Possible Matches for Anna - #1

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itsreenw said:
...So she is almost 100% sure that the man knew her dad?? ...
She asked him if he knew her father and he said yes. She stated that this was the only time that she ever saw the man.
I wish I felt more optomistic about both potential leeds but I have to admit neither seem very encouraging to me. The women who recalls a man and anna visiting her house when she was home sick seems to remember a lot of detail. However, this encounter took place so many years ago I have to be skeptical about what she recalls. Even if her recollection is correct how in the world do we follow up on something like this? The Anna look alike sounded very promising but we really need the intermediary to make it possible for this person to come forward herself. As long as there is an intermediary in the picture the scenerio remains doubtful to me. I was really excited about this look a like until I read about the intermedary situation. I read this thread almost everyday, although I don't post much. Latley I have been thinking a lot about Anna. I truly believe she is alive. As crazy as it may seem when I view her missing flyer her picture has a demension to it that is so filled with life. I often find this absent with other missing flyer photos. I might just be nuts, but I thought I would share that perception of mine with you all.


Your observations and conclusions are accurate. We are working on both leads to either solidify or eliminate the evidence/testimony.
mjak said:
I read this thread almost everyday, although I don't post much. Latley I have been thinking a lot about Anna. I truly believe she is alive. As crazy as it may seem when I view her missing flyer her picture has a dimension to it that is so filled with life. I often find this absent with other missing flyer photos. I might just be nuts, but I thought I would share that perception of mine with you all.
Thank you, mjak. I feel that way, too. And even though the look-alike we're trying to pin down may not be Anna, she has that same lively expression. It's hard to explain.
I'd still like us to find a police officer who was involved in investigating the robberies and see if the police had any suspects that they could not charge.

The woman who recalls being home on a school day and meeting "Bill" is a very solid lead that has been backed up by the newspaper accounts of all the robberies.

I'm not sure I believe he rented from her dad, I think she surprised him and when she asked him if he knew her dad or was here to pay his rent or whatever the exact words were, I think that gave him the "out" of having to explain why he was at/in her home. I think her feelings of fear and the robbery deal are spot on. It is possible that when she offered a logical explanation of why he was at the home she saved herself from being harmed. She offered him something that he could agree to and that she would believe. It doesn't mean it was true. And "Bill" having a child with him would certainly make him less threatening than a man alone in an area that had experienced a crime wave.

If there is any way I can help follow up on this long distance please let me know. I'm hopeful with the recent publicity we can ask for the names of police that would have worked the robberies and follow up with them direct.
Annasmom said:
Thank you, mjak. I feel that way, too. And even though the look-alike we're trying to pin down may not be Anna, she has that same lively expression. It's hard to explain.
I understand it completly!! When I first saw Anna's picture on the doe network before comming here I was blown away by what I can only describe as life energy reverbrating from Anna's picture. It was like most it not all of the other pictures I had seen were one dementional and Anna's was 3d. I have never forgotten that first impression and it still hits me today whenever I see her photos. Incidently I am not in to new age stuff or energy work or anything like that. So its not usual for me to feel these things and then to post them in a forum like this. Most people know my posts tend to me very concrete and logical and weak on the emotive part, lol. So this is out of character for me.

I don't remember if I said this before or not but I think this myspace Idea is brilliant!!

I received a phone call today from the Anna "look-alike". This is the first direct contact that we have had with this woman.

There were a couple of important clarifications and revelations as a result of the phone call. One is that the name of the man who she knows as her birthfather matches the name of the birth announcement that SherlockJr mentioned. This does make it unlikely that this woman is Anna.

However, the other revelation is that the state records bureau where she lives has no record of her birth at all. The birth certificate that contains incomplete information was issued by the state recently because she needed a birth certificate and she did not have all of the details of her birth. It is possible that she was born in a different state than she believes she was and that state would have the records, but this does not fit with anything that she knows about her history. This is very curious and causes me to not dismiss the possibility that she may still be Anna.

I received her permission to post her picture on this site, so I will do that once I get home today. She has asked that we not post her name here, so if anyone posts the picture before I get a chance to, please make sure that the file name does not include any identifying names. Thanks!

