Possible Links between RAT and JM

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Jlm could have disposed of body since he had before (Morgan) and drove car to cville. They said dogs traced scent in car to Arden place apartments..... Did Jesse live there in 2013 or is it close to where mh shirt was found?


Alexis' grandmother and uncle lived at the time (and may still live there) in the Rio Hill Apartments, the complex between Arden Apartments and where her car was found. It would have been a familiar place for her to leave her car if she was the one who left it there to maybe meet up with someone. But if someone else left it there and then walked away in that direction, either JM or RAT could have known someone in those complexes or had someone meet them.

It's speculated RAT drove her car there and then walked to Applebee's. It's a mile to Applebee's going straight down 29, but if the scent was tracked to Arden Place then it would have been more than a mile because of the chosen path. Would they have had enough of RAT's scent from the car that didn't even have a shred of RAT's DNA in it to trail it? I've wondered . . . whose scent were they really tracking?
Re: the social media analysis. I sleuthed her social media a while back. The LJ she is talking to about cookies is not JLM imo. She had a discussion with a friend named LJ on Twitter (he looks to be a teenager as well so I am not going to link to his account since he's possibly a minor and is a friend) about cooking pot cookies. The "dem cookies" on her ask page is a like a few days later. So when she says "is this LJ?" I think she is talking to her friend named LJ and not to JLM. That being said some of the other comments on her ask page are very creepy and sound like it could be JLM, so I am glad they are looking into it. I just hope they don't think the LJ comment is him because it took me less than half an hour to figure that out. moo.
Why does Parker Slaybaugh put "SHARE THIS" or "SPREAD THIS" on some things? That's what he's done with the news about testing having begun on AM's car to see if there's a match with JM.

Because rightly or wrongly, hits drive notice, drive name recognition, drive branding, drive credibility, drive the bus to success. JMO.
Somebody 'splain this to me. I thought her car was already tested and there was unknown DNA. Isn't that DNA still on record somewhere? And if not, why not? WTH?

Is your DNA on record? Mine isnt.
Is your DNA on record? Mine isnt.

I think her question is, and mine is, why is "testing on the car" happening, rather than "running JM's DNA against the unknown DNA already collected from her car"?
Because rightly or wrongly, hits drive notice, drive name recognition, drive branding, drive credibility, drive the bus to success. JMO.

Off topic .

I think parker does his job, is clear he is in it for the clicks. I thank him for the Attention he brings to Some issues.

During Randy's Trial I would sit in court and watch what was said and see the evidence and when court was over for the day,I would get in my car and drive the 1 1/2 hour drive home without the radio, reflecting over it then log on to see some tweet he posted and shake my head at the way he worded it to make it exciting. Mostly it was a teaser for the next day and would (IMO) seem to imply there was a doubt of some sort. However in court it was very clear there was no doubt to be had.

Anthony Martin was not a bull dog in court. He didnt have any tricks up his sleeve ,he honestly didnt even really question some witness as I felt he could have.

He really let the case speak for itself ,and I sat in court mad mad mad because any talk of Samantha's case would have gotten RAT a mistrial. The jury didnt even get to know about her. I hope they know about her now. I really kills me to think any member of that jury would become doubtful because of HGs case.
I think her question is, and mine is, why is "testing on the car" happening, rather than "running JM's DNA against the unknown DNA already collected from her car"?
Take it as s soft admission that dna was not run properly and thoroughly in the fir s t place
Take it as s soft admission that dna was not run properly and thoroughly in the fir s t place

I think it is the reporter simplifying.

The car belonged to Alexis's dad and it was likely released back to him.
For discussion:

The 5 things people get wrong about Alexis Murphy and Jesse Matthew

Just because I have to....
1) This doesn't mean JLM had nothing to do with this. RAT lies.
2) Not everyone knows the difference between Dreads and Cornrows. (I actually do, but since so many people don't, I'm willing to group those two together. I'm not thinking RAT is too up on hairstyles) Besides, a lie is often real close to the truth. Just sayin'...
3) Again, RAT could have been trying to divert. Did I mention he lies? Besides, who's to say JLM never drove a burgundy Caprice that might not have been his?
4) Who cares? This has nothing to do with the price of butter. You don't see RAT on those videos in the media, either.
5) Nobody forgot anything. Just because we are sure RAT did this, it does not mean he didn't have an accomplice. Better to rule JLM out completely, don't you think?

