Random Thoughts and Ideas

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In fact, finding out where an email is generated from is very easy. Lots of websites out there that show you how. But I agree, I don't think George had the smarts to know something like that was even possible.

As diabolical as Casey is, I just don't think she is intelligent to set up a scam of that magnitude. IMO.

Your green light is not lit up but you are posting.. are you here?! I have something I'd like to run past you real quick
Don't they live in a subdivision? I'm just wondering why someone didn't notice her moving Caylee all around and digging? I have nosey neighbors in my neighborhood. I figured all neighborhoods had at least one nosey neighbor.

Well they have a fence around them. If you look at there house pictures you can't see through it and KC is a short girl. The neighbor did notice her car backed up in the driveway which was odd to him. Unless some neighbor was peeking over the fence then no one would notice. Their home only has neighbors who are close on either side. Behind their house is a retention pond.
I have to contradict you on this one statement. When the store receipts for the clothes that KC bought from Target with the checks she robbed from Amy came out I was floored by what a frugal shopper she was – and I found myself for the fist (and only time) envying CA for having such a daughter. I don’t have a copy of the receipt right now, but I do remember one of the items was a bra for $5.99. My girls would not consider ever spending less the $30 for a bra, and would not consider going out in public with clothes bought at Targets. I thought about printing the list out to show them the next time they made a statement like “No one our age would even consider shopping at a place like that”, but realized that there was no way I could throw a liar, thief and murder in their faces as a good example.:)

LOL! Ya know, I agree with you and she didn't buy anything especially frivolous either! She had the checks, she could have gone to any store she pleased to spend the money.. she chose Target.
THANK YOU MIL! I was going to go back to the docs and see what I could find about her exact searches. I really think there is something to this shovel thing. This is a little gross, but if you were going to use such a think as a weapon, wouldn't you use a hammer? Why a shovel? Maybe she dug the grave with the shovel and then put it in the hole and used her feet and hands to fill the hole up, so there would be no trace evidence on the shovel?

Sorry if this sounds insensitive - I don't mean to be, I'm just puzzeling over the shovel.

Just another thought and again sorry if this has been said. But what do you guys think about this "email scam"? Does anyone think that maybe casey could have set that up and scammed the thousands from her dad. Like they wouldnt just hand her $30,000 or whatever the amount was. Im sure that scam is not very hard to set up at all. And casey "knows a lot about computers" but i think not cause then she would have went to a library or somewhere to do her searches. Theres no way to tell if an email is sent to you from nigeria or from the next room. Like hes really going to investigate for an ip address or anything else.

I don't think so because the way I understand it, this scam thing happened 10 or 15 years ago. So KC would only have been 12 (or 7). I could have it wrong and it could have been more recent, but I thought it was quite awhile back.

In the beginning of the investigation it was said that their wooden privacy fence was 10' feet high. I wondered about this when George stated someone broke in the shed how in the heck someone scaled a 10 feet fence.
How do we know that it was not George doing the google searches for neck breaking etc.. ?It seems to me that George and Cindy's marriage was only being held together to keep George from taking Cindy to the cleaners for alimony and half of the house. Maybe there is more to this?
Just a thought
I keep coming back to this thought-

There is only one thing worse than knowing your child is dead!- that is......knowing your child is missing.................

If a child is dead..you can eventually have closure-

If a child is missing....you cannot have one day of peace in your heart...... you constantly worry that the child is not being mistreated in any way. You beg and beg and beg that whoever has the child -not to hurt them....

You raise money for a reward for the recovery of the child-The only reward was offered by merchants and for 90 days only- What's with that?

The A's have made no plea for the safe return of the child, other than GA.
They had means to bail KC out of jail, but could not offer a reward for the return of their
little innocent grandchild?

They have known all along the child is dead!

God has Blessed the child and holds her in his loving arms.

God have Mercy on the rest!
Well - I didn't come up with anything of interest on the shovel, all though a lot of video games talk about them. I googled "household weapons" + shovel - Anthony. The first time I forgot to - the Anthony part and got many, many articles talking about KC's searches.

