Possible Victim: Shannan Gilbert

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The Black Hawk Helicopter with the classified camera was directly over that location in April 2011 (and I have video from News12 to confirm that) and her body was NOT there at that time. If her body was there, either on the surface or slightly underwater in a ditch, the classified camera on the Black Hawk helicopter would have picked it up. That camera does not lie!

Not to mention that the precise area where SG was found was searched thoroughly on foot as well!

your post has been on my mind for a while & tonight I searched & found the Newsday video of the Black Hawk helicopter here:


Per the report, the helicopter started in the eastern side of Oak Beach and then went west to Gilgo Beach....and sure nuff, the helicopter did fly over the marsh & I got a screen capture here that shows the helicopter in relation to the gate. (the Oak Beach sign is perpendicular to the gate)

Then I have a screen capture of the Charlie Hannon PI video showing the relation of the sign to the gate that can be seen in the 1st screen capture and then finally, a Bing map screen capture of the gate.

So, why didn't that helicopter see her remains, etc back in April 2011??? I am curious though, how do you know the marsh was previously searched on foot? Is there a report?


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your post has been on my mind for a while & tonight I searched & found the Newsday video of the Black Hawk helicopter here:


Per the report, the helicopter started in the eastern side of Oak Beach and then went west to Gilgo Beach....and sure nuff, the helicopter did fly over the marsh & I got a screen capture here that shows the helicopter in relation to the gate. (the Oak Beach sign is perpendicular to the gate)

Then I have a screen capture of the Charlie Hannon PI video showing the relation of the sign to the gate that can be seen in the 1st screen capture and then finally, a Bing map screen capture of the gate.

So, why didn't that helicopter see her remains, etc back in April 2011??? I am curious though, how do you know the marsh was previously searched on foot? Is there a report?
Honestly, I think that it is possible she could have been missed. 1 full summer was enough for full decomp. I dont think bones tucked under a bush could be recognized by software or eye in an aerial captured image. They may have also been covered or wrapped. The analysts were probably focused west of oak beach, over examinig sticks, or they saw the remains and mic'd em etc for surveillance and were waiting, hopefully they are that good.
Honestly, I think that it is possible she could have been missed. 1 full summer was enough for full decomp. I dont think bones tucked under a bush could be recognized by software or eye in an aerial captured image. They may have also been covered or wrapped. The analysts were probably focused west of oak beach, over examinig sticks, or they saw the remains and mic'd em etc for surveillance and were waiting, hopefully they are that good.

I agree...I do think police were more focused on searching west where the other remains were found.
I agree...I do think police were more focused on searching west where the other remains were found.

and then a tip moved them east, back into ob, right to the back of larboard ct,
and sg was found, and le has their answer, and we have our answer, and the web explodes with new suspects and muppets abound.
your post has been on my mind for a while & tonight I searched & found the Newsday video of the Black Hawk helicopter here:


Per the report, the helicopter started in the eastern side of Oak Beach and then went west to Gilgo Beach....and sure nuff, the helicopter did fly over the marsh & I got a screen capture here that shows the helicopter in relation to the gate. (the Oak Beach sign is perpendicular to the gate)

Then I have a screen capture of the Charlie Hannon PI video showing the relation of the sign to the gate that can be seen in the 1st screen capture and then finally, a Bing map screen capture of the gate.

So, why didn't that helicopter see her remains, etc back in April 2011??? I am curious though, how do you know the marsh was previously searched on foot? Is there a report?


I know this area was searched on foot because I drove down there a number of times after the searches in April 2011. I could see the markers left on the side of the road to indicate that the area was indeed searched. This area was searched by the police cadets that were in the SC Police Academy at the time. This foot search was probably better than a veteran foot search would have been. These cadets were motivated to find anything they could. Could you imagine being the cadet to find something of value that could break open the case? These cadets could have found one small bone out in that marsh if it were out there!

