Poll:Why Do You Think Cindy Is Protecting Casey???

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What are Cindy's reasons for protecting Casey like she does?

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You forgot to add in that poll that Cindy herself has mental issues. That's why she is protecting Casey. Like I said, this was a combination of dysfunction that lead to the murder of Caylee Anthony. They all played a part of enabling Casey in this even Lee and George. Sick people do sick things.
added: God help the woman who marries Lee. Maybe he'll decide never to have kids. And in this family, I think breaking the DNA chain is a good thing.

Patty, isn't Lee's girlfriend pregnant now, or am I wrong about that?

I'd really hate to think of any baby having an Aunt Casey!!

Patty, isn't Lee's girlfriend pregnant now, or am I wrong about that?

I'd really hate to think of any baby having an Aunt Casey!!


I'm just not up on everything about this case. I come into this forum about 1 per week (Caylee forum)... because it was so upsetting to me.

It looked to me like she was preggers at the memorial. Unless she gained a lot of weight recently? God help any other baby that comes into the A's family because that child will have a 'job' of healing them. And that's another tragedy.
My only disagreement on your post is George is Casey's parent, too. IMO, they both bear responsibility for how Casey turned out, not just Cindy.

I agree with you except that George doesn't seem to have much say in that household. The women dominate.
Cindy is the type of person that always as an opponent. Her husband, her daughter, a coworker. Whomever gets the luck of the draw at that moment. At the beginning Casey was the opponent and Cindy wanted information from her. When that attempt to bully her into answering the questions didn't work and LE became involved, became in charge and Cindy couldn't tell them what to do they became the opponent. Along with the media, couldn't control them either.

Cindy is defending Casey because she wants to win. Anger and hatred towards people you have no emotional connection is a much safer and comfortable emotional space for someone with no healthy coping skills. The alternative is grief for her granddaughter, grief for the life of her daughter, anger at her daughter, guilt for what Cindy contributed. She is not capable of dealing with that flood of raw emotion. She has no real support system. She can't really lean on George, he goes whichever way the wind blows. She has no friends. Probably "won" her battles with them until none remained.

Winning=regaining control
For some reason she is emotionally damaged enough that the payoff of winning/battling is rewarding enough, comforting enough to continue on with it. I don't see that changing anytime soon.
I agree with you except that George doesn't seem to have much say in that household. The women dominate.

He is every bit as sick as Cindy and equally responsible. They are just opposite sides of the same coin.

If he is not as sick as she is than he is more responsible for choosing not to intervene.
I know my thoughts about Cindy are not popular but I'll say it again.

If Cindy didn't parent the way she did, she wouldn't have created a monster that would kill her Grandchild (which she disgustingly thought of as her own baby and NOT grandbaby)... that Cindy is also very responsible for the death of Caylee IMO because she put certain things in motions and KC acted by killing what's closest to Cindy. If Cindy kept her mouth shut, didn't enable that girl and let her fall flat on her *advertiser censored*, she would now have custody of Caylee because KC was already headed to jail for theft etc. But she's the one that gave KC the final push...

YES EVERYONE KC is very accountable for her actions and I wish the DP was on the table, she's a grown up.

She's also a byproduct of her environment and if Cindy was a different mother towards KC - I guarantee that child would still be alive!

:gold_star: Couldn't have said it better myself. Casey is responsible for her own actions, but the apple has not fallen far from the tree. Cindy is completely self-absorbed and fixated on control; her "support" for Casey amounts to an unwillingness to allow anyone to see her as anything less than the perfect parent. The spiraling out of control evidenced in her behavior is directly related to the realization that she cannot control anything about the situation.

I think she thought she would be able to handle the direction and focus of things when she called the police -- she assumed that they would deal with the matter as she liked. Once she realized that wasn't happening and they (quite reasonably) suspected her daughter, she got angrier and more erratic by the minute.

I've seen this pattern over and over in my own family first-hand, so it's just not a surprise. When people like this lose control, they just wig out. At this point, she is furious that she cannot force the public to accept her interpretation of events.

None of that means she isn't sad that Caylee is gone -- I don't believe that for a minute. But I am not at all convinced that she is shedding any tears at the thought that her monster of a daughter is going to spend the rest of her life in jail. She's just seething that the little monster has ruined her reputation at this point.

Just my opinion, naturally.
I voted guilt, but I think humiliation more closely describes what I think she actually feels. She just can't admit her family isn't perfect - and the best way to heal is to admit you are broken.
I put none of the above. I believe there is skeleton's in the Anthony closet that Cindy does not want to be exposed by Casey.
I agree with the skeletons in the closet concept. but I can not imagine that to be the only motivator.
I think she does not want to see her child in jail for the rest of her life AND she also feels guilt and shame.

My kid is deranged (sorry I sound mean today- I am very upset with her) I can say I feel both guilt and shame sometimes and I know that I have done all that I can do.
But AS a Mother my main concern would be to free my kid of a life where healing mental illness would not be possible.
I voted that she does not want to see Casey in jail for life.
WITH the hope that healing her mind is possible.

