Questions For Websleuthers Part 4

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to no stone unturned:

I recently had a friendship of 12 years end. At this time I was working for her. She had gotten involved in doing some things she shouldn't have been doing and could have lost her reputation and business. I talked to her, told her I wasn't going to let her do that to herself. I tried to help and protect her. She ended up in the hospital and I while talking to her crying mother, I did suggest in generalities what my concern for her was to her mother. Again out of concern literally for her life. She ended up firing and badmouthing me for it and accusing me of things I didn't do. Said I had betrayed her.

My point is, I read AH's interview and what she said happened with CA's call and the ride, etc. I don't feel like she betrayed KC. I think at that time CA was being quite concerned and sincere and it was obvious that KC had been lying. They hadn't even been friends but a few months. If I had been in AH's position, I wouldn't have given KC heads up either - I would have wanted to know the truth and if she had been warned she would have taken off.

There's so much more to friendship than constant blind loyalty - at least with true friendship.
Does anyone know what day ZFG visited Sawgrass Apartments and filled out that card?
Question: One or two sleuthers have said that GA knew that KC had not been working for a while. Is this true? Where/when did this come out? If it's true, then GA flat-out lied to LE.
So little Caylee could have gotten up and come out of the room and eaten breakfast, etc while he wasn't home. Possibly in the bedroom getting dressed, playing while waiting for KC to be ready to leave and by then GA had returned and saw them leave?

Why have I seen so many people say they think he's lying about seeing them on the 16th?

I can't say why others think he is lying but here is why I do.

Listen to the GVS video in the A's home, it's an earlier video. GA is going on about seeing KC and Caylee on the morning of the 16th. He states how he was watching the NEWS then CA prompts him with "BEFORE WORK" and he changes to a show he enjoys on Food Network. HINKY MOMENT #1 for me!

Then GA describes what KC and Caylee are wearing on the afternoon of the 16th at 12:50 PM. What he says Caylee was wearing is what a friend of the A's say Caylee was wearing on the 9th or 10th of June when they saw her at a strip mall. This was PRIOR to the realization that Caylee was at the nursing home on the 15th of June and wasn't yet missing. HINKY MOMENT #2 for me!

When GA says KC left on the 16th, he states that KC told him her and Caylee were crashing at Zanny's that night. CA states that KC called later that night to say she wasn't coming home. HINKY MOMENT #3 for me!

I just have never believed him that they were there on the 16th. IMO they are trying to draw attention away from night of the 15th which is when I believe the big fight happened. IMO the motive can be set up from this night and this is not how they want it to play out. JMO.
Casey called Amy, complaining about the smell. They go to Target to get a gas can.Does Amy ever mention anything about the smell??
What day was this on?
Did they return to Casey's car?
Has anything else been said about the Gaff tape borrowed from Amy?
Why hasn't anyone of her friends gone to visit?
Do you think Casey was hiding out at Tony's because she didn't think her family would find her there?
When Cindy called Amy (upset about trying to find Casey and Caylee,)don't you think she betrayed her friend a little to quick unless she "knew" something wasn't right??
She knew the drama between Casey and Cindy. I think she was a little to eager to involve herself if she thought everything was ok.
Tony,Amy and the other characters in this saga, must have smelled something.I know what garbage smells like that has been setting for a while,it is horrible and everything,clothes,hair ,etc pick up the smell very quick. Did anyone ever comment on the odor?Do you think Amy thought something was wrong when Casey picked her up at the airport?
Is there any document, FBI transcript, or LE interrogation, that asks Casey, specifically, about the smell in the trunk? I have never heard her explain this, except to Amy back in June. Why didn't LE ask her about her mother's initial comments, & what she thought? They all knew it from the beginning. Why not just ask, "There's an overwhelming odor of decompostion in the trunk of your car, how do you explain that?" Why not break her down with that?

If someone has a link to that I would like to see it.
KC had already hired counsel by the time the test results on the car came back. LE at that point could not interview KC again.
KC had already hired counsel by the time the test results on the car came back. LE at that point could not interview KC again.

