Poll - Was Cindy source for Chloroform?

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Was Cindy the source for the Chloroform?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 6.8%
  • No

    Votes: 329 83.3%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 39 9.9%

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I said on the OTHER thread I would go away, but on THIS thread... just to clarify, Inmate Anthony wrote nothing at all about chloroform in her letters. Nothing. Despite what media headlines are saying.

I certainly don't know ... I was providing links from two sources and asked if this was possible.
what if she really was using xanax on caylee and she was getting them from cindys med cabinet. then in caseys weird warped sense of reality she was getting the "chloroform" from cindy. i know thats far fetched. i dont know i just found that im she had with rusciano,i i think it was, about playin phone tag with her mom and zanny thatmade me think this. i know far fetched.
I'm sorry but the Palm Beach Post has this one wrong.
The chloroform issue is in the written transcript/interview that Robyn had with LE. Robyn claims Casey TOLD her those things. Casey did Not write any of that in the letters.

And inmates always tell the truth.....:eek: LOL
Robyn got paid right? or maybe got some Publicity....LOL

OK whatever.....
No. we need a chemist on board.From what I have read about chloroform it is not something that would knock a person out for hours. It only works for a short time.I may have read this on the BodyFarm report.If you watch any ancient movies you'll see someone standing next tp the ill person,dropping it on a cloth every so often.If she chloroformed her probably killed her.If I'm wrong I''m sorry.:angel:
I realize that chloroform has been discussed at length but do not recall anything indicating Cindy supplied it. Is this possible? Could this be the secret of why she has defended Casey beyond common sense? Could Cindy have supplied it not knowing the purpose and got caught up in this mess?

WHY would Casey even suggest that Cindy supplied chloroform if this was not the case? Whats the motive?


Quote "Investigators said, Casey told inmate Robyn Adams through the letters they exchanged that Caylee had trouble sleeping and she had to use chloroform to put her to sleep. Also, Casey implied to Robyn Adams that her mother, Cindy Anthony, brought chloroform home from the clinic where she worked."

BTW, I do not believe that Cindy would have supplied chloroform for this purpose. However, it may be possible that Casey gave her a line of bull (like working at Disney) that convinced her she needed it for another purpose. Did Cindy have access to it at the clinic?
Not at Gentiva! :snooty:Although I never had access to medication,I know for a fact it is always locked up in hospitals, nursing homes, and home health agencies. I worked for Gentiva in California a few years back. Noone uses Chloroform.
I think Casey obtained it on her own, and is trying to deflect obtaining it onto Cindy.
Sounds like JB wrote that script for Casey to explain away the chloroform searches and trunk findings while steering the bus in Cindy's direction. Poor Cindy :rolleyes: (heavy sarcasm intended)

IMHO, I doubt Cindy ever supplied chloroform or even suggested it as a sleep aid for Caylee. She wouldn't have access to it with her type of job. Nor would she ever jeopardize Caylee's health with such stupidity. Trash Caylee's memory-sure, in a heartbeat. But chloroform her to sleep-no way.

Nope...don't believe it for a second.
Cindy might have access to the medication closet, but noone uses Chloroform anymore, and I'm not yet ready to pin drug stealing charges on her without more proof...
Not at Gentiva! :snooty:Although I never had access to medication,I know for a fact it is always locked up in hospitals, nursing homes, and home health agencies. I worked for Gentiva in California a few years back. Noone uses Chloroform.
I think Casey obtained it on her own, and is trying to deflect obtaining it onto Cindy.

Why would Casey lie about this .... she was the perfect daughter and mom .... strange ... :waitasec:
Chloroform has been outlawed for medical use for years. Way back when it was used it could only safely be dribbled out a little at a time. just enough to keep the patient down for10to 15 minutes. Nobody has ever used choroform as a babysitter.

Caylee's hair that was found at the remains' site was tested and showed no signs of chronic drug use.
Absolutely not. Cindy did not work in a clinic she worked in an office when she was working.
Chloroform is no longer used, it hasn't been used for decades. Casey is a certified nutcase and a hopeless liar.

I was going to say, what medical institution still employs the use of chloroform? Prior to this case I'd only ever heard of it being referenced in rape cases and such like that. Besides, she googled "how to make chloroform"..a search probably prompted after Casey say the picture on Ricardo Morales's MySpace that said "Win her over with chloroform" or something to that effect. (paraphrasing).
And furthermore, wasn't the chloroform found with a syringe..? That to me would suggest a lethal dose, not a sleeping dose.
I'd like to clarify for some posters: Gentiva is a Home Health Agency. Yes, they are primarily an office, but they are a base for doing home health care for nurses and therapists. They have supply closets for things such as latex gloves and tongue depressors and such, and IIRC, they have a locked closet for meds needed for home health patients. Only Licensed Nurses would have a key to that closet.
The "Win her over with chloroform" poster pretty much says nah, Casey didn't get anything from Cindy.

