Possible Victim: Shannan Gilbert

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I think there is a lot of evidence to suggest that Shannan was disoriented and confused that night.
Definitely, she's high (Brewer too, but that's a different story), and she's already known for freaking out when she's high. Nevertheless, in the words of Joseph Heller, "Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you”
I've always found it weird that MP, SG's driver and protection, allowed her to go out alone with JB. Doesn't that defeat the purpose of having protection?

I'm not saying that I think MP is involved, just that it makes no sense.
I can acquiesce... SG could have been delusional and/or under the influence of something.

BUT (always my big ol' but ;)), I think it's impossible to believe that she traversed her way (without pants and shoes) through brambles/brush (which LE used heavy machinery to plow through) to end up where her remains were found. 'Ain't no way that was an accident... imo.
Here's something that I've been wondering about. I'd like to ask for everyone's feedback. I may not have all the info, so I welcome corrections, along with supporting or counter arguments. TIA!

What if...

The person who killed the GB4 dumped them AFTER Shannon went missing? What of this guy saw all the commotion and media regarding Shannon, and saw an opportunity to move/dump the GB4 victims near Oak Beach and Joseph Brewer, thereby ensuring that LE's focus stayed off him and on Oak Beach?

Do we know how long those bodies were there? Did LE ever say? Does anyone know WHEN the media started reporting about SG?

What do you think?
Here's something that I've been wondering about. I'd like to ask for everyone's feedback. I may not have all the info, so I welcome corrections, along with supporting or counter arguments. TIA!

What if...

The person who killed the GB4 dumped them AFTER Shannon went missing? What of this guy saw all the commotion and media regarding Shannon, and saw an opportunity to move/dump the GB4 victims near Oak Beach and Joseph Brewer, thereby ensuring that LE's focus stayed off him and on Oak Beach?

Do we know how long those bodies were there? Did LE ever say? Does anyone know WHEN the media started reporting about SG?

What do you think?

I mean that sounds like the story of JB and the drifter loading up the uhaul....The manorville remains had been on OP for sometime because one had plants growing thru it
What if...

The person who killed the GB4 dumped them AFTER Shannon went missing?
With at least two of them, that has to be the case - Megan Waterman and Amber Lynn Costello both went missing after Shannan did. But I think it would be very difficult to prove if the bodies had been there since each died, or if they were moved there some time after.
Can't help thinking about the guy and the girl seen. in JBrewer's basement, by one of our members who went to look at the property when it went up for sale. She said that place smelled to high heaven. Maybe SG caught a glimpse or scent of something foul.

I wonder if one JMB ever did work for JBrewer on his rental properties.
Anyone ever hear a description, other than a rental truck, re: the midnight dark move of JB and some mystery person?
so was she deceased by however at the spot she was found, or placed there--what say everyone?
with everything I read on this site it seems this women took a drug by her self or unknowly and saw something that made her fear for her life. The confusion of the drugs , I think made her afraid of her driver. I think the killer was in or near that house.I think the other women were brought to this area He is central in long island . In AC different story , has a boat may use it to lure them ,4 near motel easy street girls near casino but not on top of casino area. I think he started in AC then after the 4 were found he went north to long island. ?? Has there been any missing women ? Now?
Sometimes events that seem connected just aren't. This is one of those events. JMO. :)
In AC you have four prostitutes in an area right in back of a motel. You run the risk of being seen unless you are very comfortable with the idea that you will not be seen. At Gilgo there are 4 bodies dropped and one gal (SG) that got away and they are all in the same area. GILGO area is pretty much a closed area. The Oak Beach folks are so ingrained they hold the land you build your home on. In other words when you own a house on Oak Beach you don't own the land underneath it. This is to keep control of those that go in and out of Oak Beach - no undesirables or strangers are welcome.

