he raped this girl and I hope she doesn't get a dime, has to change her name and move to the burbs somewhere and enter therapy. Kobe and the guys like him will ALWAYS be the way they are because women allow them to be that way. The first time a woman forgives behavior, its a license for them to do it again and again and again and there's nothing she can say about it.
Jeana (DP) said:
I'm sure there are things that are "known" about all of these guys. Kobe just tried to use what he knew about Shaq to his advantage. I think its probably true. I think it happens a lot more than we know about. There's a lot of hush hush money in Hollywood. Nothing that I've heard surprises me. Men who cheat on their wives are liars. Nothing new about that either. They don't admit it until their backs are against the wall. Doesn't mean he raped this girl and I hope she doesn't get a dime, has to change her name and move to the burbs somewhere and enter therapy. Kobe and the guys like him will ALWAYS be the way they are because women allow them to be that way. The first time a woman forgives behavior, its a license for them to do it again and again and again and there's nothing she can say about it.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Agreed 100% !
Kobe Bryant Police Interview
NBA star's graphic account of hotel room encounter, finishing move
SEPTEMBER 24--For the first time in its unsanitized form, below you'll find the official 57-page transcript of the police interview of Kobe Bryant conducted the night after the NBA star was accused of rape by a 19-year-old Colorado woman. During a 75-minute conversation with Eagle County Sheriff's investigators Dan Loya and Doug Winters in July 2003, the athlete first denied having sex with the woman and then claimed their encounter was consensual. While our friends at the family-friendly Vail Daily--which first obtained the document last week--had to scrub the interview of profanity and certain graphic details--TSG has left in all the dirty words, thoughts, and deeds.




...........also said that the woman who accused Bryant of rape retracted portions of her previous statements to investigators in a letter written on July 31, 2004, about a month before Bryant's trial was scheduled to start..........

How many times has her story changed? Doesnt any of the evidence showing KB's innocence matter?
This woman has seriously damaged the rights and cases of ACTUAL victims!!!!!! :behindbar Why is no one upset about that??
I'm not surprised Kobe's accuser is pregnant. With a Borderline, when you kick the drugs you're on, all that's left is the sex. And Borderline's are known to abuse that, too.

Retracting some of her initial statements. Wouldn't that mean, that a portion of her original statements were a lie? Borderline's are known, for their false accusations.

Here's a true story about a Borderline. Think of it as a primer on BPD's.

messiecake said:



...........also said that the woman who accused Bryant of rape retracted portions of her previous statements to investigators in a letter written on July 31, 2004, about a month before Bryant's trial was scheduled to start..........

How many times has her story changed? Doesnt any of the evidence showing KB's innocence matter?
This woman has seriously damaged the rights and cases of ACTUAL victims!!!!!! :behindbar Why is no one upset about that??

What evidence is there showing Kobe's innocence? As far as I can tell, it's a he said-she said kind of a thing. Except she had injuries and bled on his shirt, and he initially LIED to the police about ever having had sex with her.

Also, the police promised to prosecute her if she made false accusations. That hasn't happened.

Of course the defense attorneys for Kobe are going to SAY that she made false accusations. Smear the accuser has been the name of the game throughout the entire trial.
BirdieBoo said:
What evidence is there showing Kobe's innocence? As far as I can tell, it's a he said-she said kind of a thing. Except she had injuries and bled on his shirt, and he initially LIED to the police about ever having had sex with her.

Also, the police promised to prosecute her if she made false accusations. That hasn't happened.

Of course the defense attorneys for Kobe are going to SAY that she made false accusations. Smear the accuser has been the name of the game throughout the entire trial.

He doesn't need to prove his innocence. She now needs to prove he's liable to her. Her credibility will be KEY in this case. From what I've already read about her, she has ZERO credibility.
Jeana (DP) said:
He doesn't need to prove his innocence. She now needs to prove he's liable to her. Her credibility will be KEY in this case. From what I've already read about her, she has ZERO credibility.
I am just wondering what this evidence is, since Messiecake asserted in her post which I quoted that the evidence exists, I'm sure she would love to share it.
BirdieBoo said:
I am just wondering what this evidence is, since Messiecake asserted in her post which I quoted that the evidence exists, I'm sure she would love to share it.