I guess she could have been looking to see how much they cost as suggested by fay or maybe at the different types of shovels and what they are used for? I don't know, but it bugs me, especially given that she borrowed the shovel from her neighbor.

There is a doc with all the searches on it...but the print is soooo tiny!! If she was looking to purchase one, it wouldn't just say shovel...it might say Sears + shovel, or any hardware store + shovel. Wanna go and take a look? My eyes are too old!
THANK YOU MIL! I was going to go back to the docs and see what I could find about her exact searches. I really think there is something to this shovel thing. This is a little gross, but if you were going to use such a think as a weapon, wouldn't you use a hammer? Why a shovel? Maybe she dug the grave with the shovel and then put it in the hole and used her feet and hands to fill the hole up, so there would be no trace evidence on the shovel?

Sorry if this sounds insensitive - I don't mean to be, I'm just puzzeling over the shovel.


I have been puzzling about the shovel thing also, and I wonder if she was looking up shovel to learn how to shovel? I have never used a shovel much and if I was thinking about digging a grave I would have no idea about the best way to shovel, how to hold it and use it effectually and how long it would take to dig a grave. I know from watching old movies that it seems to take only a short while (as in: “will bury these settlers and then go after the scallywags who did this ”), but to someone who never used one it looks like a daunting task that would take hours and hours.
I notice Karen hasn't been back to the thread to discuss what she meant by this post. She and I have "spoken" and I have looked up the information she explained to me... I haven't gone digging, mind you but here is a link that will explain things..


I have always found it interesting how all members of the Anthony family spoke of Caylee in the past tense. Also everyone (except Cindy) speak of Caylee as "the girl" granddaughter or her, etc. They rarely seem to ever use her name.
Okay well if the email scam was 10-15 years ago then that just is weird, why is that being brought up now. Buuut i have not heard or read much of the new docus this week and do not know the context of that convo. So 1993-1998 is when the scam was? Didnt know they did those then but i know they are very popular now cause theres always someone stupid enough to fall for it, but a cop? And more in his prime at that time...? Huh...
Hello all. This is my first post here, but i've been lurking for about a month, catching up on the documents and trying to squeeze all this information into my mind. Trust me, my coursework has taken the hit.

I've heard the theory floated out there that Casey was using Xanax to drug Caylee - hence the term "Zanny." What I can't help but wonder is -- why would she use prescription medicine? It's harder to get, less reliable, and looks worse if she was caught than say Tylenol PM or sleeping pills. I know this seems like a small part of the case, but I got somewhat hung up on it. Why would she use xanax?
Hello all. This is my first post here, but i've been lurking for about a month, catching up on the documents and trying to squeeze all this information into my mind. Trust me, my coursework has taken the hit.

I've heard the theory floated out there that Casey was using Xanax to drug Caylee - hence the term "Zanny." What I can't help but wonder is -- why would she use prescription medicine? It's harder to get, less reliable, and looks worse if she was caught than say Tylenol PM or sleeping pills. I know this seems like a small part of the case, but I got somewhat hung up on it. Why would she use xanax?

Welcome to WS's. Perhaps she got it out of "someone's" medicine cabinet, if it was readily available it would have been easy to take a couple of them here and there.

Another theory is that Zanny the Nanny is a character from a book written for children. The name of the series of books is "Shadow in the Water: A Starbuck Twins Mystery Book Two, by Kathyrn Lasky.
Xanax is easily accessable, it seems everyone has a R/X. It works reliably and quickly. The pill is easy to smash, crush into things. I believe she was using it on Caylee for awhile. After awhile maybe she had to up the dosage and that proved to be fatal. Or maybe she couldnt get her hands on the zanny for some reason and decided to use chloroform that time and she died that way. I strongly feel this is how she died. It either happened in the anthony home, in the car, or at LA's house. The body was either hidden in the backyard for a time, or caylees clothes hence the cad dog hits, then it was placed in the sunfire until it was disposed of. I do think she did it alone and I do think the A's now all know the truth.
Very early on, Lee announced that they'd thrown into the trash all the stuffed animals that people had left at the house, or mailed to the house, for Caylee. He said it was because some of them smelled like cigarette smoke.

