Possible Victim: Shannan Gilbert

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Good to see you on board, again. It always amazed me how a guy/gal half way around the world and on the other side of the equator can see what others standing right next to the problem can't see.

Bad news Department. When the trial of the SIL was going on who do you think was hanging out in your neck of the woods? Who knows if he used your homeland to jump off to Thailand. He must have had such a good time that when he came back he had to take another vacation in Palm Beach area in Florida

BTW!!! Everything I said in Post 828 is exactly true. Burke's neighbor was brought back from Florida on 10/28/03, and put in area hotels and motels in Suffolk for possibly one year. The lie that only the cops could have given him to tell was a LIE! They knew it!!! They were relying on the fact the robbery occurred 5 years ago and who is going to be able to prove where they were on any given night?

THIS is why I have been battering away on the SIL case. IF you only believe 1/2 of what I have said you must ask yourself do they really think they can lie about anything, apparently, they can because they got a detective to write a letter to Newsday he heard the 911 Tape and found nothing that indicated SG was in trouble. IMO!! that very fact alone should be enough to start an investigation of what was going on in the SCPD.
Good to see you on board, again. It always amazed me how a guy/gal half way around the world and on the other side of the equator can see what others standing right next to the problem can't see.

Bad news Department. When the trial of the SIL was going on who do you think was hanging out in your neck of the woods? Who knows if he used your homeland to jump off to Thailand. He must have had such a good time that when he came back he had to take another vacation in Palm Beach area in Florida

BTW!!! Everything I said in Post 828 is exactly true. Burke's neighbor was brought back from Florida on 10/28/03, and put in area hotels and motels in Suffolk for possibly one year. The lie that only the cops could have given him to tell was a LIE! They knew it!!! They were relying on the fact the robbery occurred 5 years ago and who is going to be able to prove where they were on any given night?

THIS is why I have been battering away on the SIL case. IF you only believe 1/2 of what I have said you must ask yourself do they really think they can lie about anything, apparently, they can because they got a detective to write a letter to Newsday he heard the 911 Tape and found nothing that indicated SG was in trouble. IMO!! that very fact alone should be enough to start an investigation of what was going on in the SCPD.

Very true. I always thought that bit was very strange. I never understood why that detective felt compelled to write a letter to the papers... I get it now.
They are such arrogant stupid sons of *****es they can't separate the lies from the truth to make them believable for someone with a brain of an IQ higher than a midget's shoe size.

I was in the police business for 29 years and I can tell you without a scintilla of doubt NO cop is going to write a letter such as Stephan wrote unless he was asked to do it by higher-ups. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.

Coincidentally, it was the same detective that was the assigned detective for the Peter Ghattas murder (9/24/03) that is still unsolved although the suspects are falling out of the trees.

They rely on the BIG LIE that ordinary people, including me would say NOBODY would dare make up such lies if they weren't true. Truth is that is what stymied me for so long trying to assess the SIL's guilt or innocence.

I brought a complaint against Spota to the then NYS Investigation Commission. Two SIC investigators interviewed me. They were former NYPD detectives. the first thing they asked me IS: WHY WOULD THEY (scpd/da) want to frame my son in law. OK, fair question. I responded: You first have to understand what they are capable of to understand. One investigator looked at the other investigator and they both smiled. One said to the other: " Don't worry we KNOW what they are capable of." And that is a QUTOE. And they both had a chuckle. They could have cared less what I had to say about Spota. The ONLY thing that interested them was my communications with the then AG Andrew Cuomo. The then- governor spitzer needed to know that.

You really can't make this up.
I don't think Burke is LISK. Never did.
That woman said it at the sentencing.

I do believe that he could have found out WHO LISK was if he
put his energy into it. Burke is a very powerful man. L.I. is his kingdom and domain.

He is certainly a better suspect than millions of others are. You can be a 'suspect' simply because you seem to be be defending him. I could be an even better suspect simply because of who I am and what I I have been writing.
I really try to be responsible when making accusations against the DA and the Burkes of the PD. I believe if I posted everything I heard about Burke over the past 10 years it would make you hair stand up on your heads.
It should be obvious to anyone that read the affair Burke had with the known felon/prostitute is that someone in the SCPD leaked that document to Newsday. No, James Burke was not beloved by ALL.
What the readers should also be made aware of is Burke’s lackey Tom Spota attempted to get ALL of Burke’s IAB records sent to his office so that he could protect this misfit from the public/press. Spota wanted to ‘secure’ those investigation reports because knew if ALL documents were released or leaked it would bring great harm to all of them.
Spota had no standing in this matter, but he tried to do it anyway. IF Spota had any standing he would possibly have it because it was a violation of The PUBLIC OFFICER’ LAW 50 a.
My theory about how LISK convinces the girls to leave their cell phones at home...

