Random Thoughts and Ideas

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My mind for the last hours has been running the same way. There is a really significant unknown factor, not some factor withheld by LE or the prosecution, but unknown. Of course, Casey has this knowledge but I sense very strongly that someone else does too. This regards the disposal/burial but activities carried out in late June and the first days of July too.

I am aware of how stupid I sound but it is a discomfort I have with the facts and I cannot cure it.
I might be grasping at straws...but I believe the key to what we are missing lies in the very complicated mother/daughter bond that exists between CA and KC. I said this on some other post, but I think until CA gives KC permission to tell the truth, its not gonna happen. CA can't do this, because, IMO, she felt responsible for Caylee, as a mother would (instead of grandmother) and she in fact blames herself for the tragedy.

On the other hand.... there is SO much anger towards Cindy at this time.... Casey might not be done punishing her yet.

It's as if Casey has a knife in her mother's chest & whenever she gets a little bored, all she has to do is juggle it a bit & know she's still in total control.

Payback is really the only thing Casey has left. And no matter HOW loudly & publicly Cindy defends her.... Casey KNOWS it was her mother who called 911 & landed her in jail.

I wouldn't count on Casey ever worrying about easing ANYBODY'S pain.... all people really care about is Caylee & THAT pisses her off!
As for the "caylee is alive' people - I am a firm believer in Forensic Evidence, but there are people who really do not believe in what they can not see or hear themselves. I shake my head at them, but you know, if they can not make themselves believe she is dead, nothing any of us can say will change their minds.

I think CA is wracked with guilt, I think she blames herself for what happened and is lashing out at anyone. Please don't think LE is bending to her rants - they are ignoring them and going about their business. they will check tips out just so they can not be called out about it at the trial - it is truly a matter of crossing the t's and dotting the i's.

In all my long years of being interested in true crime, and being married to someone who had been in LE for over 30 years, I have never in my life seen anything like this case. Poor little Jon Benet Ramsey doesn't even come close.

the answers lie with Casey, a stone cold sociopathic killer - in my opinion, of course. She leaves a path of destruction behind her everywhere she goes and doesn't give a damn. What is missing is her conscience - she doesn't have one, and that sad fact may make it impossible to ever bring Caylee 'home'.


I think LE is also very careful not to be perceived by the public as 'persecuting' a VICTIM'S family.

At this point, their only concern is getting this case to trial as quickly as they can & making sure none of the anger surrounding this circus results in violence that sees somebody seriously hurt. This circus has the potential of getting seriously out of hand very quickly with all the emotions running high on both sides. :(






Wow Stark - I guess I should look at those ping maps.

My mind for the last hours has been running the same way. There is a really significant unknown factor, not some factor withheld by LE or the prosecution, but unknown. Of course, Casey has this knowledge but I sense very strongly that someone else does too. This regards the disposal/burial but activities carried out in late June and the first days of July too.

I am aware of how stupid I sound but it is a discomfort I have with the facts and I cannot cure it.

I'm sure this isn't significant, but it stands out to me. There were two separate transcripts that I read, where Casey was unable to make a purchase, as she had no ID 'with her'. I recall that both of the places where there was an attempted purchase were either a distributor, or liquor store, I'm not sure what Florida's alcohol purchasing set up is (I'm in PA and we have separate establishments for the purchase of "soft liquor" and "hard liquor." So I don't know exactly what the establishments were, but I think that one transcript stated that it was to buy a bucket for a keg, and another to actually buy alcohol at another establishment. (Sorry if this doesn't make sense.)

I recall reading that at the house where there was to be a birthday party, they, they being Amy and Casey, went to get an item, either a bucket or something and she, Casey, couldn't purchase it because she didn't have her ID. Also, there was another occasion where she went to buy something and didn't have her ID with her.

Yet when she was using Amy's checkbook (or a few stolen checks) she was able to produce ID, each and every time. Also, Lee stated in his inteview that when he brought back Casey's belongings from TL's apt., when they dumped everything out, the officer, who had left the room, according to Lee, Cindy had pocketed money and a JCP CC, but he stated that when they went to pull white card out of her wallet, the officer stopped them, and took possession of the card. (which I guessed was an ID of some sort)

Again, I'm sure it's nothing, as Casey is one of the biggest liars on the planet, but that stood out for me.

She wouldn't produce ID with others around, but she would when she was alone.
I might be grasping at straws...but I believe the key to what we are missing lies in the very complicated mother/daughter bond that exists between CA and KC. I said this on some other post, but I think until CA gives KC permission to tell the truth, its not gonna happen. CA can't do this, because, IMO, she felt responsible for Caylee, as a mother would (instead of grandmother) and she in fact blames herself for the tragedy.

