Prosecutors won't seek death penalty UPDATE Or will they?

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Under what premises would proving intent not to find her daughter (an action after the fact), prove intent to murder before the fact; i.e., prior to the alleged murder itself?

That question right there has been answered by the evidence SO FAR released.
Under what premises would proving intent not to find her daughter (an action after the fact), prove intent to murder before the fact; i.e., prior to the alleged murder itself?

Ok, so tell me, are you one of those defense attorney's that think we are not supposed to use our brains or reason? In another thread an attorney that posts on here talked about circumstacial evidence and its made alot of sense.
In Florida, every person has been granted the Constitutional right to inspect or copy any public record with some exemptions, and the Sunshine Law provides a right of access to government proceedings at both the state and local levels. These essential laws afford citizens of our state the ability to see behind the curtain of government and remain involved in the processes that affect their lives. Without this access there is little accountability, and accountability is vital for good government.

:sunshine: :sunshine: :sunshine:

Thank you for this....

It clearly says at state and local level.

Hmmmm, where is the FBI Listed....
Under what premises would proving intent not to find her daughter (an action after the fact), prove intent to murder before the fact; i.e., prior to the alleged murder itself?

Never Mind
Of course not. For no statute exists that requires LE and/or prosecutors to give the media any evidence whatsoever prior to trial.

Please define statute. Is it the same as a law? Or like a rule?
Of course not. For no statute exists that requires LE and/or prosecutors to give the media any evidence whatsoever prior to trial.

I think your doing some word twisting IMO
Cite the statute in Florida that requires LE and/or prosecutors to provide (leak) their evidence to the media ahead of trial.

LOL, you look it up since you do not know!
Wudge, It seems either you were a defendant and things didn't turn out so good for you that you rally against the prosecution. I've followed the SP thread for a while before posting over there. Just seems you have more of a motive than just being here like the rest of us.

hmmmm, maybe like katiec. says: maybe we will get you to reveal your hat one day....

In Florida, every person has been granted the Constitutional right to inspect or copy any public record with some exemptions, and the Sunshine Law provides a right of access to government proceedings at both the state and local levels. These essential laws afford citizens of our state the ability to see behind the curtain of government and remain involved in the processes that affect their lives. Without this access there is little accountability, and accountability is vital for good government.

:sunshine: :sunshine: :sunshine:

Cite any case in Florida where any trial Judge has interpreted this to mean that LE and/or prosecutors are therefore required to give any evidence whatsoever to the media prior to trial?

(does due process ring a bell?)
Thank you for this....

It clearly says at state and local level.

Hmmmm, where is the FBI Listed....

And we do not know what the FBI has either. We have just seen the taped interviews they did with George and Cindy. There may have been more we have not seen yet.

Wonder if the FBI interviewed Lee?
Cite any case in Florida where any trial Judge has interpreted this to mean that LE and/or prosecutors are therefore required to give any evidence whatsoever to the media prior to trial?

(does due process ring a bell?)

So what "evidence" has been given to the media?
Cite any case in Florida where any trial Judge has interpreted this to mean that LE and/or prosecutors are therefore required to give any evidence whatsoever to the media prior to trial?

(does due process ring a bell?)

Wudge, we can't do your homework for you. :rolleyes:
I think your doing some word twisting IMO

I do also, indicat. I think I will bow out of this thread or I may get banned! I am not a lawyer, but we do have some great legal minds here at WS!
Oh S$%^!!!!! :eek: Dang it!!! :eek: That was my only hope that KC would maybe start to talk at some point to save her own I fear she will NEVER EVER come clean about what she did to sweet little Caylee.

I was so hoping they would seek the DP!!!!!:furious::eek::furious::eek::furious::eek::furious:

Don't waste (!) your time worrying about this MistyGirl. At first I too wanted the SAO to seek the DP, but as time has passed I've found that it's actually (!) much more satisfying this way. To be totally honest. (!) Absolutely. (!)

Now there will be no death row segregation; actually (!) now she could go into general population. I hope.

I say that because it will be much better for her you understand; she's gained so much inner strength from this you know. This way, with no DP, she can run and play with all the other children.

To be totally honest (!) she wants to work with missing kids; she's actually (!) been thinking about going to work and her schedule and such you understand. Absolutely (!)

O/T - OJ Simpson on the other hand, will not be playing any reindeer games.

So, I've pondered on it for a few weeks now, and I have definitely decided I want it to be this way. And for her to live a long, long life - my friend says 93 - and have no cell phone, no computer, no Internet! :eek:

Absolutely. Oh I know it, me too! Honestly.

::: let out evil chuckle :::

I like the no DP.

And we do not know what the FBI has either. We have just seen the taped interviews they did with George and Cindy. There may have been more we have not seen yet.

Wonder if the FBI interviewed Lee?

IMO, the only reason why those tapes were release was due to the fact that the interviews took place in Seminole County and a SC officer helped with the interview which would fall under the Sunshine Law.

If I were to guess if LA was interviewed I would say no. Remember GA & CA still haven't gone back for their follow up interview.

hmmmm, now if they weren't guilty of something then they would have gone.

Ok, so tell me, are you one of those defense attorney's that think we are not supposed to use our brains or reason? In another thread an attorney that posts on here talked about circumstacial evidence and its made alot of sense.

The issue of insufficient evidence is not whether any alleged inculpatory evidence is circumstantial or direct. The issue is whether the alleged inculaptory evidence is sufficient to prove: planning, deliberation, intent and malice aforethought.

Dropping the death penalty attachment clearly supports that prosecutors do not have that level of evidence in hand.
The issue of insufficient evidence is not whether any alleged inculpatory evidence is circumstantial or direct. The issue is whether the alleged inculaptory evidence is sufficient to prove: planning, deliberation, intent and malice aforethought.

Dropping the death penalty attachment clearly supports that prosecutors do not have that level of evidence in hand.

Ok, the DP has been dropped for now, nothing you have said tells me the charges will be reduced I said, we will agree to disagree and that is that.
I'm totally disappointed I wanted nothing more than to see KC on death row. LWOP is too good for her IMO.
The issue of insufficient evidence is not whether any alleged inculpatory evidence is circumstantial or direct. The issue is whether the alleged inculaptory evidence is sufficient to prove: planning, deliberation, intent and malice aforethought.

Dropping the death penalty attachment clearly supports that prosecutors do not have that level of evidence in hand.

Wudge, lets leave it at this, its the prosecution that is required to answer that question in front of a jury, and the defenses responsibility to prove they are wrong.
Our opinions may be different, but that doesn't make us wrong.
By the way, I would love to sit on a Jury with you..I need a nice long vacation!
The issue of insufficient evidence is not whether any alleged inculpatory evidence is circumstantial or direct. The issue is whether the alleged inculaptory evidence is sufficient to prove: planning, deliberation, intent and malice aforethought.

Dropping the death penalty attachment clearly supports that prosecutors do not have that level of evidence in hand.

Do some research wudge. She has no prior criminal history. Jury's do not usually give the DP sentence to women. Why waste tax payers money on something the jury will back out of anyways? They were smart in not going the DP route. There are some cases that woman get the DP but under the circumstances of KC history and how the jury will react to this it's just not smart to even go that route.
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