Public appearances and other forms of cashing in ..

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I'm with you Userid .. they are really milking it now .. also they look completely mis-matched, I'm not even sure if they are genuinely still together. Can't believe people were asked to donate for the live chat, it seems they never miss an opportunity to draw in the $$$ .. I'm wondering where is all the money? Who runs it, is it a foundation, what's it being used for .. etc.

Or I guess you can let it bother you.
Someone tried to milk it too much
Damien Echols had an exhibition last night at Sacred Gallery in New York, apart from the usual goth fare, he made available a pin of him flipping off a camera during the trials

The exhibition was called: Do as thou will

Button and sticker packs available for purchase, I mean who wouldn't want a Damien badge?

Not that Damien was ever into satanism or anything of course.
Damien Echols had an exhibition last night at Sacred Gallery in New York, apart from the usual goth fare, he made available a pin of him flipping off a camera during the trials

The exhibition was called: Do as thou will

Button and sticker packs available for purchase, I mean who wouldn't want a Damien badge?

Not that Damien was ever into satanism or anything of course.


That guy is really scary.
But, apparently his "reverse psychology" is successful with the masses of people that cannot see what is staring them in the face! Even while he makes fun of them.
I have to laugh at the way all those against Echolls' efforts to make a living keep giving him all the name checks and free publicity for the events!

Worth noting, however, that they are not making money on anything directly related to the crime. Just on the experience they went through. I assume Son of Sam Laws would apply! Remember how OJ's book was pulped?
One thing I can understand about Echols is that he brings a lot of the hate/distaste people have for him onto himself. I'm not one of those people, necessarily; I don't consider myself a WM3 supporter nor a WM3 opponent -- but I do understand the hostility people have for him.

I know everyone is entitled to be themselves and do what they want, but with a profile like his, it wouldn't kill him to refrain from dressing like a demon on Halloween and doing "Days of the Dead" appearances -- it's counterproductive, both for him and his cause, in my view.

I guess, if it were me (thank God it isn't and I wouldn't wish that position on anybody), I would handle things a little differently than him; I'd try to have a little more tact and I'd try to relatively stay underneath the radar. This teenage-like rebellion, thumbing-my-nose-at-you schtick is far outdated by now and only perpetuates the hatred.

I wouldn't worry about Damien Echol's poor public relations management skills. Quite frankly, Damien Echols doesn't care. If you're wondering to yourself, "Man, when is Echols going to become more aware of the feelings of others", you'll have a long wait. Damien doesn't care about the feelings of others. They are objects to him. As long as he can get enough objects to pay for his book so he can pay his rent, he doesn't care. Sure he wants adulation and attention, but he only needs enough objects err people to surround him. It's not like he's holding not for universal plurality.
I have to laugh at the way all those against Echolls' efforts to make a living keep giving him all the name checks and free publicity for the events!

Worth noting, however, that they are not making money on anything directly related to the crime. Just on the experience they went through. I assume Son of Sam Laws would apply! Remember how OJ's book was pulped?

I would bet the Son of Sam laws don't apply to Alford Pleas, since there is no finding or admission of guilt, just an acceptance of punishment. Interesting question though.
Okay, how should Damien behave? As far as I can tell he is remaining true to himself. He wasn't an overly nice guy, to be polite, in PL1. He wasn't overly nice in any of his interviews from prison, although he did tone down his natural arrogance somewhat, likely on the advice of his lawyers. To be frank, Damien appears to be an *advertiser censored**hole.

However, he's never been one to claim to be otherwise. He's never proclaimed himself to be much of anything beyond wrongfully convicted of the murders of 3 little boys. As he has always maintained his innocence, why then should he refrain now from just being who and what he is? However you interpret him to be.

ETA: The Son of Sam laws pertain to someone profiting off crimes they admit to committing. Not to crimes they profess innocence of.
This argument is so old that I don't really remember exactly what it was about, but I'll attempt to respond to the last post.

I think the issue I took was with him appearing at what was a festival that featured fictional characters like Jason, Freddy Kruger, etc. He was appearing, as one of them (the "Boogeyman," so to speak). I don't think anyone (at least I'm not) is criticizing the way he lives his life as a whole, but I questioned whether that was really necessary. I mean, I understand needing to make money -- I don't fault him for doing so -- but we also have to remember that this was a real crime, with real victims; not just the WM3, but the three who tragically lost their lives. I really don't have a problem with DE and his magick/Crawley alignment/etc., but this particular event went too far. Freddy, Jason, Michael Myers: these are all fictional characters who are adored for murdering fictional victims -- which is fine -- but in his involvement to be as big a main attraction as these fictional killers, he disrespected the memories of not only the victims, but the families of those victims. Just put yourself in the shoes of one of the victim's families: how would you feel if the man who was convicted and released for the murder of your son was showing up at this event, even if you did think he was innocent (which MM's family does not, but regardless)? Wouldn't you hope that he'd have at least a little bit of respect for the victims by not pawning himself off in the same light as Jason Voorhies?

