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Just posted this link in the East Are Rapist thread because he made taunting calls to his victims, and thought that this could be very pertinent here because Lisk did the same thing..
Hope this thread is appropriate.
Dec. 2016
The identity of an elusive American serial killer and rapist could finally be revealed by a groundbreaking Nottingham research project matching voices to faces
His exact appearance is largely a mystery as he normally wore a balaclava, and a handful of police sketches from witnesses accounts are inconsistent.
But evidence collected over the years also includes audio tapes of chilling follow-up calls he made to victims to terrorise them.
The recordings are now being used by psychologists at the university’s School of Social Sciences, who completed a study earlier this year suggesting people can work out someone’s appearance just by hearing their voice.
“We know that drawing links between faces and voices could produce some fascinating results,” said Dr Harriet Smith, a psychologist leading the research in Nottingham.

“Based on our earlier work, it seems that people make similar judgements about strangers’ faces and voices, even when the two are not encountered together.

“This knowledge could be helpful in narrowing down a list of suspects, or establishing which one of several composites best depicts the perpetrator.

“Analysing the way in which participants respond to the voice recordings and facial composites could help us to develop new ways of accessing identity information about perpetrators in other cases. The results could inform novel approaches for the future, which we hope will eventually be useful to the police.”

Dr Smith’s study involves asking people to take part in an online experiment, so that psychologists can use their collective responses to whittle down a more accurate representation of what the perpetrator might have looked like based on the sound of his voice.

Results showed people made similar judgements of how masculine, feminie, tall, healthy or over underweight they were – regardless of whether they just see their face, or only heard their voice
according to FBI profiling criteria, just a few of the many things to possibly consider: besides being a white middle-aged male with poor self body image:
Began his life with privileges, mother was most likely a homemaker, with father that worked. Both parents would have been self absorbed with their own problems offering little guidance with some history of drug or alcohol abuse, and psychiatric problems a good chance there was a separation and the offender probably had to get used to a new male caretaker prior to reaching 18. In some cases he lived outside the home for a time (before age 18) in a detention center or psychiatric hospital. Would have possibly had a psychological assessment or confinement as a adolescent. As an adult he probably had problems with excessive daydreaming, compulsive masturbation and isolation. during his adolescent years there was probably some cruelty to animals and children/siblings. Probably got pleasure from destroying toys of siblings others or scaring them. Was probably the oldest child. Pathological lying is an important trait as well. (Axline 1969)
Despite normal or above average intelligence, the subject doesn't live up to his abilities, doing poorly in academic, employment and military is often poor. Primary sense of entitlement to express oneself regardless of the impact on others. The "thought" and the "action" are justified in the cognitive mapping of the individual. Because of the "opioid" type response the brain gets from the behavior, when not performing this behavior the subject will have opiate type withdrawal symptoms: anxiety and irritability. (Cohen 1982)
These traits presented here are just a very small summary, of the type of information they already have on the LISK. Too many to list though.
He is got sexual excitement (paraphilia) from calling the family members. His motives are sadistic sexual acts based on his fantasies. It is his fantasies that compel him to act on them. (Brittain 1970).
So to sum it up; basically an antisocial, pathological lying, sadistic self-absorbed parasite that feeds off inflicting pain on others. Is unremarkable in employment/career.
Because of his need to seek information about what is known in the cases... (If he is still alive), HE IS ON THIS WEBSITE. Probably interacting in discussion. And the police have talked to him probably more than once.
forgot to add... LIVES in the area of the crimes... that community is not that large so pretty much narrows it down. These things have already been analyzed by FBI, they have their "short" list. Like I said before, its just a matter of time. After putting a lot of this profiling info up, I think I really need to rethink my avatar... lol. Perhaps I should go incognito like everyone else on this forum? So glad my father was a tae kwon do master, & that I live in a concealed-carry state. These freak-o's are everywhere. If this guy and others like him do not make people re-think their defensive measures, I don't know what will. The fact that he just kills prostitutes doesn't matter. They are still someones daughter, sister, or mother. A human. Unlike the LISK who is just a parasite. That is where his reasoning skills are twisted, the victims are just human, while he is something other than human, I used the word parasite but that incorrectly sums it up because even parasites have some type of use in human society. This guy is useless, and worthless to all humanity.
The fact that a high percentage of his kills were sex workers makes me wonder if he hates women in the profession (could be a cop who had to deal with them on a daily basis and thinks about them as "lowlifes" hence this is his way to rid the world of these people and feel like a god because he perceives it as a good deed) or simply a man who hates women in general, with mother issues most likely been raised by a single parent / overbearing mother and he just believed that killing sex workers would be easier to get away with because it isn't documented as well as kidnapping random women (like bundy, who was more bold and didn't hate women, he just enjoyed killing and *advertiser censored* played a big part in his MO)
If you meant me, I have been thinking all along that whoever is dumping these people by the side of the road is doing it in broad daylight and from a vehicle that would not seem suspicious if it were pulled off onto the grassy shoulder. Like a highway or land maintenance, animal control vehicle, a DEC vehicle or a construction or utility vehicle...any type of vehicle that would not draw the attention of LE or a citizen stopping to lend/assistance a hand, etc.
He will have some ties to the wildlife conservation society.
Ridgway was said to be a necrophiliac as well. The LISK case has more parallels to the Green River case than to Bundy, just my opinion. LISK is between the 2 cases as far as intelligence goes. Bundy was brilliant, Ridgway low on the IQ totem pole. Yet he did things to throw off investigators, planting false evidence with his victims and moving some of his victims.