• "Letter from complaining witness dated July 31, 2004, retracting portions of her statements given on July 1 and Sept. 12, 2003."

Exactly!! While so many folks will focus on the fact that Kobe denied even having sex with her when he was first approached by the police, we know that its a normal pattern for cheaters to deny until they're up against the wall. The cops told this woman at the very beginning that if she was not telling them the truth, she could very well be in serious trouble. Depending on exactly what this evidence is, Lin Wood will either get her a great deal of money or she'll drop this case as well. If she does end up dropping the case, I'd like to see Kobe sue her for liable, damage to his reputation, false arrest, attorneys fees, and a laundry list of other things. However, he'll have to be willing to tell a lot of private things on the stand and I don't think he's got the guts for that.
Evidence to his innocence...........shes a known liar/attention seeker,drug user who changed her story numerous times in addition to lying outright to LE.
3 different kinds of semen were found ON her,two kinds IN her as well as in her underwear(male pubic hair NOT Kobes was found in the underwear as well) .
There is eyewitness testimony that the night AFTER her "rape" she was bragging about the size of Kobe's penis(as I rape SURVIVOR myself and a victim adocate/counsler that outrages me most of all!! :furious: ) and bragging about how much money she would get(in addition to the money she got as a "victim" from the state).

Look when I first heard about this (and I didnt know who Kobe was) I thought he was guilty.Oh look another spoiled,rapist jock.................but then I started reading anything and everything I could and following the case and I came to the conclusion that Kobe is a spolied jock guilty of adultry but not rape and I am upset at all the damage this sad,sick woman has caused REAL victims.

I know many people still want him to be guilty,I understand that anger but its misplaced.Some people seem to want him to be guilty so bad that if this woman came out tomorrow and admitted she lied I think they wouldnt belive it and insist she was paid off to say it!

I belive she lied and I belive Kobe,while guilty of many things ,is innocent of rape.Everyone is intitled to belive what they want and I cant forced anyone to think otherwise.

Thats my opinion and Im sticking to it!
messiecake said:
Evidence to his innocence...........shes a known liar/attention seeker,drug user who changed her story numerous times in addition to lying outright to LE.
3 different kinds of semen were found ON her,two kinds IN her as well as in her underwear(male pubic hair NOT Kobes was found in the underwear as well) .
There is eyewitness testimony that the night AFTER her "rape" she was bragging about the size of Kobe's penis(as I rape SURVIVOR myself and a victim adocate/counsler that outrages me most of all!! :furious: ) and bragging about how much money she would get(in addition to the money she got as a "victim" from the state).
Thats my opinion and Im sticking to it!

I don't blame you for sticking to your opinion, everyone is entitled to their own.

All the evidence you posted though was about HER, my point being anything about HER does not make HIM a rapist or not. He lied to police initially, so at the very least he is a liar and a philanderer.

Blame the victim is the common defense for rapists, I do not know the girl so I cannot state that she is a known liar and drug user, promiscuous, etc, because I have NOT seen these police reports stating these things about her. If you would care to link them I would greatly appreciate it, as I have seen the transcripts of the police interviews from Kobe's side of it, and also Pamela Mackey's side of what the girl said.

There is another liar and philanderer discussed elsewhere on this forum, everyone I think is now clear that just because someone is a liar and a philanderer who cheats on his wife does not make that person a criminal right?
BirdieBoo said:
I don't blame you for sticking to your opinion, everyone is entitled to their own.

All the evidence you posted though was about HER, my point being anything about HER does not make HIM a rapist or not. He lied to police initially, so at the very least he is a liar and a philanderer.

Blame the victim is the common defense for rapists, I do not know the girl so I cannot state that she is a known liar and drug user, promiscuous, etc, because I have NOT seen these police reports stating these things about her. If you would care to link them I would greatly appreciate it, as I have seen the transcripts of the police interviews from Kobe's side of it, and also Pamela Mackey's side of what the girl said.

