PTSD sufferers - please post here

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I would like to know what treatment to relive symptoms others have used and which were most effective.

At This point, journaling, meditation and prayer, humor, and positive thinking, help keep me sane.

When my symptoms were really severe, inpatient treatment, bi weekly talk therapy, Wellbutrin and Clonazapam were helpful.

Self medicating with alcohol has only ever been a band aid, never very effective

I had kept something resembling having my s^^t together until I was 23. At 18 I moved out of my parents house. Soon after moved 2000 miles away, got married, had a child and pretending nothing before that had ever existed. When out daughter was 2 hubby wanted to move back east to our hometown. He wanted our kids to have active grandparents. The first time we had our daughter at my parents house, my father put my daughter on his lap. that one act destroyed the egg shell keeping me together. I was hospitalized shortly after that. That was the beginning of my healing journey. In the beginning I was on various meds ranging from antidepressants to anti-psychotics. I worked with a psychiatrist, a psychologist and a therapist who specialized in trauma and dissociative disorders. There were many steps backward, but I have been off all medication for 7 years. I still have my days and still have to fight the urge to cover my head with the covers every night when I go to bed(my sad attempt to protect myself as a child) but all in all I consider myself healed. out of everything, wheat I think helped me the most then and still to this day is music. I usually listen to KLOVE
I admire the bravery of everyone who has posted here. I am along way on the road to recovery and pray that all who suffer are healed.
My father had PTSD after a pedestrian bridge he was on collapsed into a highway. Hundreds of people were on the bridge and they all fell down on top of each other. He held on to the fencing that surrounded the bridge as he was on the very outside of the walkway and didn't fall down as far as some people that ended up getting injured far worse than he did. He still broke several bones and had to be airlifted out. He said he was claustrophobic because of all the people on top of him and he had to crawl over people to get out. He has great guilt from crawling over the people because he knew it was hurting them. And he said many people appeared dead. His job is in rescue so he is used to being the one saving people and not escaping from an accident due to his injuries. So I think he feels really guilty about that even though he has no reason to be as he could have helped no one in his condition and needed to escape as quickly as possible since the bridge and all the people were now laying in the middle of an interstate. He had trouble sleeping at night afterwards. When he did sleep he saw the people's faces and remembering climbing over them. He dreamed he was hurting them by simply being there. He would wake up feeling as if he was suffocating and had hundreds of people on top of him again, his chest was being crushed, he couldn't breathe. He wouldn't talk about it with my mother or anyone after a while but we knew he was suffering because he wasn't sleeping and he wasn't the same and he couldn't go back to work. Nothing was helping. My mom told me they tried on a last ditch effort to go to a psychiatrist. my dad didn't want to go, it caused everything to come back to talk about it, but he was so bad he finally caved. The psychiatrist did some form of hypnotism. When he was hypnotized they discussed the events and that's where my mom learned a lot of what happened to him. After that session he was immensely better. My mom said "thank god for that psychiatrist" and was so glad they went. I think he is still claustrophobic at some points. But he wasn't even able to work before because he is a firefighter and you have to wear heavy gear and an oxygen mask in fires. Now he is able to do all that and go into tight areas in fires. He didn't even join in filing a lawsuit because he couldn't talk about it because it was so traumatic. The bridge collapsed because the company was driving heavy machinery on it during the day that was way too heavy and exceeded weight limits so it weakened a bridge that was only made for people walking. Months without work, days of hospital bills, and the mental pain but no recompensation that he could have had because it was so horrible to think about. I am so glad he is back to normal.

