Raven Filing for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy!!!

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May 10, 2005
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Look what I found online:

341 Judge And Trustee Automatic Assignments
Run 04/28/2006 at 23:58

CaseCase TitleChapter341 MeetingJudge NameTrustee NameSamuel Abaroa 7First Meeting of Creditors & Notice of Appointment of Interim Trustee R. Kimball Mosier tr with 341(a) meeting to be held on 05/30/2006 at 405 South Main Objections for Discharge due by 07/31/2006.Clark,GlenE.Mosier tr,R.Kimball
Chapter 7 is the bankruptcy provision most frequently used by individuals. It involves the complete liquidation of a debtor's property, with the proceeds used to pay off the debts. However, the debtor can retain certain property that is specifically "exempt" under his choice of Federal law or her State's law, such as tools of one's trade, limited equity in a car and house, and some personal effects.

If you use Chapter 7 you may lose your home (depending on your state) but it does enable you to get out from under the burden of debt more quickly.
source: Free Advice Website

So... Raven... What's up????
Raven, you SOB! On April 28, 2006 while Janet's family and friends were preparing to remember her at that beautiful vigil in NC you were in court (or your lawyer was), claiming bankruptcy. No wonder you needed that insurance money on Janet! (that policy we all know you must have and thought you would be able to count on). I have seen the claims against you and they are LONG! Looks like you might even be even be homeless soon! Is that your apartment complex I see on the list.....?????
Wow Ladies.... Look what you've dug up. I look forward to what comes out next.

RAVEN, I hope you are getting ready to speak to LE. Just go talk to them, get an update, show some concern. Go over the evening again. Refresh thier memory, refresh your memory. Show the men and women who are still very attached to this case that you appreciate them. Do it so you can tell Kaiden that you did it someday. It will mean so much to him.

Just my opinion.
I am a bit slow sometimes...is this an attempt to free him from his legal responsibility to EuroSport?
juliagoulia said:
I am a bit slow sometimes...is this an attempt to free him from his legal responsibility to EuroSport?
It could be. I wouldn't put anything past him.

However, when you review the court documents, it is obvious that Raven has been in debt and way over his head financially for a VERY long time.

Wait until you see the court documents. Your head will spin.
Ladies and Gentlemen.... (Drum Roll Please) We have our Motive...

Raven - you are a blithering idiot. Looks like your grand plan didn't work out. You're still broke, now you're a convicted felon, and you are bankrupt.

Winner,:loser: dude.
Moxie said:
Look what I found online:

341 Judge And Trustee Automatic Assignments
Run 04/28/2006 at 23:58

CaseCase TitleChapter341 MeetingJudge NameTrustee NameSamuel Abaroa 7First Meeting of Creditors & Notice of Appointment of Interim Trustee R. Kimball Mosier tr with 341(a) meeting to be held on 05/30/2006 at 405 South Main Objections for Discharge due by 07/31/2006.Clark,GlenE.Mosier tr,R.Kimball
Okay Sleuthers...

I had a thought here. Raven embezzled a lot of money from Eurosports - much more than the $9K he is required to pay in restitution.

Where did all that money go?

And - just wondering - why did Raven's mom and step-dad just sell their house?? I am thinking somehow, someway, Raven's mother is tied into this.
Moxie said:
Raven, you SOB! On April 28, 2006 while Janet's family and friends were preparing to remember her at that beautiful vigil in NC you were in court (or your lawyer was), claiming bankruptcy. No wonder you needed that insurance money on Janet! (that policy we all know you must have and thought you would be able to count on). I have seen the claims against you and they are LONG! Looks like you might even be even be homeless soon! Is that your apartment complex I see on the list.....?????

I can't get any list to open, how are you viewing things?
Well, go to Utah Bankruptcy Court, and look it up on Pacer, you can find it.

Oh My Goodness - Raven owns his own company?????

Raven Samuel Abaroa
Mountain Sports Gear

So, Raven, where did you get the SPORTS GEAR? Were you getting things from Canyon Cycles? Where did you get the money to have Sports Gear or were you getting paid under the table with equipment or were they paying you in equipment or did you find a way to embezzle, once again!

What the HECK! This is wicked sick!
[font=&quot]One thing I find funny is that Raven is not bankrupting the money he owes to Durham for the Vehicle. I think he still owed about $179.00 bucks on it, I guess he feels he didn't need to include it because he feels Durham, NC won't even remember he owes them money.