There is another liar and philanderer discussed elsewhere on this forum, everyone I think is now clear that just because someone is a liar and a philanderer who cheats on his wife does not make that person a criminal right?

So even though the Proscuters paid for her to go to rehab you dont consider her a drug addict?????? And her changing her story doesnt make her a liar??(she lied about her sexuall activity to LE) None of this evidence counts to you??

That known evidence from LE and after reading accounts on Court TV and numerous magazine articles which had first hand interviews with her former roommate ,ex boyfriend and different high school and college friends is what I formed my opinion on.

Funny no one came out saying bad things about Kobe(he did just fine damaging himself on his own!)

Ive posted links to most of this info on here in the different Kobe threads.

I have no love for Kobe and fully agree hes a liar and an adulter but I just dont feel hes a rapist.

Im also not blaming the victim as,imo,there is no victim.

This case became about her because she chose to lie to LE and live the life she leads .Her credibilty ,in a "he said/she said" case ,with no physical evidence that backs up her story,then becomes an issue.

Its clear youre in the camp of" hes guilty and nothing will convince me otherwise" so its pointless for me to continue.

As I said I belive what I belive .

And what does Scott Peterson have to do with this? Scott is a guilty as hell MURDERER..........thats a horse of a different color!
messiecake said:
So even though the Proscuters paid for her to go to rehab you dont consider her a drug addict?????? And her changing her story doesnt make her a liar??(she lied about her sexuall activity to LE) None of this evidence counts to you??

That known evidence from LE and after reading accounts on Court TV and numerous magazine articles which had first hand interviews with her former roommate ,ex boyfriend and different high school and college friends is what I formed my opinion on.

Funny no one came out saying bad things about Kobe(he did just fine damaging himself on his own!)

Ive posted links to most of this info on here in the different Kobe threads.

I have no love for Kobe and fully agree hes a liar and an adulter but I just dont feel hes a rapist.

Im also not blaming the victim as,imo,there is no victim.

This case became about her because she chose to lie to LE and live the life she leads .Her credibilty ,in a "he said/she said" case ,with no physical evidence that backs up her story,then becomes an issue.

Its clear youre in the camp of" hes guilty and nothing will convince me otherwise" so its pointless for me to continue.

As I said I belive what I belive .

And what does Scott Peterson have to do with this? Scott is a guilty as hell MURDERER..........thats a horse of a different color!
Actually if you could please post some links to your allegations about the girl, as I asked in my previos post, it may change my mind. But since no one has done so, I guess these allegations are unsubstantiated. I didn't mention Scott Peterson....I just mentioned lying philandering guys. There is more than one of those discussed on this forum!

I don't know of anything that goes on at courttv forums since I do not read or post there.

Also, I never accused you of blaming the victim, I said it was a common defense of rapists. Does that mean that I am calling you a rapist? No.

I have not seen anything substantiated about this girl that means Kobe didn't do it. If anyone wants to post anything that is substantiated about the girl, feel free.

Messicake, you also posted that you did not report your rape to LE because you were afraid of getting dragged through the mud. I am very sorry that you were raped. Why did you feel you would be dragged through the mud? was it because you felt that you did something wrong?

If a 14 year old virgin could be dragged through the mud for making a rape charge on a local hometown guy, I'm sure that it could happen on a much larger scale for a sexually active 19-year old who parties, when making a rape charge against a very wealthy and powerful man who has up until that point been portrayed in the media WORLDWIDE with a squeaky clean image. A media darling if you will. A squeaky clean image means a squeaky clean image to protect.

Even prostitutes can be raped. Drug addicts can be raped.

Evidence against the girl's character is not the same as evidence proving Kobe didn't rape her.
BirdieBoo said:
Actually if you could please post some links to your allegations about the girl, as I asked in my previos post, it may change my mind. But since no one has done so, I guess these allegations are unsubstantiated. I didn't mention Scott Peterson....I just mentioned lying philandering guys. There is more than one of those discussed on this forum!

