Poll - Was Cindy source for Chloroform?

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Was Cindy the source for the Chloroform?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 6.8%
  • No

    Votes: 329 83.3%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 39 9.9%

  • Total voters
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I know that chloroform is used in high school and college labs for the use on fruit flies for basic genetic experiments. However CA probably made it herself.
So she wrote that she used chloroform to put the baby down and she told the inmate that she got it from CA? is that right?

Well the fact that she would put in writing that she actually used chloroform to put the baby to sleep is about as incriminating as it gets imo.

No, I think this is wrong. It is my understanding that Robyn Adams testified that Casey told her this during her interview with Yuri Melich. Casey never put it in writing that I am aware of. I could be wrong, as I have been busy with REAL work ;) and have not had a chance to read that interview, but I am pretty sure about it.
Chloroform to get her to sleep quickly and then the Xanax or antihistamines in her system kept her asleep for 6-8 hours. (I'm not a chemist, but an old psych nurse.)

I thought about that becasue Caylee could tell Cindy mommy gives me medicine to help me sleep and if Casey was using the chloroform first she would not have this problem. Plus it causes short term memory loss so the incident would be lost in Caylees mind.
I think kc probably did give Caylee some meds to get her to sleep---I think that house had medication that one could get...there were those muscle relax pills and I'm sure Xxanx was in with the crowd somewhere....I think the chloroform was used possible later on----but if ca was getting meds from work...I'm sure there were other medications that would have worked even better......after what they put my mom on in the nursing home---she had acess to lots of fun stuff I bet....
No, a HHA is a CNA who works for a Home Health Agency. They would NOT have access to meds. Cindy, however, was an RN who was a Nurse Case Manager, so she may have had access to the med closet.

Sorry for the misunderstanding LinasK but I meant - Home Healty Agency was HHA. We have RN'S, CNA'S, PT'S and OT'S at our home on a regular basis.
CNA & PT were here yesterday and the RN just left. I don't want you to think I am totally clueless on this. ;)

But again in this particular State they cannot administer IV drugs or meds. It is different with Hospice but that is a totally different ballgame.

I will ask Laura/RN next week when she comes if they have a med closet at their office so I will know for sure.
Sorry for the misunderstanding LinasK but I meant - Home Healty Agency was HHA. We have RN'S, CNA'S, PT'S and OT'S at our home on a regular basis.
CNA & PT were here yesterday and the RN just left. I don't want you to think I am totally clueless on this. ;)

But again in this particular State they cannot administer IV drugs or meds. It is different with Hospice but that is a totally different ballgame.

I will ask Laura/RN next week when she comes if they have a med closet at their office so I will know for sure.

It would not have Chloroform in it if there is...
I realize that chloroform has been discussed at length but do not recall anything indicating Cindy supplied it. Is this possible? Could this be the secret of why she has defended Casey beyond common sense? Could Cindy have supplied it not knowing the purpose and got caught up in this mess?

WHY would Casey even suggest that Cindy supplied chloroform if this was not the case? Whats the motive?


Quote "Investigators said, Casey told inmate Robyn Adams through the letters they exchanged that Caylee had trouble sleeping and she had to use chloroform to put her to sleep. Also, Casey implied to Robyn Adams that her mother, Cindy Anthony, brought chloroform home from the clinic where she worked."

BTW, I do not believe that Cindy would have supplied chloroform for this purpose. However, it may be possible that Casey gave her a line of bull (like working at Disney) that convinced her she needed it for another purpose. Did Cindy have access to it at the clinic?

I voted "No" in the poll. Cindy worked in the office of Gentiva, which is a home-health care service, in which nurses visit patients in their home who are recovering from illness or surgery, often elderly patients.

Cindy was in the administrative end rather than hands-on, so I don't think she would routinely have access to drugs. Also, I don't think Chloroform would be a drug stocked by the company. It's my understanding that chloroform is not a widely used drug today.
It would not have Chloroform in it if there is...

Just went through the whole home nurse and then hospice with my parents. With home health all drugs were from doctors my parents had. Hospice medicines were delivered from Fed X. Never did any of the nurses bring any drugs to the house. The had an offsite pharmacy as there were times I asked if they were bringing the prescriptions themselves and they were not allowed.
Other than the media reports, has anyone actually read anything in the transcripts or supplemental reports about Casey supposedly stating she used chloroform?

I've read through everything here:

I find where Maya and Robin both claim Casey said she "knocked her out". Maya doesn't know what substance was used. Robyn says it was antihistamines.
I voted "No" in the poll. Cindy worked in the office of Gentiva, which is a home-health care service, in which nurses visit patients in their home who are recovering from illness or surgery, often elderly patients.