I don't think that you are grasping at straws at all! I just believe that as long as Casey thinks that Cindy believes any part of her story, she will NEVER say a word. Cindy is continuing to enable Casey in this web of lies and even perpetuating the lies. When and if she ever stops, MAYBE some truth will come out. (not holding my breath though!)
I feel the same way...we are all obviously missing something. There is an answer here, something key, that we have all over looked. I just don't know what the he!! it is! I'm amazed at the time and effort so many of us have put into this case. We've all but neglected our own lives, our own families. We've been sleep deprived and survived for days on caffeine and possibly nicotine (for some). People have waded through pings, interviews, statements, evidence, the woods, the gator infested waters of Orlando and still, we don't have the answer.
Tonight I went back to the very first interviews given by CA looking for what we may have missed. I'm going to keep going through the first week of interviews she and George gave. Maybe something will click.

I think this is "the key". What may have been said or learned early on may take on new significance now that other information has come to light.
I keep dwelling on the ZG factor. Of course, I know she wasn't the nanny but I feel like if we can discover how KC got so much info about her that we would also discover other linked facts. And I try to analyze what we can deduce from the ZG/Sawgrass lie.
For example, some bare facts:
1. It absolutely cannot be a coincidence that there was a ZG that had been at Sawgrass.
2. So that means it was researched or planned.
3. So that means KC had to know in advance that she would need to have someone to point to as a scapegoat.
4. KC had to have access to ZG or personal information about her.
5. etc, etc . . . .

It seems like if we could take the key lies like this and strip them for bare bones and follow a line of logic we could come up with more possibilities. Any ideas along this line of thinking?
Can someone tell me how the story went from "I dropped her off at this apt with Zanny" to "Zanny held me back while her sister Samantha took Caylee while I was at JBP"?

I guess this was a second version of the truth from which we are all supposed to play a guessing game with her for clues? I already got the clues when she said "if they don't find her,they are going to pin this on me." Pin what exactly?
I think some of what needs to be found out is where was Caylee when Cindy wasn't watching her and Casey didn't have her with her.
She had to be somewhere...
Can someone tell me how the story went from "I dropped her off at this apt with Zanny" to "Zanny held me back while her sister Samantha took Caylee while I was at JBP"?

I guess this was a second version of the truth from which we are all supposed to play a guessing game with her for clues? I already got the clues when she said "if they don't find her,they are going to pin this on me." Pin what exactly?

I came to the same conclusion months ago! :) Almost word for word.

Since being charged with kidnapping her own daughter aint gonna happen...
" I given them the resources I have given you and everyone else, it hasn't changed. They (LE)are just not using the resources to their benefit. Of course, you mom, dad, and even they all say I am the best resource."

I think she is telling everyone that LE just doesn't know how to put together the clues she has given, they are stupid and they aren't handling her properly to get more information. She, the Best Resource,(get a gold star there KC) is right there and they are not using her to THEIR benefit. As if LE benefits somehow in this case.

Okay, so everything I told you is a lie, but it is all true in a backwards way.
Can someone tell me how the story went from "I dropped her off at this apt with Zanny" to "Zanny held me back while her sister Samantha took Caylee while I was at JBP"?

I guess this was a second version of the truth from which we are all supposed to play a guessing game with her for clues? I already got the clues when she said "if they don't find her,they are going to pin this on me." Pin what exactly?

To add to that thought, I also found it interesting that KC stated to the DCF child abuse officer without prompting that the LE are not going to break her.

Break her to spill what? Sounds like a guilty conscience and she was tripping over her words, with guilt, when she didn't need to be so defensive at that time.

KC was really playing up the LE as bad guys and drew CA into that conspiracy theory. KC was spooked for a while and really scared, at first.
my personal opinion ...Casey is going to stay right where she is UNTIL CINDY breaks down and admits that caylee is dead and that she knows where Caylee is at. Cindy already feels guilty to having fought with Casey and causing Casey to leave with her little precious granddaughter....i believe Casey has already told her mother what happened and where she is at ...Casey is waiting to see if her Mom will save her from jail. Mom has always taken care of everything else!!!!!!! Cindy still has time to play this out ,it will take time to get to trial...so maybe alittle push me -pull you going on here at Caylees expense. Cindy not wanting any kind of searching going on for a DEAD Caylee ...but yet says nobody is looking for Caylee. Casey isnt talking cus she is too happy to sit back and watch her mother suffer ....( Do I save my daughter from jail or drop the ball this time and let her PAY?)
i have no link to go to to show you what i see is happening but i fully believe CAsey has that much control over her mother ....Casey remember didnt want to keep Caylee when she was born but Cindy made her keep her and for almost 3 yrs Cindy has pulled the strings with Casey working the strings from the other end (Job ...Nanny stories)

now its a I'll show you and Casey aint breaking....

