Rant About the CASE Here! Get it off your chest.#4

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We are all each others angels on earth is the belief system I go by.
My rant today.........

Jose Baez went to a bottom-tier law school (St. Thomas), but you'd think the school would at least have required their graduates to be able to read, write & speak English at a the 8th grade level before granting them a degree!
Totally OT for the Caylee forum, but maybe not, as I just can't believe there are people out there like this who fib? I am darn proud of my family tonight for standing up.

<much of the story snipped... >

Long/Short is that we had an honest to Goodness hit & run in the church parking lot on Christmas Eve. By chance, we were driving TaterTot's car as she was last parked in our driveway.

< Much more snipped...>

The Gent left, with many Witnesses noting the irrational behavior. And about 30 minutes later, the Gent came back to park for Mass.

And after the wonderful Mass, many family members spoke with him and got insurance details.

Yes, he DID know that'd he'd done thousands of dollars worth of damage to his own Intrepid and TaterTot's car both, but he gave this up as an excuse for leaving the scene, "I am in the Choir and I forgot my sheet music, and I didn't want to hold Father up."

Much discussion ensued, but I a most proud of TaterTot's input, "Sir, you are an Adult. And you had the opportunity here to guide and to show what is means to take responsibility. I respect that you were diligent in your duty to the church, but, in this case, I really do think Father would have understood. I forgive you, but I will not stop being mad at you until you admit that you did the wrong thing."

Out of the mouths of Babes.

I figure KC might have had an ear tuned into that conversation about taking responsibility and forgiveness.
Bravo for your TaterTot's outlook on the situation! You must have raised that one with "eyes" that look beyond anger and into what really matters. Father needs to have a little conversation with the carrot-head that smashed the car. (I have often said you have to watch out for those carrots! There is a reason they use them for the metaphors on the end of sticks. You just can't trust 'em~)
In the aftermath of Katrina, my dog escaped from the yard because all the fences were gone and well, you know - everything was a mess. I cried for the 5 days that he was gone and drove to the police station to let them all know that he was not a stray, unwanted dog and to not send him to a shelter where he would be whisked away to parts unknown. I put up flyers and walked the streets through the downed power lines and crawled through trees that blocked the roads in 100 degree temperatures, looking for him. Within 24 hours, anyone that remained after the storm knew who he was and was on the look out for him for at least 7 miles in every direction. I wasn't going to give up until I found him, dead or alive. Eventually, I found him, safe and sound, living in another person's house and having a grand time.

This was for a dog.

KC didn't stop dancing to look for Cayleee or bother to call LE. Why? Because Caylee wasn't alive and missing and KC knew that there was no reason to look for her, she was not missing. KC knew exactly where Caylee was - in a garbage bag in a snake infested swamp.

She murdered her baby, like so many others in this world. She is nothing unique or special, just a plain old murderer, quite run of the mill if you will. A low rent . Just another criminal jack-azz who needs to be locked up for the rest of her life. I am sick of her and her whole "story". She is just a creep who killed a defenseless baby. Low life, low rent, low class, common trash. That is all she is.

I'd risk life or limb just for my dogs, can't imagine if my feet were put to the fire over my children....yes, Dots Eyes, KC 'aint nothin special, just your run of the mill, cold blooded, ruthless, baby murderer. Nothing less, nothing more. In the begining folks kept saying how smart she was, I kept telling them it doesn't take an Einstein to overpower a 2 year old and no she isn't all that bright. KC is a creep, morally repugnant.
Yesterday on Fox News they showed a live video of detectives going in the A's house. The video showed GA in the doorway just ranting on with arms waving. Does anyone know yet what was being said? Reporter staed he was angry the LE did another search of their house. I guess we can forget that they are helping LE willingly!
The spelling of Caylee as Kaylee, sometimes even Cailee or especially Klee/K-Lee is annoying me to no end after somebody else mentioned it. Now every time I see it I feel like replying 'Who is Klee?!'

I think GA, CA, LA is OK, because at least it's their correct initials. Maybe because CA is generally used for Cindy and Casey, CMA would be more apt and easier to distinguish instead of Klee. Klee is just lazy type, IMO.
You know, I respect what others think and I value others opinion. I noticed that on each of these threads about this case, people become so rude and defensive about the thoughts of others. I don't think that's right. For those who have their own views and opinions about this case let it be known regardless of what others think.

The spelling of Caylee as Kaylee, sometimes even Cailee or especially Klee/K-Lee is annoying me to no end after somebody else mentioned it. Now every time I see it I feel like replying 'Who is Klee?!'