I was younger when this happened. I was supposed to go with my dad to this event but had a dream the night before that he was shot at the event for his jacket that was of a sports team. i begged him not to go that day but he laughed at me and went anyway, he had tickets with his friend to go. I don't really believe in people dreaming about things and it being right but wow what the heck. He wasn't shot but he got hurt. I've never had another dream like that again. I usually don't even remember my dreams.Anyway, I was staying up late that night watching tv when we got a phone call from a relative telling about the bridge collapse cause they knew my dad was there. My relative was at a hospital with another one of my family members and heard that hospital would be receiving some of the victims from the accident. So my mom and I watched the breaking news on TV. In my heart i knew he was involved. but still hoped everything was fine. Then we got a call from my dads friend that went with him saying that he and my dad split up in the crowd and were supposed to meet back at the car to leave. But it had been over 30 min since the friend had been back to the car and my dad had still not shown up. Horrible feeling. His friend was going to try to find him and call us when he did. No calls back. An hour or more later a hospital called us telling us my dad had internal injuries, head injuries and may not live through the night. It was the most horrible thing to be a young kid going through all that. To think your dad was dying, that if you wold have begged harder maybe you could have got him not to go, if you wouldnt have been so chicken and went with him maybe it wouldnt have happened. I prayed, promised to read the entire bible if god would just let him live (I was young so that was a big deal to me lol). My mom was obviously every distraught but as she always does she tried to hide it from me. She is amazing. She told me not to worry until there was something to worry about. She couldn't leave to go to the hospital because we were too young to stay at home alone at night and she didn't want us to experience the chaos that would be the hospital with that many people being seen and their family members and the hospital was hours away. I never slept that night and I'm sure she didn't either. She went to the hospital the next morning. It turned out that the hospital called us about the wrong patient. It wasn't my dad that was injured that badly and next to death. He had multiple injuries but none were life threatening thank God. How happy I was and how horrible I felt for that other persons family who thought their loved one was not so seriously injured but was. This event changed me. I can not think of my parents dying without fighting back tears. I think about it all the time, I think much more than a regular person. If my mom or my sister calls me at an unusual time that they don't normally do and I missed the call then I'm terrified that something bad happened to one of my family members. I think of every way possible that something bad could happen to someone in every situation that involves any risk. It gets in the way of me having fun or being relaxed on a vacation or on a day that should just be fun. I in no way have PTSD. But something that night changed me. So I can relate in the smallest way possible to some of you but definitely understand what I am is NOTHING like PTSD and my heart breaks for everyone that has it. For years as a kid I had to be nice and say bye to everyone that was leaving because if I didn't then I thought that they might die while they were gone and I wouldn't have said goodbye. Every time someone left I would treat it like it was my last goodbye to them and trying not to be too obvious. It was tiring, it was heartbreaking. Every bad event that occurs my heart breaks for the families that have to sit and not know how their family member is and even more for those that learn bad news. Maybe that's one reason I'm so drawn to WS, because all of these victims families experienced just that, but just wasn't as lucky as we were in the end. It breaks my heart.

Oh and I did read the entire Bible that year.
In the words of one of the therapists who offered me compassion, empathy and more positive means of coping,

"You are a normal person who has found creative ways of dealing with abnormal are a survivor!"
Thank you to everyone who has does help to know that I'm not alone.

I have been diagnosed with PTSD twice. Once after my first marriage broke up and then once again just this past summer. I only recently realized that both times the core of my trauma was the same.

My mother was very personality disordered (she refused to ever go to therapy long enough for a true diagnosis but my therapist and I believe that she had parts of all the cluster B disorders but narcissistic PD was probably the strongest) and she was an alcoholic. As you can probably guess, large amounts of alcohol and PD's aren't a very good mix. My parents divorced when I was 4 after my Father found my out my mom was cheating on him. When he confronted her about it, she beat him severely. I think the fact that I was in the house that night may be what saved his life.

My mom was verbally, emotionally, psychologically, and physically abusive to me growing up. I became a very shy, obedient child who took it upon herself to make sure that the world was always ok for mom so she wouldn't fly into a rage. Of course, that really never truly worked but I took my role very seriously and every episode she had was a failure on my part in my eyes. She would come home from work and announce that I had to be the parent because she was too stressed out, she'd start drinking and chaos would ensue. I'd go to bed terrified of what was coming next only to wake up the next morning to her acting as I'd nothing had ever happened. When I was 6, I was sexually assaulted by the older kids at my babysitters house. I knew I could never tell anyone and so I kept that secret until this past fall when I finally managed to tell my therapist.

I ended up marrying a male replica of mom: alcoholic and disordered. He was just as abusive as she had been and just as talented at knowing where to hit me so that the bruises wouldn't show to anyone else. I had one child with him. When the baby was 4 weeks old, my ex flew into a rage and slammed the baby (who luckily was in his car seat) into 2 walls before throwing him across the room. The baby was knocked unconscious but was fine after. I left that night and filed for divorce a few weeks later.

Twelve years ago, we got a new employee at work who immediately seemed so familiar to me. It turned out that he was being emotionally and psychologically abused by his wife. They ended up divorced and we ended up married! We have been incredibly happy and have survived a lot together.

