Poll:Why Do You Think Cindy Is Protecting Casey???

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What are Cindy's reasons for protecting Casey like she does?

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I think CA is protecting KC due to guilt. I think the guilt started from the very first phone call to LE when she said, "It smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car". I think she feels guilty for making this call and also I think she feels guilty that she confronted KC and that may have triggered KC to kill Caylee sooner than she had originally planned on. CA has always covered for KC and never made her suffer consequences of her actions. She is and will continue to be in cover up mode for KC and they will never stand up for thier beautiful granddaughter. It's all about $$$$$$$$$!
They did not honor Caylee with a privet service after the public one.
They should have buried her in a privet cemetery.

I applaud you for drawing attention to the fact that CA and GA are not responsible for KC's actions. I have often seen "out of control" sons and daughters who had outstanding parents. Everyone suffers.
As for the private service for Caylee... if a private service had taken place and if it was truly private then we would not, by definition, know about it.We don't know that they didn't honor her.
I think I can guess at the private cemetery issue. They may not want to risk anyone finding Caylee's final resting place and desecrating it.
none of the above.. I think she is protecting her own psyche.. she would go mad if she had to admit that her daughter was capable of murder of her own child. I don't think she can accept that and retain her sanity. She is protecting herself.
I agree, I think she has shut down all reason and cannot and would never accept the hard truth that Casey killed her daughter. I believe with all my heart that in her mind she is incapable of handling her daughters guilt.

No matter what evidence is presented in the courtroom it will not faze her. Like the Peterson family. Even hearing that Scott made all those calls to Amber and told all those lies to everyone. It did not seem to make any difference to any of them and I think the Anthony family is cut out of the same cloth. JMHO of course
I think guilt is a factor, but mostly I think it's about control. IMO Cindy believes that she alone is in charge of punishing KC -- it's not anyone else's business.

Boy! These are my opinions also! Couldn't have said it any better, Eulalie!:D
I put none of the above. I believe there is skeleton's in the Anthony closet that Cindy does not want to be exposed by Casey.

I also chose "none of the above", but because Cindy believes that what KC does/did will reflect poorly on Cindy herself.
Simple- if Casey is guilty that reflects badly on her.
There is NO love lost between the two of them.
After reading SP's interview, I began to feel for Cindy. Whether it was peeking into this family through her mother's point of view or the crimes committed against her, I felt a twinge of sympathy. I have never held George in any high esteem and learning that he took out credit cards in Cindy's name just enforced my disdain for him. Then he cashed out his 401k to cover up his lies and crimes, only to leave her to twist in the wind for the taxes? And to learn that Casey took out credit cards in Cindy's name? Did he and Casey joke about this when they played beer pong together? It's sick!
But, then I recall Cindy and her excuses. She can't divorce George because he will get the house? Please correct me, but your husband has an affair, takes out credit cards in your name, runs them up doing who knows what, cashes out his 401k behind your back to pay for his crime, leaves you to pay the taxes, but he will get the house?
So, she stays with this person?
Cindy is told she should take custody of Caylee, but even though she is paying for everything already, she claims she could never afford it?
Cindy had my sympathy for about five minutes.
I believe she believes she is a martyr, but I see a masochist.
And the control issue, I agree with. Everyone who tried to help her, she shoved away. Those who would enable her in her bull-headed, refusal to acknowledge the facts, she drew close.
Obviously, she is the only one to meet out justice where she sees fit. Problem is, she never sees fit.
This poll is very interesting to me. I have a little daughter. I tried to put myself in CA's position... I tried so hard, and I've been very harsh that I WOULD NOT, under any circumstances, support my daughter if she did what almost all of us believe KC did, which was murder her baby girl.

I was talking to my mother about the case last night. I told her I had NO IDEA why CA was supporting KC, showing up at trial, defending her, etc.

My mother told me something that really stuck with me, and made me understand a bit about CA's mindset and where she is coming from.

My mother stressed that she hoped never to be in CA's position - but she told me that she understands CA.