I think GA, CA, LA is OK, because at least it's their correct initials. Maybe because CA is generally used for Cindy and Casey, CMA would be more apt and easier to distinguish instead of Klee. Klee is just lazy type, IMO.

The reasons behind the initials are this:
In the begining of this case and those of us following it distinguishing between Cindy and KC as CA was difficult, we decided Cindy was CA and because of our disdain for KC we were not going to use her initials we labeled her KC. Caylee is ALWAYS spelled out, out of respect. ETA I don't like the KLee either, it is just as easy to spell her name correctly, someone else said recently her life was cut short we certainly don't need to shorten her name, I agree.
The reasons behind the initials are this:
In the begining of this case and those of us following it distinguishing between Cindy and KC as CA was difficult, we decided Cindy was CA and because of our disdain for KC we were not going to use her initials we labeled her KC. Caylee is ALWAYS spelled out, out of respect. ETA I don't like the KLee either, it is just as easy to spell her name correctly, someone else said recently her life was cut short we certainly don't need to shorten her name, I agree.
Thank you...I thought somewhere along the line I had missed "Klee" being some sort of nickname as it's one syllable. I know we abbreviate to save time, but I'm with you...Caylee deserves to be spelled out. Expediency shouldn't matter...her life was short enough. JMHO

Sorry if this goes against the grain.
I'd risk life or limb just for my dogs, can't imagine if my feet were put to the fire over my children....yes, Dots Eyes, KC 'aint nothin special, just your run of the mill, cold blooded, ruthless, baby murderer. Nothing less, nothing more. In the begining folks kept saying how smart she was, I kept telling them it doesn't take an Einstein to overpower a 2 year old and no she isn't all that bright. KC is a creep, morally repugnant.

Right on! Relisten to her statements to LE, just a great liar..........nothing but a theif, liar, baby killer!!!:behindbar:furious:
My rant today.........

Jose Baez went to a bottom-tier law school (St. Thomas), but you'd think the school would at least have required their graduates to be able to read, write & speak English at a the 8th grade level before granting them a degree!

Where St. Thomas.........like in Virgin Islands????
i don't know what it is about this case but there are certain words that just irritate me when i hear/read them used over and over again.
here's a list (i reserve the right to come back and add more)

-klee (the spelling is obnoxious)
-hinky and hinky meter
-ummmm, ahhh, errrrrrr, and any other variation of the like
-tot mom

ok, that's all for now, feel free to add your own :crazy:

Can we add "Throw under the bus" to that list? If I hear that phrase one more time, I will throw myself under the bus.
Thank you...I thought somewhere along the line I had missed "Klee" being some sort of nickname as it's one syllable. I know we abbreviate to save time, but I'm with you...Caylee deserves to be spelled out. Expediency shouldn't matter...her life was short enough. JMHO

Sorry if this goes against the grain.

ITA, this goes completely with my grain. :)
I think I'm invisible
I think I'm invisible


I see you and love your posts to boot!

ETA: unless this is some kind of trick question and you WANT to be invisible then "I saw nothing!!"
ETA: unless this is some kind of trick question and you WANT to be invisible then "I saw nothing!!"

Will the defendant please answer the question. Is Zanny invisible or visible??

KC: My gut feeling is that she's invisible in a backwards sort of way. But considering I'm everyone's best resource all I can really say is....absolutely!


Beam me up, JB!
Will the defendant please answer the question. Is Zanny invisible or visible??

KC: My gut feeling is that she's invisible in a backwards sort of way. But considering I'm everyone's best resource all I can really say is....absolutely!


Beam me up, JB!
Ya know if this wasn't so serious it WOULD be funny. I think the whole trial will be a spectacle of dueling experts, a barnload full of carp, and one smirky defendant (probably in brand new garb!). I hope they put Caylee's picture right in front just like they did at the news conference (not sure if that's a tad prejudicial, but I still like it!). I want justice so bad for this poor baby.
Ya know if this wasn't so serious it WOULD be funny. I think the whole trial will be a spectacle of dueling experts, a barnload full of carp, and one smirky defendant (probably in brand new garb!). I hope they put Caylee's picture right in front just like they did at the news conference (not sure if that's a tad prejudicial, but I still like it!). I want justice so bad for this poor baby.

I with ya on that one. Along with justice for Caylee I want people that had any responsibility before, during or after, covering up whatever to be held accountable for their actions. I want them punished to the fullest extent of the law, no exceptions. No immunity. Caylee was not given any consideration nor should anyone else.
Happy Dance, Im not alone in cyber world!

and I now know how to make my words biggggger HA!
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