Poll: What was the duct tape used for?

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What was the duct tape used for?

  • To silence Caylee during the murder

    Votes: 333 47.9%
  • To stage a kidnapping

    Votes: 184 26.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 178 25.6%

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I have been wondering why ... did CA change Klee's bedroom? when Greta was there it was totally different and also I think she even changed rooms. wasn't it all white furniture before. I don't have the links from Greta's visit. Maybe to throw LE off should hey come back to check for blood spatter or something?

That is what they did in the search and why they cut out sheet rock from the walls, took the carpet and evidently her bed linens.
well Themis I hadn't thought about painting it ...but that is probably what she did . How did she find it in her heart to go to this much trouble with Klee missing? When did she have time to redo this childs room ..in between camera shots???
If there were blood stains on Klee's headboard which CA tossed off as old and then CA painted the furniture white -- covering up evidence? Not saying she did because I don't know, but apparently some think the furniture was not white and later it was. There was blood earlier on the headboard, but later the furniture is white. Curious. Very curious. This is new info if factually correct.
Was the furniture white earlier and stained later? I'm confused.
Was just looking at the thread on what LE took out of the house, and there is a very interesting photo of Caylee's bed along with the sacks of stuff going into the back of an LE vehicle. Part of an item sticking out of a sack looks similar to a ruffle on the edge of some of Caylee's bed linens/pillows, etc...so NOW I'm wondering if maybe the duct tape was put around Caylee's mouth and head to keep her quiet because KC killed her right there in the house! With GA and CA just in the next room! Chloroformed her, wrapped the duct tape around her head/mouth in case she woke up while KC was breaking her neck. Also if she was wrapped in a "covering" from the house, wouldn't it be so easy to just grab what's handy? We all know KC is all about quick, handy, whatever is easiest. This is the first time I've entertained the possibility that KC killed her IN the house.
Yeah. This is new stuff. Now we're going to have to sleuth all over this possibility...
Was just looking at the thread on what LE took out of the house, and there is a very interesting photo of Caylee's bed along with the sacks of stuff going into the back of an LE vehicle. Part of an item sticking out of a sack looks similar to a ruffle on the edge of some of Caylee's bed linens/pillows, etc...so NOW I'm wondering if maybe the duct tape was put around Caylee's mouth and head to keep her quiet because KC killed her right there in the house! With GA and CA just in the next room! Chloroformed her, wrapped the duct tape around her head/mouth in case she woke up while KC was breaking her neck. Also if she was wrapped in a "covering" from the house, wouldn't it be so easy to just grab what's handy? We all know KC is all about quick, handy, whatever is easiest. This is the first time I've entertained the possibility that KC killed her IN the house.
I think you're onto something! I was beginning also to believe definitely that this is where Casey killed her when LE declared the whole house a crime scene. Also taking the vacuum cleaners. That's why George had to state he saw them leave on the 16th!
Thanx for the link to that news coverage, AS.
I'm so glad to hear that more of her remains are being found.

Thirty technicians from the FBI's Evidence Response Team have joined Orange County's crime scene investigators at the wooded area about a quarter-mile from the Anthony home.
In the thread on the home search, the first post has the picture I referred to earlier. In this photo, the furniture is stained dark like walnut or mahogany colored. Unfortunately I don't know when the photo was taken, but assume it was after Caylee disappeared.
I have been wondering why ... did CA change Klee's bedroom? when Greta was there it was totally different and also I think she even changed rooms. wasn't it all white furniture before. I don't have the links from Greta's visit. Maybe to throw LE off should hey come back to check for blood spatter or something?

Hey! I posted this on another thread and thought I would carry it over here for you. Regarding the bedroom.....

I just watched the video again of George & Cindy on Greta back in August. This is the one that they gave the walk through the house. I have to say listening to George & Cindy was hard...now knowing Caylee was only yards away. Still think they acted strange and maybe knew something. What do you guys think?
So, Caylee's bedroom did look the same. I think the others who thought it was changed were thinking of Casey's bedroom. Casey's room had the white furniture. One thing that was kind of weird though was that Cindy tells Greta that Caylee slept with Casey a lot and Casey's room does look different without all the toys and CAYLEE'S BLANKET on the bed. hmmmmm....:waitasec: BLANKET??? I recommend anyone rewatching this. Walking through the house seeing everything gave me the creeps......:eek:


hope the link copies ok...tried to get you to thr video part one
I'm surprised people voted for the stage option. People are giving Casey too much credit. She made up the babysitter kidnapping on the spot to get the police off her back after they caught her lying. She never mentioned the babysitter to her mom at first.

Also Casey didn't spend the whole month after Kalee's death planning anything. She just lived her life in the moment, day to day.

Also I think she kept her in the trunk untill the smell forced her to do something with the body.

