Random Thoughts and Ideas

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Oh...yes, we have discussed this many moons ago. Odd, right? That and her sharing her appearances on tv like "which one?"


Yeah. You could hear the smile in her voice. She was lovin' it. IMO
where did the photo of the child in the sunglasses on this thread come from? I'm confused (it doesn't take much) :) those glasses look like the Disney Animal Kingdom tough to be a bug show 3-d glasses IMO
I hope Turbo can provide some insight so I don't have to dredge through the thread. I'm still recuperating from eyeballing all the new docs into the wee hours of the morning.
Casey had item she removed from the Anthony's FREEZER, when Tony picked her up when she ditched the car. Did Orange County look in the Anthony's Freezer?? How can we find out??

Wasn't it ice pops and chicken?
where did the photo of the child in the sunglasses on this thread come from? I'm confused (it doesn't take much) :) those glasses look like the Disney Animal Kingdom tough to be a bug show 3-d glasses IMO

It is the default picture on MB's MySpace profile.

ETA- or it was- I don't know if it still is.
I hope Turbo can provide some insight so I don't have to dredge through the thread. I'm still recuperating from eyeballing all the new docs into the wee hours of the morning.

I know- my eyes actually hurt. LOL
Well - I didn't come up with anything of interest on the shovel, all though a lot of video games talk about them. I googled "household weapons" + shovel - Anthony. The first time I forgot to - the Anthony part and got many, many articles talking about KC's searches.

I guess she could have been looking to see how much they cost as suggested by fay or maybe at the different types of shovels and what they are used for? I don't know, but it bugs me, especially given that she borrowed the shovel from her neighbor.

I don't get it - what are we looking at here? Sunglasses are different ones? Hair is shorter? Looks like a boy with that shirt on and haircut?:waitasec: Help me out here!

I think Turbo thinks that that boy child that she posted the picture of may be Caylee dressed up to look like a boy. As in she isn't dead. The picture I mentioned is Caylee.. I thought it would be a good one to compare the other picture to.
Well - I didn't come up with anything of interest on the shovel, all though a lot of video games talk about them. I googled "household weapons" + shovel - Anthony. The first time I forgot to - the Anthony part and got many, many articles talking about KC's searches.

I guess she could have been looking to see how much they cost as suggested by fay or maybe at the different types of shovels and what they are used for? I don't know, but it bugs me, especially given that she borrowed the shovel from her neighbor.


these are her searches
she didnt only google she did others





*Hydrogen peroxide



*How to make Chloroform
*Self Defense
*House hold weapons
*Neck breaking




*Making weapons out of house hold products
*Chloroform Habit
*How to make Chloroform
Perhaps she considered a shovel another potential household weapon, but why she would need to google it, I have no idea. I don't think it was for pricing. I know whenever I want to price something I go to a local store web page, not google a generic item.
I think I broke the KC code talking. On wed. moring about 9;00am I googled ( along with others) breakneck shovel, scorlled down reading all the different sites whe across my board in bold red print that googled ommitted one child *advertiser censored* site after chillingeffects.org reported it. This may or not have anything to do with Caylee anthony but 2 hr. later my search showed nothing about this and by now had a page & a half of casey anthony google searches. As I scrolled down the second page I found the site that was right above my orignal google search called, Lexical knowledge with verbs "breakneck shovel" I have a psych background so I typed in criminals using anaphoric language. OMG!!! This is a heavy read stick with it you will be amazed at the similarities to casey language. Try this site to help understand, Sociolinguislic Psycholinguistic Indication of Behavior disorders. Good Luck sluething! After studing everything concerning anaphric language in the last 48 hrs. I discovered as you will that LE up to CIA have linguist who have studied this form of communication. I guess I can calm down knowing Le are aware how to read between KC talk. I don't feel KC has a clue that they have caught on. It is going to be very telling at trial when her psych. eval comes into play. GA CA did"t fill out the psych questionair out for FBI. Now more than ever I would like to see school records. This find might helps understand hoe Caylee went missing if we could take alook at her verbs in her statements to LE.

I notice Karen hasn't been back to the thread to discuss what she meant by this post. She and I have "spoken" and I have looked up the information she explained to me... I haven't gone digging, mind you but here is a link that will explain things..

Interesting choice.
Thanks for unraveling the mystery.