I don't think JLM has anything to do with Alexis, but better sure than RAT screaming he was railroaded. JMO.
Is your DNA on record? Mine isnt.

I think her question is, and mine is, why is "testing on the car" happening, rather than "running JM's DNA against the unknown DNA already collected from her car"?
What ksj3 said. Mine isn't on file either, but the DNA from the car should be. So should the DNA from the beer bottle. If it isn't, that was pretty shoddy work by LE and gives RAT an appeal reason (they focused only on him and didn't even try to ID someone else who was in the living space and might have come back to hide the shirt, yada, yada). I'd really hate to see that happen, even if there is no chance for the appeal to work. Why put Alexis' family through all that?
Somebody 'splain this to me. I thought her car was already tested and there was unknown DNA. Isn't that DNA still on record somewhere? And if not, why not? WTH?

They don't know who Dna it is, could be her father for all we know.. it will be hard to say. Just because rat dna not in the car don't mean he didn't do it, her dna is all over his bedding, all over his camper wall, as in blood this is 100% fact. . he was a tow trucks man he didn't need to get inside the car to move it.

He stalked her. her aunt in quote said he saw Rat car around their living area. Her grandmother said the same thing. a few weeks before she(am) went missing. So he knew his in's and out's on her..

As far as did JMl speak to AM online. That will vry very hard to prove. Like winning the power ball lottery. you can even fake those question and replies to make them look real. It wont hold water on courts.
Take it as s soft admission that dna was not run properly and thoroughly in the fir s t place

Not admission of anything IMo.. It was run properly the 1st go around, its need to be run again to shut Rat up. JMl was not a suspect in the AM case. So why even consider his dna. ? I highly doubt its his Dna in the car.

To me its just lie Rat is making up, . I hope they hit him with a false information charge's and deterring a working cases..
Just thinking out loud and tossing out some ideas for people to think about and get some responses.
Lets do a what if Jesse was involved with Alexis's disappearance and some things to considers.

After Morgan's abduction they said the released sketch of a African-American male linked to her and the Fairfax case. That had to rattle Jesse cage and make him very nervous wouldn't you think?
Now, if he did abduct Alexis and keep her shirt like he did with Morgan then he would definitely have a motive to go and try to set up Randy. Randy is a white man. What better way to throw everyone off the trail of ole Jesse by going back to that trailer and leaving evidence there, but not right in plain sight, but where it would only be found only during a thorough investigation.
WHAT IF, and that is a big WHAT IF, Jesse did go with Alexis to Randy's trailer. So Jesse commits his crime but later on he thinks, hmmmm I can go leave evidence back at that trailer we were just at that will then pin this on that drug addict white guy and LE will think he has been the main man possibly doing all these past abductions in Charlottesville which would then cause the trail to go cold leading back to me an African-American male who looks very similar to the sketch from Morgan and the Fairfax case. It's something to ponder in my mind.

I went back and watched and listened to those 3 part segment post interviews Randy gives after the trial and I will have to say there is some tiny part of me that does believe that there is more to Alexis story than what we were led to believe from Randy's trial.

I have always been a very good judge of a persons character my whole life, (don't get me wrong, I don't think Randy is a good person by any means), but something just seems wrong or off to me. Randy just doesn't come across as your classic stone cold killer.

Who knows..... I may be way off base but I would not be shocked at all now if in the coming weeks there is going to be more to this Randy and Alexis abduction story.
Just thinking out loud and tossing out some ideas for people to think about and get some responses.
Lets do a what if Jesse was involved with Alexis's disappearance and some things to considers.