But secondly, I can't see Cindy offering ANYTHING to Casey which would in any way alleviate the stress of parenting, even something as sick and twisted as chloroform for a 3 year old.
A resounding NO WAY! Medical grade chloroform: no longer available to the general medical practioner, reagent grade chloroform: multiple pages of signatory forms prior to shipment from an approved vendor.

Chloroform is a short duration "knock out", difficult to moniter, will cause wicked "icky" side effects....way too much work for lazy Casey!

However, massive doses of OTC diphenhydramine.....oh yeah! Given in the liquid, flavored form...perfect for the lazy, useless egg donor, incubator Casey.
Here is an article about making Chloroform:


Question Would Chloroform still be used as a cleaning agent where Cindy worked ? Didn't Casey visit Cindy often at work with Caylee ?



Smaller amounts of chloroform are used as a solvent in the pharmaceutical industry, and for producing dyes and pesticides. As a solvent it can be used to glue perspex




Chloroform is produced by hydrochlorination of methanol or by chlorination of methane. It is used primarily in the production of refrigerant HCFC-22 (chlorodifluoromethane or hydrochlorofluorocarbon 22). HCFC-22 is used for home air conditioners or large supermarket freezers and in the production of fluoropolymers.

Chloroform is used in pesticide formulations, as a solvent and chemical intermediate in laboratories and industrial situations, as a cleansing agent, in fire extinguishers and in the rubber industry. It is also used in the manufacture of fluorocarbon plastics, resins and propellants

The "Win her over with chloroform" poster pretty much says nah, Casey didn't get anything from Cindy.

But secondly, I can't see Cindy offering ANYTHING to Casey which would in any way alleviate the stress of parenting, even something as sick and twisted as chloroform for a 3 year old.

As much as I dislike Cindy, I can't see her - while Caylee was alive - wanting to do her any harm at all. I mean wasn't she trying to take custody at one point? (which would make Casey's statement that it would absolutely kill her to know her child was alive and in someone else's care..paraphrasing..very telling) She would have been appalled at KC doing ANYTHING to medicate Caylee to sleep..at least I'd like to think she would.
I was going to say, what medical institution still employs the use of chloroform? Prior to this case I'd only ever heard of it being referenced in rape cases and such like that. Besides, she googled "how to make chloroform"..a search probably prompted after Casey say the picture on Ricardo Morales's MySpace that said "Win her over with chloroform" or something to that effect. (paraphrasing).

Venture into the world of laboratory medicine be it clinical or forensic and you'll find analytical scientists using chloroform along with other chemicals in a extraction techniques. The science of molecular biology aka DNA testing is based on this protocol! Control of the reagent is strictly monitered in most laboratories (I'd say all licensed) and I doubt Cindy ventured into the world of B & E of a local Crime lab to rip off chloroform for Casey!
I think Casey made the chloroform and may have even tested it on Amy/and or Ricardo. They both had an odd episode. Ricardo not waking up once when Casey left and Amy waking up with her pants on I believe, and her wallet missing. Casey may have tested it out on Caylee before, but Cindy wouldn't have had access to the stuff.
Why would Casey lie about this .... she was the perfect daughter and mom .... strange ... :waitasec:


Seriously, in our family there are, as they refer to themselves (haahaa rollin eyes) gass passers. Meaning anestheologists. None of them have chloroform just hanging around.

Now, maybe one may have some in their "collection" at home but it is not used anymore.

Medicine cabinets at any office or institution are LOCKED UP. Nurses can't just wander in to the meds and take what they want. Asking for a script is another thing. (xanax)

Basically what I'm saying is this. Nobody has chloroform hanging out in medical business offices. CA was office manager...correct? yup...so no chloroform from her to inmate Anthony. IM strong opinion.
No. we need a chemist on board.From what I have read about chloroform it is not something that would knock a person out for hours. It only works for a short time.I may have read this on the BodyFarm report.If you watch any ancient movies you'll see someone standing next tp the ill person,dropping it on a cloth every so often.If she chloroformed her probably killed her.If I'm wrong I''m sorry.:angel:

Chloroform to get her to sleep quickly and then the Xanax or antihistamines in her system kept her asleep for 6-8 hours. (I'm not a chemist, but an old psych nurse.)
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