Poll: Would you buy it? The A's WILL write a book....

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Would you buy the A's book?

  • Yes

    Votes: 51 7.4%
  • No

    Votes: 604 87.8%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 33 4.8%

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From Aug. 5th
Then at 6 p.m., WFTV-Channel 9 raised the issue of a book deal, and I nearly fell out of my chair.

"We heard from a reliable tipster that the Anthonys, their private eye and their lawyer are negotiating a package deal for a book with Simon & Schuster," Kathi Belich said.

The publisher, part of the CBS Corp., was not commenting, she added.

Belich said her source was "a tipster who's been right before." A tipster of the other variety wouldn't be very helpful.

Belich, at her restrained best, asked Conway about a book deal. "I wouldn't comment on anything personal like that," Conway said.

Belich: "Why not?"

Conway: "There's no reason to."

Oh, pal, are you ever wrong on that.

Belich: "Is it true?"

Conway: "I'm not going to way whether it's true or not true."

So who's the writer? George, Cindy, Conway or private eye Dominic Casey? The mind boggles. Given the way George and Cindy have told the story so far, would that book be classified as fiction or nonfiction? Would you buy it?

From Aug. 6th
Adam Rothberg, a vice president at the publishing house, writes: "Simon & Schuster does not have a book deal with the Anthony's or anybody else associated with this case."

It should go straight into the HORROR section!:furious:

Seems to me that other than those of us here...most people have forgotten about this case...it is losing steam.... by the time it is all over, who will even care? Even Nancy Grace has moved on.

If anyone was even slightly wondering if KC was guilty, her lying, culpable parents, looking for their 15 minutes of not just fame but fortune, stepped in and helped seal any doubt that their daughter was indeed capable of this heinous act. I would only read a book on this subject if it was about truth. No more lies. It appears that all the A's are "strangers with the truth."
Not necessarily true that peeps are not still interested. I have a friend who does not even follow the case and she blew me away today by saying she saw on TV that Casey might get out of all of this because of some NEW evidence that has been uncovered. It made me see ever so clearly HOW the defense is planting their little tedious and tiresome seeds of doubt.:eek:
Publisher Simon & Schuster denies there is a book deal or anything in the works with Casey Anthony's parents or anyone else involved in the case.
A local TV station reported a tipster had alerted the reporter about a possible book deal between Casey Anthony's parents, their attorney and a private investigator and Simon & Schuster.

However, Adam Rothberg, vice president of communication, sent an e-mail to the Orlando Sentinel.

"Simon & Schuster does not have a book deal with the Anthony's or anybody else associated with this case," he wrote.<snipped>
Perhaps the "deal" is not "sealed" and so Simon & Schuster can HONESTLY make that claim, but it does not mean they are not in negotiations or discussion with them...Right?:confused:
I wonder if the profits will all go to the Caylee Marie Anthony Foundation or if any of the authors or producers have even thought of anything as altruistic as that.
Just saying... hoping any of them might be reading.

It's about a murdered toddler. ABC or whoever, should make a movie or write a book about the horrible genetic error or flaws in child rearing that create a Mother who doesn't report her child missing. Maybe even murdered her in cold blood. How about a book about Grandparents who discover their 'missing' daughter's car abandoned, wreaking of death, her wallet in the front seat, Mama doll in the back seat and no sign of the baby and don't call 911 that second. Washing the stinking of death pants was more important. Writing a book now is important. Hmmm...kind of like doing the laundry.
People could learn from a critical examination of the facts here. Soppy fluff from grieving Gma, no thanks. Caylee was murdered and her remains tossed like trash. Show the baby some respect.
Not trying to be disagreeable or anything :) but Casey's wallet was NOT found in the front seat. Her wallet was with her things at Tonys and when Lee retrieved her stuff the wallet was gone through in front of the police officer, remember? It was from whence he snatched some sort of ID card and also from whence Cindy snatched about $200 plus dollars that she said was prolly hers anyhow. What was found on the front seat of the abandoned car was a purse that had some odd and end makeup items, etc in it but nothing VITAL that Casey would be needing, like her ID. Those things were at Tony's. It is a common misconception that her wallet was there in the car, but it wasn't.:blowkiss:
What in the world can this book tell us that we don't already know?

Well, all I know is that Websleuther's like us will never have a need to even crack a book like this open. What is written on these pages, about them and the case, can fill novels.

This will be written to make money off the poor schmucks who never followed this case or who are supporters of the A family.

I see their book going straight to the bins at the 99 cent store within 6 months of print because they will not be able to sell them. Geesh, they don't put Caylees picture on it.....just their dd, Casey. It would be rich to see Casey in the shelves at Big Lots rather than Borders or the like.
Well, all I know is that Websleuther's like us will never have a need to even crack a book like this open. What is written on these pages, about them and the case, can fill novels.

This will be written to make money off the poor schmucks who never followed this case or who are supporters of the A family.

I see their book going straight to the bins at the 99 cent store within 6 months of print because they will not be able to sell them. Geesh, they don't put Caylees picture on it.....just their dd, Casey. It would be rich to see Casey in the shelves at Big Lots rather than Borders or the like.
That is an enjoyable fantasy. Thanks for that!:clap:
Well, all I know is that Websleuther's like us will never have a need to even crack a book like this open. What is written on these pages, about them and the case, can fill novels.

This will be written to make money off the poor schmucks who never followed this case or who are supporters of the A family.

I see their book going straight to the bins at the 99 cent store within 6 months of print because they will not be able to sell them. Geesh, they don't put Caylees picture on it.....just their dd, Casey. It would be rich to see Casey in the shelves at Big Lots rather than Borders or the like.

