Possible Break in Stacy's case - Cops planning on a search tomorrow 6/5/10

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darlin gal

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Aug 25, 2008
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There may be a huge break in the disappearance of Drew Peterson's third wife. TMZ has learned authorities believe they may know exactly where the body is buried, and then plan to dig for it tomorrow.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... Peterson, an ex-cop who is currently behind bars awaiting trial for the murder of his third wife, told an inmate yesterday how he killed Stacy Peterson, wife number 4. Stacy's body has never been recovered.

I so hope this is true, hate to get hopes up again...wonder if it is the same so-called accomplice that tried to come forward once before. But it is hard to believe that DP would tell another inmate about this...Stacy's death/disappearance has been on mind for years, how perfect it would be to be able to charge and try him for the murder of two wives back to back...
TMZ seems to be the only outlet to report that... I ponder why the mainstream news isn't reporting it...

I hope they find Stacy...
Oh, how I pray they find her! She needs to be found and put to rest.

I just have a hard time believing Drew would tell the truth to another inmate, but then again, he is so arrogant, maybe he felt the need to 'brag'.

Keeping my fingers crossed that this is what will finally break the case, and bring much over-due justice to Stacy.

Thank you for sharing this, darlin' gal.....
Oh, I hope it is her body. Her poor family. Not to mention more fuel to the fire to convict ole Drew.

"Will County Sheriff's deputies and prosecutors took the alleged accomplice to Peoria Friday, and the accomplice led them to private hunting grounds. The owner allowed authorities to enter his property and the accomplice then led them to the site where Stacy's body was allegedly buried. The accomplice told authorities the body was stuffed in a metal drum that had been buried underground.

On Friday afternoon, authorities brought police dogs onto the property and we're told the dogs immediately took them to the place where the witness said the body was buried. Authorities then put prongs in the soil and hit a mass below ground that could be the drum in question.

We're told State Police are now guarding the property and authorities will begin digging tomorrow morning."

I hesitated posting it because it was TMZ but they have become pretty accurate and often their exclusives soon become Main Stream Media news stories.

Let's pray they find Stacy tomorrow.

Wouldn't that be something? First Joran being arrested and now this?

It's been a busy few days.
Wow! I hope they find her. I think of her murder often.

Although evil, Drew has always appeared smart. Why would he tell now?

From the above article:


Our sources say Peterson told the inmate he had an accomplice help him dispose of the body. The inmate then told authorities about his discussion with Peterson, which led them to the alleged accomplice. We're told the accomplice informed Will County Sheriff's officials and prosecutors that the body was buried just outside Peoria, Illinois.

Will County Sheriff's deputies and prosecutors took the alleged accomplice to Peoria Friday, and the accomplice led them to private hunting grounds. The owner allowed authorities to enter his property and the accomplice then led them to the site where Stacy's body was allegedly buried. The accomplice told authorities the body was stuffed in a metal drum that had been buried underground.

On Friday afternoon, authorities brought police dogs onto the property and we're told the dogs immediately took them to the place where the witness said the body was buried. Authorities then put prongs in the soil and hit a mass below ground that could be the drum in question.


OMG! Wonder who the accomplice is...Robinson?...Carcereno?
And the part that says she is in a metal drum!...blue maybe? Hmmmm.

I'm thrilled to read this, and so sad at the same time.

What an idiot to tell someone in jail! DP must have been bragging! What a piece of chit! :furious::furious::furious:
Wow! I hope they find her. I think of her murder often.

Although evil, Drew has always appeared smart. Why would he tell now?

Cocksure, one up manship...and maybe he didn't think a fellow inmate would squeal.
I pray that this is Stacy and even if LE had to give limited immunity to the acomplish to find Stacy and nail Drew it would be well worth it in my opinon...I bet the person is the guy that he had helping him the night she went missing, that tried to commit suicide, I think it was his step-brother but I am not sure about that.
Ermmm.. pssssst TMZ! Stacy is Drew's fourth wife, not the third. Kathleen was his third wife.

I hope this is a real scoop by TMZ! Have been watching and no chicago news channels have put any info out yet. Am definitely watching to see how this progresses.

Justice for Stacy! :woohoo:
This is a tough call. For one, he is an ex-cop, so why would he give up the deets now? Only unless he wants the accomplice to fall for him and negotiate a plea deal. I hope it's true, so Stacy can be brought home and rest in peace.

However, the only reason I think he'd share this information is to get the accomplice to fall right along with him.


I'm stunned by this news! I've always felt that Stacy was disposed of in a body of water, probably far from Bolingbrook. After two and a half years, there wouldn't be much, if anything, to find.

If this turns out to be true...............there might be intact skeletal remains which might provide a lot of forensic information regarding how she died.

As for the accomplice, there's several known individuals - Robinson and Carciano come to mind. But DP also knew a lot of shady people, so it could be someone unknown to us.

I pray this is true and Stacy can be given a proper burial by her family, and Drew will be put away for life.
I hope they find her. Hope Drew wasn't just saying where something else is buried, like some kind of his junk. Really, Drew the cop blabbed to an inmate? Maybe dementia is setting in.

This is shocking.

Fingers crossed that Stacy is found.
Has there been anything in the mainstream news about any of this? I trust TMZ but I'm wondering if all of this is supposed to be under wraps for now?

Praying it's her. Her family needs this.
I live in Peoria, IL and have not heard a thing about this on the news. Hoping it's true and they finally find her.
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