NP, though I don't know much about it really only what she posted the other day about the pic.
Just another thought and again sorry if this has been said. But what do you guys think about this "email scam"? Does anyone think that maybe casey could have set that up and scammed the thousands from her dad. Like they wouldnt just hand her $30,000 or whatever the amount was. Im sure that scam is not very hard to set up at all. And casey "knows a lot about computers" but i think not cause then she would have went to a library or somewhere to do her searches. Theres no way to tell if an email is sent to you from nigeria or from the next room. Like hes really going to investigate for an ip address or anything else.
Interesting choice.
Thanks for unraveling the mystery.

Ok, now I understand, thanks OneLostGirl! Boy, MB is really r e a c h i n g if that's the best she has IMO.
Does anyone here work for AT&T? I live in Cent.FL and am suspecting something funny. When the report for KC's pings was run, is there any chance that it was run for all pings for that number in the HOME county where the phone is registered only? Maybe that is the default that the report is run in?

I'm thinking (database worker that I am), that maybe somebody running that report for LE may not have checked some optional box for reporting STATEWIDE pings...just looks funny that she pings all over Orange County right up to the borders of Seminole County, Brevard County and Osceola county then nothing. In fact, lots of her "missing time" begins with a ping on a border...

Any way that someone with AT&T can check on the report procedure/software?


WOW, I hope someone can check that out. What a difference it could make to solving this case.

BTW, I thoroughly enjoy and benefit from your messages.
Thank you, OneLostGirl. That's a really interesting article. Of particular note on Page 5

Investigators have determined that perpetrators find it nearly impossible to admit to harming a family member. The husband in this case could not admit that he had killed his wife. He removed the family relationship by substituting the name "Louise."

Interesting when KC and GA (not really sure about the other two A's) frequently refer to Caylee as "the child" and "the little girl".
Just another thought and again sorry if this has been said. But what do you guys think about this "email scam"? Does anyone think that maybe casey could have set that up and scammed the thousands from her dad. Like they wouldnt just hand her $30,000 or whatever the amount was. Im sure that scam is not very hard to set up at all. And casey "knows a lot about computers" but i think not cause then she would have went to a library or somewhere to do her searches. Theres no way to tell if an email is sent to you from nigeria or from the next room. Like hes really going to investigate for an ip address or anything else.

In fact, finding out where an email is generated from is very easy. Lots of websites out there that show you how. But I agree, I don't think George had the smarts to know something like that was even possible.

As diabolical as Casey is, I just don't think she is intelligent to set up a scam of that magnitude. IMO.
No doubt because you use your own money. Remember, Casey was on someone else's dime and money never proved to be a consideration for what she bought, other than from whom she would obtain the money.

I have to contradict you on this one statement. When the store receipts for the clothes that KC bought from Target with the checks she robbed from Amy came out I was floored by what a frugal shopper she was – and I found myself for the fist (and only time) envying CA for having such a daughter. I don’t have a copy of the receipt right now, but I do remember one of the items was a bra for $5.99. My girls would not consider ever spending less the $30 for a bra, and would not consider going out in public with clothes bought at Targets. I thought about printing the list out to show them the next time they made a statement like “No one our age would even consider shopping at a place like that”, but realized that there was no way I could throw a liar, thief and murder in their faces as a good example.:)
I think it's more likely cigarette smoke than the scent of pot. Cigarettes smell far worse than weed does IMO.

Very early on, Lee announced that they'd thrown into the trash all the stuffed animals that people had left at the house, or mailed to the house, for Caylee. He said it was because some of them smelled like cigarette smoke.

At the time, I thought it was hideously rude, as well as unnecessary, for him to announce that. No "nice" person would have wanted, or needed, to insult the well-intentioned, generous people who only wanted to show they cared about little Caylee. What Lee said was indefensible, period. From then on, I have thoroughly mistrusted and disliked him.

Sorry, I veered off from the point I was going to make: Granted that the Anthonys evidently have an extreme sensitivity and revulsion to any hint of cigarette smoke, but not even they could have picked out that smell in clothing that was reeking with the stench of decomposition! If the car reeked of decomp, then so did everything inside of it. IMHO. :)

Does anyone know whether or not the tests on the air samples revealed nicotine? If the nicotine smell was strong enough for CA to detect with her own little nose, wouldn't the delicate instruments used to test the air samples also register it? Not that it really matters. LOL
Thank you, OneLostGirl. That's a really interesting article. Of particular note on Page 5

Investigators have determined that perpetrators find it nearly impossible to admit to harming a family member. The husband in this case could not admit that he had killed his wife. He removed the family relationship by substituting the name "Louise."

Interesting when KC and GA (not really sure about the other two A's) frequently refer to Caylee as "the child" and "the little girl".

I agree and thank KageyKaren for bringing all this to our attention!
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