After Morgan's abduction they said the released sketch of a African-American male linked to her and the Fairfax case. That had to rattle Jesse cage and make him very nervous wouldn't you think?
Now, if he did abduct Alexis and keep her shirt like he did with Morgan then he would definitely have a motive to go and try to set up Randy. Randy is a white man. What better way to throw everyone off the trail of ole Jesse by going back to that trailer and leaving evidence there, but not right in plain sight, but where it would only be found only during a thorough investigation.
WHAT IF, and that is a big WHAT IF, Jesse did go with Alexis to Randy's trailer. So Jesse commits his crime but later on he thinks, hmmmm I can go leave evidence back at that trailer we were just at that will then pin this on that drug addict white guy and LE will think he has been the main man possibly doing all these past abductions in Charlottesville which would then cause the trail to go cold leading back to me an African-American male who looks very similar to the sketch from Morgan and the Fairfax case. It's something to ponder in my mind.

I went back and watched and listened to those 3 part segment post interviews Randy gives after the trial and I will have to say there is some tiny part of me that does believe that there is more to Alexis story than what we were led to believe from Randy's trial.

I have always been a very good judge of a persons character my whole life, (don't get me wrong, I don't think Randy is a good person by any means), but something just seems wrong or off to me. Randy just doesn't come across as your classic stone cold killer.

Who knows..... I may be way off base but I would not be shocked at all now if in the coming weeks there is going to be more to this Randy and Alexis abduction story.

Here is an example. This is a quote from a local resident on the local news station after Randy's trial.
"There’s always been alot going on with this guy it seems. I used to live in that area,and young women going missing and never being seen again or turning up deceased has gone on for quite some time. There is a young woman from Orange that went missing and to this day has never been seen again and guess who the last person was to be seen with her? Yes, him. There was the girl from Va.Tech that disappeared from the Metallica concert in Charlottesville. There was one many years before that that disappeared in the Culpepper area. I just have a suspicion about this guy, and I have a hope that maybe all these disappearances will come to an end now."

If Jesse was trying to throw everyone off his trail then it seemed to have been working because some of the locals perception this past summer was that Randy was responsible for all missing girls in the area.
No matter, if Jesse was not involved with Alexis then he must have still been very happy that some of the heat was off the suspicious African-American in the sketch and Randy was drawing all of the attention for the evil in Charlottesville.
Here is an example. This is a quote from a local resident on the local news station after Randy's trial.
"There’s always been alot going on with this guy it seems. I used to live in that area,and young women going missing and never being seen again or turning up deceased has gone on for quite some time. There is a young woman from Orange that went missing and to this day has never been seen again and guess who the last person was to be seen with her? Yes, him. There was the girl from Va.Tech that disappeared from the Metallica concert in Charlottesville. There was one many years before that that disappeared in the Culpepper area. I just have a suspicion about this guy, and I have a hope that maybe all these disappearances will come to an end now."

If Jesse was trying to throw everyone off his trail then it seemed to have been working because some of the locals perception this past summer was that Randy was responsible for all missing girls in the area.
No matter, if Jesse was not involved with Alexis then he must have still been very happy that some of the heat was off the suspicious African-American in the sketch and Randy was drawing all of the attention for the evil in Charlottesville.

Or Jesse Matthew was very upset that Randy Taylor was getting all the credit/attention for his deviant crimes...Serial killers resent when authorities give someone else credit for their work.. May be why JM later targeted HG. To send a loud and clear message to authorities that he was still in charge and actively and brazenly preying on unsuspecting innocent victims right under their noses.. Deja vu, 'Catch me if you can'.. jmo

Dennis Lynn RADER - A.K.A.: "The BTK killer"
Arrest and conviction

<snipped - read more>
By 2004, the investigation of the BTK Killer had gone cold. Then, Rader sent a letter to the police, claiming responsibility for a killing that had previously not been attributed to him. DNA collected from under the fingernails of that victim provided police with previously unknown evidence. They then began DNA testing hundreds of men in an effort to find the serial killer. Altogether, some 1100 DNA samples would be taken.

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