Does anyone really want to believe the Gilgo Beach killer(s) didn't feel comfortable disposing of 4 bodies in that area? I doubt if there are many secrets not known to the Oak Beach Association.
I think there is a lot of evidence to suggest that Shannan was disoriented and confused that night. We have Brewer claiming that she went into the bathroom, and when she emerged she was acting erradically. She was acting so strangely that her driver, Michael Pak, says he had to ask her what movie she had seen that evening in an effort determine her mental state. We have Colletti saying he tried to ask her questions, and she just stared at him and kept saying, "They're trying to kill me!". Colletti also recounts that when he told her police were coming, she fled the house, falling down his porch stairs. We have Det. Varrone saying that he heard the 911 call and Shannan sounded out of it. The 911 dispatcher tried to ask her questions, and she either couldn't or wouldn't respond to those questions. She didn't know where she was.

That's a lot of different people reporting the same thing. They aren't ALL lying or mistaken, imo. If we add in Pak's statement that Gilbert and Brewer got into the car and left the house for a brief period of time, and Shannan's call to CVS some time after they returned, it isn't hard to draw the conclusion that Shannan was in some kind of drug stupor when she fled the house. That's not an established fact, of course, but there's enough evidence which points to that for me to think it's a fairly reasonable conclusion.

All just MOO.

Yep, ALL those people reported the same thing EXCEPT for one person... the SCPD detective who wrote to Newsday.

Someone help me out here... What was that detective's name? And, was it Newsday or some other publication???

** Found it myself :)

Det Vincent Stephan:

"In the house at Oak Beach, Gilbert was not about to be murdered. Her demeanor on the tape was calm. You can hear male voices on the tape, and they are calm. At no time during this call was she desperate. From what I heard on the call, Gilbert was not speaking as if she were in danger."

more within the links here:


JMO... Vinny's pants were aflame when writing that letter.
It was Stephan that had the murder case of a Peter Ghattas - 9/24/03 and never solved that one either. In part that murder is one of the reasons I am here ranting and yelling for people to hear me.

Ghattas was brought in by other detectives in an attempt to bring down a wide-spread criminal ring operating mostly in Suffolk County. After detectives finished interviewing him they brought him to Spota's office where now - Chief Burke was then the chief investigator. The person Ghattas was giving the detectives the most information on was Burke's neighbor Joseph Careccia. They were neighbors living four houses apart from 1998-2002. Three weeks after detectives brought Ghattas to the DA office he was murdered outside of a drug location in Ronkonkoma.

One month later detectives went to Parkland, FL to fetch Careccia and bring him back to LI for investigation in that murder. They never made a case against him. Instead, Careccia gave detectives information my former son in law, a then former SCPD police officer was acting as a lookout for them in several burglaries and a stick-up. Those detectives did their job and I am told after investigating these allegations told the DA they wanted no part of this case because Careccia couldn't be believed. Spota got someone else to do it and while doing so he never told that supervising detective that Joe Careccia was Burke's neighbor. The very first crime that Careccia told detectives that the SIL did was a robbery of Strathmore Bagels on 7/25/00. That statement was made on 11/13/03. It was later to be proven a lie as the SIL had documented and irrefutable evidence he was in Europe from 7/18 thru 7/27/03 or didn't return until two days after that robbery. But that didn't stop them from creating other lies for Careccia and two other criminals to tell at trial.

Now we have one of Suffolk's Finest telling us another pile of horse manure when he said he found nothing of SG's 23 minute 911 call that suggested her life was in danger, or believed to be in danger.

He writes said letter to Newsday when his bosses knew he was going to retire and asked him to do them a favor. He is truly a Man for All Seasons, or what they call a STAND UP GUY..
In or about 2000 ( I have the exact date and crime not readily available ) that a burglary was committed upon a relative of a detective in the SCPD. That burglary was committed by Joseph Careccia and three others. James Burke called that detective and requested if he could find out the details of that arrest. The detective believing he was doing nothing wrong - another police officer was asking him for information and he didn't know why did his best to comply with that request. I believe he is of another opinion, now.

