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I am a total newbie so I hope this is not a weirdo first post, but we are talking about Jodi Arias so here goes...for some reason the message Jodi left in the guest book at the wake keeps running through my mind. Jodi has said repeatedly that she is "hyper literal" and her memorial message to the man she gutted was, "you're beautiful inside and out".
Am I twisted for thinking she might be that twisted?
I feel so terrible for the Alexander family. The death penalty is entirely too merciful for Arias.
As this is my first post I feel the need to add a disclaimer, I am not normally a person who looks for secret, evil messages or dissects harmless “Wat ups?” for innuendos . Arias just inspires this in me. BLAH

certainly possible, but it was also mentioned during the trial that that was a line he had written to her at one point or a line he had said to her, so that could be why she was saying that. But I agree, it does seem odd and inappropriate to me that she would use those terms under the circumstances.
Thx so much for the speedy reply! I was unable to access the blog (ipad repeatedly crashed) but i can definitely get to youtube. I also happened to find them, though in no particular order, at

I am interested in these photos, particularly those of Travis on the bed, because they somehow do not seem normal. They are taken from an awkward direction, and Travis seems to be rather " out of it". Almost as if he were drugged. I will post this theory elsewhere in the appropriate thread, but has this been discussed? It would be great if we could get the opinion of someone who knew Travis.

I always wondered too if either Jodi or both of them could have been drugged, there's not been any mention of drug usage that I have heard tho
Johunt - thanks for "trying" to answer LOL -

I've been rehashing what I think the Prosecution has missed as far as the best evidence of premeditation. Since there was no DNA evidence found on Napoleon, I think JA locked him up just before she headed to the bathroom to kill TA. Doing so would mean that she premeditated the murder. It has been said by TA's friends that the dog was able to roam around the house freely on most occasions and JA mentioned that he was in the office with her and TA earlier that day (but got up and walked out when TA got angry at JA about the CD).

You can probably tell me this, I've not been in on this case from the beginning and have never understood, why did it take the roommates so long to look for Travis (5 days). Didn't they wonder when they found Napoleon there and Travis apparently gone (days before he would have left for the Cancun trip) and no arrangements made for Napoleon? Not to mention a camera being in the washer? And no contact from Travis to anyone for days? Didn't they call around that day trying to reach him to see if he'd left town early or what was going on with his camera being in the washer? I don't get it.

So DNA was done on Napoleon? Where was he found, etc? I've always tried to find more about that but have not found it.
To me in the trial one of the few times I saw Jodi really look genuinely emotional were when she talked about Napoleon.
I always wondered about her story about her own dog supposedly leaving out the gate and disappearing forever (at her family home) because she kicked him once, compared to her description of how Napoleon would go out of rooms when TA got mad. Just seemed kind of similar. Weird that her two dog stories in the trial about two different dogs were about such a similar scene. I don't know why these things interest me lol. Also, would a person's dog really just disappear forever after one kick, I'm not excusing it in any way, you understand. But anyway, I am interested in knowing more about where Napoleon was found on June 4, who took care of him, didn't they wonder why no arrangements had been made for him or any mention that TA was leaving early, etc. Not to mention that dang camera being in the washer, I mean really, it's a strange scene.
I don't know if this has been clarified or not, but I remember many of us having questions about how prepaid legal operates.

Well it turns out that a friend of mine has prepaid legal. His niece was selling it a while ago. He was recently in an accident that was 100% an old biddy's fault and he is using prepaid legal for the accident claim. I asked him what he got with prepaid legal. He said you get help with drawing up a will (Which really anyone can do simply I believe. A lawyer can correct me if I'm wrong) Free legal advice, and in his case because he broke his sternum when the airbag deployed, they give him legal help. They referred him to an accident liability specialist who will give him a cut rate of about 2% (He says) for the legal service.

He also told me that if your in an accident, that's not your fault, and suffer a broken bone there is an automatic payout from the insurance company.
I don't know if this has been clarified or not, but I remember many of us having questions about how prepaid legal operates.

Well it turns out that a friend of mine has prepaid legal. His niece was selling it a while ago. He was recently in an accident that was 100% an old biddy's fault and he is using prepaid legal for the accident claim. I asked him what he got with prepaid legal. He said you get help with drawing up a will (Which really anyone can do simply I believe. A lawyer can correct me if I'm wrong) Free legal advice, and in his case because he broke his sternum when the airbag deployed, they give him legal help. They referred him to an accident liability specialist who will give him a cut rate of about 2% (He says) for the legal service.

He also told me that if your in an accident, that's not your fault, and suffer a broken bone there is an automatic payout from the insurance company.

That reminds me of a story my sister went through. She was in a taxi cab and her and her boyfriend at the time were hurt but not badly. Her boyfriend hired an attorney and got $2000. She settled her case on her own and got $3000. I have found that with my education I can do the same work as the paper pushing attorneys, and most people can if you know the right forms to get, but if you have to go to court, it may be wise to get an attorney with litigation experience. If you have valuable property it may be wise to make a will with an attorney. I have witnessed family members arguing in the limo on the way to the cemetery about who was promised certain property. They spend years in court and the attorneys end up with most of the profits.
I don't know if this has been clarified or not, but I remember many of us having questions about how prepaid legal operates.