He tells them he suffers from an arrhythmia medical condition. And because of his cardiac pacemaker, or an implantable cardioverter defibrillator in his chest, he cannot be around cell phone technology. Whether this is a lie he uses, or the possibility that he really does have an implanted device, it's a good and quick way of getting the girls to let their guards down and leave their phones behind.

That doctor who interjected himself into Shannan Gilbert's case has an ICD. I remember seeing this interview where he was being filmed and his ICD starts giving him trouble and he falls to the ground. It can be seen here:

Link to NY Post article showing that LE did not search Brewer's house and vehicle until Dec. 2010. Also in the article is Justin Canning's quote that he saw SG's footprints in the sand which he now denies. Second link is to a local article showing him (Canning) being arrested for heroin in 2015!


Lol ....its like a deck of cards....slowly one by one they are all going to fall...
Good to see you on board, again. It always amazed me how a guy/gal half way around the world and on the other side of the equator can see what others standing right next to the problem can't see.

Bad news Department. When the trial of the SIL was going on who do you think was hanging out in your neck of the woods? Who knows if he used your homeland to jump off to Thailand. He must have had such a good time that when he came back he had to take another vacation in Palm Beach area in Florida

BTW!!! Everything I said in Post 828 is exactly true. Burke's neighbor was brought back from Florida on 10/28/03, and put in area hotels and motels in Suffolk for possibly one year. The lie that only the cops could have given him to tell was a LIE! They knew it!!! They were relying on the fact the robbery occurred 5 years ago and who is going to be able to prove where they were on any given night?

THIS is why I have been battering away on the SIL case. IF you only believe 1/2 of what I have said you must ask yourself do they really think they can lie about anything, apparently, they can because they got a detective to write a letter to Newsday he heard the 911 Tape and found nothing that indicated SG was in trouble. IMO!! that very fact alone should be enough to start an investigation of what was going on in the SCPD.

Never left.......always reading.
i absolutely think burke is involved up to his neck in lisk i peg him as the asian killer. I think you have a group all had power and powerful friends and protection. We just watched 1 minute 15 seconds on the four burlap sacks in the new doc last night i hope. I came forward at that time. Cause i always had a feeling about this case a feeling like watching a season of dexter with the barrel girls. It is what i initially thought. Burke likes beating people so the group gets the working girl turns out to be the man he does his thing. The minute fifteen to dispose of a body say is not ideal but if you have burke sitting upwind watch out he can tell the other member or members whats going on. He would also know what his force was doing when is the right times so you can put 4 bodies almost exactly in a place at different times!! So yes you got the billionaire playboy or millionaire who kills himself when sg is found? convenintly by doctor bad.who owned manufactured said bags. A boys club bad boys club rare sure but its happened. I would like to know all of the playboy i call him and burks friends id like to know ties with foti etc.. Is very interesting to me now hawk your mentioning the da? When i first thought of this now we got a new da finally fbi in I said to self da and chief of police? I had a dream of such a thing and started writing a book a couple years ago havent finished only difference was they took boys. Maybe what drew me here.
I know or believe I know a lot of stuff on Burke. One very credible person I know told me flat out how he went to Gossips, a Strip Club and regularly screwed the dancers in the basement or went to area hotels to screw them.

I went there to meet a guy that was visiting friends and we met at Gossips. We walked in without paying the $`10 cover charge and it seemed like an Old Home Meeting.
i will go back and read everything as i have time:) lots of great work here im sure. I do have a question the ID stuff last week on SG it stated at end mother was dead and how i read it sister killed sg's mom? Is this real? I think is convenient the location but maybe the good dr is part of the boys club. Maybe thats why playboy panicked and took own life? I cannot find anything online major cover up? scpd seems ripe with problems besides not having a clue how to work this case. 10 bodies dont let the fbi in what is this. Keep up the good work people this is how others have fallen is like dominoes. I will say foti how he answered that call is someone who has limited control dangerous for sure but why the veiled or unveiled threat if he was the brains to trick these women he had to have a lot better game than that!! they like to play games we know sg said they are trying to kill me. They wont release the call but we know that is one fact. I want t work on with those that will work with me at putting the characters together how they tie together. They made mistakes a lot of them. This is imho very solvable.
My theory about how LISK convinces the girls to leave their cell phones at home...

He tells them he suffers from an arrhythmia medical condition. And because of his cardiac pacemaker, or an implantable cardioverter defibrillator in his chest, he cannot be around cell phone technology. Whether this is a lie he uses, or the possibility that he really does have an implanted device, it's a good and quick way of getting the girls to let their guards down and leave their phones behind.

