Post-Verdict: I am sick and heartbroken

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My head is pounding. I do not understand this at all. Why? How does it not come across as murder? It makes no sense. How can they believe she is not guilty? What if it is because of JBs lie in opening statement.

Sick to my stomach!! Where will ICA go? she will always have the I before her name as far as I'm concerned. Poor GA , or maybe not--- he needs to get out of that house now.
Is there no G-d? I am so sorry baby girl. This is not justice.
I hope the jurors feel ashamed of their selves today. They were Caylees last chance at some sort of justice

The scales of justice are leaning heavily tonight

God Bless America but just who blesses the innocent American murdered child
I said it weeks ago and i will say it again. This is a peek into what hell looks like. The entire DT and the defendant are the face of evil.
What a sad sad day, no justice for Caylee , bless you sweet angel, one day your mother will face her judgement from god and be sent straight to hell
Those 12 cowardly beings couldn't even show face and discuss their decision. This is mind boggling. I cannot wrap my mind around any scenario that they could have all unanimously found her not guilty on all the murder charges. I cannot believe HHJP let the verdict stand. I was so wrong about him. He had the choice to override and he chose not to. Has our world really come to the point that nobody but a handful of people will stand up for what's right? I am not proud to be an American today.
I may get tossed off of here. Not sure. Don't mean to be rude. But this jury didn't have 3 brain cells to rub together. How could they possibly come to this decision. I was listening to some info about them and it seems that many have been involved with the law themselves. DUI's, beating a family member, and several other crimes. How did the prosecution let them on the jury??
I don't know what happened here. I've read that sequestration does strange things to juries, but maybe that's just a coincidence.

But don't give up on the system. I've been on two juries (one acquittal, one conviction) and both functioned quite well.

It's hard for us to imagine what the jury heard without all the extra noise we were getting and the discussions we were having when the jurors were forced to remain silent.
Thanks for your insight from being on a jury in the past. I'm glad that your experience was a good one.

The thing that I can't get over is that SINCE (not if) the jury was 100% wrong and have found ICA not guilty of murdering Caylee when ALL of the evidence points straight to her I have to also admit that juries must have also been wrong the other way. That means that innocent people must have been convicted with our justice system. That is something that I can NOT and will not ever choose to be a part of. Ever.
I have been unable to get on the thread. Sick. Sick to my stomach. Completely opposite of what I predicted. I could not have been more wrong. Listening to the verdict was like a dream - a nightmare. Even the clerk was horrified. Her voice shook as she read it.

Now casey, the sociopath, who killed her kid in part because she didn't want to work, will get book deals, interview money, a movie deal, etc. She won't have to work.

I am stunned and very, very saddened. It is not justice.

Followed it on CNN tonight over here and I am in tears. Didn't want to get drawn in, but I was though I didn't post. Am sick for Caylee, she did not have justice.
But I think, even though Casey will get the interviews and the deals, she will just want to party and won't be smart with the money. Eventually she'll go through it and then discover that the media have moved on from her. Don't know when or how, but I'm certain we'll hear about her being in front of a judge again.
My heart hurts so bad. I'm trying so very hard to stop crying In front of my kids. I'm sick about this. My 14 year old daughter started crying. I just can't believe this is happening! How in the world can the these people live their lives after this horrible choice they've made??? It's been a really long time since I've hurt this bad. It makes me SICK to have to look at her! Watching Baez hug her after the verdict is disgusting! It will take a very long time to get over the disgust and hurt I feel right now. The only justice in this case is... In the end, God WILL find her guilty of murdering Caylee.
Someone should remind CM of HIS early statement on her guilt. How dare he be so sanctimonious!
I heard that Cindy was smiling. I saw George & he didn't look happy. They actually left while the judge was addressing the jury. Does anyone think they will welcome her home? This is just jaw dropping. I kind of understood the OJ verdict because of the celebrity & the racial tensions in LA. But KC was an unknown & there was no other issue concerning her race, etc. I mean, HOW do they explain the 31 days? The stealing from her friend, mother, grandparents? Constant shopping at Target, the video store the VERY DAY Caylee supposedly died? The tattoo? The jailhouse call Linda played? I mean, come on!! What a huge WASTE of time sequestering this jury. They obviously didn't look at anything! I can't even watch any of the stations covering it in fear I will have to listen to Baez gloat & see KC smiling & laughing knowing she got away with murder! So the answer is to lie unabashedly!! Un-freaking-believable!!!!!!
Laboring for justice three years for nothing. I just found out today that something really stinks, yet it is to be ignored.

I`m sorry for everyone.
You know.......I joined this forum RIGHT after Haleigh Cummings went missing and was completed disgusted and then got absorbed in this case. I'm done. I am officially done. I am emotionally exhausted and disgusted! Goodluck to the rest of you that can handle researching/analyzing these cases......i can't do it anymore. God bless Caylee and May Karma come to ICA swiftly!!!
JA, LDB, and all who worked hard for CAYLEE, our heart is with you.
What most of us feared from the beginning actually happened. She got away with it. There are no words.
What SHOCKS me is that they didn't even find her guilty of the lesser murder charges. I AM FEELING SICK. I bet the prosecution AND Judge Perry are feeling sick. 12 jurors who probably got in wanting to find her not guilty. That is the only explanation I can find. 12
Stealth jurors. The ones who were HONEST admitted that they thought she was guilty. These 12 jurors fooled us all.
Casey Anthony had a date
And wrapped her kid in silver tape
When the world knew what she deserved
The jury only gave her the time she served.
Even with the Zenaida case Casey will settle that case with all the $$$$$$$$$$ she will get. She will be a millionaire in a couple of months.
I just don't understand...

I am so sad right now. I am shaking, on the verge of tears and I feel nauseous.

I didn't have much faith in the justice system here before, but now whatever I did have has been completely shot.

Poor baby Caylee. I'm sorry, baby girl. :(
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