She said (and I am paraphrasing this)

"That is still her baby girl. Her granddaughter is gone. She loves her daughter, and will love her forever. She may hate what she did, but it is still her daughter. You don't understand this yet, but someday you will. No matter what, a mother wants to protect her baby girl - to CA, KC is still her baby girl. She may be the worst human being on the planet, but she's still CA's little girl. "

She went on to explain this, and I was dumbfounded. I even put myself hypothetically in KC's place with my mother. I asked her if she would supportme, knowing how much my mother loves my daughter.

She told me that she would.

Now I am a young mother, and perhaps there is no way that I will comprehend this until my daughter grows up and has children of her own.

My mother said that a grandmother loves her grandchildren in a way that is so deep, but that nothing can ever replace the love a mother has for her child.

I don't know if I agree with my mother, but hearing my own mother talk about sympathizing with CA kind of put something I can't understand personally into perspective for me.

And as I watched my own little daughter sleep last night, I cried a little bit and I, for the first time, understood what pain and agony CA must be going through.

I see KC as a monster.

But for CA, she most likely looks at her daughter and sees that little girl she raised and loved so very much.

Your mother is correct, Seebra. No matter how old our children get, they are always our babies. I have 2 grown kids, both in the same age range as KC, and I still look at them as my babies. I remind them every night to lock their doors, and check the appliances to make sure they are off, and I go to their banks and put money in for them and then text them to tell them I left them a "surprise", because even though they are actually adults, I just can't see them that way. When my daughter got married, I felt like my little girl was getting married. When my son, the physics major, is at school, I text him to remind him to eat. They think I am funny and crazy and they just laugh sometimes, but I know that one day, they will understand where I am coming from. Now, having said that, personally, my problem with CA is not that she is trying to support her "baby girl", but the way that she has done it. I feel that if she had just kept her mouth shut and done whatever she felt she could from the sidelines to help her child, my opinion, and probably many others, wouldn't be so low of her. But, instead of just trying to work with LE and attorneys to do whatever she could to help, she went on every news show that would have her, spouting about the "nanny" that I truly believe she knows never existed, and talking about rotting pizza, and how KC was "mother-of-the-year" and always a good mama, and she was busy cleaning the car, and washing pants, and giving the wrong hairbrush, and doing everything she could to steer LE and the investigation away from KC, and there is just no excuse for that. So, as a mother, can I understand CA's desire to protect her "baby"? Yes! But, I will never understand, or approve of the method that she chose to do it.
I will not blame Casey's parents. I do know better.

I have a bipolar daughter (a monster of my own) and I have been a great Mom.
I cant change anything. I try to help in every way. gone beyond the call of duty, anyone who knows me has seen me go through a lot and admire the strength and courage I have had. (It is rare people see my tears, but it not rare that they see deep sadness). It is her decision to go off her medication much of the time, and after the age of 18 you have no control at all; at those times she's far from the child I raised.
Sometimes she takes meds and is the Child I raised.

SO WHEN THEY BLAME CA&GA I do know better. Mental illness is often not detected till much later.
I only blame them for not getting representation for Caylee...No body is there for the baby at the trial....I do not mean well wishers, I do not mean the state. I mean someone that stands up and talks about CAYLEE for Caylee's rights, and the loss they feel.
That makes me mad. IMHO they should hire someone; and I do understand that they will stand behind Casey because they have hope. They can hire someone for Caylee; YES they can.
BUT I do not blame the Cindy and George for anything Casey has done. THEY did not create her mental illness. But they may have some of it too.... I do know better.

What is wrong with Casey is far from Bipolar disorder.. there is a huge difference between personality disorders and mood disorders. For example, the cause and the fact that there are no medications to specifically treat personality disorders.

Not all parents are to blame for their childrens issues. I know some great parents with horrible children... I know great kids with awful parents. But I also know horrible people raised by very dysfunctional and misguided parents. Bipolar and illnesses like it are not caused in any way or even in part by parents who lie and enable, who allow their children (and their spouses) to steal money from them or look the other way for two years when they know in their gut their grown child who they still completely financially support (they also 100% support her child) is only pretending to have a job (Though at different times throughout this case, both George and Cindy have admitted to this).

There is "going beyond the call of duty" and then there is going way too far, allowing way too much.