LISK never figured his victims would ever be found. Give the remains a few more years and they would have been possibly reclaimed by the earth and harder to stumble upon.

Yes, he is a GRK type.
Hi IC, are these facts or questions? I don't recall 1 or 2 ever being discussed otherwise we are going into Kempler territory for example.

FACT: 1) When the offender called the victims family and said he just saw her in the **orehouse in Queens. In hindsight, he had just seen her in the dumpsite, the **orehouse.
2) going off of FBI profile of violent sexual murders, this is something the killer would do.
Ridgway was said to be a necrophiliac as well. The LISK case has more parallels to the Green River case than to Bundy, just my opinion. LISK is between the 2 cases as far as intelligence goes. Bundy was brilliant, Ridgway low on the IQ totem pole. Yet he did things to throw off investigators, planting false evidence with his victims and moving some of his victims.

LISK never figured his victims would ever be found. Give the remains a few more years and they would have been possibly reclaimed by the earth and harder to stumble upon.

The police are not going to share that info. But clearly textbook. Especially when he says he just saw victim in "the" **orehouse.
the GRK was low IQ, I was just surprised to hear the police admit to that is all. Makes me feel less safe to know that a person with a low IQ can "outfox" the police.
The fact that a high percentage of his kills were sex workers makes me wonder if he hates women in the profession (could be a cop who had to deal with them on a daily basis and thinks about them as "lowlifes" hence this is his way to rid the world of these people and feel like a god because he perceives it as a good deed) or simply a man who hates women in general, with mother issues most likely been raised by a single parent / overbearing mother and he just believed that killing sex workers would be easier to get away with because it isn't documented as well as kidnapping random women (like bundy, who was more bold and didn't hate women, he just enjoyed killing and *advertiser censored* played a big part in his MO)
Not always the mother...but the father, imo.
Maybe perp's father frequented with sex workers, perhaps while he was present?
Maybe this caused his mother great sadness and embarrassment and ultimately a divorce?
If they were of a high social standing, this might be considered a fall from grace, if they were of average or modest means, a divorce could hurt him economically. A move,change of schools and friends, ect ect.
None of the things I listed are my own "ideas" these are known FACTS, from the FBI's profiling criteria.
Just thought I should make that clear.

these are not my "feelings" or hunches...
Ted Bundy suggested observing the dumpsite of a sexual deviant.
Ted Bundy said that the killer comes back to the site to watch it transform and to "visit" with the body, and in fact when looking at the GRK, the killer who most fits the LISK profile, that is EXACTLY what he had been doing. They took DNA from the bodies that were not in a progressed state of decomposition, and examined them.... then BAM, GRK is caught.
So the authorities already have a working profile.
Hope I'm posting this in the right place, new to this case and came across this article. Sorry if already posted:

"Bright, married and has access to burlap sacks: 'Craigslist Ripper' profiled as new set of remains found

Criminologists have begun to piece together a profile of the serial killer responsible for the murder of up to 13 prostitutes in Long Island and Atlantic city.