another thought ...what if the ladder got left where Caylee could get to it by Cindy by accident and only Cindy and Casey knows thats how she died ...Casey disposed of her body and is waiting on mom Cindy to admit so Casey can get out !!!! JMO
Does anyone remember the words of kc to one of her friends on the web when she said, I am moving to a house off Curry Ford Road, near the dump (her words, not mine). She said it was just for her and Caylee and no one else?
FROM Teddiebear:

<<another thought ...what if the ladder got left where Caylee could get to it by Cindy by accident and only Cindy and Casey knows thats how she died ...Casey disposed of her body and is waiting on mom Cindy to admit so Casey can get out !!!! JMO>>

You took words right out of my mouth. I used to always say that. Remember when CA spun the story of the night swim?...She and Caylee went swimming on the 15th and Casey watched. Casey helped mom when they were getting out of pool, CA handed Caylee to kc.

CA then stated she tucked kc and Caylee into bed that night. Now what is this, the Walton's? She alledgedly had an enormous fight that night. I wondered myself if the reason for the fight was a drowning. See no reason for Ca to lose it over a few hundred dollars. Cindy never tried to call KC.....very uncindylike I think I have two returned calls by Cindy.,...none initiated. Admittedly, I do not have all records.

CA could have found them the next day by calling the car in stolen. Or calling a welfare check....I don't know...just find it strange that CA did not go after her.

Once, I even thought that CA knew Caylee was buried or placed in the backyard. .... and she panicked when she went missing and wanted to KNOW where she was....it is late.....excuse me for the line of thinking...just brainstorming here.

Just thinking out of the box, folks, I don't do this to often....LOL
I brought this over from Cocoa's Theory thread.
I can't stop thinking about it and now I'm wide awake!!!

It's been posted in several different places that Jesse G said
that Casey deleted 300 photos of her and Caylee from her "myspace".
A few posters have suggested that there may have been clues or
evidence in the photos as to where Caylee may be.

It would be so awesome if:

Jesse G (or someone else who saw Casey's deleted photos)
read this thread, with Cocoa's theory and ping info....

and saw the photos that Cocoa took yesterday......

and then remembered seeing something that looked the same
or similar from the 300 photos that Casey deleted.....

and then notified LE !!!!!!!
(Or Cocoa or LP or Murt or TM)

FWIW ~ I had gone to bed and was about to fall asleep,
when this thought woke me right back up.

So here I am again, right back at WS, wide awake,
reading posts at 3:00 in the morning!!!
I think that we are missing the accomplice.

I don't think Casey acted alone.

Could be LA.
Could be CA and/or GA.
Could be WW.
Could be TonE.
Could be anyone in her rolodex.

If there IS an accomplice, I'm hoping he or she breaks really soon.

I also think that there is truth in everything KC says...thus, we need to go back and dissect all of the KC-speak (the weird convo's for example between KC and LA).
I'm sure this isn't significant, but it stands out to me. There were two separate transcripts that I read, where Casey was unable to make a purchase, as she had no ID 'with her'. I recall that both of the places where there was an attempted purchase were either a distributor, or liquor store, I'm not sure what Florida's alcohol purchasing set up is (I'm in PA and we have separate establishments for the purchase of "soft liquor" and "hard liquor." So I don't know exactly what the establishments were, but I think that one transcript stated that it was to buy a bucket for a keg, and another to actually buy alcohol at another establishment. (Sorry if this doesn't make sense.)

I recall reading that at the house where there was to be a birthday party, they, they being Amy and Casey, went to get an item, either a bucket or something and she, Casey, couldn't purchase it because she didn't have her ID. Also, there was another occasion where she went to buy something and didn't have her ID with her.

Yet when she was using Amy's checkbook (or a few stolen checks) she was able to produce ID, each and every time. Also, Lee stated in his inteview that when he brought back Casey's belongings from TL's apt., when they dumped everything out, the officer, who had left the room, according to Lee, Cindy had pocketed money and a JCP CC, but he stated that when they went to pull white card out of her wallet, the officer stopped them, and took possession of the card. (which I guessed was an ID of some sort)

Again, I'm sure it's nothing, as Casey is one of the biggest liars on the planet, but that stood out for me.

She wouldn't produce ID with others around, but she would when she was alone.

IIRC she also did not have her ID with her the day she went with TL to look at the new apartment and therefore only TL was allowed to look at the apartment. You may well be on to something. I am trying to remember whether there were additional occasions where she didn't have an ID.:confused:
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