Yes KageyKaren, I know this, but, from day 1, they could have prefaced it with "we have strong evidence of a decomposing body, found in the trunk of YOUR car", "we will have the results shortly, so why don't you explain to us how that smell got there..... could have somehow, in the very beginning, hit her hard with that. In other words, they could have inquired into her mind, as to what she thought, dismissing the garbage excuse. I remembering hearing quite alot of presumptions in their interrogations with her I notice I never heard CA or GA speak about squirrels plastered to the grill of the car. I wonder why they did not repeatedly hammer her with, what seems to be the strongest evidence they had at that time.
Yes KageyKaren, I know this, but, from day 1, they could have prefaced it with "we have strong evidence of a decomposing body, found in the trunk of YOUR car", "we will have the results shortly, so why don't you explain to us how that smell got there..... could have somehow, in the very beginning, hit her hard with that. In other words, they could have inquired into her mind, as to what she thought, dismissing the garbage excuse. I remembering hearing quite alot of presumptions in their interrogations with her I notice I never heard CA or GA speak about squirrels plastered to the grill of the car. I wonder why they did not repeatedly hammer her with, what seems to be the strongest evidence they had at that time.

I agree with you reeseeva. The interrogations bothered me because they also never asked her why she needed a nanny if she wasn't working? She said she went from work to pick up her daughter at Sawgrass...where was she really...because she had just admitted she didn't have a job! Why didn't they ask that? They interrupted her WAY too much and didn't give her the opportunity to answer alot of the time. If you time the amount of time they speak during the interview...I would bet it is at least 80% of the time. I think they really missed out on some golden opportunities here.
At the time LE interviewed KC they had not returned to the A's house to pick up the car. They only had a small window of opportunity for questioning and at that time the LE were unaware of the circumstances of the car. By the time LE had the car towed they weren't allowed to question KC anymore per JB orders. The LE didn't know right off the bat how many twist & turns they would be facing.
I couldn't sleep last night and watched tv. I never, never watch lifetime movies, however, I was desperate for something to bore me enough to put me to sleep. There was a movie on about a woman involved with a man she didn't quite trust. Turned out he was sneaking into her house and using chloroform to .. well you know. Anyway, she went to the Dr because she was having headaches ( I guess so lol) and he found she had a urinary infection. When they put all the symptoms together they said is was from chloroform. Her "boyfriend" like to capture butterflies and for some reason used chloroform to treat the specimens in some way. If the research for that program was anywhere near correct and Caylee had been given chloroform before her demise, she would have had some symptoms that would have alerted the family. They also had a line for the BF that he stopped buying it because ut had become difficult to get. I wonder if any of these "facts" presented on the movie are in anyway correct. I thought the chloroform stuff in movies went out with old movies from the thirties.
I agree with you reeseeva. The interrogations bothered me because they also never asked her why she needed a nanny if she wasn't working? She said she went from work to pick up her daughter at Sawgrass...where was she really...because she had just admitted she didn't have a job! Why didn't they ask that? They interrupted her WAY too much and didn't give her the opportunity to answer alot of the time. If you time the amount of time they speak during the interview...I would bet it is at least 80% of the time. I think they really missed out on some golden opportunities here.

I kinda thought LE talked too much too. They wouldn't just ask a question and wait for her to answer, or ask the question again until she answered. I think they were trying to "reason" with an unreasonable person and they just weren't going to get anywhere. It seemed they thought when they confronted her with her lies that she would fess up. Not so with these people. They could have confronted her with a video of her killing her, say smothering her, and she still would deny it - probably say they were playing, wrestling or something. Say she was fine that they put her shoes on after that and grabbed her book and everything was fine.
I agree with you reeseeva. The interrogations bothered me because they also never asked her why she needed a nanny if she wasn't working? She said she went from work to pick up her daughter at Sawgrass...where was she really...because she had just admitted she didn't have a job! Why didn't they ask that? They interrupted her WAY too much and didn't give her the opportunity to answer alot of the time. If you time the amount of time they speak during the interview...I would bet it is at least 80% of the time. I think they really missed out on some golden opportunities here.
:bang: Hit me the same way about her admission & then not asking?? Also, sometimes she would start to answer & they would interrupt...made me crazy. What is the saying "He who talks first loses" I would think Detectives would know that one! Overall, I think they went very easy on her!