Eight years ago, we allowed my mother to move in with us. We had young children and she wanted to help. I had not yet come to terms with what I had suffered as a child. My mom passed away very suddenly this past summer and 42 years of secrets and pain and worry has been slowly seeping out.

I am extremely hyper-vigilant, have horrible flashbacks and nightmares including what I call emotional nightmares where it's the feelings that are the issue. I feel detached a lot from family and friends and I often feel "crazy". I have severe anxiety and suffer from panic attacks; I sometimes recognize the triggers and can get them under control. Others sneak up on me when I least expect it. The worst problem is that I still feel haunted and judged by my mom.

Hugs to all of you! You are not alone!
Hey, 3Monkees!
You sound like you're getting a handle on it! It does get "different"! People always say, "don't worry, dear, things will get better" every time we have difficulties, or suffer a loss...........naw, it doesn't get "better", it gets "different". We can't replace what we loose, but we can gain something new.

I look at it this way, probably most of us were always the strong person, doing more than our share, being there for others, comforting others....but never being there for ourselves. What happens, is when you are finally in a safe place, be it a good family situation, a safe environment, a place to call YOUR own, our mind feels we are strong enough to start dealing with what we have shoved way back in the darkness of our heads. Our mind will never give us more than we can handle, that's why it's so hard to get a complete handle on ALL of it. Just when you think you've got what you think was the issue all thought out, cried, yelled and screamed about, and in it's proper place.......your mind pops out another creepy long forgotten situation. Eventually, that black hidden filing cabinet in the recesses of your head throws out the last file of "things gone rotten". It's a great relief, but the trauma to the chemicals in your brain, ingrained reactions, sensitivity, etc., may never go away.......Accepting I had PTSD was by far one of the toughest things for me to do. It took about 5 years..........gonna stop here cause I'm tired and will probably quit making much sense! Hang in there, there's more of us than you think!:seeya:
PTSD. I have it. One of my major symptom's is if I don't know you are near me and you speak, walk up behind me and you speak, slam a door just little things like that, it just about make's me jump out of my skin. I have hurt my back jumping and have almost fallen from jumping so bad. I'm wondering if any of you have this symptom? I have yet to see JA jump from someone coming up on her that she dosen't know is coming up on her.
I have PTSD and have had it for 30 years. Although I have been in therapy off and on for 30 years, i was not diagnosed until a year ago. I started EMDR treatment last summer for 6 weeks. It has helped. The video in my mind has stopped being on a continuous loop. I still recall every detail in crystal clarity, but now it is more like looking through a screen.

I restart the EMDR in 2 weeks to complete the therapy. I want to live a normal life and not be afraid all the time. My fear based parenting has taken a toll on my children. My irrational fear has taken a toll on my husband although he gets it.

It has taken me a long time to be able to post on this thread. The pain is excruciating if i dwell on it and this trial has not helped. I hope all of you can find the right therapist. My current therapist is an expert in PTSD and it is wonderful to know that I am on the road to becoming whole.

Hugs to all of you....
PTSD. I have it. One of my major symptom's is if I don't know you are near me and you speak, walk up behind me and you speak, slam a door just little things like that, it just about make's me jump out of my skin. I have hurt my back jumping and have almost fallen from jumping so bad. I'm wondering if any of you have this symptom? I have yet to see JA jump from someone coming up on her that she dosen't know is coming up on her.

Yes dear, I have the same problem.
My dear husband has suffered from PTSD since the Viet Nam war.
Just some symptoms are crowds, closed in places, beaches, woods, fire works, gun fire,certain odors, etc.
He still has nightmares and crying spells when we visited the WALL, May 9th massacre he was in at age 19.
He remembers every name, every detail of what happened.
When he was young he self medicated with alcohol.
Now under the care of counselors, he takes medications.
PTSD in his case will never go away.
All his USMC buddies that were there has the same problems, maybe worse.
BTW, he doesn't feel that JA has PTSD............
I do not suffer PTSD. I just wanted to make a point to let you guys know, your sharing of your own stories has really provided great amount of insight for those of us who do not know as much about this disorder.

Thank you so much for your willingness to share with us here and shine a light on this subject.

And while this thread is meant for discussion of PTSD I would also like to add the same appreciation goes out to all our members who suffer the disorders that have come up in the Arias trial.

You are all troupers and your forthright willingness to share has benefited the conversation about this case immensely.
Yes dear, I have the same problem.

