Prosecutors Ask For Hearing On How Baez Is Getting Paid

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Wow, just wow.

I just saw this on Orlando news, a few minutes ago.

The reporter (Kathy B) seems very firm in her statement that the home movie was sold for profit and netted the defendant, $200,000.00. So we'll see. There was no language in her reporting which pointed to "sources reveal" or "It is alleged." I found that interesting. She is usually more cautious.
The video shown with this statement, on the Channel 9 (Wftv) report is the one with the birthday cake...I think we all know that one.
It should be a while before they put this video up on their website, though.

As the legal analyst they interviewed pointed out, and rightfully so, it might not mean the end of the line for JB even if he has a role in these financial dealings.
Casey would need to sign a written waiver that she is aware of any and all potential conflicts that might arise. And that further, she is waiving her right to throw a hissy fit about those, to put it in English.:deal:
This would keep JB on board, most likely.
I would not trust the waiver process though, :nono: as I would think Casey would later allege that she did not sign the thing freely, willingly and knowingly. That's just me though. :wink:


But if JB is directly involved in book or movie deals then it is not a potential conflict, it's an actual conflict. And that kind of actual conflict can never be waived.
Thanks, MH, that was a great post.

Thinking about this from an ethical standpoint - Baez is doing a job and deserves to be paid. Casey is on trial for her life, basically, and is entitled to the best defense she can afford. If selling photos, which are hers to sell, buys her that defense and pays Baez, is that ethically wrong?

Discuss amongst yourselves ;)

Thank You Chilly! You are too kind...:blowkiss:
Thanks, MH, that was a great post.

Thinking about this from an ethical standpoint - Baez is doing a job and deserves to be paid. Casey is on trial for her life, basically, and is entitled to the best defense she can afford. If selling photos, which are hers to sell, buys her that defense and pays Baez, is that ethically wrong?

Discuss amongst yourselves ;)
...only if it's viewed as a conflict of interest IMO. Heck, something tells me she would have sold a lot more to get her butt out of jail back then as well. I wonder if that's what Casey was referring to in the jail video. Maybe Cindy refused to hand over the tapes...for whatever reason (and I'm not going there!)
But if JB is directly involved in book or movie deals then it is not a potential conflict, it's an actual conflict. And that kind of actual conflict can never be waived.
oops...see you already answered.
Thanks, MH, that was a great post.

Thinking about this from an ethical standpoint - Baez is doing a job and deserves to be paid. Casey is on trial for her life, basically, and is entitled to the best defense she can afford. If selling photos, which are hers to sell, buys her that defense and pays Baez, is that ethically wrong?

Discuss amongst yourselves ;)

I'm not sure how ethical it really is. But I do know that as a defense atty he should be concerned about how his client is perceived. Having the public know that you're funding your defense by selling pictures and videos of your dead daughter DOES NOT paint a very favorable picture of Casey. It's damaging her image (not that Casey needs much help doing that), and in the long run is just something that quite frankly leaves a horrible taste in everyone's mouths.

I realize Casey needs proper representation, and in this case I'm not entirely sure Baez is providing it. I've never heard of an atty wanting their client to remain in their cell for ALL motion hearings and proceedings. Normally you want your client to see you in action defending their rights to the fullest extent possible. He has her isolated for a reason.
IMO he has her isolated because he is afraid she will say something that will incriminate her further. She sure blabbed her heart out during the short time she was out! Admitted that she had lied to police about dropping Caylee off at teh Sawgrass Apartments and told the "new" story of Blanchard Park, being given a script, etc.

Easy to see why Baez wants to keep her isolated, IMO.
personally, i hope nothing comes of it until after trial is over. i don't want casey to have the opportunity to get a better lawyer, to be honest. we know this guy is a fool and the courts don't really like him, so that works in our favour, and i don't care to see it change to casey's benefit, that's for sure.
Thanks, MH, that was a great post.

Thinking about this from an ethical standpoint - Baez is doing a job and deserves to be paid. Casey is on trial for her life, basically, and is entitled to the best defense she can afford. If selling photos, which are hers to sell, buys her that defense and pays Baez, is that ethically wrong?

