Rant About the CASE Here! Get it off your chest.#4

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Todd Black accusing (though he says he isn't - read between the lines) Orlando LE of lying, telling defense to "go to hell," planting evidence etc.

More and more spin - planting reasonable doubt - just disgusting. Why isn't that illegal? These people are attempting to impede this investigation. Baez filing more motions after being told by Judge Strickland to be patient. Baez and Co. are losing it! IMO. I feel better now. Back to reading threads.

They are absolutely sickening and dispicable IMO. They have nothing else and they know it. Just wait cause in the end they will all reap what they are now sowing, two fold! BTW Judge S. was already irritated with the defense and I wonder what he must think about now?!

Let 'em spin til it smacks 'em dead on in their silly sick minded heads!
Not a rant - I already used my quota up for the day. :)

Instead, for anyone who pops in here to this thread, full of frustration & the same angst we all often feel about this case, I offer up this:

I am appreciative of the great minds here who analyze, educate, speculate and share what must often be painful personal experiences and opinions.

And I am also grateful for those friends I have made along the way and the posters who have made me laugh when I just need to stop being mad about the tragedy.

This is part of Caylee's legacy! She moved so many hearts to act, to react, to grow, to learn, to share, and especially, to speak out for justice.

All because YOU just can't help but look at that little Peanut, and CARE.

There is a singular common denominator in that.

That was really beautiful , PH.
i am so frustrated with baez. doesn't he understand the concept of a crime scene?

doesn't he understand that they are not going to leave evidence behind for him?

doesn't he understand that most defense "teams" don't get to inspect a crime scene?

doesn't he understand that LE is doing a damn thorough job so he can't come back and say they're incompetent?

doesn't he understand what an idiot he looks in the courtroom with all these stupid motions?

doesn't todd black understand what an idiot he sounds claiming LE is tampering with evidence when they're merely processing a crime scene?

and doesn't everyone realize by now it's Caylee, not Klee or Kaylee or Caley or anything else? that probably makes me more frustrated than anything.

sorry if i offend, i know all our emotions are running high right now.
My ROTD (rant of the day)

Accusations of incest without any real foundation, other than 2nd hand statements based on what a pathological liar has 'shared' make me nuts!

I am neither defending GA nor LA, but insinuations like this are just nasty.

And we don't know that there aren't some victims of incest here on WS. I would imagine that seeing 'incest' over and over on so many threads would be painful and hurtful to them.

I don't mind healthy speculating, but this train of thought doesn't seem healthy to me.

Caylee was a wonderful, wonderful little girl. Just a really precious little baby that makes you want to love up all over her with kisses and cuddles and sing along with her. You just want to wrap that Baby up and protect her from anything hurtful.

Well, that kind of rampant speculation IS hurtful to her memory.

Caylee + Incest makes me ILL. Don't make me get a time out people.

I have mentioned it a couple times beceause all the baby daddy nonsense is very suspicious, also Casey and Lee's names name Caylee, coincidences like that fuel the rumours. They are .. however .. just rumours.
My rant is, I'm sick of waiting for them to positively id the body. I know they know by now! They probably knew within the first 24 hrs. Tell us already!!!!!!
Jane Weintraub is a pain in the bookoozoo. She's worse since she got her face lift...ya think she would have been nicer, it just made her meaner. I finally got some peace of mind now that CA shut up and BAM..we have Weintraub. What a piece of work SHE is!

Everytime I hear kc talking on the video on TV, it makes me furious. What a scheming, coniving wench she is.

Let's move on the economic charges, and get her convicted. This is ridiculous. Cefense is totally avoiding this. PLEASE, Let's not forget her first charges. She should be in the courtroom right now. The original case needs to be heard NOW! She is getting away with murder, literally.

That cannot possibly be Our Little Peanut in that picture I just saw.

It can't be.

But, if it truly is, may the perpetrator of such a heartless, soul-less, bone-chilling act live out many, many days being on the receiving end of the 'sock treatment' a la Sean Penn in Bad Boys until such time as they get the DP, or justice in the manner that Dahmer did.