According to experts, the man poilce are looking for is a white male in his mid 20's to mid 40's, financially secure, well spoken and drives a nice car or truck.

Able to charm his Craigslist victims into a false sense of security, he will also have access to burlap sacks as part of his job and will have been treated for poison ivy infections received as he disposed of the bodies in thick undergrowth.


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Wildlife conservation.
I'm thinking the victims wrapped in burlap may have been some sort of religious statement. Burlap is used as a more modern version of the hairshirt(A cilice /ˈsɪlᵻs/ was originally a garment or undergarment made of coarse cloth or animal hair (a hairshirt) worn close to the skin. It was used in some religious traditions to induce discomfort or pain as a sign of repentance and atonement.)Maybe the killer feels these girls needed to be punished and atone for their sins by wrapping them in the burlap for all eternity he feels justified in killing them. Also,I'm wondering if the killer approached the burial sites from the community of Oak Bay and not from the highway at all. Looking at a map of Oak Bay beach it appears as though you could approach the burial area of the GB4 from Oak bay itself without ever driving onto the parkway.Maybe on an ATV?
What about PH's alleged reference to a "Home for wayward girls" during his phone call to Shannon Gilberts mother. Could the" home for wayward girls" be the burial ground?
What about PH's alleged reference to a "Home for wayward girls" during his phone call to Shannon Gilberts mother. Could the" home for wayward girls" be the burial ground?
Yikes, you might well be right about that!
I'm thinking the victims wrapped in burlap may have been some sort of religious statement. Burlap is used as a more modern version of the hairshirt(A cilice /ˈsɪlᵻs/ was originally a garment or undergarment made of coarse cloth or animal hair (a hairshirt) worn close to the skin. It was used in some religious traditions to induce discomfort or pain as a sign of repentance and atonement.)Maybe the killer feels these girls needed to be punished and atone for their sins by wrapping them in the burlap for all eternity he feels justified in killing them. Also,I'm wondering if the killer approached the burial sites from the community of Oak Bay and not from the highway at all. Looking at a map of Oak Bay beach it appears as though you could approach the burial area of the GB4 from Oak bay itself without ever driving onto the parkway.Maybe on an ATV?
Someone placed Time Out Dolls on the memorial sites of the gb4. Was it the killer? Was he saying they deserved to be punished? You can find the pictures on Dark Minds thread.
PH also made the sign of the cross as he was being chased by reporters as he was getting into his car to get away from them, another religious reference, that along with the home for wayward girls and the whorehouse remark all have a tone of religious indignation about them. Also, I feel there is a connection between the taunting phone calls to victim MB's little sister and then PH's disturbing call to Melissa's mother,PH would have to know that call would be very upsetting to her. If he was truly concerned about Shannon he would have called 911 after she supposedly ran from his house instead he waited two days and then called her mother? I guess the supposedly sedated and hysterical Shannon took the time to write her mothers phone number down before she ran out of his house into the swamp. I think the police and the public are underestimating PH.
What's time out doll? Maybe the killer thought "wayward girls" needed them.I don't mean to sound flippant or ignorant but I've never heard of a time out doll.
What's time out doll? Maybe the killer thought "wayward girls" needed them.I don't mean to sound flippant or ignorant but I've never heard of a time out doll.
I pulled up the Dark Minds thread. Go to pg 3. Also youtube Dark Minds Long Island Serial Killer. They showed the dolls.
I'm not sure the dolls have anything to do with the SK, my view is its nothing more than a shrine gift. More than likely someone read about the story in the MSM and decided to pay the site a visit when they were in the area. Its quite common. At least in Europe it is.
... the GRK was low IQ, I was just surprised to hear the police admit to that is all. Makes me feel less safe to know that a person with a low IQ can "outfox" the police.

He was of a low IQ but avoided making any glaring mistakes during his reign. He also learned as he killed more. Nature was on his side, like the LISK case, the environment of his dump sites was not kind to forensics.

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