I DO think that Casey should never have another child.
I am sorry there is no law that can force that.
I voted guilt, but I think humiliation more closely describes what I think she actually feels. She just can't admit her family isn't perfect - and the best way to heal is to admit you are broken.

It is not something she needs to be doing publicly....
We do not know if she is considering therapy. right now every word she says gets printed.
I agree that guilt is a part of what she is feeling.
none of the above.. I think she is protecting her own psyche.. she would go mad if she had to admit that her daughter was capable of murder of her own child. I don't think she can accept that and retain her sanity. She is protecting herself.
He is every bit as sick as Cindy and equally responsible. They are just opposite sides of the same coin.

If he is not as sick as she is than he is more responsible for choosing not to intervene.

The eye opener for me was Gma's interview. She spoke about how Cindy hid GA's financial issues / losses. YES, I should have included GA in my post because I think he's taught KC to hide, lie & be sneaky.

I'm sure he'd say he hid his financial losses from Cindy because there's always a price to pay with her. But he basically stole from his own family by losing his retirement.

Personally, I think KC was the 'scam artist' behind him losing his money to some email fraud. I think she just 'copied' the Nigerian scam or something and sent it to her dad. But thats just a hunch....

There was a time I really felt GA was going to be the hero but after the memorial, he's all about KC. I don't care how much we love our children, Caylee died at her hands... and they know the reason. They know whatever fight went on, KC retaliated that night. I think she killed Caylee, put her body in the yard, then the trunk for a couple of days and then tossed her away. GA especially knows in his heart. Look what he says to the cops about the smell and thinking deep in his heart it was Caylee in the trunk. You can't get away from that smell....

But then he reverts back to towing the line because of the consequences. None of these people have honored Caylee in any form. Even creamating her and leaving her ashes where ever they are. Caylee is now secondary to this family. Cindy definitely has severe mental issues and personally I can't wait to hear from her co-workers when the trial starts.
While I think that KC is responsible for her own actions as she is a grown adult, I believe that both CA and GA were responsible for raising KC, and the fathers role is very very important in the child's raising - just as important as the mother's. I have to be honest here, while I have expressed sympathy for the A's over the loss of their granddaughter, their actions toward KC since Caylee's death really make me sick. I would have thought after some time of grieving we would have seen some change, but I see now that they are behind KC all the way. I'm through feeling sorry for them. They are protecting her because that is their dysfunctional parenting style and they evidently think that it makes them better people to do so... it's sickening. They need to stand up for their grandbaby and say that their daughter did a horrible and terrible thing to her and that KC needs to pay the full consequences for what she did. But that will never happen.

I will not blame Casey's parents. I do know better.

I have a bipolar daughter (a monster of my own) and I have been a great Mom.
I cant change anything. I try to help in every way. gone beyond the call of duty, anyone who knows me has seen me go through a lot and admire the strength and courage I have had. (It is rare people see my tears, but it not rare that they see deep sadness). It is her decision to go off her medication much of the time, and after the age of 18 you have no control at all; at those times she's far from the child I raised.
Sometimes she takes meds and is the Child I raised.

SO WHEN THEY BLAME CA&GA I do know better. Mental illness is often not detected till much later.
I only blame them for not getting representation for Caylee...No body is there for the baby at the trial....I do not mean well wishers, I do not mean the state. I mean someone that stands up and talks about CAYLEE for Caylee's rights, and the loss they feel.
That makes me mad. IMHO they should hire someone; and I do understand that they will stand behind Casey because they have hope. They can hire someone for Caylee; YES they can.
BUT I do not blame the Cindy and George for anything Casey has done. THEY did not create her mental illness. But they may have some of it too.... I do know better.
The eye opener for me was Gma's interview. She spoke about how Cindy hid GA's financial issues / losses. YES, I should have included GA in my post because I think he's taught KC to hide, lie & be sneaky.

I'm sure he'd say he hid his financial losses from Cindy because there's always a price to pay with her. But he basically stole from his own family by losing his retirement.

Personally, I think KC was the 'scam artist' behind him losing his money to some email fraud. I think she just 'copied' the Nigerian scam or something and sent it to her dad. But thats just a hunch....

There was a time I really felt GA was going to be the hero but after the memorial, he's all about KC. I don't care how much we love our children, Caylee died at her hands... and they know the reason. They know whatever fight went on, KC retaliated that night. I think she killed Caylee, put her body in the yard, then the trunk for a couple of days and then tossed her away. GA especially knows in his heart. Look what he says to the cops about the smell and thinking deep in his heart it was Caylee in the trunk. You can't get away from that smell....

But then he reverts back to towing the line because of the consequences. None of these people have honored Caylee in any form. Even creamating her and leaving her ashes where ever they are. Caylee is now secondary to this family. Cindy definitely has severe mental issues and personally I can't wait to hear from her co-workers when the trial starts.

