Prosecutors Ask For Hearing On How Baez Is Getting Paid

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Does anyone know if this Motion Hearing will be televised?

I just can't believe how many liars, thiefs, victims, fame mongers and greedy sneaky people there are in this family and attached to this case.

Astounding, ain't it?
Quite a while back the astrologers suggested one of the lawyers would be dropping out before trial, iirc.

hmmmmm interesting

some people can see the stars but still not see the light :blushing:

Astounding, ain't it?

I feel like a country bumpkin. I had no idea just how much money could be made off a death. Poor little Caylee, she has become a commodity. I thought we were talking 200,000. not chump change but not enough to run screaming through the streets for.

But, if lawyers make that much and KC has 8 of them and the SA said the trial could last 4 weeks. (at $3000. a day during trial x 30 days x 8 lawyers!)Yikes! In order for them to be paid supposedly by selling pics, video, life stories ect somebody has to be making money off selling these things. Just how much money are we talking here?

I know I shouldn't be so surprised but I totally am. If the courts don't shut them down from selling the story of Caylee, 'misplacing' babies may become a national pastime!
I can't really tell if this is an opinion, black & white letter of the Florida law, or a premise from a line of cases.

Either way though, my opinion is that if indeed JB is acting so as to broker entertainment & media deals, his bigger concern is the issue of whether or not that would be considered to be a contingency fee.
Because, under the Florida code of Ethics, as everywhere, the notion of a contingency fee arrangement in a criminal case is forbidden, and not something lawyers play around with if they value their license to practice law.


And I personally, would never say never , but again, that's just me and my humble opinion.

I think this is the essence of the potential conflict (IMO).
I feel like a country bumpkin. I had no idea just how much money could be made off a death. Poor little Caylee, she has become a commodity. I thought we were talking 200,000. not chump change but not enough to run screaming through the streets for.

But, if lawyers make that much and KC has 8 of them and the SA said the trial could last 4 weeks. (at $3000. a day during trial x 30 days x 8 lawyers!)Yikes! In order for them to be paid supposedly by selling pics, video, life stories ect somebody has to be making mony off selling these things. Just how much money are we talking here?

I know I shouldn't be so surprised but I totally am. If the courts don't shut them down from selling the story of Caylee,'misplacing' babies may become a national pastime!

Murdering a child to receive proceeds from an insurance policy is not a new idea. I have a real concern that this could morph into murder for media millions in the minds of some less stable people. I do hope the legislature takes a look at this but sadly, it will likely take a few more overt cases to cause that to happen, absent a grassroots groundswell.
I knew LE and the Feds (ala DC and JH interviews) were interested in the relationship between Baez and Caitlyn. Now I know exactly why!

ETA: I think it must have always been a head scratcher for the SA office when Baez ignored a perfectly good plea deal. A plea deal most attorney's would have jumped through hoops to get.

YES--a perfectly good and overly FAIR PLEA DEAL!
I agree it's repugnant but I question whether or not there is an actual conflict. Perhaps it can be shown that JB steered the case in a direction to cause those pictures and videos to be worth large sums to pay his fees. I'm hoping the state has the evidence to show the likelihood. It doesn't seem likely they'd file this motion without anything to back it up other than media rumors. If that's all they have now, the question would be, why not file it months ago?

One word: Macaluso
But who would have made them contingent? Casey never had independent counsel I presume? Wouldnt she have had to for that?

So if Baez is the one who got her to sign contingency paperwork then it could be voided? I'm thinking one of the other bandwagonites is in on the deal to give it the air of legitimacy.

What if Joses office underling is the one who drew up the paperwork and presented it to her does it still fall under the JB umbrella? Or if Linda Baden drew it up and gave it? She was brought in by JB so wouldn't she (or anyone he brought in for that matter) be "tainted" as well?

Does anyone know if this Motion Hearing will be televised?


Have we heard when this hearing will be?
I know this may be O/T but all this money that comes in from the sale of photos, videos, etc., wouldn't this be reportable for income taxes before any distribution for attorney fees can be made? If someone is paying KC's attorney fees, is this considered a gift and if so, is any amount over $20,000 taxable? If so, have tax returns been filed?
IMO, I don't really feel the state cares too much WHERE the money is coming from, BUT they do want the judge and everyone involved to know what is up...