As for people dx'd with Bipolar going off their meds? I'd love to discuss it, perhaps help shed some light onto that ever common "Bipolar behavior".. to have a thread in the jury room or wherever if anyone is ever interested. Not excuse it or even attempt to- (we should stay on our meds- always- there is no excuse), just to help understand the "mind-set" that often goes with going off meds.
After reading SP's interview, I began to feel for Cindy. Whether it was peeking into this family through her mother's point of view or the crimes committed against her, I felt a twinge of sympathy. I have never held George in any high esteem and learning that he took out credit cards in Cindy's name just enforced my disdain for him. Then he cashed out his 401k to cover up his lies and crimes, only to leave her to twist in the wind for the taxes? And to learn that Casey took out credit cards in Cindy's name? Did he and Casey joke about this when they played beer pong together? It's sick!
But, then I recall Cindy and her excuses. She can't divorce George because he will get the house? Please correct me, but your husband has an affair, takes out credit cards in your name, runs them up doing who knows what, cashes out his 401k behind your back to pay for his crime, leaves you to pay the taxes, but he will get the house?
So, she stays with this person?
Cindy is told she should take custody of Caylee, but even though she is paying for everything already, she claims she could never afford it?
Cindy had my sympathy for about five minutes.
I believe she believes she is a martyr, but I see a masochist.
And the control issue, I agree with. Everyone who tried to help her, she shoved away. Those who would enable her in her bull-headed, refusal to acknowledge the facts, she drew close.
Obviously, she is the only one to meet out justice where she sees fit. Problem is, she never sees fit.

Great post. One other point I'd like to add- When advised by her "counsler" to take caylee from Casey or kick Casey out, not only did Cindy claim to not be able to afford it, she stopped going to therapy all together once it was suggested because she was un-willing to stop her enabling of Casey.
I also chose "none of the above", but because Cindy believes that what KC does/did will reflect poorly on Cindy herself.

ITA with this. Cindy sees Casey as a reflection of herself, so if her daughter did such a horrible thing, I think she sees herself to blame for it (rightfully so to a certain point.) There are certainly other reasons, which other posters have so eloquently stated here.

Mark Klaas said it perfectly one evening on Nancy Grace. He stated that Cindy and George are at odds with the justice they seek for Caylee.
Great post. One other point I'd like to add- When advised by her "counsler" to take caylee from Casey or kick Casey out, not only did Cindy claim to not be able to afford it, she stopped going to therapy all together once it was suggested because she was un-willing to stop her enabling of Casey.


according to SP, Cindy's mother, she only spoke to this "counselor" on one ocassion. She said she talked to a therapist or a counselor ONCE and that is what she was told and she never returned. She was given good sound advice that would "rock the boat" and she immediately about faced back to exactly where she was before she saw this "counselor"...doing nothing to change any of it.:slap:
Also, I voted none of the above, because I think Cindy is all about protecting Cindy, and that includes any "smear" on her name that will be left if her own daughter is convicted of ANY crime. I believe this is why she never allowed Casey to fall in the first place-to protect her own self and nobody else.

according to SP, Cindy's mother, she only spoke to this "counselor" on one ocassion. She said she talked to a therapist or a counselor ONCE and that is what she was told and she never returned. She was given good sound advice that would "rock the boat" and she immediately about faced back to exactly where she was before she saw this "counselor"...doing nothing to change any of it.:slap:

You are so right, Magic Cat! Hit the proverbial nail on the head! CA was well aware of KC's problems and what she had done or could do. She must have been concerned about what was going to happen to Caylee, but failed to do anything that would have helped the situation. I would imagine that it started innocently enough. When KC was little and did something that warrented a time-out or a spanking, she would probably say something or do something cute and then CA would just let it slide. Heaven forbid that GA might want to spank "her" child! Then, the things that KC was doing probably got progressively worse, and instead of stepping in and doing what any good mother HAS to do at times while raising a child and turn that kid around and make them see that they are doing wrong and that it WILL NOT be tolerated, she just continued to "let it slide". And here we are today. I'm sure that CA saw the problems, was advised by family members, and as you say, told by the counselor, what really needed to be done in order to get to KC but CA didn't agree with these or didn't want to do them. There is none so blind as he who will not see.
I understand what your mother means. I am a mother with grandchildren; but, my children will always be my 'babies". I was 60 years old and my mother still introduced me to people as "her baby." I would hate the bad decisions and results of any of my children's actions, but I don't think the love for them could go away. Mama's are just like that.

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