Hmmm, wonder if this could be why the Secret Sercice is on the prosecution witness list? Sorry for the off topic comment but this caught my eye. And, yes, it's just pure speculation and I know there are many other reasons why the SS could have been called in. Heck, considering everything else she was up to, she could have been printing $20 bills in the basement.
This is a really hard one. I don't think Cindy could still be in denial. I almost think she has moved on from Caylee to KC now. It's almost like she just "can't go there" with Caylee and what could have possibly happened. KC is her focus.

I agree with so many of you in that Cindy created KC and her failure to make KC accountable for anything is the reason she is the way she is today. But I'm not so sure Cindy can admit that to herself, so I don't think she is standing by KC out of guilt.

This is Cindy's mission now and she'll have to think about the rest of it some other time I guess.
The eye opener for me was Gma's interview. She spoke about how Cindy hid GA's financial issues / losses. YES, I should have included GA in my post because I think he's taught KC to hide, lie & be sneaky.

I'm sure he'd say he hid his financial losses from Cindy because there's always a price to pay with her. But he basically stole from his own family by losing his retirement.

Personally, I think KC was the 'scam artist' behind him losing his money to some email fraud. I think she just 'copied' the Nigerian scam or something and sent it to her dad. But thats just a hunch....

There was a time I really felt GA was going to be the hero but after the memorial, he's all about KC. I don't care how much we love our children, Caylee died at her hands... and they know the reason. They know whatever fight went on, KC retaliated that night. I think she killed Caylee, put her body in the yard, then the trunk for a couple of days and then tossed her away. GA especially knows in his heart. Look what he says to the cops about the smell and thinking deep in his heart it was Caylee in the trunk. You can't get away from that smell....

But then he reverts back to towing the line because of the consequences. None of these people have honored Caylee in any form. Even cremating her and leaving her ashes where ever they are. Caylee is now secondary to this family. Cindy definitely has severe mental issues and personally I can't wait to hear from her co-workers when the trial starts.

GA should be in Gamblers Anonymous. That does not make him a monster. I think he is doing the best he can.
Casey is still his daughter.
But I did bold something about Caylee, and that does make me mad.
They did not honor Caylee with a privet service after the public one.
They should have buried her in a privet cemetery. :( :(
They act as if they cant walk and chew gum at the same time.
If they are standing behind Casey it does not mean that Caylee should not be honored.
That stinks....JMHO
That tells me they are all damaged people.
I will not blame Casey's parents. I do know better.

I have a bipolar daughter (a monster of my own) and I have been a great Mom.
I cant change anything. I try to help in every way. gone beyond the call of duty, anyone who knows me has seen me go through a lot and admire the strength and courage I have had. (It is rare people see my tears, but it not rare that they see deep sadness). It is her decision to go off her medication much of the time, and after the age of 18 you have no control at all; at those times she's far from the child I raised.
Sometimes she takes meds and is the Child I raised.

SO WHEN THEY BLAME CA&GA I do know better. Mental illness is often not detected till much later.
I only blame them for not getting representation for Caylee...No body is there for the baby at the trial....I do not mean well wishers, I do not mean the state. I mean someone that stands up and talks about CAYLEE for Caylee's rights, and the loss they feel.
That makes me mad. IMHO they should hire someone; and I do understand that they will stand behind Casey because they have hope. They can hire someone for Caylee; YES they can.
BUT I do not blame the Cindy and George for anything Casey has done. THEY did not create her mental illness. But they may have some of it too.... I do know better.

I hear what you are saying songline, and my prayers and thoughts are with you and your daughter. I have a bipolar in my immediate family too. I agree that there is not "much" besides love them that you can do while they are in their manic state. I personally don't know if KC was bipolar or if any mental defect existed at all. I voted that CA felt guilty because I would under her circumstances.
I hear what you are saying songline, and my prayers and thoughts are with you and your daughter. I have a bipolar in my immediate family too. I agree that there is not "much" besides love them that you can do while they are in their manic state. I personally don't know if KC was bipolar or if any mental defect existed at all. I voted that CA felt guilty because I would under her circumstances.
Thank you Gma Kat; :blowkiss:
I always show her love and you are right, but when they are off the meds, love is not the answer, they just do what ever they can to repel anyone they can.
Mine actually called every good loving person in the family and ripped them to shreds to a point that they need distance. And all they did was love her. She gets some kind of thing in her head that she needs to give someone a lashing and she does not care how it effects anyone.
It is one of these things we cant understand. :(

Watching Casey I think there is a problem, but I am not a doctor. FIRST how can a Mom harm her kid? sometimes you can see the blank look in her eyes, sometimes you can see the self serving side of her that is all about her, sometimes you can see the empty shell...
But often times we can see something - I am sure if she was tested we would learn there is some severe damage; often times it is inherited. Most times it is undetected for many years.
So I take issue with blaming her parents that may not have known how to handle this very wild child.
I do not agree with much of what they do or don't do....
But I see that they too are perplexed with her.

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