Our Little Peanut? :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
There are no words for the pictures I have seen..
I am so darn mad I could spit nails!:furious:
How dare anyone think they are so high and mighty that they can do this to an innocent, precious child and get away with it?:furious:
My heart and soul are on fire tonight! I've never wished death on anyone in my life, but tonight, I may have to find that wishing star!:furious:
*Rant On* I've learned my lesson on my Time Out!

It's been driving me FU@*&#$*# NUTS not to be able to post this week.

*Rant Off*
I had to bring this over from another thread cause I'm just so furious with this deputy and have to rant about it! I am absolutely SICK to hear that yet again some policeman dropped the ball and scr@wed up an investigation. 15 houses away from the Anthonys, smell of decomp reported and this guy cleared the scene? I can understand being scared away by a snake, but all he had to do is be honest and say he couldn't throughly look, call in the cavader dogs and/or other investigators. Think about all the evidence that was there before the hurricane came in! They could have had that body less than a month after the 911 call. This kind of thing happens WAY too often with sloppy police work and I am so beyond frustrated that this person couldn't 2 and 2 together. I believe he should be dismissed asap.
remember this thread is to rant about the case and not about other posters.
Has everyone forgotten the wild goose chase the A's sent LE on looking for an alive Caylee, lies told by the perp, lies told by the family, the thousands of tips on both a deceased and an alive baby, waiting 31 days to report a missing child and LE is human. If you live in FL you can understand how a garbage bag can get lost in the woods. The undergrowth, standing swampy water, and palmetto bushes are just a few things that can obstruct your vision. This is just the chaos the A's and team were hoping to create.
Now there is a rant I can get behind.

YES! It is!!!!

If there is a singular soul in this entire case who deserves to have their name honoured consistently and carefully - CAYLEE - is that little soul.

Same here. I know everyone here loves Caylee and no one would ever intentionally disrespect her, but (like you and Deb and some others who chimed in), it really pains me to see her name shortened, changed, distorted in any way. I agree with you about the "familial" father speculation, too.

