Possible Matches for Anna - #1

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Dr. Doogie said:
Here are the pics:
Just a thought Doogie... who does Annasmom think Anna looks more like (or would resemble more?); her, George, someone else in the family? Do we have a pic of that person at this approximate age that we can compare this lady's pic to?
MagicRose99 said:
Just a thought Doogie... who does Annasmom think Anna looks more like (or would resemble more?); her, George, someone else in the family? Do we have a pic of that person at this approximate age that we can compare this lady's pic to?
The age-advanced picture from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (the one which is on the comparison Doogie posted) was made by consulting photographs of both parents at the approximate age Anna was depicted (30-something). The technicians who developed the software to make age-advanced pictures also looked at pictures of her half-brothers.
and I think adding "Eiffee" was added so they could easily drop "Waters" from her real BC. I wouldn't be surprised if her abductors last name was something spelled similarly to "Eiffee". I don't buy that story GB told about being in alignment with Anna numerologically.
Wow, I think the resembalance is amazing!! My discouragment of yesterday has just been replaced by new hope!! fingers crossed.

Wow is right! The photo comparison gives me chills - as soon as I saw the "look alike" I thought she looks just like the age-enhanced photo of Anna. If this woman is not Anna then this whole thing is one of the freakiest coincidences of all time.

eta: seriously, I am looking at the photos again and they're making me well up with tears (and I don't even have PMS!)
itsreenw said:
and I think adding "Eiffee" was added so they could easily drop "Waters" from her real BC. I wouldn't be surprised if her abductors last name was something spelled similarly to "Eiffee". I don't buy that story GB told about being in alignment with Anna numerologically.
"Eifee" was added within a couple of weeks after she was born, so it seems unlikely that it has any direct connection to Anna's disappearance. However, it may have some significance to Brody beyond the numerological aspect that we have yet to discover.
itsreenw said:
"The Plan" note that is detailed in another thread in this forum concerned the attaining of a life insurance policy on George Waters with Anna listed as the beneficiary. Something was going to occur in this plan on January 1973 (the month she disappeared). After this event, the policy was going to be rewritten with Brody as the beneficiary.

We have never been able to locate a copy of this policy with Anna's name as beneficiary (only Brody's). Could the name on the policy been something other than Anna's? In other words, the policy may have been to create a paper trail that could be used to establish a new identity for Anna under a different name. The Plan note lists the beneficiary as A.C.E. (Anna Christian Eifee), but who knows what is actually on the policy. Remeber, GW was meticulous is documenting everything, yet no copies of that policy exist with Anna's name on it. Could this be one of the things that he "sanatized" before his suicide?
In particular, compare the mole under Anna's left eye near the nose in the above picture posted by Sherlock to our look-alike.

Remember that the mole depicted on the age progression is on the wrong side. It should be on her left side as we look at the picture.
Dr. Doogie said:

Remember that the mole depicted on the age progression is on the wrong side. It should be on her left side as we look at the picture.
I deleted the last pictures. I cropped the wrong area. I am going to redo them and then I'll post them again. Thaks for that reminder Doogie :doh:
Dr. Doogie said:
"The Plan" note that is detailed in another thread in this forum concerned the attaining of a life insurance policy on George Waters with Anna listed as the beneficiary. Something was going to occur in this plan on January 1973 (the month she disappeared). After this event, the policy was going to be rewritten with Brody as the beneficiary.

We have never been able to locate a copy of this policy with Anna's name as beneficiary (only Brody's). Could the name on the policy been something other than Anna's? In other words, the policy may have been to create a paper trail that could be used to establish a new identity for Anna under a different name. The Plan note lists the beneficiary as A.C.E. (Anna Christian Eifee), but who knows what is actually on the policy. Remeber, GW was meticulous is documenting everything, yet no copies of that policy exist with Anna's name on it. Could this be one of the things that he "sanatized" before his suicide?
Could that policy have been put into the hands of her abductors?
SherlockJr said:
Could that policy have been put into the hands of her abductors?
That could explain why no copy of it was found.
DrDoogie, are you saying that you found a copy of an insurance policy listing Brody as the beneficary in the BFH or are you just refering to the note you found? If you did find a policy could you pm me the name of the insurance company? I am thinking the phone # found in GW wallet after he died could be the phone# of the insurance company. I know I keep going back to that # but I think it holds a clue.
Wow. I don't even know what to say. They look so much alike. Doogie, what is this woman willing to do? Is she willing to do a DNA test? I bet she is scared. Annasmom, I bet you are about to burst waiting to see what will happen. I am praying this turns out to be Anna.
Dr. Doogie said:
I received a phone call today from the Anna "look-alike". This is the first direct contact that we have had with this woman.

There were a couple of important clarifications and revelations as a result of the phone call. One is that the name of the man who she knows as her birthfather matches the name of the birth announcement that SherlockJr mentioned. This does make it unlikely that this woman is Anna.

However, the other revelation is that the state records bureau where she lives has no record of her birth at all. The birth certificate that contains incomplete information was issued by the state recently because she needed a birth certificate and she did not have all of the details of her birth. It is possible that she was born in a different state than she believes she was and that state would have the records, but this does not fit with anything that she knows about her history. This is very curious and causes me to not dismiss the possibility that she may still be Anna.

I received her permission to post her picture on this site, so I will do that once I get home today. She has asked that we not post her name here, so if anyone posts the picture before I get a chance to, please make sure that the file name does not include any identifying names. Thanks!

One other interesting thing about her name is that her first name is a variation of "Christian" and her middle name is a variation of "Anna". I can think of no logical reason that an abductor would do this purposely, so it probably is nothing more than one more amazing coincidence in a case full of them. However, it is one heck of a coincidence.
How about so as she got older and the name Anna Christian kept popping into her mind as her name it would be easier to make her beleive that she must have just confused the similarities and that no your name is........I know it's kind of a far out guess but everything about this case is so strange it could make sense.
Okay, I am jumping out of my skin here. I stayed up half the night checking and rechecking this thread. I am not sure what exactly I was expecting to see posted, lol.
Annasmom, you are in my thoughts today. I can not Imagine the emotional typhoon you must be experiencing. Logic dictates since there was a birth announcement printed when the look alike was alledgedly born she is not Anna. However, this only shows the look alikes alledged parents announced the birth of a child when the look alike believes she was born. It does not prove that this person is that child. However, unlikly it is the possibility of the look alike being Anna is still alive. The resembalance is just startling. One thing that stuck me as undeniable is the lookalike has that same fire in her eyes that Anna's pictures possess. I wish one of us at an at home DNA lab, lol.

Please do not dismiss this just because of the birth announcement and the "birth certificate." I am adopted but didn't not know it until I was 25 years old and both my "parents" had died. Some gracious person decided I needed to know. My birth certificate looked perfectly normal to me but it was not. All of the information is not on there and it does list my adoptive parents as my real parents. I think where there is a will there is a way. Maybe they had a child and the child died and Anna took her place which would account for the announcement in the newspaper. I know it's a long shot but nothing would surprise me. A DNA test would be the sure fire way to know, wouldn't it?:eek:
gardenmom said:
...Is she willing to do a DNA test? I bet she is scared. Annasmom, I bet you are about to burst waiting to see what will happen...
Yes, yes, and a cautious yes.
I am glad you finally got to talk to the woman Doogie. I am also glad she let you post a picture of herself on here. I can see a little resemble to Anna but it is hard for me to tell if I really think it is in fact Anna. The mystery woman seems to have higher and rounder cheekbones. I know people's looks change when they get older but I dont know if that is a trait in either Annasmom's family or GW's family. Thank you for posting the photo on here!
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