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That wouldn't surprise me... I anticipated a change of venue and sequestered jury.

I don't think it will make a lot of difference.... child killers don't glean much sympathy from jurors regardless of where they are from.

Thanks for the link!!
I say move it. You could move it to Iceland and it wouldn't matter one iota... I think they have the goods on Huckaby. moo
The thought process in the report is that the people of Tracy were physically looking for her and are too emtionally invested since allegedly MH knew where she was while the residents were out pounding the pavement. they don;t disagree that other people in different counties are following the case, but they are not quite as emotional about it as Tracy residents.
The thought process in the report is that the people of Tracy were physically looking for her and are too emtionally invested since allegedly MH knew where she was while the residents were out pounding the pavement. they don;t disagree that other people in different counties are following the case, but they are not quite as emotional about it as Tracy residents.

JBEAN, you are correct- the emotional connection is not the same as here in Tracy for other areas. But I would go even further to say that press information has not been there for those out of area... it just isn't being seeked out/followed like those of us in Tracy are doing. I work out in the SF bay area and live in Tracy. When speaking with collegues about this case, they are not aware of so much that has transpired:

1. They are not aware of the odd interview MH gave to the Tracy press before she was arrested.

2. They are not aware of the nature of the Clover Road Baptist Church... they think it is a typical Christian church with a large congregation.

3. They think MH was a bona fide sunday school teacher.. they are not aware that the Clover road church has not had regular svcs, and only has congregation of 20 members or so (as quoted in the press by family member of MH).

4. They are not aware of MH's swallowing of exacto knife blades.

They seem to only know that a "Sunday school teacher" that was soo sweet was arrested for this crime. They know Sandra was found in a suitcase in a pond. They know the church was investigated, but are unsure of its relationship to the case. They just have not been following this as closely as the local residents have.

I HOPE/PRAY that LE has evidence that will convict MH. I am sure it is pretty compelling, what with the judge's comments. I can only hope that justice is served regardless what the venue is. JMHO!!:)
I had you in mind when I wrote my post snapdragon. i can tell from your posts what a toll this and other tragedies have taken on your town.
I can't say I'm surprised but am a bit disappointed they would take it down to LA. I also live and work in the Bay Area and as snapdragon pointed out, except for a few people, most don't follow it as closely as we do.

Perhaps they feel San Jose is too close to Tracy?
I am not that taken with the 'reporter' Steve Gregory's reporting skills:

"KFI's Steve Gregory reports a possible trial for the Sunday school teacher could end up in Los Angeles County."
This seems to me to be utter speculation, which others have done as well, but he does not back it up with any facts. Also, he is reporting to a largely Los Angeles County audience, what better way to grab attention for the radio station.

Secondly, in his video 'tour', the house that he identifies as being that of the Lawless family is totally the wrong house.

So, anything he has to say about change of venue at this point in time and specifically to Los Angeles County, is wishful thinking on his part, in my opinion.
I think moving it all the way to Los Angeles would be overkill. I agree it could be moved to the Bay Area or even Fresno, Merced, Stockton, Sacramento with the same result. Los Angeles is a long way away and would be very expensive for all the attorneys, LE, etc. Just not necessary.

I am not that taken with the 'reporter' Steve Gregory's reporting skills:

"KFI's Steve Gregory reports a possible trial for the Sunday school teacher could end up in Los Angeles County."
This seems to me to be utter speculation, which others have done as well, but he does not back it up with any facts. Also, he is reporting to a largely Los Angeles County audience, what better way to grab attention for the radio station.

Secondly, in his video 'tour', the house that he identifies as being that of the Lawless family is totally the wrong house.

So, anything he has to say about change of venue at this point in time and specifically to Los Angeles County, is wishful thinking on his part, in my opinion.
Oh you are probably right, but I can't help it.... I love stve gregory and eric leonard anyway.
I can't say I'm surprised but am a bit disappointed they would take it down to LA. I also live and work in the Bay Area and as snapdragon pointed out, except for a few people, most don't follow it as closely as we do.

Perhaps they feel San Jose is too close to Tracy?