At the time LE interviewed KC they had not returned to the A's house to pick up the car. They only had a small window of opportunity for questioning and at that time the LE were unaware of the circumstances of the car. By the time LE had the car towed they weren't allowed to question KC anymore per JB orders. The LE didn't know right off the bat how many twist & turns they would be facing.
::confused: Ok, but Cindy's remarks on the 911 call, got them over there quickly, & I believe they were in the garage with Lee & Casey (in Lee's own words, interview/testimony, I can find this somewhere) that first night & couldn't miss that smell. Essentially, it was the proverbial "smoking gun" They could not be in the garage for any length of time. This was before they took Casey for that long wild goose chase, into the early morning hours of July 16th, ending up in a Universal conference room for the interrogation.
I agree with you reeseeva. The interrogations bothered me because they also never asked her why she needed a nanny if she wasn't working? She said she went from work to pick up her daughter at Sawgrass...where was she really...because she had just admitted she didn't have a job! Why didn't they ask that? They interrupted her WAY too much and didn't give her the opportunity to answer alot of the time. If you time the amount of time they speak during the interview...I would bet it is at least 80% of the time. I think they really missed out on some golden opportunities here.

I think they did too, but to be fair, they were only able to talk to Casey that first day and at that time they didn't know what exactly they were dealing with. Casey was throwing lies at them so fast that they couldn't keep up. If they'd had a second chance to interview her I'm sure they'd have done better.
Was it ever discovered that CA emails were REALLY hacked???? I haven't seen anything on that for awhile..........
:bang: Hit me the same way about her admission & then not asking?? Also, sometimes she would start to answer & they would interrupt...made me crazy. What is the saying "He who talks first loses" I would think Detectives would know that one! Overall, I think they went very easy on her!

::confused: Ok, but Cindy's remarks on the 911 call, got them over there quickly, & I believe they were in the garage with Lee & Casey (in Lee's own words, interview/testimony, I can find this somewhere) that first night & couldn't miss that smell. Essentially, it was the proverbial "smoking gun" They could not be in the garage for any length of time. This was before they took Casey for that long wild goose chase, into the early morning hours of July 16th, ending up in a Universal conference room for the interrogation.

They were also operating under the assumption that Caylee *could* be alive somewhere. Did they know something was horribly wrong and this girl was lying through her teeth, yes, but they were attempting to get any info out of her that might lead to a live 2 year old. It was possible at that point that someone else was dead somewhere. They arrested her within hours to try to get her to talk. I think LE has done an outstanding job and no one could handle a case of this magnitude and this much info and not have people look back and say "if only they had". The fact is Caylee was dead a month before they even got called, there is nothing they could have done that would have changed anything about this case in a truly meaningful manner. MOO
I think they did too, but to be fair, they were only able to talk to Casey that first day and at that time they didn't know what exactly they were dealing with. Casey was throwing lies at them so fast that they couldn't keep up. If they'd had a second chance to interview her I'm sure they'd have done better.

They got a sworn statement out of her filled with so many lies that will be used against her in court during that one interview, I think their first interview with her was highly effective.
They got a sworn statement out of her filled with so many lies that will be used against her in court during that one interview, I think their first interview with her was highly effective.

Oh yes - the interviews were still very effective. They caughter her lying and even admitting she lied. I think they have done a marvelous job. I am clearly speaking with the benefit of hindsight. But my first thought when I listened to it was....shut up and let her talk! LOL. It drove me crazy!
at that time the LE were unaware of the circumstances of the car

Yeah but Cindy said on the 911 call that her granddaughter was missing and the car smelled like a dead body. It should have been obvious to walk into the garage and take a whiff.

Also I agree that they did way too much talking and interrupted her when she was about to continue with storylines that made no sense at all. They should have given her more rope.
LE has done a fantastic job. I know those seasoned detectives wanted to bit--slap her for taking up their time, lying ,and trying to look so smug. In the photos of Casey, she is smiling and laughing. She has to have a split personality. JesseG ,said "I don't know the Casey that now sits in jail" He refers to the Casey he knew,as loving and caring, and wanted to build her career around Caylee.
George hadn't worked in the past several years, he was home with Casey and Caylee everyday. When he thought she didn't have a job,why didn't he say anything to Cindy??
I feel Casey, Cindy, and George were ALL responsible for Caylee's death. The are guilty of neglect. Caylee and Casey were gone for 31 days...from their home. I believe this is why the A's actions seem so strange to us, because we would not have let a month go by with out checking to see if everything was on the up and up. Why didn't George, since he wasn't working go check on them? Kelsey's mom was sentenced to 18 years for enabling child abuse, The A's are just as guilty, in my opinion.
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