POLL: What do you think happened to Stacy?

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What do you think happened to Stacy?

  • Drew is responsible for Stacy being missing.

    Votes: 39 6.0%
  • Drew is responsible for his 3rd wifes death and Stacy being missing.

    Votes: 610 93.1%
  • Drew is responsible for Stacy being missing but has nothing to do with his 3rd wifes death.

    Votes: 4 0.6%
  • None of the above. We don't know anything yet.

    Votes: 19 2.9%

  • Total voters
I think he used lyme to aide in disposing of Stacy.
I think he used lyme to aide in disposing of Stacy.
Yup, easy, cheap, effective........ He's way too smugly, so whatever he did, he's feeling pretty untouchable.........
I just want to reiterate that I'm here and will remain here waiting for justice for Kathleen and Stacy. However long it takes, I want to see this come full circle.

Not to worry drEWWWW, your time is coming and I hope it scares the he!! outta you. I hope you are miserable and frightened and hungry and sick of the food and I hope that sucks too. I hope that every day of the rest of your miserable life you are filled with regret for extinguishing the lives of two beautiful women.

I only wish his sentence could be carried out in General Population, that my friends would be the icing on the cake, (Ha! Ha! I bet he doesn't get cake either!) IMO of course.............
I voted for his involvement in both crimes. IMO there are likely other 'hidden' crimes as well. He says he worked undercover for many yrs==possibly made a few buddies and learned a lot of tricks. He seems to take pride in beating/taunting the system, which is what he thinks he's doing now; as if he is smarter than everyone else. He's the most dangerous kind of cop, IMHO. I predict that when the children involved figure out what he's done, there's going to be a mutiny!

IMO,I believe he planned/carried out KS's demise; then when Stacey wanted a divorce he dreamed up a plan more foolproof than the first. He knew it would be too suspicious to have two wives 'accidentally drown'. He makes me ill the way JPowell makes me ill.
IMO I think Stacy is dead, and Drew had something to do with it. I find it hard to believe this woman would just pick up, and leave her children. Drew was a cop, and he knows how to commit the perfect crime. What a sad sad situation for Stacy's children. Imagine growing up wondering where your mother went, and why.

God Bless those children, and may they soon get the answers to all of their unanswered questions.
I voted for his involvement in both crimes. IMO there are likely other 'hidden' crimes as well. He says he worked undercover for many yrs==possibly made a few buddies and learned a lot of tricks. He seems to take pride in beating/taunting the system, which is what he thinks he's doing now; as if he is smarter than everyone else. He's the most dangerous kind of cop, IMHO. I predict that when the children involved figure out what he's done, there's going to be a mutiny!

IMO,I believe he planned/carried out KS's demise; then when Stacey wanted a divorce he dreamed up a plan more foolproof than the first. He knew it would be too suspicious to have two wives 'accidentally drown'. He makes me ill the way JPowell makes me ill.

I have-not posted about SP since the FSP.com website went down long ago. But since i seen this thread on the main page i decided to post.

In short

I have always wondered if DP had access to an crematorium.
At a funeral Home. Either through a direct connection or by someone in his inner circle or other connection.
When remains are found, and his attorney reports that DP is not worried or concerned about it before any id is made.
I believe him.
That he is not worried at all about the remains being Stacy.

The thought of access to a cremartorium is a good one, but from the few mortuary workers I've known the process is not as simple as most folks think and a lot of accountability to the process of not mixing up loved ones cremains from cremation to cremation. However there are exceptions as we've read in some cases (people not getting cremated, and getting buried improperly, etc).

While I don't discount the idea, I think it would truly require an accomplice and DP needs to minimize those if he really (in his mind) wants to master the perfect crime.

However, what I do think along your lines is that the body is buried, disposed in some special place only HE has access to, hence his confidence/bravado.

Based only on my impression of him, I'd think he'd want to be in control of every aspect of disposal, so he'd quickly be able to spot interrogator's bluffs.

Cremation is pretty thorough but does require some expertise. The acid bath theory that's been mentioned is probably also difficult to pull off alone. John Haigh comes to mind, but seems to have had lots of privacy to accomplish.