Joe Careccia was Burke's neighbor at the time. Joe Careccia pretty much walked from that crime doing only a few months in Riverhead while the others did 3 years or more. One of those burglars did an extra 18 months in jail because a gun was found in the car when SC police officers found and arrested the burglars. If there is no one to take ownership of the gun then the 4 of them can be charged with the crime. It was then ( and this is part of a trial testimony in the SIL case) that Careccia offered one of the others, a David Cipkin to take ownership of that weapon as Cipkin at the least of a criminal record and would receive lesser time than the others. Careccia, and Cipkin testified at the trial that Careccia promised Cipkin 200-250K to take that charge so they could avoid a more extensive sentence. Cipkin, another witness in that case testified he never received a dime, and Careccia affirmed that in his testimony. The 12 morons sitting on the jury thought that was a riot and laughed as well as Careccia when he told the jury after being asked if he ever gave Cipkin the promised bribe, he laughed and said, "well, that is a lot of money."

SO HOW IS THE ABOVE POSSIBLY BE CONNECTED TO GILGO? The answer is simple: CAN you BELIEVE ANYTHING THESE PEOPLE HAVE BEEN SAYING IN THE GILGO MURDER CASE, and when you put it together with the Stephan letter to Newsday. And that is what I have been trying to drum into your heads for the past several years.

This same Burke was openly accused by his own police department's IAB as having a long standing affair with a known crack head prostitute, some times in his patrol car while he was working. That on at least two occasions he gave his personal automobile to this woman with his police weapon in that car. That those charges were SUBSTANTIATED BY IAB IN 1995. That he was brought in for a deposition in a divorce case in 2000 and was specifically asked by the lawyer representing the husband of the woman that Burke had live in his home, and asked something like this: Did you ever have a relationship with a prostitute or have one living in your home other than in the line of duty. His answer was a flat, NO. You should also note that Burke was represented at that hearing by Tom Spota's partner, J.O'Rourke, or, in other words the law firm of Spota and O'Rourke.

And Spota still fell fit to have Burke run his campaign for DA in 2001, and after he won election and took office in 2002, brought Burke in to head up his detective squad.

After Spota and his Chief Investigator Burke took care of Levy and opened the door for Bellone to assume the office of CE, the first thing Bellone did was to put this monster in as Chief of Department. In military terms Bellone jumped Burke from a colonel to a four star general, and by virtue of his authority over sees the Gilgo murder case. A man that has been substantiated as one who would take advantage of a prostitute, if not others is now heading the investigation into the murders of four prostitutes, if not 5, if you believe SG was murdered.
And let us all not forget Burke's role he played for Tom Spota in the infamous murder case of a 13 year old named John Pius Jr., in 1979. That is when Little James Burke, then 14 years first met Tom Spota and it has been a 'marriage made in hell' ever since.

Check out that case and see where Burke's testimony severely conflicted with the testimony of the testimony of John Pius Sr., when he described how he found his son and his son's bike against a tree. Read the story Newsday wrote about that testimony and draw your own conclusions why those reporters wrote what they did.

Then read Jesse Kornbluth's story he wrote in NY Magazine and try to understand what he was implying as to what was going on in Smithtown during that time when the murder occurred.
Hawkshaw, I have read a little about the Pius case and it is sickening and very sad for that family.It is a nightmare situation for the folks of SC where the fox is guarding the chicken house. Maybe it is more like leaving a wolf to guard the lambs.
You folks should read an NYPD Site known as THEE RANT. They have a Thread called SCPD Defectives WTF. It will give you a pretty good idea what you are dealing with.
Hawkshaw, I have read a little about the Pius case and it is sickening and very sad for that family.It is a nightmare situation for the folks of SC where the is guarding the chicken house. Maybe it is more like leaving a wolf to guard the lambs.
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