I'll say this last: I don't even necessarily have a problem with DE making money off of this story; I simply felt that this particular arena was, bar none, the most inappropriate arena for him to do so. That's really all I was saying.
Here's my problem. Everyone knows that I believe staunchly in the innocence of DE, JB and JM for these horrific murders. I have also stated, on several occasions, that DE has done things, both during the trials and since his release, that I would consider irresponsible and/or inappropriate. However, it bothers me greatly when his actions are continually pointed out in, what appears to me to be, an attempt to paint him as a murderer. IMO, these attacks on DE do nothing to further the case. I want to see justice served. DE, JB and JM are innocent of these murders, IMO. Nonetheless, they stand convicted of the same. How does rehashing DE's actions further the finding of the truth in this case? Double jeopardy will not allow them to be tried again for the same crime (unless the 8/19/11 verdicts are overthrown). Let's move on! It just seems petty and self-serving, IMO, to continue down this particular road when, IMO, what needs to be done is to put pressure on the State of Arkansas to properly investigate this crime so the truth is known. But that's just me.
Thanks to both of you for your helpful posts!

I think Damien presenting himself as 'the bogeyman' was in no way meant to disrespect the families of the victims. I think it's just Damien's way of taking his life back. If you remember in the first Paradise Lost movie Damien mentions that he thinks it's 'kind of cool' that people will be referring to him from now on as 'the bogeyman' and threatening their children with him, ie: Don't go outside, Damien might get you!.

For practically his entire life Damien has been under someone's control. Either his parents, or the prison systems. TBH, I've expected a lot more 'acting out' from him than we've seen.
I agree with you CR and anastacia. Let me say it in a less polite way. Damien is taking revenge on all the narrow minded Philistines who sent him to rot in hell for eighteen years, who can blame him? I wish people could understand that it’s better to play the Bogeyman than to become a Bogeyman. It’s so simple really. JMO. :banghead:
Here's my problem. Everyone knows that I believe staunchly in the innocence of DE, JB and JM for these horrific murders. I have also stated, on several occasions, that DE has done things, both during the trials and since his release, that I would consider irresponsible and/or inappropriate. However, it bothers me greatly when his actions are continually pointed out in, what appears to me to be, an attempt to paint him as a murderer. IMO, these attacks on DE do nothing to further the case. I want to see justice served. DE, JB and JM are innocent of these murders, IMO. Nonetheless, they stand convicted of the same. How does rehashing DE's actions further the finding of the truth in this case? Double jeopardy will not allow them to be tried again for the same crime (unless the 8/19/11 verdicts are overthrown). Let's move on! It just seems petty and self-serving, IMO, to continue down this particular road when, IMO, what needs to be done is to put pressure on the State of Arkansas to properly investigate this crime so the truth is known. But that's just me.

I didn't say he was a murderer, CR. I simply said it was in bad taste for him to attend this event.
Thanks to both of you for your helpful posts!

I think Damien presenting himself as 'the bogeyman' was in no way meant to disrespect the families of the victims. I think it's just Damien's way of taking his life back. If you remember in the first Paradise Lost movie Damien mentions that he thinks it's 'kind of cool' that people will be referring to him from now on as 'the bogeyman' and threatening their children with him, ie: Don't go outside, Damien might get you!.

For practically his entire life Damien has been under someone's control. Either his parents, or the prison systems. TBH, I've expected a lot more 'acting out' from him than we've seen.

You're welcome. I'd also just like to add that, he has since regretted making that comment in PL1 and said it was a mistake to do so in the first place.

I also believe that, this particular event would have zero bearing on him "taking his life back." He very easily could have skipped it, with respect to the victims and the families of his victims.

Someone mentioned "take revenge on the philistines." I have no problem with him doing that, necessarily, except when it is at the expense of the victims and their families. I care more about them than I do anyone else in this case.
I agree with you CR and anastacia. Let me say it in a less polite way. Damien is taking revenge on all the narrow minded Philistines who sent him to rot in hell for eighteen years, who can blame him? I wish people could understand that it’s better to play the Bogeyman than to become a Bogeyman. It’s so simple really. JMO. :banghead:


That could easily be true. Damien has never been a slave to those who misunderstand him. That's for sure! I just wish he would use a little more discretion about his choices in places to go and live, but . . . he is who he is. We can't change that, but we shouldn't "judge" him for his choices, either. We can disapprove, but to judge? I leave that to the Man Upstairs!
I thought DE was a victim too! Of course, not if you think he did it. As usual, after saying that, if he did do it, why should he have a moral problem playing Bogeyman, I should think the killer of three young boys wouldn't have any moral problems at all.
I thought DE was a victim too! Of course, not if you think he did it. As usual, after saying that, if he did do it, why should he have a moral problem playing Bogeyman, I should think the killer of three young boys wouldn't have any moral problems at all.

Wow, the bolded is just a weird and somewhat inappropriate statement to make at all, but to each their own I suppose.

I don't know if DE is guilty or innocent; either way, I just disapprove of this one decision the guy has made. Again, I'm not "judging" the guy on a grand scale; as I said, I have no problem with his lifestyle/religion/etc. I simply disapprove of this one decision and felt it was distasteful.

If DE is a victim here, in addition to the three little boys, that's all the more reason why he should have sat this one event out.

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