Effective cremation involves access to a facility and thats the only room I have for doubt. Cremation would certainly lend to him being very cocksure of not finding her body, i just think it would require an accomplice putting far more at risk to help him.
I voted that DP is guilty of both and probably alot of other things we know nothing about. He is LE after all.
I think that the reason that he is so unconcerned about her being found is that he took her away in the barrel, but that she was put into the dump the night she went missing. With every passing day, he becomes even more smug about the fact that she will never be found. And, the blue barrel was either smashed and put in there too or it was discarded elsewhere.

And I seriously don't know HOW he got all of these beautiful, young women to fall for him. He's just nasty, IMO!
Yep, the blue barrel, and then lime to rush the decomposition and hide the smell.

I wonder if he has female admirers in prison, and wouldn't be surprised, as often these types do. :(
This Poll results says it all..At least they can start with one of them..I just cant help but get my hackles up when I hear or see Drew or his Lawyer ..

Anyone know when this trial will get under way?..I would truly love for him to get nailed!!..His kids younger and older will be far better off!! without this sicko :loser:
I won't go into why I believe this is what happened to her because 1-too long to explain and 2- you all will think I'm crazy

I don't know the location but it is not on a well traveled road, the road is one big long side ways S shape. Country type setting.

There was construction work being done on the side of a road, something like when they replace those concrete sewer pipes. It was just about finished but waiting for final imspection before the dirt was placed back in to cover it. There was a gap to the side, enough for DP to have dug a semi grave, enough to cover her and nobody would notice if they stepped on the ground. A few days later the whole was filled.

I believe DP made a statement once but I don't have the link or remember verbatim but something like "They only way she'll be found if there is a lot of water" Something like that it's been years.

Anway the area also in the distance if you were facing this contruction site with your back to the road...and if you look up and out, you can see very old graves. A small grave yard, not really used any more. The stones are old, spread out, crooked. The ground where this grave yard is sits up higher from the road. Much higher maybe as a guess 50 yards in elevation to the road.
TODAY - 3-23-11 from 7-8pm ET

Susan Murphy Milano and Dr. Laurie Roth welcome journalist and author, Joe Hosey...

"...Joseph Hosey has been on the cusp of every major development in the Drew Peterson case. He is the only member of the media to cover Kathleen Savio’s inquest, having broken the stories of her death and, later, the disappearance of Stacy Peterson...."

After hearing DP had said "she is where she wants to be" and relating that to her friendship with the pastor and remember how it was repoted that Drew Peterson hated that friendship, I always felt he buried under where the newpart of the chruch was built.
After hearing DP had said "she is where she wants to be" and relating that to her friendship with the pastor and remember how it was repoted that Drew Peterson hated that friendship, I always felt he buried under where the newpart of the chruch was built.

OMGosh!! I'm from Chicago and had thought the same thing from the get-go. Hubby and & I have even driven to that church to hunt around 2 years ago. Now I'm going to have to go back. Thanks for this post Soulmagnet!!!

Having been married to a man/cop much like Drew Petersen, I would bet my life on the facts...

1. the "Blue Barrel" is a diversion. Drew DID NOT have anyone help him with anything..he did it all by his lonesome. If my ex said it once, he said it 1000 times...if you ever kill anyone...do it ALONE and tell NO ONE. Then the only person that truly knows is YOU. NO ONE can EVER roll on you or rat you out.

2. The diversion created by the Blue Barrel took cops far away from where he actually buried Stacy. Cops were so intent on the barrel that they completely overlooked possible other clues.

3. He buried her deep. Maybe in a mine, maybe by or near a graveyard, or in something that was going to be covered with cement. I don't think he would chance a construction site tho, to many possibilities that something could happen where she would be found before cement was poured.

I also think he killed more than the ex and her. If Stacy is buried, I think she is buried near another body that has never been found. This guy didn't start with his ex...he' s a sociopath and I am convinced he killed before. Would be interesting to do a timeline / history for him and cross check with missing women in the area he was..particularly prostitutes or young women that have come up missing.

Of course, JMO
Oh my frickin Lord! I had no idea all that stuff from that link you supplied Carolina! Thank God he is in jail now..that is WAY to many people ending up dead...DP reminds me of that cop down in Florida? was it, that turned out to be a serial killer. I wonder how these guys pass the psychologicals their given in order to even become police officers. Of course, when you're a true sociopath, you could probably pass anything

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