Q&A for the Levi Page Show

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OK guys.... this is not a drug thread or discussion thread. This is ask Levi a question for his show tonight thread. Thank YOU
Hope Sykes has filed a motion for a rehearing. I'd like to know if you or any of your guests think that Hope may bargain information she learned about Haleigh? Misty could have confided in her because she is family to Ron.

Also, do you or any of your guests think that Ron's motive for appearing in court for Hope was more for reasons of intimidation rather than support?
It wouldl be good to know if Greenwood ever corrected his videod statement of the first call came in at 2:13am Feb 10, 2009.
Is there any way to find out why rc's work hours have never been mentioned? EVER!!! In the Cobra tape, rc is talking all about LE questioning him on his arrival at the MH from work. The LE are annoyed with him, he says, and they want to know how the heck he got from point a to point b in such and such a time...bud STILL rc doesn't mention hours and it was obvious to me he omitted that purposely.

Why can't any locals speak up? they know the shift hours at PDM. Why can't employees talk? Has it been substantiated that LE has told them NOT to speak?
I'd like to know how Tommy explained the headless rat to Linsey. What did she think was the reason for it, & if her views have changed. Surely they discussed it.
I wonder if Tommy is going to do anything differently now regarding talking to LE. IF this was not a divorce done for financial interests, Tommy should be about ready to blow a gasket. He is going to be one very angry guy.
Hi Levi-
I would like to know who was in the blue van at the school bus stop on Feb 9 after school. Ron, Teresa, Misty and Chelsea all say Ron was there in his purple ultima. Mr Santos says Misty was in the blue van to pick Haleigh up. Why is he the only one saying this? Could he have mistaken Chelsea for Misty?
Levi, please ask Leonard Padilla if he is the one who is going to bail Ron Cummings out of jail and if he is, is there a deal where Ron will have to lead LE to Haleigh's body first before LP bails him out.
Hey Levi, I can't wait for your show.

Could you ask your panel what they think about Lindsey filing for a divorce, and if they beleive this is real or a ploy to get assistance for while Tommy serves his sentence, or could this be real because of information that Lindsey has found out about Tommy's involvement in Haleigh's case.

Could you find out from your panel if LE beleives Timmy and Chelsea are involved or if they are being investigated.

Could you also ask if Ron's canceled hearing the other day was because the person (LP) decided not to put up the bond or if there is another reason for the canceled hearing
Levi, I have one more question for you... When you are doing your show do you ask questions from the chat board, or follow WS as you do your show, because many times during the show I have many questions as the panel responds to questions or bring up new info, as I know others do to... So where should we ask questions during your show?
Levi, please ask if anyone knows of TN's whereabouts the night Haleigh went missing - why did she offer to pay MC or did MC offer to pay TN. What was so important that TN couldn't babysit - but felt the need to send GGMS over to "check on them"?

Was/is Teresa Neves a drug addict also???
Why didn't she raise Ron?
Undercover cops do not sell drugs... in these stings they buy them from known dealers, and this is what happened here.
LE's goal is to get the drug dealers off the streets, not deal drugs themselves.
And they don't go around busting people for buying drugs... they want the dealers who are selling them.
Sorry, Levi... didn't mean to jump in and take over... my son is in LE so I learned a lot from him.

I'm not trying to "correct" you about your statement. I understand that how LE works in different areas can vary. I can directly address Putnam, Clay, Bradford and Baker county here in Florida. I have 3 sons that are directly involved with LE in this area. Sheriff's Office personal that are on the Narcotics investigations teams do sell drugs to dealers in order to build a case or they buy drugs for the same reason.
What time did Ron make the first attempted call to Misty and what time did he make the last attempted call?
I would like to know if there were cavaver dogs at the search where Misty lead them to the red rose. I also would like to know if any digging happened that day.
Levi, I tried to catch you on twitter to ask you about the so called tattoo that is said to be on Chelsea's foot. Maybe you can catch us up on your next radio show.
Tried asking several people today and no luck. Hopefully you can check it out.

It is said that this tattoo is on Chelsea’s foot (I have a picture saved). It says Haleigh, with a picture of a baby angel with wings..

If it were on her foot, why would she put it there? Why would Chelsea have a tattoo with Haleigh's name on her foot?

Is there more to Chelsea and Ron? Is there more that Chelsea knows about what happen Feb 9th? Is that who Misty is covering for? Did something happen to Haleigh while in Chelsea's care? (Just a though, Misty and Ron still at the top of my list with Misty.)

I find it odd that she would put a tattoo on her foot of a child she only knew for about 4 months.

TIA :blowkiss:
Hi Levi,

I'd like a firm answer on who was with GGS when she "dropped off the kids' laundry" on the 9th, and if this person is in fact a nurse. Also, was the A/C repairman a cousin of Ronald's?

(Sorry if these have already been requested.....I didn't see them if they have).
I would like you to find out what time PDM closed on 2/9. ty
Levi, (hate to be a pest) but to me this is important.

Did the police separate all of the players in this case that were at the MH (RC, MC, TN, GGS.) I know they already had their stories down fairly well before hand, however, it is police procedure that everyone be separated and statements taken privately with each individual.

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