I don't know of anything that goes on at courttv forums since I do not read or post there.

Also, I never accused you of blaming the victim, I said it was a common defense of rapists. Does that mean that I am calling you a rapist? No.

I have not seen anything substantiated about this girl that means Kobe didn't do it. If anyone wants to post anything that is substantiated about the girl, feel free.

Messicake, you also posted that you did not report your rape to LE because you were afraid of getting dragged through the mud. I am very sorry that you were raped. Why did you feel you would be dragged through the mud? was it because you felt that you did something wrong?

If a 14 year old virgin could be dragged through the mud for making a rape charge on a local hometown guy, I'm sure that it could happen on a much larger scale for a sexually active 19-year old who parties, when making a rape charge against a very wealthy and powerful man who has up until that point been portrayed in the media WORLDWIDE with a squeaky clean image. A media darling if you will. A squeaky clean image means a squeaky clean image to protect.

Even prostitutes can be raped. Drug addicts can be raped.

Evidence against the girl's character is not the same as evidence proving Kobe didn't rape her.

Evidence about her character is pertinent because its her word against his-the dna evidence only proves there was sexual activity with Kobe and TWO other men (which contridicts her original police statement).There was/is no evidence of rape.

Im not sure what "evidence" youre looking for Birdie.Everything I have stated was widely printed and reported byThe Smoking Gun, S.I,Fox News,Court TV,Maxim ,People etc etc

Have you not read anything about the case?
It seems you have been careful to not read anything that doesnt support your opinion.
How do you not read anything at Court TV?
Ive posted links in the other Kobe thread so if you want them go find them.
I suggest you research and read like I did.

Im not out to prove Kobe''s case ,just state my opinion and like I said before I think your mind is made up and nothing I say will change it and thats fine.

No harm,no foul.

Im just waiting for the Civ. trial............all will be revealed imo.

As for my case I did wait to tell my parents because I was worried about getting into trouble.
They were away and I was somewhere I shouldnt have been and didnt want my sister (who was supposed to be with me) or I to get into trouble-silly but at 14 it made sense.I was confused and scared.

We never went to LE but instead my parents consulted a lawyer who advised us because I didnt tell LE immediately and there was no evidence it would be my word against his and my credibility would become the issue(which I understand 100%) as its not like he was a career criminal,he had no record and most likely nothing would happen but more pain.
I dont blame my 14 year old self or my family or LE.

Yes victims get dragged through the mud and the criminals have all the rights.
That makes me mad and its wrong.

In this case the "AV" brought it on herself and Im mad at her not Kobe(although hes a liar and was wrong) thats all.

We just agree to disagree.
messiecake said:
Have you not read anything about the case?
It seems you have been careful to not read anything that doesnt support your opinion.
How do you not read anything at Court TV?
The first part of this statement is nothing more than a personal insult. You do not know me, and therefore know nothing about my reading habits.

As for the second part, I did not know that it was a requirement for all WS posters to ALSO belong to CourtTV.

You are the one who stated that there was evidence of Kobe's innocence, you haven't posted any here. Everything I have seen that you posted elsewhere came from Pam Mackey & Co. Except for the one interview with one of the girl's "friends" which read like an excerpt from the movie "Mean Girls" where the interviewer stated that she did not like the girl and did not want to be friends with her anymore.
BirdieBoo said:
The first part of this statement is nothing more than a personal insult. You do not know me, and therefore know nothing about my reading habits.

As for the second part, I did not know that it was a requirement for all WS posters to ALSO belong to CourtTV.

You are the one who stated that there was evidence of Kobe's innocence, you haven't posted any here. Everything I have seen that you posted elsewhere came from Pam Mackey & Co. Except for the one interview with one of the girl's "friends" which read like an excerpt from the movie "Mean Girls" where the interviewer stated that she did not like the girl and did not want to be friends with her anymore.

