Rape And Molestation Charges Filed

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
When I think of people like Casey or Melissa, I am usually driving and have a fleeting thought to the freedom I feel at that moment knowing they do not. It isn't a happy thought, but more of a feeling of..JUSTICE.
Random aside, but I wonder if she ever fathomed that she'd likely never drive a car again. I think of the little stupid things like that. For instance, wondering if it's hit home for KC that she'll never again step foot in Target. I think of her often when I walk through the beauty section. Is that weird? I've never been in jail, but I bet that's the kind of thing that would hurt the most. The small things you take for granted.

Anyway, this whole thing makes me ill. I was hoping at first that they were throwing the rape charges at her to see if they would stick. That something vague in her statement made them go there. But the "foreign object" thing is just so specific, and either there's been an admission or some evidence of that object, and I just...have no words. Poor Sandra. I just pray to God that the victim count doesn't extend much past her.

I've never thought about it before but you are right about the small things because that would kill me the most...not being able to turn up the heater when I wanted, no ice tea to sip all day, no ice cream on a hot summer day. :eek: The ice cream alone will keep me on the straight and narrow path! LOL With KC I think it must kill her to not have her phone and laptop at her fingertips.
I wonder how long the sexual abuse had been going on. I doubt there was only the one fatal incident. Possible, but not probable.
I've never thought about it before but you are right about the small things because that would kill me the most...not being able to turn up the heater when I wanted, no ice tea to sip all day, no ice cream on a hot summer day. :eek: The ice cream alone will keep me on the straight and narrow path! LOL With KC I think it must kill her to not have her phone and laptop at her fingertips.

What really kills her is to not have :censored: at her fingertips!
(((((Kat))))) - I know how you feel. This case is a stunner! I too, have found myself very emotional about many of the things we are learning and Sandra's family. I send them many cyber hugs.

I'll start a rant/emotion overload thread so we can post not just our rants, but our emotions. It might be a good thing in this forum to have a place where we can blow off steam and support each other.

I've been out of the loop on WS, but trying to keep by watching all the HLN shows. JVM just brought up the child *advertiser censored* angle (no idea where it is currently being discussed on here!), and they are saying they can't independently confirm...
Reporter David Begnaud from KOVR stated, "We do know that parents have come forward to police alleging the suspect MH may have been involved in the production of some child *advertiser censored*. We do know that police are looking at that. We also know that there is a prior case of a child under the age of 10 that was drugged and there was an implication that MH was involved. Police do confirm there is an open case and that has now been blended in with this investigation." (Transcribed by me from my dvr to be exact about what he said)
Reporter David Begnaud from KOVR stated, "We do know that parents have come forward to police alleging the suspect MH may have been involved in the production of some child *advertiser censored*. We do know that police are looking at that. We also know that there is a prior case of a child under the age of 10 that was drugged and there was an implication that MH was involved. Police do confirm there is an open case and that has now been blended in with this investigation." (Transcribed by me from my dvr to be exact about what he said)
O M G!!!! Was this from JVM, SS? Dang! Do we need to start a *advertiser censored* connection thread?
There is one started on the Tracy60...but I think we should wait until they come out on KOVR (CBS13) with an actual report we can quote. ;) Then...yes...I would say we start another one so we do not mix the 60 into what the parents are saying. Make sense?!

I couldn't tell from his report if those parents only SUSPECT it or if their children are telling them things. I would like to know the circumstances since there is such a push about the Tracy60 before we jump on it.
I also agree that it is best to keep the T60 a separate thing... unless Sinclair or Huckaby can be identified via ISP as such

***now nurse is wondering about the Sinclair Cousin!!!!! could they have "gone there" for filming etc?????? I guess that thought belongs on the theory or rumor thread... sorry
I cannot believe all that has transpired in the last few days!!! but how do they know for sure sandra was not raped or molested digitally by a male? such as a male in the family???? i guess they can tell the time of molest coincides with the time of death..all i know is that im certain the drugs she was on (psycotropic drugs) had something to do with this...moo...oh yeah is the priest melissa's father?? just curious....
Poly, I think the autopsy probably included DNA samples which pointed directly to MH being the exclusive perp, imo. If they had any indication there was a male involved, he would have been arrested along with MH like Sgt. Sheneman keeps saying.

Melissa's grandfather and father are both active Pastors in separate Baptist churches. Sandra's murder is believed to have occurred in her grandfather's church in Tracy.
Poly, I think the autopsy probably included DNA samples which pointed directly to MH being the exclusive perp, imo. If they had any indication there was a male involved...like Sgt. Sheneman keeps saying...they would have been arrested along with MH.

Melissa's grandfather and father are both active Pastors in separate Baptist churches. Sandra's murder is believed to have occurred in her grandfather's church in Tracy.
right true, but what do you mean what sgt. sheneman keeps saying, is he saying that a male might be involeved??? im confused...thanks for the response!
right true, but what do you mean what sgt. sheneman keeps saying, is he saying that a male might be involeved??? im confused...thanks for the response!

No the TBD stated no more arrest at this time.
I am wondering if this woman is wanting the notoriety of being the first pedophile woman murderer? Any thoughts? BTW, I think that this case merits more prominent attention here.
right true, but what do you mean what sgt. sheneman keeps saying, is he saying that a male might be involeved??? im confused...thanks for the response!
No. Quite the opposite. There is NO male involved and no other person responsible for this crime according to Sgt. Sheneman and the Tracy PD. Period.
I really think this woman is extremely mentally ill. Whatever her thinking pattern is, I don't think its rational. I feel like she fits in the same fishbowl as those two kooks that kidnapped Eliz Smart. moo
LOL I always think the same thing when I'm googling another strange topic.

yeah, I worry about that myself since I google EVERYTHING from "rates of rape by state" to "chloroform", more than I worry about someone finding out that I've googled "yeast infection' or some other embarrassing topic...

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