Discuss amongst yourselves ;)

I believe she should get the best defense possible.

My problem is when it comes to making money off of Caylee's death. If she sold the pictures for what they were worth, when Caylee was alive, then no profit would be made. The only reason those pictures was of such high value, was because she is dead and her mother is the accused.

It's like using stolen property to pay for your defense.. ya know?

Now we have these other possible issues .. Oh boy!
No fan of Baez but don't you think he would have had Casey or CA/GA "sell" them (on paper) to avoid appearance of impropriety.
No fan of Baez but don't you think he would have had Casey or CA/GA "sell" them (on paper) to avoid appearance of impropriety.

I think he's too aware of their debt to trust that the money would be applied in the way it should.

Posted: 4:53 pm EDT March 9, 2009

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- Prosecutors asked for a special court hearing Monday afternoon, to find out how Casey Anthony's defense team was getting paid.
The state is worried that Casey's lawyer Jose Baez could make decisions in the case based on a book or movie deal instead of her best interests. Prosecutors believe the move could be grounds for appeal if Casey is convicted.

Never ask a question in the court room that you don't already know the answer to. Somebody tipped the prosecution off that JB is not representing KC in her best interest. HELLO Can you say automatic appeal. Good for the prosecution nip this in the bud.
It's about time! I bet Baez is doing a whole heap load of things that could be considered to be appealable issues.

It's just so sad how Baes perpetuates the stereotype of attys being sneaky and unethical. I personally think Baez is NOT a credit to the legal profession. And I personally don't trust him for as far as I could throw him!

I bet Baez is $h!tting his pants .. :D
Wow, just wow.

I just saw this on Orlando news, a few minutes ago.

The reporter (Kathy B) seems very firm in her statement that the home movie was sold for profit and netted the defendant, $200,000.00. So we'll see. There was no language in her reporting which pointed to "sources reveal" or "It is alleged." I found that interesting. She is usually more cautious.
The video shown with this statement, on the Channel 9 (Wftv) report is the one with the birthday cake...I think we all know that one.
It should be a while before they put this video up on their website, though.

As the legal analyst they interviewed pointed out, and rightfully so, it might not mean the end of the line for JB even if he has a role in these financial dealings.
Casey would need to sign a written waiver that she is aware of any and all potential conflicts that might arise. And that further, she is waiving her right to throw a hissy fit about those, to put it in English.:deal:
This would keep JB on board, most likely.
I would not trust the waiver process though, :nono: as I would think Casey would later allege that she did not sign the thing freely, willingly and knowingly. That's just me though. :wink:


I guess she is mentally stable to sign a waiver, but suddenly mentally unstable when it comes to killing her daughter.
Well, it's about time. I don't think they'd be asking for a hearing if they didn't have some concrete information.


My guess is the first shot over the bow.. lol

Casey/Caylee Anthony Case: Why we SO Care How Team Baez et al, is Getting Paid

Losing his round of judicial dodge ball has defense attorney to Casey Anthony Baez_josemuttering something about mincemeat. “Anonymous” from the State’s attorney’s office, who apparently takes their ethical responsibilities as an officer of the court seriously, filed a complaint against Baez, citing his own spokesperson’s words. Yep, Blink, we are all up to date on that, where ya going with this? Glad you asked. The actual video of Baez stating that Black does work for “us” meaning his defense team, notwithstanding, the potential for a possible conflict of interest on the part of Baez is the 800 lb Gorilla in every law office in Florida.

I have spoken with the two highest profile attorneys in the state who wish to be anonymous for this article. They expressed their sense is that the legal community in general is outraged at the egregious lack of professionalism and mockery of Floridian Jurisprudence Baez is exhibiting with his playground antics. That isn’t the half of it. If there is ANY *whiff* of truth that Baez fees are being paid through an entertainment or rights agreement this needs to investigated immediately. What I am clueless about is why this has not been done already. I have personally been told by people that were in the house or offices when the negotiations and/or discussions were going on about this, that it is true. Get Leo on the horn, call Skip Davis, and ask THEM YOURSELF, and then call ACAP already.