All this shows me Casey doesn't do anything she doesn't want to do until there is no other choice. When there is a problem, she ignores it and pretends it doesn't exist.
I don't think the duct tape was used to stage a kidnapping UNLESS the hands and eventually the ankles were bound as well. Just duct taping her mouth would not be enough - a child nearly three would rip the tape off and probably fight even if it was her own mother doing the taping. She may have been sedated first.

If Caylee were in fact kidnapped, I can't believe the kidnappers wouldn't bind her limbs and immobilize her in some way.

I think she MAY have thought she was staging a kidnapping but then she did a pretty poor job of it.

I think the duct tape was used to keep her quiet so she wouldn't scream out.

I do believe KC placed the duct tape on Caylee's mouth to keep her quite after she chloroformed her. The duct tape was simply a back-up in case Caylee woke up before KC was through doing what ever is was she was engaged in. I also believe she may have had her hands bound to prevent little Caylee from removing the tape from her mouth or draw attention to the trunk due to beating the inside of it with her little hands.

I also believe Caylee woke up scared at some point and began to cry. This, in turn, made her nauseated at which time she vomited. With no way for the vomit to escape, she inhaled or aspirated the vomit, choked (drowned) and died.

Just my 2 cents...

This is what I believe happened also.
Even though I voted murder one on another thread.
As you can see, i'm confused about this whole case.
I don't think the duct tape was used to stage a kidnapping UNLESS the hands and eventually the ankles were bound as well. Just duct taping her mouth would not be enough - a child nearly three would rip the tape off and probably fight even if it was her own mother doing the taping. She may have been sedated first.

If Caylee were in fact kidnapped, I can't believe the kidnappers wouldn't bind her limbs and immobilize her in some way.

I think she MAY have thought she was staging a kidnapping but then she did a pretty poor job of it.

I think the duct tape was used to keep her quiet so she wouldn't scream out.


You're right about the above, in bold. Perhaps the duct tape around the ankles, wrists drifted off. Honestly, the duct tape around the mouth or skull is a bit confusing. I would think THAT would have drifted away too... and I'm surprised the meter reader didn't mention that in his 911 call. Duct tape would have been a big part of his discovery, no? He only reported finding a skull, no other bones and no tape.
I haven't read everyone else's thoughts on this yet, but the duct tape thing really haunts me.

As much as I believe Casey killed her daughter, I don't think she could have put duct tape on Caylee's mouth while she was alive. I don't think she could have done this thing in such a way that Caylee felt pain in the process or knew that her mother killed her.

Yes, I do think she killed Caylee on purpose. How, I don't know. But she ended her life and it was no accident.

The searches for missing children, the chloroform (she watches too much TV), the Zanny Nanny being primed with the family ahead of time, all lead me to believe that from the moment of death she was going with the a kidnapping plan.

But she apparently had a few problems along the way. One being body disposal.
I think she told on Mommy and Mommy got choked as a result, so Mommy made sure she would never "tell" on Mommy again. Even if it was applied after death, it was symbolic of "silencing Caylee". Caylee got Mommy in trouble, it was all her fault.
Oh, I could easily see this scenario being right on the money.
I haven't read everyone else's thoughts on this yet, but the duct tape thing really haunts me.

As much as I believe Casey killed her daughter, I don't think she could have put duct tape on Caylee's mouth while she was alive. I don't think she could have done this thing in such a way that Caylee felt pain in the process or knew that her mother killed her.

Yes, I do think she killed Caylee on purpose. How, I don't know. But she ended her life and it was no accident.

The searches for missing children, the chloroform (she watches too much TV), the Zanny Nanny being primed with the family ahead of time, all lead me to believe that from the moment of death she was going with the a kidnapping plan.

But she apparently had a few problems along the way. One being body disposal.
I hope your right but you give Casey credit for much more empathy where Caylee's suffering is concerned then Im able to.
I am with Audiogirl, I think it was put on her mouth just in case she woke up after being chloroformed to sleep so Casey could have fun with the boyfriend. I am trying so hard to believe the death was an accident but it is getting harder with each fact about this case that we learn.
I think the tape was applied post mortem and possibly with something attatched. From media description and the knowledge that 6 months have passed-there would be no mouth for tape to remain attatched to. Perhaps something was taped around the body prior to placing it in a bag. Perhaps, while in the trunk 2.6 days, the body was taped up in ...a sheet? a towel? etc.? and later bagged for disposal. While in damp conditions, tape separates from fabric and "appears" to cover what would be the mouth area. JMO
I dunno...having a really, really hard time with the duct tape. I just don't want to think it could have been done to her while alive. :cry:
I think it was used to silence Caylee :mad: IMO KC could care less what pain Caylee felt. She just didnt want here screaming to draw attention.

ITA, I think it was used to keep her quiet in case she woke up. I wonder if they do tests like this at the Body Farm, take some of the cadavers and put duct tape on them and leave some on dry land and put some in water to see what happens and to see what skin looks like after it has been under duct tape for a period of time. I would think the tape would preserve the skin to some extent.
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