Cindy was in the administrative end rather than hands-on, so I don't think she would routinely have access to drugs. Also, I don't think Chloroform would be a drug stocked by the company. It's my understanding that chloroform is not a widely used drug today.
As a Nurse Case Manager, Cindy may have gone out to do home visits. Her job is to be in charge of patient care coordination.
At the risk of repeating myself, to be crystal-clear for posters who aren't getting it (and I know what I'm talking about here because I worked in Home Health for many years, including for Gentiva), Cindy was an RN who was also a Case Manager. She didn't only sit in an office! First of all, she may have had access to a locked medication closet inside Gentiva's offices, second of all, she may go out to see patients hands-on. However, Gentiva would not stock Chloroform!
No way would Cindy be able to have it in the house it was banned in 1976!What ever you think of Cindy,she would not have done anything to harm Caylee .Nor would she allow her to drug her so she could party.She would have watched Caylee in a heartbeat but IMO was trying to make an irresponsible mother a real one.Unless you have had your grandchild be used as a weapon you really have no idea the hell it is.Mothers who do this are very sick and twisted. I know my sons baby mother can make people who dont live with her think she is mother of the year and she lives for her children.Her own mother calls her a psychopath.She knows she mental and physically abuses them allows her boyfriend to abuse them,she called me crying when no one saw our Grandson for 30 days saying she was afraid he was dead.She knows what her daughter is but she also know DYFS does nothing because her daughter is a master liar.She has to make nice or she can not see her 2 grandchildren least seeing them she knows they are at least alive. No way Cindy would do any thing to hurt Caylee,she loved that child with all her heart.I think If Caylee would have been found before KC was in a safe jail cell, I believe she would have killed KC herself.I think the only reason Cindy did not hurt her when she was home, with all the game playing she was hoping KC was just playing one of her mind games and Caylee was alive somewhere only KC knew where she was.I love my children but if either one did what KC did ,I would save the State a fortune.
No, a HHA is a CNA who works for a Home Health Agency. They would NOT have access to meds. Cindy, however, was an RN who was a Nurse Case Manager, so she may have had access to the med closet.

In my experience, home health care agencies are not involved in medication as far as ordering, delivering etc. The RN goes over the medications with the patients and may talk about side effects or how a certain medication is working for them but the patient and/or their family are responsible for ordering and picking up or having the meds delivered directly to the home by the pharmacy. The RN may help set up a med minder (plastic pill holder with days of the week and times on it) with their meds for the week or even for the month but there is no supply of meds in the home health agency office.
Quote "In the letters, Casey told inmate Robyn Adams that Caylee had trouble sleeping and she had to use chloroform to put her to sleep. Also, Casey Anthony implied to Robyn Adams that her mother, Cindy Anthony, brought chloroform home from the clinic where she worked."


I hate to disagree with the Palm Beach newspaper, but I read the letters KC wrote to RA, and read RA's depo, and there is no mention of chloroform in either.
So she wrote that she used chloroform to put the baby down and she told the inmate that she got it from CA? is that right?

Well the fact that she would put in writing that she actually used chloroform to put the baby to sleep is about as incriminating as it gets imo.

There was no mention of chloroform in the letters KC passed to RA. I also, read RA depo, and again no mention of chloroform.
I think some of the media really blew up the mere mention of "chloroform" in any of the recently released documents. The only place I have found chloroform mentioned is in the Robyn Adams Transcript


on page 3 it says:
"Anthony would give Caylee "stuff" to make her sleep. Anthony and Adams discussed chloroform and Anthony stated she used to give Caylee 'antihistamines or something' to make her sleep."

Chloroform is not mentioned in any of the letters that Casey wrote that I have read so far. This quote from the transcript does not say she gave Caylee chloroform but rather antihistamines. They discussed chloroform but that really doesn't tell us anything, there are no specifics of that conversation other than that they discussed it.
I haven't read the whole thread but I DID spend the day reading the boring letters, and I read the transcript of RA and I don't recall her saying this. I think it is yet another fact that is reported incorrectly. If I am wrong....someone please show me a link with a direct quote from RA.

As a Nurse Case Manager, Cindy may have gone out to do home visits. Her job is to be in charge of patient care coordination.

Thanks for the clarification Lina. Would Cindy have access to prescription medications in her position? Or would the case manager, and nurses in charge, only oversee the patients and report to the patient's doctor?

My hubby had a quintuple heart bypass surgery some years ago and was on home health care for 6 weeks following his release from the hospital. He had MRSA and was on Vancomycin by IV drip every 12 hours. The nurses in charge would come and take vitals and then do the drip. If there was anything needed, they'd call the patient's doctor. All medications came by a delivery separate from the nurses.

I'm wondering what the nurses, and in this case, Cindy, would have access to, and I wonder too if chloroform is something that would normally even be stocked by a company with outpatient care?
Chloroform can be easily made with ingredients that you can purchase at Target/Walmart. All that is needed is bleaching powder (calcium hypochlorite used for chlorinating swimming pools), acetone, water, ice, candy thermometer, funnel, spoon, and a bowl.

We know that KC was capable of shopping at Target.
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