Sorry, I veered off from the point I was going to make: Granted that the Anthonys evidently have an extreme sensitivity and revulsion to any hint of cigarette smoke, but not even they could have picked out that smell in clothing that was reeking with the stench of decomposition! If the car reeked of decomp, then so did everything inside of it. IMHO. :)

This has been a bone of contention for me. If they were going to excuse themselves for trashing the toys because of cigarette smoke, then why in the world would they bring the stench of death into their home and WASH it in their machines? The mere fact that Cindy did this "tampering" sealed the fate of the rest of the family. They could no longer take the high road and force Casey to talk about killing Caylee without implicating themselves as accomplices. I am wondering the timeline on these events as to when she went from "there's something wrong" to full support of Casey.
Welcome to WS's. Perhaps she got it out of "someone's" medicine cabinet, if it was readily available it would have been easy to take a couple of them here and there.

Another theory is that Zanny the Nanny is a character from a book written for children. The name of the series of books is "Shadow in the Water: A Starbuck Twins Mystery Book Two, by Kathyrn Lasky.

As for Zanny the "Nanny". I think that Zanny was Xanax but Casey has personified, turned the drug into a real person, if you will, to be "someone" to blame for the loss of Caylee. It is the perfect lie as we will NEVER find this "Nanny" because she doesn't exist.....only in the body of Caylee. It is easy to believe in this person and make up any story you want about her because she doesn't exist. Casey is banking we NEVER find the body or that by the time we find it that no trace of drugs can be detected.

She used Chloroform this last time and miscalculated. This was her huge mistake. She should have stuck with her tried and true MO. I bet procuring the Xanax was getting harder than trying to get the ingredients for Chloroform as she had researched. She thought she could cut corners and introduce a new babysitter.....Chloe the Caretaker. Sorry, she is just so evil....imho.
This has been a bone of contention for me. If they were going to excuse themselves for trashing the toys because of cigarette smoke, then why in the world would they bring the stench of death into their home and WASH it in their machines? The mere fact that Cindy did this "tampering" sealed the fate of the rest of the family. They could no longer take the high road and force Casey to talk about killing Caylee without implicating themselves as accomplices. I am wondering the timeline on these events as to when she went from "there's something wrong" to full support of Casey.

You and me both Firefly.......If Cindy was going to wash anything out of the death car; you would think it would be Caylee's cloth body baby doll, mama or scrub the cloth part of Caylee's car seat.

IMHO, I think the reason that Cindy washed those pants is because she knew that if she threw them away LE would find them.
Xanax is easily accessable, it seems everyone has a R/X. It works reliably and quickly. The pill is easy to smash, crush into things. I believe she was using it on Caylee for awhile. After awhile maybe she had to up the dosage and that proved to be fatal. Or maybe she couldnt get her hands on the zanny for some reason and decided to use chloroform that time and she died that way. I strongly feel this is how she died. It either happened in the anthony home, in the car, or at LA's house. The body was either hidden in the backyard for a time, or caylees clothes hence the cad dog hits, then it was placed in the sunfire until it was disposed of. I do think she did it alone and I do think the A's now all know the truth.

I think that she may have been taking/stealing so many xanax that "someone" got wise to her and started to lock them up. She may have been taking them from friends and family. Whatever, her supply ran dry.

That's when I think she researched the chloroform. She wanted that child out like a light for some reason that didn't include partying with just her friends. Her friends mentioned in interviews how Caylee was at parties and would fall asleep. They were used to that, so she was using the chloroform for another reason, IMO. :rolleyes:
Excuse? Why? If I thought my kid had stolen something from my home and it was in the trunk of the car I paid for, I wouldn't need an excuse! I wouldn't ask any questions, I wouldn't pussyfoot around. I would take my key, go to the car that I paid for and retrieve my stuff. Then there'd be questions and in this case I believe Geroge's question to KC would have been "What in the he!! have you done!":eek:
My thoughts exactly, really an excuse to go in the trunk. :rolleyes: I think they're afraid of her, they know she's psychopath and didn't want to upset her so she wouldn't kill them in their sleep:eek:
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