I wish I had read this whole thread before I posted. Right now I feel like I'm having an anxiety attack reading everything in this thread. I was diagnosed in the summer or fall of 2011. I should have done some research on PTSD because I would have found out so many symptom's for myself that I am seeing here. It's so hard to believe that as I have been reading I'm thinking that is so me. I have been looking for "just feeling normal" for as long as I can remember it seems. But there really isn't a normal for us is there? I'm just reeling right now.
Is it possible to have many truma's in life because I cannot pin point just exactly where it began? I have so many question's so I have to do some research.

There are a lot of brave people here who have shared. It's extraordinary. Thank you for all for sharing.
I have been closely following the Boston bombing and the Texas explosion Today had an severe anxiety attack. I thought for a minute I might be having a mini stroke.

Numbness in limbs both sides. Neck pain, Rapid heartbeat, feeling faint, feelings of dread.

I almost called 911, I was THAT afraid I was going to die!

I didn't because, I realized what was going on.

I checked my symptoms against web MD symptom checker and it convinced me that this was just extreme anxiety. I started feeling better just recognizing it for what it was.

I did some deep breathing, and progressive muscle relaxation and I am feeling back to "normal" now.

We all should remember to limit our exposure to traumatic events, lest our symptoms are triggered.

In the words of my mother, " Turn the channel!"
PTSD. I have it. One of my major symptom's is if I don't know you are near me and you speak, walk up behind me and you speak, slam a door just little things like that, it just about make's me jump out of my skin. I have hurt my back jumping and have almost fallen from jumping so bad. I'm wondering if any of you have this symptom? I have yet to see JA jump from someone coming up on her that she doesn't know is coming up on her.

I get "startled" if I get touched without knowing someone is going to. Sometimes it's mild, once I almost cold cocked my BF because my head was "in that place", jumped and went into the fight mode w/o even thinking about it (he's a good 14" taller than me so I don't know what I was thinking or not)
Sudden loud voices or yelling
Sudden aggressiveness. All the above "jump out of my skin", Startle response

Smells and places get to me, watching movies that I don't know the story line to and it get's "too familiar". Anxiety, nausea, panic attack
(I watched "The Burning Bed" apprx. 6 years before I was diagnosed and turned into a blithering idiot, MAJOR trigger, but didn't have a clue)

I had a tendency to clench my teeth when I was stressed, anxious. Between that and "dry mouth from my meds, I busted almost all of my molars, had to have them replaced.

I'm perfectly fine handling guns and their noises.......I cannot handle someone else holding a weapon around me, get incredibly fearful, sometimes it goes to I avoid it. (1st ex Hub) Anxiety, nausea, panic attack

Depression during parts of the year that are "Anniversaries". Doing much better on that and the calendar in my head is slowly forgetting to remind me.

I can still get OVERLY emotional if certain things are talked about or seen, ie., uncontrollable crying, doesn't happen very often though.

I agree with you on JA. Everything she talked about on the stand that was related to PTSD during her cross, she did not re-experience it, she did not pull back when JM aggressively questioned or raised his voice, she did not "startle" or jump...........If it had been me, at my 5 year point in therapy and meds, I would have had a full blown panic attack, the whole "hit by a Mac truck" scenario and I wouldn't have my bearings back for at LEAST 48 hours.
And during her direct.....nope, not buying it, too contrived, too controlled, no affect,........honestly, I would have probably been in a fetal position under the stand, sobbing uncontrollably.

That's the difference for me, with meds and therapy, at 5 years vs. where I'm at now, 23 years into it.
Me too!

. My mother was a narcissist, and my father a survivor of 4 years in a prison camp. He probably had PTSD too.
I still suffer from some dissociation, (the thousand yard stare) and loads of other symptoms like deliberate isolation, dodgy self care, lack of appetite, nightmares, panic, depression blah blah bla.

So, I have Complex PTSD because of childhood trauma and work trauma.
My triggers are sometimes a bit obscure, and are many and varied, because it is not linked to one incident, but repeated incidents throughout my life.

Wow, you put into words what I couldn;t.
Father was POW for four years in German prison camp. He was totally whipped after liberation and married my mother, a sociopath with borderline traits. His whole life and mine were emotional and mental abuse. Raped at 16 and only sibling died 3 years later. Anxiety, panic, nightmares....I know what you are saying. Father died 1999, my mother withheld medical treatment for him while he was dying. My mother is still alive and it's just me who can take care of her. She recently went to a dementia home and is going to be 88. Life is tough and after years of therapy I am still here.
My whole anxiety problem is pretty much my fault

When I was fifteen I had gotten raped and blah blah, I wasn't feeling really good so in the middle of one of my high school classes I ingested about two or three handfuls of "Magical" mushrooms. I went off to my second class and started "tripping" out, predictably.

