Possibly breaking news.......... not sure

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Nov 2, 2007
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i just read on another board that misty's brother ratted her out and that haleigh is in a pond near the property and that le is draining the pond. sorry if this has already been posted.

this is what it said

I'll keep you posted but I live in Putnam County, and my sister in law just called and told me that they heard over the police scanner that Misty's little brother ratted her out and they know where Hayleighs dead body is. I can't find any news saying if it's true or not, but I sure hope it is.

found this on twitter

KMROSEBROCK: RT @WeeLaura: BREAKING: Body of Hayleigh Cummings possibly found in pond near her home. ( Cops EVERYWHERE.) Source: see orig. tweet.
about 1 hour ago from
And I would add that the truth and Ms. Anthony are strangers
PJ's thnk you. From the moment Hank was arrested, we saw the huge bail bond, we all knew something was amiss witht he amount. I've had a theory not posted all along and Hank has always played into it. He was there that evening, supposedly called by Ron to check on Misty due to her not answering her phone. So we know reasonably Hank wouldn't have gotten an answer either if he tried calling to check on her, so his only other option was to go over there, thus placing him there at the scene again.

Supposedly LE is out with dive teams searching a pond. Several web sites are posting possible rumors that they are looking for Haleigh.

Also reports they have had helicopters out with search teams looking for pot fields and totally un-related to Haleighs case.

LE has been cryptic in my opinion in interviews they have given today to the media concerning Hank, searches and receiving information.
This could be it guys. I think Hank has talked. Hoping Haleigh gets found and brought home to her family.
Thank you for the news however I think this should be in the rumor mill especially with names attached.

I hope to God that Haleigh is found tonight and brought back to her family :(
Thank you for the news however I think this should be in the rumor mill especially with names attached.

I hope to God that Haleigh is found tonight and brought back to her family :(

no, we've followed searches and possible activities in LE before it's actually confirmed in an article. In real time as it happened and un-folded. I'm going to go look around and see about all the activities buzzing around in several places.
Scanner is quiet. I wonder if they switched to an off channel?

I am literally sick at my stomach right now
cajun how long will you be on and keep the scanner going? To me, if cops are out there searching for Haleigh, why now? Why right after Tommy's arrest and talking with Linday?
Could Tommy have said something like, "I'll talk, but I want to talk with my wife first", or he did talk under the conditions he would get to meet in person with his wife afterwards. That may explain why some here have been wondering why Lindsay was told to go to the jail to answer questions.
according to this it is not true, also mentionsd a false rumor of misty shooting herself.

edit: url removed

Misty is alive and well, she has not committed suicide by shooting herself! This is another fine example of all that is wrong with some internet news sources. Lets call him ‘Joe Idiot’. Our friend just created havoc through his actions. Using a spoofed IP he managed to get a message out that was the equivalent of a 911 call. Misty Croslin-Cummings has shot herself.

Another rumor doing the blogs is that LE are draining a swamp. This is Bull . This is what happens with third hand, eye witnesses!
i for one hope its a rumor. i was reluctant to post for this exact reason. I hope i haven't caused trouble by doing so.
I do not think it's rumor about something being drained and they have been told Haleigh's body is there. This was posted on twitter by a confirmed family member.
according to this it is not true, also mentionsd a false rumor of misty shooting herself.
edit: url removed
Part of this may be true, e.g., the searching & diving in the dark. We will have to wait and see.
LOL, if this rumor were true Haleigh's grandma Marie wouldn't be posting otherwise :)
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