I'm with you, I would not be surprised. Here in Sacramento, there was a LOT of coverage, but most people I know here are not very knowledgeable (obsessed) about this case as I am, it seems.
I can't say I'm surprised but am a bit disappointed they would take it down to LA. I also live and work in the Bay Area and as snapdragon pointed out, except for a few people, most don't follow it as closely as we do.

Perhaps they feel San Jose is too close to Tracy?

No, no, no - not LA! If a high profile case is even sniffed in LA, it spreads like wildfire. The LA scene doesn't take too kindly to child killers, or women rapists who use objects that are unimaginable.

LA just tends to pooh-pooh their cases (ala OJ and Spector, Blake). All walked except for Spector. Nick Hogan spent 3 months in jail for putting someone in a vegative state. My take of the LA court system - extremely Left Wing. I believe 1/2 the problem here in Southern CA is we tend to try to rehabilitate instead of punish (thus the reason why we have SO many pedo's running the streets).

If she shoots out an insanity plea, in LA, she has a good chance of walking again.

The thought makes me ill. I say have the trial in North Korea - she wouldn't stand a chance. (wishfull thinking I guess).....
San Mateo ,County or Santa Clara County would be closer for the families & friends. Scott Peterson was tried in Redwood City,S.M County & was a reasonable drive from Modesto. I think Huckaby has family in LA & it would be closer for them. I think she should be tried in Bay Area. Hey, what about this sweet Sunday School
teacher? In a congregation of 12 how many children were there to teach? She was unemployed & a theif.... call it like it is!:eek:Enough already!
Were Laci an Connor's reports sealed during the trial? I'm sorry, I only caught bits and pieces of that trial, although I was happy about the verdict. Didn't think that there was a chance in h3ll that man could have been found innocent, just looking at him sent shivers down my spine.

Anyway, TIA!

Sorry daisy, I just now saw your question. They were leaked. I don't think any can be found on the internet now. I think all have been retracted from the internet. At trial they were shown to the jurors and descriptions were given in the media but they weren't released to the media IIRC during trial.
Don't know where to put this...,0,2878770.story

[QUOTEPublic Defender Sam Behar asked for a delay in entering a plea. Melissa Huckaby, 28, is now set to enter a plea on May 11.

"Behar has complained he hasn't received any evidence from prosecutors."

:boohoo: Whawhawha.... cry me a river :boohoo: He's just waiting to finish his crash course How To Defend Evil Incarnate from The Geragos and Baez School of "Law". I've heard they advertise after Jerry Springer and old Geralso reruns.

Behar can drag his feet all he wants but its on like Donkey Kong and he is on the losing team. At the end of the day he's going to look like more of an *advertiser censored** than if he grabbed a bottle of peroxide, a head scarf, a pair of spandex undies and a pair of strategically placed pair of tube socks.:laughbounce:
I'm not thinking it's that uncommon to seal autopsy reports prior to trial. I've seen it happen in a few high profile cases, can't remember off the top of my head nursee which ones. I'll be happy to go look for other's than the one I think I remembered (Laci and her son) but the words the judge used for sealing them ...I dont' recall ever hearing those used before.

Hi Kat, you got me thinking LOL and it was interesting about Laci and Connor's autopsy reports.

They washed up on April 14th, 2003, and the reports were finished and sealed by May 15th. Then the report was leaked by being read to the public on national TV on May 29th. With that happening, the prosecutor requested the reports be unsealed on May 30th, which they were.

It's just interesting the reports were unsealed a month and a half after her body washed up and the trial wasn't till the end of the following year {I think ;}

Hi Ingrid, I believe the judge in Sandra's case, as to why he sealed the A report. I don't think it has anything to do with keeping a pure jury pool - the trial probably won't be held till the end of next year IMO And we know if they could seat a jury for John Couey, you can seat any jury.

I believe the henious {sp} nature and gravity of the killing would cause great sadness to the families involved in this crime, and it is to keep them in better stead until the time comes when the facts will be presented at trial.

I don't even think they'll be leaked out of respect to the family.

Michelle Young was litterally slaughtered with her daughter then running thru the blood in the room and that report was not sealed. And it was one case where we almost NEVER got any info about what was happening in the case. Truly tight lipped they were.

It must be there are aspects of Sandra's A report that are beyond the pale. xox

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