Your heartfelt sentiments about how we've all been drawn together, how we've leaned on each other, learned from each other, laughed and cried together -- all because of precious little Caylee -- really touched me. She will have a place in my heart forever. Thank you for that beautiful post, PH!
Love how the name Caylee Marie Anthony has now been trademarked (on helpfindcaylee.com). WTF?
I am also just sick knowing that there were multiple calls/reports out to that area where the body was found and no one can say anything about why the bag was not found sooner when a meter reader supposedly called 3 times and there were boys poking and pulling at a bag buried in the ground. (Is this the same bag that was found by the meter reader?) I am afraid the defense will have a field day making up excuses of why this evidence was/could have been tampered with.
On behalf of nurses everywhere, I would like to apologize for Cindy's stupid comment that "science is just science." IMO, science IS everything!!! It's just a shame that that body wasn't found earlier, so that more SCIENTIFIC evidence could have been obtained. Please don't let Cindy's stupid comments and actions taint your opinions of nurses.
Has anyone bought the National Enquirer with a Kiomarie exclusive? I thought she had only met Caylee one or two times in this child's short, sweet life. People making money on the death of a little precious child is sickening. I wonder what KC thinks of this little cameo? I have not read the article, this information was on one of the local news websites. I guess money can make people do crazy things but come on and have some respect for Caylee. Can she remember the last time she saw Caylee smile? If it wasn't in the last year, I don't need to hear about it.
I am soooo pissed off right now. I have never in my life seen so much BS on top of BS on top BS. It's beyond disrespectful.
You have all of these players in this "game" and I wonder how much Caylee is thought of. I know I cannot read minds, but actions, actions can speak volumes. You have a mother who could give less than a rat arse and grandparents who need immunity, immunity? WTH for? Just focus on finding the baby, oh, that's right. Too late. *snort*
The defense team. I know it's a job, it's their job. so whatever.
Now there's a meter dude...........................so many people have been put in this or injected themselves somehow. :( MY main concern is Caylee, please don't forget about her. She needs justice, I need justice. Kc had options, she can throw it around in her interviews like it was an option to "leave the baby with her parents." But you know what? you didn't do that.
I think I'm done, just really frustrated about the crap that JUST happened.*sigh* The truth is I'm afraid, afraid she's going to walk on some BS.
OK, I'm done. Rants don't have to make sense do they? hope not.
So today is the day. Today looks as though it will be the day that Caylee "officially" comes home. I just saw the thread stating that the FBI will announce the ID this afternoon. I could not possibly feel more like an expectant parent who's child had been away at camp or visiting family. But I know in this instance the reunion will not be a joyous one, and that scares me.
Amazingly, this is the announcement, just the thought of it, that has brought the most sadness to my heart. I waited for so long for this day, with all of you, and now to hear that the results are coming, I don't know that I have the strength left to watch the press conference. I wonder if maybe, by not listening, I can pretend a bit longer that perhaps it's not our "lil peanut."
I'm thankful that no one will be home when that announcement comes. I'm going to spend some time a basket case, of this I have little doubt, and I wonder if things will get broken when it finally boils over and I can't deny the truth any longer. The lack of positive ID is the last shred of hope we have left and I do not know that I am prepared to fully face that...even now.
I have followed many such cases, but why is THIS one different? I haven't the slightest idea, but I do believe that everything happens for a reason and that Caylee has touched us all so deeply for reasons that many of us may never fully understand...but nonetheless, we have been touched by Caylee, all of us, and I have to believe that she is a part of something much bigger that is at work in all of us....and I don't mean the justice system.
So before I fall apart over this press conference, there are some things I'd like to share with all of you. Caylee has enriched my life in so many ways. Her beautiful face on my desktop reminds me every single day of my life to DO what your heart tells you to do TODAY, because tomorow may never come. I choose my actions and my words more carefully in ALL of my relationships, and especially in anger. She has taught me to treasure every single moment with my son...even the dirty diapers, the messes, and the temper tantrums and lack of sleep. I don't even view any of that the way I used to. Caylee was my wake up call.
Caylee has given me all sorts of wonderful people in my life, some from places I'd never heard of and will never see. But I know these people so well. I suspect that there is a lump in PotatoHead's throat everytime Tater types 'our Little Peanut' just to give you an example.
And now I wait again, just as I have for months, with all of you wonderful, caring, compassionate and devoted fellow sleuthers...Caylee's friends...my friends. I never laid eyes on this child, but in some miraculous way she is present in my life every single day.....
I've kept coming back here for Caylee (and of course for you guys!!), and because of the need to seek justice for this child and the support of many of you here, I was able to 'survive' a particularly horrible time in my life.
You guys are just so great..you just don't KNOW how great you are. My only hope is that Peanut is up there, looking down, and with the knowledge I choose to believe she possesses now, she is able to forgive her mother....and that she is able to see how much she means to all of us.
Remember Law Enforcement aren't super heros with telepathic messages or exray vision. We are all just human.
My ROTD (rant of the day)

Accusations of incest without any real foundation, other than 2nd hand statements based on what a pathological liar has 'shared' make me nuts!

I am neither defending GA nor LA, but insinuations like this are just nasty.

And we don't know that there aren't some victims of incest here on WS. I would imagine that seeing 'incest' over and over on so many threads would be painful and hurtful to them.

I don't mind healthy speculating, but this train of thought doesn't seem healthy to me.

Caylee was a wonderful, wonderful little girl. Just a really precious little baby that makes you want to love up all over her with kisses and cuddles and sing along with her. You just want to wrap that Baby up and protect her from anything hurtful.

Well, that kind of rampant speculation IS hurtful to her memory.

Caylee + Incest makes me ILL. Don't make me get a time out people.

I totally agree. Accusations of incest are very serious. Also, to people like me who were molested by a family member, it's upsetting as Potatohead has pointed out. It's sometimes hard enough to get people to believe you. Baseless accusations from liars make it more difficult for those who have real incidents to report. Not every murderer was molested and not everyone who was molested becomes a murderer. Some are just bad. They need no excuse. Casey may or may not have been but before it's thrown around, let's wait and see if it's even true.
Even though I knew the day this hit the news what would be, I still hoped. I hoped none of it would be. If it were, I hoped it was an accident and felt sympathetic for the perp for a couple of months. Now all hopes are dashed, even though logic knew better. I looked for the best side of the story, if there can be such a thing either way. I hoped secretly while knowing better all along. I am angry with myself for holding childlike hope, especially at my age, and what I have seen. I can truly say de gratia Caylee.
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