All the state is really looking to do is to make sure that Casey doesn't have grounds for appeal when this is all over... they feel they can get a conviction and they want to be sure that Casey has no way of getting out of it.
LE is doing a great job by making sure that all grounds are covered!!
I would think any attorney representing Casey, whether previously working in JBs office or brought in as special consult, falls under the heading of Baez's responsibility. It would seem to prove a case of incompetence if he attempts to suggest that one of the other lawyers was responsible for getting Casey to sign a waiver (if she did) and he didn't know about it. If Casey did not sign a waiver and Baez et al are benefiting, it seems a cut and dried case of conflict of interest, since it is in his (and their) interest to keep the trial going as long as possible for the greatest possible sensationalism.

I know he advised her to turn down the plea agreement, stating his client was innocent and that they prefer to take it to a court to prove that. It is interesting to note that the possibility of Casey actually being innocent is really only given cursory discussion. Based on the amazing circumstantial evidence, the (quack) scientific evidence of Caylee's last moments, and the evidence at the dump site, the State is making their case seem pretty sound.

In the absence of anything from the defense team to promote their theory of Casey's innocence, then, it seems as though the defense is not really working for their client. There is no plea to the State with information on another suspect. There is no outcry for justice, as a matter of fact. Only statements that she is innocent and they will prove it.

I think Jose should add a constitutional expert onto the team next.
So if Baez is the one who got her to sign contingency paperwork then it could be voided? I'm thinking one of the other bandwagonites is in on the deal to give it the air of legitimacy.

What if Joses office underling is the one who drew up the paperwork and presented it to her does it still fall under the JB umbrella? Or if Linda Baden drew it up and gave it? She was brought in by JB so wouldn't she (or anyone he brought in for that matter) be "tainted" as well?

Have we heard when this hearing will be?

If I had to guess I would say that she prob was provided a consult atty form the other party to the agreement (Todd Black ala Tim Chinaris?)
I think kenney baden is on record to say that she had to sign a confidentiality agreement but that they all know who is paying them.

As of today there is no announcement on the docket, the judge could hear the motion on Thursday and rule as to the prima facie and decide if it would be private or not, but I would not expect to hear anything other than what we already know just to get the order.. imo.
I dont think it is any co ink y dink that the motion was filed the first business day after finding out Baez has been granted an extention on his reply to the Florida Bar, btw..
I have asked this from the beginning and Baez is taking that girl for a ride in my opinion. She has the intelligence level of a 14 year old and has no ability to access her situation and how the courts work. I believe he needs to be removed from the case in the interest of her getting a fair trial.

I totally believe her to be guilty, but even a guilty person deserves to be able to make "INFORMED DECISIONS" about their life or death, and he has her so isolated, she is being denied that. I wonder if he is using the money for more than her defense.

Interesting that you say that. I immediately think of Anna Nicole Smith's attorney Howard when JB comes to mind. He isolated her and wouldn't let her speak to her own son at one point. Personally, I don't care how she is making that money as long as she signs a waiver that states that she has approved of everything that JB does. This way there is no chance of an appeals based on JB's behavior.

The prosecution is just dotting their i's and crossing their t's. I don't think they really care how she's paying for her defense either. It's her consitutional right to have one.
The defense's defense is ludicrous. We KNOW KC has given JB her consent! DUH! Does that make it ethical? More DUH

He should have had another attorney handle her assets. Then it would be a "trust" account rather than his own pockets.

: Waving to my friend "B" who is viewing as a guest!
Good call, debs. In the absence of a cut and dried conflict, as you describe, I still see a probable conflict insofar as billable hours funded by media interests; fostered by handling the case in such a way as to draw that interest; encouraging that interest with frequent media appearances; drawing the benefit of that exposure for himself as well as his client and on and on. Not only is JB receiving fees, he is receiving media exposure and high profile contacts to which he likely never had access in the past. Make no mistake, JB's interests seem to be greatly served by his representation of this client. The question then is whether or not the client's interests are parallel to JB's. For example, if there is evidence to even suggest that his client may be innocent as he likes to proclaim, wouldn't her interests be better served by producing it now and getting her out of jail? As a so-called innocent mother, wouldn't her interests be better served by seeking justice for her child rather than a media circus to fund her defense team?

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that if conclusive evidence existed and was proffered to the state they would drop the charges and release her from jail. However, that wouldn't serve JB's interests, now would it? And then there's that pesky issue of how he came to represent her... Maybe he's been setting this up in a certain way from the beginning. I certainly hope that hearing is shown live. It could be very, very interesting to see what the state has to support their motion.

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