But I had a really bad trip and when I was found out I got taken to the office where the security guard told me "The reason you're hallucinating is because the mushrooms you had were poisonous. I know you didn't take them alone, and if you don't tell me who gave them to you they will die and you will be charged with his death."

I freaked out and told him (And got threatened and beat up and called a narc because of it), and my mom decided to take me to the emergency room. Literally the last thing I remember is sliding out of the wheelchair and screaming as loud as I could because the crazy nurse was giving me a shot.

Marijuana brings on flashbacks, I quit doing drugs not that long after and had lived a relatively normal life until I got my wisdom teeth removed, did you know if they give you too much laughing gas you start to hallucinate? And a couple days ago I was sleeping ad had a dream that I started to hallucinate, I ended up kicking my dog out of the bed and smacking myself awake.

I figured that I didn't need therapy, but I've been rethinking it lately.

ETA. I don't know if I actually have PTSD or not. Since only really specific things set off my anxiety it could just be regular old anxiety.
No, but I have a problem with sweets. Same issue just a different method to try to ease the pain.

Haha! I did the same, drinking and eating sweets! I haven't had a drink for years now though, and the thought of it turns my stomach. There is a correlation between diabetes type two and PTSD, so it has ended all my sweet cravings because I got it. Sweets were the thing that kept me going through my childhood, but true to form in my N family, I was criticised, taunted, shamed and made a fool of for it. I can write any more, I can still feel the powerlessness/injustice of it all, and it makes me shake.
I wish I had read this whole thread before I posted. Right now I feel like I'm having an anxiety attack reading everything in this thread. I was diagnosed in the summer or fall of 2011. I should have done some research on PTSD because I would have found out so many symptom's for myself that I am seeing here. It's so hard to believe that as I have been reading I'm thinking that is so me. I have been looking for "just feeling normal" for as long as I can remember it seems. But there really isn't a normal for us is there? I'm just reeling right now.
Is it possible to have many truma's in life because I cannot pin point just exactly where it began? I have so many question's so I have to do some research.

There are a lot of brave people here who have shared. It's extraordinary. Thank you for all for sharing.