Well it turns out that a friend of mine has prepaid legal. His niece was selling it a while ago. He was recently in an accident that was 100% an old biddy's fault and he is using prepaid legal for the accident claim. I asked him what he got with prepaid legal. He said you get help with drawing up a will (Which really anyone can do simply I believe. A lawyer can correct me if I'm wrong) Free legal advice, and in his case because he broke his sternum when the airbag deployed, they give him legal help. They referred him to an accident liability specialist who will give him a cut rate of about 2% (He says) for the legal service.

He also told me that if your in an accident, that's not your fault, and suffer a broken bone there is an automatic payout from the insurance company.

That reminds me of a story my sister went through. She was in a taxi cab and her and her boyfriend at the time were hurt but not badly. Her boyfriend hired an attorney and got $2000. She settled her case on her own and got $3000. I have found that with my education I can do the same work as the paper pushing attorneys, and most people can if you know the right forms to get, but if you have to go to court, it may be wise to get an attorney with litigation experience. If you have valuable property it may be wise to make a will with an attorney. I have witnessed family members arguing in the limo on the way to the cemetery about who was promised certain property. They spend years in court and the attorneys end up with most of the profits.
If Jodi had a laptop, why would she have to wake up her Grandparents to use the computer? And if she brought the laptop into Travis' house, and had been carrying the picture CD's around with her in her case for months, why didn't she just use her laptop to view them, or at least try?

I've wondered the same. I've also wondered why she didn't just email Travis the a real photographer does LOL! :scared:
Did she have her laptop with her on the trip? I seem to recall testimony that she used Darryl's computer to check her myspace, etc.
Did she have her laptop with her on the trip? I seem to recall testimony that she used Darryl's computer to check her myspace, etc.

Yep, she did say that she checked her mail at Darryl's, and also said she had her laptop with her when she went to Travis', I think when she was questioned about packing up to leave and what she packed, I'll have to check the testimony and see when she talked about her laptop.
I'll assume she just used Darryl's for convenience to access the net? I don't remember how easy or hard it was to access the web or use wifi in 2008.
I'll assume she just used Darryl's for convenience to access the net? I don't remember how easy or hard it was to access the web or use wifi in 2008.

Agree, it likely was easier to just hop on his computer to check her e-mail than lug her laptop out, connect it (if he had wifi, he may have only had dial up then for all we know, or DSL with no extra ethernet cable for her to use. I wonder if she was expecting an e-mail from T? We know there were a couple of short phone calls from her phone to his but no way to know if they spoke or if she just left voice mails, as she deleted the last few on his phone after she killed him.
I'm sure she was looking for any information she could find about where Zach and Enrique might be or might be doing, what Travis or anyone Travis would spend time with might be doing, etc when she was on the computer.

You're right about Darryl's internet connections.

I want to know exactly what she did with her time on June 3rd because I have a feeling that she was actually procrastinating put off schedule by Matt or something. I think she had to waste time that day so she could arrive at Travis' in the middle of the night. Because that whole day in Salinas or Pasadena just seems like it was unnecessary besides the hairdo.
I'm sure she was looking for any information she could find about where Zach and Enrique might be or might be doing, what Travis or anyone Travis would spend time with might be doing, etc when she was on the computer.

You're right about Darryl's internet connections.

I want to know exactly what she did with her time on June 3rd because I have a feeling that she was actually procrastinating put off schedule by Matt or something. I think she had to waste time that day so she could arrive at Travis' in the middle of the night. Because that whole day in Salinas or Pasadena just seems like it was unnecessary besides the hairdo.

Yeah, I had the same feeling about her wasting time on the 3rd, she even shopped at CVS (which we still don't know what she bought) apparently so she could drive to Mesa in the dead of night and surprise him.

Good thinking about her trying to find info on roommates or anyone else who might be able to thwart her plan.
Yeah, I had the same feeling about her wasting time on the 3rd, she even shopped at CVS (which we still don't know what she bought) apparently so she could drive to Mesa in the dead of night and surprise him.

Good thinking about her trying to find info on roommates or anyone else who might be able to thwart her plan.


Hair coloring?
On trial day 5, when Martinez was showing receipts, I found something strange. Jodi made a purchase at Starbucks on June 3, 8:41 PM, then at Arco on 8:42 PM. How is that possible? Why didn't Martinez point this out? He did not want to involve another person with Jodi that night?

Hair coloring?

Possibly, but why wouldn't JM bring that out? It aids the prosecution in the premeditation aspect so why not show that's what she bought? I wish someone here worked at CVS and could look up the numbers that do show on the receipt:

5177 8815 5434 4033

I tried UPC codes but it's not that, and the words above it are something about flex spending accounts but I get nothing googling that either. Ugh.
On trial day 5, when Martinez was showing receipts, I found something strange. Jodi made a purchase at Starbucks on June 3, 8:41 PM, then at Arco on 8:42 PM. How is that possible? Why didn't Martinez point this out? He did not want to involve another person with Jodi that night?

Were these on her credit card? I did notice the times, and I think there's also a phone call to Travis around this same time. I don't know that arco and Starbucks are nearby each other. Maybe of the stores had a fast or slow clock in their registers, something that might have thrown it off by a few minutes--if the places were nearby.

If they were each on her credit card, then her card can't be in two places at once.

I do know one thing. You can't be at Starbucks at 841, picking up license plates in the parking lot and paying for gas at 842. She apparently fast with a knife, but I doubt she's that fast at the pump.

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