In addition, this area was searched very thoroughly by Officer Malia and his dog Blue in the months after Shannan's disappearance! The area where Shannan was found was NOT underwater at any point in time! Anyone who doubts me will have to produce pictures (of that specific area) proving me wrong!

We actually have seen a lot of High Definition Aerial Photography of the barrier island but coincidentally the pictures of this exact area are not posted. I know they are out there. But someone doesn't want us to see them for some reason.

Trust me. There is a reason why we haven't heard anything from law enforcement in over 10 weeks. They've checked the pictures that they have access to. The FBI has gone back to the data from the classified camera as well as their high definition camera photos. And I am sure that some amateur aerial photographers have gone back and checked their pictures as well. And guess what, her body is NOT there at that time!
The News12 footage is the best evidence that the special camera was directly over the location in question on April 18, 2011. If her body was there on that day, there is absolutely no question in my mind that it would have been found! Based on the FBI data, they came up with 11 points of interest less than 1/4 mile North of this location. If Shannan was there on 4/18/11, they would have received a BIG HIT in that location! They didn't, which can only mean one thing, she wasn't there.
The News12 footage is the best evidence that the special camera was directly over the location in question on April 18, 2011. If her body was there on that day, there is absolutely no question in my mind that it would have been found! Based on the FBI data, they came up with 11 points of interest less than 1/4 mile North of this location. If Shannan was there on 4/18/11, they would have received a BIG HIT in that location! They didn't, which can only mean one thing, she wasn't there.

Finding remains

(high tech)
I hear what you are saying, but I don't hear any reasoning. I am not saying one way or the other that she was certainly there or not, but from a technology standpoint, I don't think you could see bones clearly when they are amongst branches.

If there was decomp happening you could detect chemicals, but I don't think there was anything but bones at that point. In my opinion it doesn't matter what technology you are using, x-ray, hyper-spectral, radar, superman vision, a bone wrapped in burlap in a thicket of branches is no different than a branch........... Of course as I'm saying this it dawns on me that the metal plate could be detectable...but that close to the parkway could you decipher that plate from any number of small pieces of metal that have flown into the brush from decades of cars flying by? nuts, bolts, cans, lighters, ....
* I am not an expert on this stuff, just my best guess.

I also don't think they would need to re-examine the imagery because if she had decomposed there they could tell by examining the ground. Of course they would still look back that the imagery, but I don't think that is where the definitive answer comes from.

(low tech)
That being said, if we weren't being distract by gadgetry might we be doing a better job of old school detective work? For instance, the G4 and some of the other remains had been discarded on the north side of ocean parkway near gilgo, and the save the beaches organization performs an annual cleanup of the bayside of the island around there. So how is it this group never stumbled upon the human remains? I haven't gone full force into this question, but is it possible that the SK knows exactly what area the group cleans and what area they don't? Well we know who spearheads the beach cleanup effort, and we know her husband would likely know what area is scoured and what area isn't.

Finding remains

(high tech)
I hear what you are saying, but I don't hear any reasoning. I am not saying one way or the other that she was certainly there or not, but from a technology standpoint, I don't think you could see bones clearly when they are amongst branches.

If there was decomp happening you could detect chemicals, but I don't think there was anything but bones at that point. In my opinion it doesn't matter what technology you are using, x-ray, hyper-spectral, radar, superman vision, a bone wrapped in burlap in a thicket of branches is no different than a branch........... Of course as I'm saying this it dawns on me that the metal plate could be detectable...but that close to the parkway could you decipher that plate from any number of small pieces of metal that have flown into the brush from decades of cars flying by? nuts, bolts, cans, lighters, ....
* I am not an expert on this stuff, just my best guess.

I also don't think they would need to re-examine the imagery because if she had decomposed there they could tell by examining the ground. Of course they would still look back that the imagery, but I don't think that is where the definitive answer comes from.