It was not meant as an insult and Im sorry if you took it that way but it just seems odd to me youve never read ANYTHING contary to your opinion hence I asked if youve been reading up and what youve read.
I think Scott did it but I have certainly checked out Marlene's SII site-I love getting as much info as I can from both sides so I can create an informed opinion.
I also don't "belong" to Court TV but I do read there (and NOT the boards!) but the "Top News" and "Trials" I read daily.
CCL has provided excellent coverage of the Kobe case......does that not count? What about any of Nancy Grace's reporting?

Im not the reference libriarian.............if you're truly interested in looking at BOTH sides you wouldve done so by now .Im sure anything I pull up will be dismissed by you as"tabloid rumors" or "unfair" etc
You made up your mind Birdie and nothing is going to change it,more power to you.

Like I said we'll just agree to disagree and Im finished with this.
messiecake said:
It was not meant as an insult and Im sorry if you took it that way but it just seems odd to me youve never read ANYTHING contary to your opinion hence I asked if youve been reading up and what youve read.
I think Scott did it but I have certainly checked out Marlene's SII site-I love getting as much info as I can from both sides so I can create an informed opinion.
I also don't "belong" to Court TV but I do read there (and NOT the boards!) but the "Top News" and "Trials" I read daily.
CCL has provided excellent coverage of the Kobe case......does that not count? What about any of Nancy Grace's reporting?

Im not the reference libriarian.............if you're truly interested in looking at BOTH sides you wouldve done so by now .Im sure anything I pull up will be dismissed by you as"tabloid rumors" or "unfair" etc
You made up your mind Birdie and nothing is going to change it,more power to you.

Like I said we'll just agree to disagree and Im finished with this.

I told you what I've found about the girl, If you have anything different then feel free to post it, otherwise, no need to keep arguing. You're right, My opinion WON't change until I see something substantial about this girl, that did NOT come from Pam Mackey & co. Even the stuff posted at the smoking gun about the girl came from Pam Mackey.

YOU are the one that asserts that there is evidence proving that Kobe is innocent, I asked you to substantiate and you have posted PLENTY of stuff about how the girl did this and that, and even stuff about ME, when you don't even know me. So I will assume that this evidence of Kobe's innocence that you were referring to is something that you can't prove the existence of.

My use of CourtTV has nothing to do with Kobe bryant either.

Like i said before, even if the girl is a prostitute, that doesn't mean kobe didn't rape her. After all, why apologize for something that never occurred?

Edited to add: I just read a nice article over at courttv about the Kobe case. it said that the defense that Bryant's team used is commonly called the "nutty slutty" defense.
BirdieBoo said:
I told you what I've found about the girl, If you have anything different then feel free to post it, otherwise, no need to keep arguing. You're right, My opinion WON't change until I see something substantial about this girl, that did NOT come from Pam Mackey & co. Even the stuff posted at the smoking gun about the girl came from Pam Mackey.

YOU are the one that asserts that there is evidence proving that Kobe is innocent, I asked you to substantiate and you have posted PLENTY of stuff about how the girl did this and that, and even stuff about ME, when you don't even know me. So I will assume that this evidence of Kobe's innocence that you were referring to is something that you can't prove the existence of.

My use of CourtTV has nothing to do with Kobe bryant either.

Like i said before, even if the girl is a prostitute, that doesn't mean kobe didn't rape her. After all, why apologize for something that never occurred?

Edited to add: I just read a nice article over at courttv about the Kobe case. it said that the defense that Bryant's team used is commonly called the "nutty slutty" defense.

What did I say about you??? I apologised for you misunderstanding something I wrote!! Why arent you jumping on everyone else who also has posted opinions similar to mine??? AND why are you so angry? It seems youve got alot more going on then if Kobe is guilty or not!

THIS IS A MESSAGE BOARD!!!!!!!! THIS DOES NOT AFFECT YOUR REAL LIFE!!!!!! I think you need to relax.I said nothing nothing mean nor offensive towards you and I apologise if you feel I did.
Why cant you just agree to disagree and move on like I keep trying to?

I said I was finshed with this and the only reason Im posting is because you claim I said something negative about you which is clearly not true.....

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