Yes it is absolutely possible to have so many traumas and call it PTSD. My initial trauma stems from childhood, and was reinforced by my work in child protection. I didn't even know or recognise I had a 'different' childhood until the work trauma. I suspected it, I was well aware that my family was dysfunctional, but hadn't fully realised just how bad it was, because I thought it was me! The reality was that I was in the same denial as them. They absolutely idolise my parents, and still cry over them as though it was yesterday. My father died in 1964, and my mother in 1980. My brother can't bring himself to open a suitcase under his bed containing my mothers personal stuff, so I have about 6 photos of my childhood, there may be more, but I doubt it. Actually, he may have opened it, because my sister 'out of the blue' sent me a cd which I returned unopened, so she sent it to my daughter, and it was was supposed to be photos of our 'clan' which turned out to be just my brother and sister's childhood - naturally. Haha
I've been cut out of history, as you do...
It would take me weeks to describe all the horrible things they've done not only to me, but my children, and nieces and nephews. They have cut them out of their lives too. Had it not been for them, I might still be in a foggy blur. But my sister continues her campaign undaunted. My only pleasure is in not being around them. I like to think it frustrates the hell out of them, but more than likely not.
So, I have Complex PTSD, from a combination of childhood trauma, and work trauma. I also married a narcissistic man (just like my mum), and it has taken me years and years to put the pieces together to make up a picture of clear unadulterated abuse. Before that, everything was my fault according to my abusers, and I only had very sketchy memories of my childhood. It is in almost full focus now, and when I think of the things that I was subjected to, it's a wonder I am still alive. I won't go into many details, but it includes attempted electrocution on a few occasions. I still have questions about sexual abuse, I know my sister was, but I don't know did it. I often have nightmares about it.
The sketchiness ended when I was invited to my sisters 60th, after a hiatus of 17 years (by them). I was already diagnosed with work trauma, but when I witnessed them and their behaviour towards me I had my answer. My brother made a speech to my sister with tears in his eyes as they lovingly gazed at each other, (totally creepy), and then my brother demanded that I speak. And say what exactly? I hadn't seen any of them for 17 years! Not only that, I had to sleep in a tent in the front yard when everyone else had a bed.
If I hadn't been trained in my work, I might have just gone on oblivious and continued blaming myself for how I felt. This example is only a quarter of what went on that weekend. I'm truly thankful I went, despite the horror that happened, otherwise I might still be living in the same deluded world that they live in.
As it is I have nightmares, bedwetting, anxiety+++, panic attacks, low self esteem, a sense of complete worthlessness, fear, and an invisible tattoo on my head that signals to Narcissists 'pick me'.
I have given to the community for 40 years as foster carer, nurse, social worker and mentor, family therapist, researcher, activist for social justice, and advocate. And I'm the one who feels worthless...
I might not have the millions of dollars they have, but I did contribute.
The things I know them to be are racist, sexist, homophobic (despite their niece being gay), selfish, narcissistic, violent (my brother almost severed someone's head) alcoholic, (I was too), and completely right about everything. They live in total denial of our background of alcoholism, neglect, abuse both physical and emotional, poverty, instability, oppression, secular violence and racism. I am white, but we lived in a 'ghetto' of Catholic Irish in Scotland, and neither were popular in England where we ended up. I used to see signs in boarding houses, 'Vacancy, no blacks, no dogs, no Irish'. I didn't even know my mother was descended from Irish, she was so ashamed of it. I didn't find out until I went looking not so many years ago. It makes no difference to me at all.
But my siblings are now responsible for the very things we were subjected to.
I get that they are damaged too, but to inflict it on other family members is so incomprehensible in many ways, but understandable in others. I don't have any contact with any of them now, and they are the only family I have in my country. The one brother I feel some affinity with, is so far gone in alcohol he is unreachable, but they trot him out from time to time just to show their friends how 'nice' they are to him, for a bit of narcissistic supply.
I know from my nieces and nephews that I am not imagining things, they are that horrible.
Sorry, I didn't mean to rave on so much but once it starts...
I should have stopped at one post.

I have found Art Therapy to be a lifesaver. You don't have to be able to paint, indeed I often do it with my eyes closed using my left hand! Having an art therapist competent enough to interpret them is amazing. It is also a good tool to use for early childhood trauma, where you may not have had the words to describe your trauma, but you can use colour to show it, then cut it up and re-configure it by gluing it onto another painting until it pleases/satisfies you. It's a form of problem solving and re-framing the issues. There are lots of different methods in art therapy. I also 'paint' to particular pieces of music that touch me. It's quite therapeutic, and sometimes my art is actually not too bad as 'art', but I don't set out that way. If anyone wants to know more pm me.
This particular therapist I have bases her model on Jungian archetypes.
Another thing I do because I have difficulty being around children, (actually not the children, but the parents reactions to children), is to always have my trusty ipod with soothing music, meditation, etc, on it. It's essential when I go shopping, otherwise I could lose the plot.
I also find water and weightlessness very soothing.
I wish you all well on your quest for peace and tranquility.:seeya:
Terribly long post, my apologies.
I have been closely following the Boston bombing and the Texas explosion Today had an severe anxiety attack. I thought for a minute I might be having a mini stroke.

Numbness in limbs both sides. Neck pain, Rapid heartbeat, feeling faint, feelings of dread.

I almost called 911, I was THAT afraid I was going to die!

I didn't because, I realized what was going on.

I checked my symptoms against web MD symptom checker and it convinced me that this was just extreme anxiety. I started feeling better just recognizing it for what it was.

I did some deep breathing, and progressive muscle relaxation and I am feeling back to "normal" now.

We all should remember to limit our exposure to traumatic events, lest our symptoms are triggered.

In the words of my mother, " Turn the channel!"

I deliberately don't watch the news or read newspapers, it's way too traumatising for me, I can't watch animal documentaries which I used to like either. I even stopped eating meat.
Strangely, I can read newspapers from other countries but avoid some reports. I think many people are traumatised from hearing/reading news, it's just not acknowledged. I remember when 9/11 happened, it affected people all over the world, and my job at the time was managing and assessing suspected child abuse notifications from the public. I can't count the number of adults that were so affected by it, they were contacting a child protection agency! It must have released a sense of powerlessness/injustice we all feel as children.

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