That doctor who interjected himself into Shannan Gilbert's case has an ICD. I remember seeing this interview where he was being filmed and his ICD starts giving him trouble and he falls to the ground. It can be seen here:


This is a very interesting theory. Dr. Hackett is a weird character who seems to be craving the attention. I only found out about this case recently (I live in Europe) and so many questions I've had have been answered just by reading the topics on this forum. Dr Hackett is still a weird case. If he has nothing to do with the case, why is he so eager to get involved? Narcissistic habits can lead to this, but even then it seems far-fetched. Could he have anything to do with luring the girls to Oak Beach? This theory seems to indicate this. Shannan's belongings were found next to/behind his house, he called Shannan's mom before she was even reported missing (If I'm correct). All of this seems very shady
I believe Hackett didn't do the actual killing, but he certainly is an accomplice.

There was a theory floating around that Hackett was stalking some people who dissed him from their "groups". Supposedly He would stalk the escorts they used as well.
Maybe he was trying to set them up for murder? Wouldn't the calls he made to the victims families make them quickly aware their family member was missing?
What has intrigued me is the thought that if Hackett didn't call SG's family, they would not have found those bodies (or found them years later). I am not willing to state Hackett is not the killer. From what I have read about serial killers (from all over the world) I know never to rule out anything or anyone. He might not look like a dangerous predator in this clip Kodiak referred to (The Youtube link) but everyone has a side we never show to anyone. The theory of the community being responsible as a whole and Hackett slipping up, revealing the dark secret, seems too weird to believe, but again: I don't rule anything out.

If Hackett is not directly involved in the killing, he has to know something. Such a small community can hold a lot of secrets and in such a small community, I would not be surprised if things are covered up by either the residents or law enforcement.
Just a reminder to please stay on topic in the various threads.

This thread is dedicated to discussion of the Shannan Gilbert case, and some off topic posts have been removed.

It seems to me, given what I've read and watched at this point, that Hackett either:
1) Is one of those awkward attention seekers who throws themselves into an investigation in order to gain attention they would otherwise not receive, and regretted it afterward. Or,
2) He was unintentionally responsible for her death and attempted to cover it up with a sort of shooting from the hip method, and regretted it.

Here's what I know about him and the situation. She was dropped off by her driver at his neighbor's place. She had a history of mental illness and drug abuse/use. She called the police stating that persons were trying to kill her. She was either calm during the call or hysterical, depending on whose account. (That point, in my mind is moot, anyway because whether or not she actually felt threatened doesn't change where she ended up). She beat on the doors of at least one neighbor's house seeking assistance of some kind. The driver and the john both passed polygraph tests, which, is also very insignificant in my mind because they're not even legitimate enough to be admissible in a court of law. She ended up in the marsh, face down, unclothed, a quarter mile from her belongings. Neighbors of the doctor testified (via affidavit?) that he routinely prescribed medication in an illegal way.

Did she bang on his door amidst a panic attack, and he gave her something to calm her down, which may or may not have assisted in her untimely demise? Did he call her mother afterward in order to throw her off as to his accidental involvement in her death, then realized that the call itself implicated him so he denied it and then later accepted (the call) but not the conversation topic? Maybe he moved her body in an effort to hide her after accidentally giving her a fatal dose of something. Were there toxicology options during either of the autopsies done? People said that there were foot prints left in the marsh, but never said if they were matched to her shoe size and pattern. He seems shady, and was proven to have lied to some extent. But I haven't read anything that leads me to believe that he was guilty of anything more than paranoia and/or stupidity.
It doesn't help that the body wasn't discovered for how long? Why did police not search for the source of a 911 caller right away? Was not her body discovered directly adjacent to this neighborhood? Why didn't her driver follow her into the marsh or to the neighbors' homes, to at least ask her to stop bothering people, or, you know, to help ensure her safety? Everything I've learned leaves me with double the questions that I've yet to see answered, or even brought up.
The john, the driver, and the disturbed neighbors didn't press the issue to search for her? It all seems very irresponsible on so many levels by so many different parties.
Pretty soon you won't have to worry about staying on topic because sooner or later those folks, if not most folks will STOP posting.
Just a reminder to please stay on topic in the various threads.

This thread is dedicated to discussion of the Shannan Gilbert case, and some off topic posts have been removed.


Why were the messages deleted instead of moved to the correct thread? These were replies to questions which are still visible in the thread. It would be nice if the time posters spend putting the messages together, is not going to waste by deleting the messages.
The Rules, for anyone still confused by post deletions. Please address your queries directly with the Mods, if needed, off thread.


Thank you for being helpful and prompt in resolving this. The thread is meant to focus on other than where you're going with this ssvoogle.

I for one do not appreciate losing focus of important avenues of consideration with such concerns.
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