Protestors ask State Atty to file charges against GA

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QUOTE=suspicious mind;2643999]Do you think George Anthony was justified when he pushed two protestors outside his home?

Choice Votes Percentage of 185 Votes
Yes 105 57% (percentage of people voting "yes" that are Anthony family members:99.9999)
No 80 43%[/QUOTE]

Look I do not condone the way the Anthonys are sticking up for Casey, but hey, these protesters should not be yelling things. Theyre not acting any better than the Anthonys!. Why dont these protesters stand there quietly or better yet join in on the searches and do something "productive" instead?
I just watched the video of GA pushing the protesters and it made my stomach hurt. :(

I do not agree with many of the actions of CA and GA, and I can't decide whether I think they're involved or to what extent. Sometimes I feel sorry for them, sometimes they just make me so mad.

But watching that video reminded me of my kids. The younger one gets in his older brother's face while he's trying to do homework or watch TV or something, he breathes on him and turns around and sticks his butt in his face and whatever he can think of to annoy the s*** out of him. Finally the older one slugs him, and then the younger one comes crying to me about it. That's exactly what that video and all this baloney with the protesters pressing charges reminds me of.

I get that the protesters are angry and I understand why, but jeez. Do they want to be part of the solution or part of the problem??

Boy, you summed that up pretty well! By the way, did you grow up in my house? That was what my bro & I did to each other daily!:)
Look I do not condone the way the Anthonys are sticking up for Casey, but hey, these protesters should not be yelling things. Theyre not acting any better than the Anthonys!. Why dont these protesters stand there quietly or better yet join in on the searches and do something "productive" instead?


Lol, at the poll that's being posted. IMO, people are voting the way they are because they are under the mistaken opinion that the protesters were on the Anthony's property.

I bet the majority of my neighbors think they own their property to the road when they do not.
Some protesters are searchers by day, protesters by night. I'm repeating this. They ARE doing something productive... unlike baking brownies, playing on a computer, hammering stakes in the ground...
Mistaken or forgetting is one thing, lying is another. This is about Caylee, not OJ, so MF really doesn't apply here.

I have been interview by LE and then signed my statement saying it was true to the best of my knowledge. At a later date, when I remembered more, I then signed another document with the added information...saying once again it was true to the best of my knowledge.

I guess I am not understanding what you are wanting to get across. I'll move on.:confused:

I am trying to say that people can and do forget or downright lie on "statements" and later in court when they are cross examined sometimes with proof form others they all of a sudden "remember" they were mistaken in their original statement.....................therefore those statements they made in the 400 page documents are proof of nothing UNTIL they are proven in court at trial.
:argue: This thread is a waste, a HUGE waste. All we are doing is going back and fourth...nothing being solved here. :eek: Got take some anger out on some laundry or dust...all our houses probably need it....:crazy::alien:
Look I do not condone the way the Anthonys are sticking up for Casey, but hey, these protesters should not be yelling things. Theyre not acting any better than the Anthonys!. Why dont these protesters stand there quietly or better yet join in on the searches and do something "productive" instead?

Well, you should probably ask the protesters. We are merely poster on a forum. Ps there is a rant thread.
Look I do not condone the way the Anthonys are sticking up for Casey, but hey, these protesters should not be yelling things. Theyre not acting any better than the Anthonys!. Why dont these protesters stand there quietly or better yet join in on the searches and do something "productive" instead?

LE has told them they can't yell. So I'm not sure if any of them are being ticketed or arrested. They should be.
:argue: This thread is a waste, a HUGE waste. All we are doing is going back and fourth...nothing being solved here. :eek: Got take some anger out on some laundry or dust...all our houses probably need it....:crazy::alien:

You don't have to stay
Some protesters are searchers by day, protesters by night. I'm repeating this. They ARE doing something productive... unlike baking brownies, playing on a computer, hammering stakes in the ground...

And sitting inside an air conditioned and I assume, mosquito and snake free house.
Some protesters are searchers by day, protesters by night. I'm repeating this. They ARE doing something productive... unlike baking brownies, playing on a computer, hammering stakes in the ground...