One other interesting thing about her name is that her first name is a variation of "Christian" and her middle name is a variation of "Anna". I can think of no logical reason that an abductor would do this purposely, so it probably is nothing more than one more amazing coincidence in a case full of them. However, it is one heck of a coincidence.
Well, well, I was ready to write her off as not being Anna, now I'm not so sure. That is a very strange coincidence about the name and add to it that there is something not right with her birth certificate. You got more going hmmm again.

I still want to see a pic of her when she was a young child.
Shadow205 said:
I still want to see a pic of her when she was a young child.
She has no pictures of herself as a young child. She no longer has contact with her mother, so she does not have any means of obtaining pictures of her as a child (if those exist at all). She did confirm the information that we received from the intermediary that her reaction to Anna's pictures was to ask, "Where did you get pictures of me as a child?" This confirms that she not only resembles what we believe Anna to look like today, but that she has looked like her throughout her life.

She stated that she has few memories before age ten and none earlier than age six. We have learned that this woman expressed traits that would be consistent with experiencing a major trauma as a child (bedwetting and thumbsucking that continued up until adolescence). This assumed trauma may explain the missing portion of her memories and that trauma may not have been that she was abducted. However, it also may be that she was and that she is Anna. We continue to explore that possibility.

I'm sure that you have already thought of this but just in case....If we can find out where she atended school, especially elementary school maybe we can find some childhood pictures. I would be more than willing to help explore that if you want to PM me with a location to start.
Shadow205 said:

I'm sure that you have already thought of this but just in case....If we can find out where she atended school, especially elementary school maybe we can find some childhood pictures. I would be more than willing to help explore that if you want to PM me with a location to start.
We have an elementary school name - I will PM you the information. There may be some old class pictures on file where we can find her. Fortunately, the school is relatively small with a student population below 200.
Shadow205 said:
Might just be me but the links don't work.
Weird. I tried them and they do work for me. Is anyone else having trouble with them?
Her father's name on the birth certificate isn't really proof enough to rule her out IMO. This is from an article on Ancestry.com

My mother was not married at the time (of writer's birth) When I went to get a copy of my birth certificate just a few years ago, there was nothing at all on file. I asked my mother about this and she told me that, since it was such an "improper" situation, the doctor didn't file a birth certificate when I was born. When she got married three years later, he filled out a form that I used all my life. It listed her husband as my father. It was not a birth certificate, but it was accepted by everyone who needed to see one.
I wanted to see how easy it would be to get a delayed birth certificate in the US and Canada since we are so close.

This list of requirements and acceptable forms of proof of birth is from Canada but look at how easy it is to obtain a delayed birth certificate:

http://[quote] </div></b></p><p style="margin:0px"><b><div align="left"><b>
Examples of "Class A" Evidence:

To qualify as Class A evidence the document must be

  • dated before the individual's fourth birthday and,
  • contain all the following information:
    • full name of the individual
    • date of birth
    • place of birth
    • parent's names (father may not be listed)
    • date of record
    • NOTE: If the document contains all info above, no other documentation is needed

  1. A baptismal, christening, blessing, or similar church or religious record. If a baptismal certificate is obtained you will also be required to supply:
  2. a letter with the name, location and phone number of the church or diocese who issued the certificate.
  • a photocopy of the page from the baptismal register where the birth information was recorded.
  1. A document from the medical records department in the hospital where the person was born.
  2. A letter or report from the doctor or midwife present at the person's birth
Class B Evidence (partial list)

Life insurance policies, employment records, health/medical records, army discharge records, etc.

All that would be easy enough to get. Here's a list of acceptable documents for NC. I just used a random state and it was from 1971 so I thought the requirements should have been about the same 2 yrs later.


[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]My father’s Delayed Certificate of Birth was issued by the North Carolina State Board of Health, Office of Vital Statistics, on 5 October 1971. His three pieces of documentation were a little different.[/font]

  • [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]1. Family Bible record in his possession, and his post office box mailing address was listed. The publication date of the Bible was listed as 1896.[/font]
  • [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]2. An insurance policy (number included) issued to my father by the Pilot Life Insurance Company of Greensboro, North Carolina. The issue date was listed as 11 June 1940.[/font]
  • A 31 yr old insurance policy was accepted as proof of birth???

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