The Dollar Tree, where everything is just a $1.00.
Nothing surprises me anymore where the A's are concerned.

All I know is when you rub elbows with the devil, evil will certainly consume you! I think they have been consumed!!!
My question is this..."why do we need a book about this case?" We are here, we see it unfolding before our eyes every day, h3ll, we're writing most of it...

Snipped with utmost respect, for this is the truth, you guys here ARE writing most of it, and I read everything you all say. You're all brilliant and wonderful.

Now ya'all, this could be a very important work of science fiction. Squirrels jumping up and committing hari kari on vehicles, pizza boxes that die and excret decomp fluids. Invisible women who babysit children and teach morality lessons to their mothers. And don't forget the secret lives and jobs of the entertainment industry. As a bonus, there are bodies that move around as you get close to them, moving farther away. LOL, it could be interesting. But I don't read science fiction.


This is just so funny! Great job!
"How I ENABLED KC to MURDER and LIE!'.........best title I can come up with........
IMO, they are just trash...........all of them........or a love story from Dom and CA......
I have never thought I would either BUT if someday one of the SA's did - I think I would.

We know this is just another case for them, and they have had so many in their time in law enforcement, but a book by the law enforcement I would love to read one day. I am impressed with how they remain professional, despite all the mud the Anthony's throw at them and all the disparaging Baez does of them, so very publicly! There is a poem already written that speaks well to this case, that I have had since childhood, "Children Learn What They Live"
By Dorothy Law Nolte, Ph.D.
now, that lady speaks the plain truth!
Perhaps the "deal" is not "sealed" and so Simon & Schuster can HONESTLY make that claim, but it does not mean they are not in negotiations or discussion with them...Right?:confused:

Indeed, I wrote to them and said there is no current book deal, but let's remember that the publisher of OJ's "IF I DID IT" denied any book deal with OJ, even up to the evening before it's release, then they said they technically did not have a deal with OJ (the civil judge disagreed and said despite the ghost writer and the phony corporation where proceeds were being sent overseas, the deal was with OJ, and he awarded the rightsmto the book to the parents of the murdered Ron Goldman!) I liken it to Bill Clinton's denial, despite sperm and his DNA being on the young girl's dress, "It depends on what your meaning of "is" is!" We already know ABC has done lucrative deals with them, just the little stint at the Ritz for two days for seven rooms would have bought my car! So, the righteous indignation with the publisher and CBS falls short for me. There are a handful if amazing WSers like Muzikman who wow my socks off that I would buy a book from, in fact some of the WS information has been quite helpful to the investigators, impressive, I surmise some are retired LE or computer techies, but they do amazing work with the cell pings and complicated matters that are very very time consuming for the average kid.
Equisearch, JG and all others associated ought to sue them and take any dime they could foresee making on any deals.
Not trying to be disagreeable or anything :) but Casey's wallet was NOT found in the front seat. Her wallet was with her things at Tonys and when Lee retrieved her stuff the wallet was gone through in front of the police officer, remember? It was from whence he snatched some sort of ID card and also from whence Cindy snatched about $200 plus dollars that she said was prolly hers anyhow. What was found on the front seat of the abandoned car was a purse that had some odd and end makeup items, etc in it but nothing VITAL that Casey would be needing, like her ID. Those things were at Tony's. It is a common misconception that her wallet was there in the car, but it wasn't.:blowkiss:

Thanks magic-cat. A book about Gma's who steal from their childrens wallets would also be fascinating. I forgot about that!! :blushing:
I think the A's truly believe they are "unique". They believe their own lies and that they can help others with "missing" children. I honestly think they are truly that delusional. I sincerely hope and pray that no one would support them by buying ANY book written by them. It makes me physically ill to think they would make money off of Caylee. I know they have already, in photos and videos, sold her. However, to write a book from the perspective of being grandparents of a "missing child" just makes me sick.
Had they before or even now, changed their position and said they are victims of having a child who "kills" and what went wrong, that would be an entirely different thing. Still don't think I'd EVER buy it. I don't think I'd buy anything associated with the name A on it. However, if they would ever get real and be truthful, I'd at least gain an ounce of respect for them. Maybe!
I can also, give an iota of reasoning to the A's for doing this, because I think they are a little nuts and totally selfish. However, for someone like BC or DC, who should have some kind of reasoning, common sense and logic, left in them, I find them even more disgraceful.
The A's have always considered themselves "above the law" and "above public scrutiny". They believe that the public does not "get them" but their perception of themselves has truly been one of delusion. They think that anything they would publish about Caylee would be scooped up by the public. The A's cannot see the evil they have created. They have also dishonored the memory of sweet Caylee to no end.

Disgraceful, dishonest, delusional = devil!
We know this is just another case for them, and they have had so many in their time in law enforcement, but a book by the law enforcement I would love to read one day. I am impressed with how they remain professional, despite all the mud the Anthony's throw at them and all the disparaging Baez does of them, so very publicly! There is a poem already written that speaks well to this case, that I have had since childhood, "Children Learn What They Live"
By Dorothy Law Nolte, Ph.D.
now, that lady speaks the plain truth!

I think my very first foray into reading true crime stories was waaaay back when Vincent Bugliosi wrote about the trial of Charles Manson. I was fascinated. I would only read such an accounting on this case from LE's side - anything from the defense side would be fiction.
I wrote S&S and the reply was as follows:

"Thanks for contacting us. Please be advised that Simon & Schuster does not have a book deal, nor does it have any plans to publish a book, with George and Cindy Anthony, or anybody else associated with this case. Any reports to the contrary are inaccurate.


I have already posted that I would not buy any book written by the Anthonys. Why would I actually pay to read all of their BS when I have already heard and seen it for free? LOL

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