Yes, this is true from what I have seen. The lady that was pushed by George was interviewed by channel 6 and she said that she had been out searching. She was protesting that she was searching while the A's did nothing but sit at home.
Look I do not condone the way the Anthonys are sticking up for Casey, but hey, these protesters should not be yelling things. Theyre not acting any better than the Anthonys!. Why dont these protesters stand there quietly or better yet join in on the searches and do something "productive" instead?

If you would read the messages on this thread you would see that the majority of the protesters were searching with TES. They came to the A's house after searching!
The Anthonys are the ones who should have been searching, jeeze, it's gonna be 3 months since Caylee was last seen. they have not been seen on even one search! Cindy said she would 'knock on every door to find Caylee".
When exactly does she plan to begin doing this?
The family is all talk and no action. jmo
And sitting inside an air conditioned and I assume, mosquito and snake free house.
Yes, this is true from what I have seen. The lady that was pushed by George was interviewed by channel 6 and she said that she had been out searching. She was protesting that she was searching while the A's did nothing but sit at home.
And Yep!

I can't stress that point enough. These people are pist! They are out searching and Cindy was trying to obstruct that search!
While I don't agree with the way SOME of the protestors are acting....If they are doing anything illegal then LE should arrest the protestors whom are breaking the law.

I don't see why they don't just send someone else out there to fix the signs and tape instead of going out there themselves. I say take down the yellow tape and if someone comes on your property then call LE. What was the point of these cameras they had installed? They don't seem to use them for anything. They sure didn't get them to keep people from coming to the door, I seen people leaving stuff on the porch and door.

If they are going to come outside and confront the protestors then those cameras were a waste of money. I don't see what all the arguing here is about....Either what the protestors did was illegal or it wasn't. It isn't against the law to protest in a public right of way including sidewalks or any other public right of way, as long as they are not blocking and not letting people pass by. They can not block the driveway from sidewalk to road, and not let people by.

If what they did was illegal then they would be arrested, LE viewed the tape and said it was not the Anthony's property the people were standing on, they were not throwing things at the Anthony's they were saying things, just ignore it, don't even acknowledge the protestors and they will quit coming. They want to see what reaction they can get out of the Anthony's and if they don't get one they will leave.

I am trying to say that people can and do forget or downright lie on "statements" and later in court when they are cross examined sometimes with proof form others they all of a sudden "remember" they were mistaken in their original statement.....................therefore those statements they made in the 400 page documents are proof of nothing UNTIL they are proven in court at trial.

OK, I understand now, BUT speaking for myself only, the statement I gave just recently to LE in a high profile case (1st degree murder) was true.

I know that I will be called to testify, but in all honestly, doubt very highly that the defense will be able to help me "remember" anything that was mistaken in my original statement (and the 2 given afterwards) and if they did help me to remember anything, it wouldn't help the defense.

You are either telling the truth or not...period. From the statements in this case, the only one that has been proven that they lied, was Casey, by her own admission. I doubt that Jose will allow the Prosecution to question her concerning this, so her statement can't be evidence? Her statment is evidence, just like the other statements are evidence.
Yes, this is true from what I have seen. The lady that was pushed by George was interviewed by channel 6 and she said that she had been out searching. She was protesting that she was searching while the A's did nothing but sit at home.

She knows what the A's are doing? WOW, she must be clairvoyant because I sure can't see what they are doing inside the house or who they are calling. She knows every move they make and every effort they have made to find Caylee?? WOW again.

Just as it is her "right" to protest accodrding to some, it is the A's "right" to try to find Caylee as they see fit and how they are comfortable with. Again, she wants her rights but take the rights of other away. :waitasec:
:argue: This thread is a waste, a HUGE waste. All we are doing is going back and fourth...nothing being solved here. :eek: Got take some anger out on some laundry or dust...all our houses probably need it....:crazy::alien:

I know. I just put a load of laundry in the washer and slammed the lid so hard I was afraid I broke it. :)

I don't think it is a waste, but I am getting too wrapped up in it.

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