(low tech)
That being said, if we weren't being distract by gadgetry might we be doing a better job of old school detective work? For instance, the G4 and some of the other remains had been discarded on the north side of ocean parkway near gilgo, and the save the beaches organization performs an annual cleanup of the bayside of the island around there. So how is it this group never stumbled upon the human remains? I haven't gone full force into this question, but is it possible that the SK knows exactly what area the group cleans and what area they don't? Well we know who spearheads the beach cleanup effort, and we know her husband would likely know what area is scoured and what area isn't.


The camera wasn't looking for bones. It was looking for HUMAN SKIN!


The 11 "hits" just north of that area were probably from duck hunters in that area rubbing up against the bramble and leaving behind traces of their skin. Just speculation on my part but I've read a lot of material on the internet and this is what I've come up with.
I have to say something that has always bugged me a little, SG remains found 100 yards not 100 feet. That is one football field. It is not as close as one would think next to a road.
I was confused at first also but I just double checked again.
imo close enough for one to escape out of at dawn thou

The camera wasn't looking for bones. It was looking for HUMAN SKIN!


The 11 "hits" just north of that area were probably from duck hunters in that area rubbing up against the bramble and leaving behind traces of their skin. Just speculation on my part but I've read a lot of material on the internet and this is what I've come up with.

gross. I don't have time to read that now, but would there really be any skin left what so ever after an entire summer? I would think that would all be decomposed.

100 yards off the parkway

I just checked the aerial image again, so if sg remains were 100 yards off the parkway, that puts the remains pretty darn close to the end of that eastern most drainage canal.

I wonder if the May 1st situation cause the SK to panic and use the canals way over there as opposed to the canal closer to where she disappeared, where her possessions where found?

Does anyone remember which oak beach resident paid somebody to build a small footbridge to span the canal separating his back yard from the rest of the "marsh"... I hear that back in May or June, I can't recall.... chuck...paul... something like that...
gross. I don't have time to read that now, but would there really be any skin left what so ever after an entire summer? I would think that would all be decomposed.

Plus, the summer of 2010 and then again in 2011 were especially hot in the mid-Atlantic. I know they were for us in DC, the 2 hottest summers on record. I can't imagine it being much different in NY..maybe a few degrees cooler on most days. Still you're talking about day after day of 90+ degree weather. Even near the beach probably in the very high 80s.
Shannan's remains were NOT found 100 Yards off the Ocean Parkway. They were found only 100 FEET off the parkway!
Plus, the summer of 2010 and then again in 2011 were especially hot in the mid-Atlantic. I know they were for us in DC, the 2 hottest summers on record. I can't imagine it being much different in NY..maybe a few degrees cooler on most days. Still you're talking about day after day of 90+ degree weather. Even near the beach probably in the very high 80s.

I used to live in DC back in the day. Hot and Muggy in the summer!

What was the temperature of the water when they were looking for Shannan, I wonder? I would think that the water temp, if her body was submerged, might have an effect on decomp rates?
Shannan's remains were NOT found 100 Yards off the Ocean Parkway. They were found only 100 FEET off the parkway!

I have read forum posts saying this but media articles saying yards.

and like I said I had mixed that up myself seeing the conflicting reports, by all means please show us the 100 feet ones. It always bugs me.
ok now this is weird
I grabbed a screen shot of where her remains were found including the map key.
It is definitely beyond 100 feet.
However it is a bit less then 100 yards. So not surprised at the reports from journalists. No wonder I was confused at first or as with reading the articles on this case.
What I did is copy the 50 feet length from the key, you can see in red. Then I doubled it exactly with ps, giving me 100 feet. Then I made 3 layers of that to equal 100 yards. You can see the 3 segments of the 100 feet in the line. To me it looks like just over 200 feet. weird
wasn't sure which thread to post this & I'm sure many of you already read this statement before but thought I'd post anyway...

We know that CPH wife had said the only thing he's ever been guilty of was being late to dinner....

but in the JJFieldnotes piece this was stated:

Countless times, she tells us, he wouldn’t make it home for dinner because he was out helping someone who needed assistance in one way or another. It’s just the way he is, she says.


So, it was countless times that CPH was unaccounted for.
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