Conflict of interest and YOU- The Taxpayer

“Everyone involved in this case gets body-slammed..” my dear friend Tim Miller says.

He’s right. I have, he has, OCSO has, and you all have vicariously. However, there is the potential for very serious financial fallout to the taxpayers of Florida in the midst of a recession. Warning: This will frost your shorts.

If no investigation into the possible conflict of interest of Atty Baez’s representation of Casey Anthony occurs prior to a disposition in this case, the likelihood a verdict could and would be overturned in this case is very high. Think Keyser Soze and Kobayashi. Any conceivable scenario you can come up with as a disposition to this case causing an appellate groundswell would cost the taxpayers MILLIONS.

Scenario 1: Casey is convicted. Casey fires Baez for ineffective counsel, hires Allan Dershowitz.

Dershowitz proves ethics violations. Casey wins new trial. We all start this madness over again. Cost to Florida taxpayers for a second trial: Millions. O and btw, the FDLE is considering eliminating the AMBER ALERT and Sex Offender Notification because they are strapped for cash. How would you like to house and pamper that nit-wit for another year while those programs, designed to PROTECT children, are eliminated?

Scenario 2: Casey pleads out. The day before sentencing a document is *leaked* showing proof that Baez was paid through channels that would have a vested interest in the outcome of the case. Judge says, UM, back we go, can’t accept your plea based on this pending information in need of review by the FBA, or worse. Well, we now know what the state may or may not have been in a position to prove, probably their entire case, and anyone that tells you that does not seriously compromise a successful prosecution, when there is this much cash to throw at a defense, is lying.

There are probably 3o other machinations of first- year law LSAT questions here, you get the drift.

United States v. Nebbia, 357 F.2d 303 (2d Cir. 1966)

Who bears the burden? The burden of proof in a Nebbia hearing is on Casey Anthony and his/her family to prove that the bail funds or collateral come from legitimate, honest sources.

Repeat or cut and paste after me:

Ninth Circuit State Attorney
Mr. Lawson Lamar, SA
415 N. Orange Avenue
Orlando, FL 32802

Dear State’s Attorney Lamar, I am a tax paying citizen and resident of Florida (or insert your home state).

I respectfully request that your office conduct a preliminary review, and if appropriate, open an investigation into the funding and surety of the current bond of record for defendant Casey Marie Anthony, Inmate # 08049710, oc jail. It is my understanding that the court retains discretion on whether or not to hold a Nebbia hearing, inasmuch as the state cannot automatically invoke it. However, without a motion filed from your office, I feel that a verdict in this case may be at risk for being set aside or appellate reversal.


For anyone like me, when the ole ADD kicks in, what I am trying to say, in the most subtle, but call to action kind a way: The investigation isn’t over at arrest. The Nebbia hearing, largely a hearing to determine a lawful source of bond funds, is wrought with opportunities to gather information on the defendant’s income. The Prosecutors in this case, should they be granted their motion, are in a position of opportunity to educate the court about the defendant.
Never ask a question in the court room that you don't already know the answer to. Somebody tipped the prosecution off that JB is not representing KC in her best interest. HELLO Can you say automatic appeal. Good for the prosecution nip this in the bud.

I am betting the investigations the Florida Bar opened has turned up something and they have informed the SA.

Remember the letter from the bogus Todd Black in defense of Baez? That one had to be reopened after it was brought out who he really was and that he was upholding Baez under an alias name.
IMO he has her isolated because he is afraid she will say something that will incriminate her further. She sure blabbed her heart out during the short time she was out! Admitted that she had lied to police about dropping Caylee off at teh Sawgrass Apartments and told the "new" story of Blanchard Park, being given a script, etc.

Easy to see why Baez wants to keep her isolated, IMO.

I believe he keeps her isolated because she is dumber than a box of rocks about contracts and money.

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