Last time I looked he still owed them and Eurosports Money...
So, basically on April 28, 2006, while the family and friends of Janet were in Durham, North Carolina, preparing for the vigil, working on setting up the vigil, Raven was a no show to his murdered wife and unborn child's Candlelight Memorial Vigil, because he was busy filing bankruptcy. Twisted.

Yet, this is the really unbelievable part, I hear tell, that Raven was supposedly going on another BIKING trip the following week? Where'd he get the funds to do this if he filed bankruptcy??????? Does anyone know for sure if he did go to Moab again right after the vigil?

I'm sure the Trustee would LOVE to hear of any trips the Raven has taken or will be taking or ends up taking since the filing of bankruptcy.

Twisted, completely off-the-rocker twisted!
terminatrixator said:
So, basically on April 28, 2006, while the family and friends of Janet were in Durham, North Carolina, preparing for the vigil, working on setting up the vigil, Raven was a no show to his murdered wife and unborn child's Candlelight Memorial Vigil, because he was busy filing bankruptcy. Twisted.

Yet, this is the really unbelievable part, I hear tell, that Raven was supposedly going on another BIKING trip the following week? Where'd he get the funds to do this if he filed bankruptcy??????? Does anyone know for sure if he did go to Moab again right after the vigil?

I'm sure the Trustee would LOVE to hear of any trips the Raven has taken or will be taking or ends up taking since the filing of bankruptcy.

Twisted, completely off-the-rocker twisted!
He has A LOT of creditors.

If Karyn co-signed for any of his accounts, she could be liable.

I still wonder why she sold her house. Could it be so that she would have no assets to lose?

So, Raven, you've accomplished a lot in your 27 years:

Flunked out of college - evidently twice!
Got fired from a bunch of jobs
Embezzled money to fund your own business venture - finally got caught
Convicted of said embezzlement - now a felon
Pregnant Wife is murdered - police say it is not a random act
Police do not clear you of being either a POI or a suspect in the murder
And now you are bankrupt

Way to go man. What a track record you have compiled. And all before you are 30!!

God help us all if you are allowed to roam free on this earth another ten years.
Moxie said:
Look what I found online:

341 Judge And Trustee Automatic Assignments
Run 04/28/2006 at 23:58

CaseCase TitleChapter341 MeetingJudge NameTrustee NameSamuel Abaroa 7First Meeting of Creditors & Notice of Appointment of Interim Trustee R. Kimball Mosier tr with 341(a) meeting to be held on 05/30/2006 at 405 South Main Objections for Discharge due by 07/31/2006.Clark,GlenE.Mosier tr,R.Kimball
Just thought of this one:

Raven has been morally bankrupt for years.

Now he is totally bankrupt.
Oooh, he owes money to Cingular?? Guess that's why he was fired!
Moxie said:
Just thought of this one:

Raven has been morally bankrupt for years.

Now he is totally bankrupt.
And the "Nancy Drew Dective Award" goes to........................... Moxie!:woohoo: Girl you are good! Hey, great find on the bankruptcy!
BirdHunter said:
And the "Nancy Drew Dective Award" goes to........................... Moxie!:woohoo: Girl you are good! Hey, great find on the bankruptcy!
Thank you BH. It is good to hear from you!
Moxie said:
He has A LOT of creditors.

If Karyn co-signed for any of his accounts, she could be liable.

I still wonder why she sold her house. Could it be so that she would have no assets to lose?

So, Raven, you've accomplished a lot in your 27 years:

Flunked out of college - evidently twice!
Got fired from a bunch of jobs
Embezzled money to fund your own business venture - finally got caught
Convicted of said embezzlement - now a felon
Pregnant Wife is murdered - police say it is not a random act
Police do not clear you of being either a POI or a suspect in the murder
And now you are bankrupt

Way to go man. What a track record you have compiled. And all before you are 30!!

God help us all if you are allowed to roam free on this earth another ten years.
I wonder if he has depleted the Account that was opened for Kaiden/him at the elctricians union. I noticed they are a creditor for a vehicle. Also, wonder who had ENT surgery in Utah? Him or Kaiden?
Moxie said:
He has A LOT of creditors.

If Karyn co-signed for any of his accounts, she could be liable.

I still wonder why she sold her house. Could it be so that she would have no assets to lose?

So, Raven, you've accomplished a lot in your 27 years:

Flunked out of college - evidently twice!
Got fired from a bunch of jobs
Embezzled money to fund your own business venture - finally got caught
Convicted of said embezzlement - now a felon
Pregnant Wife is murdered - police say it is not a random act
Police do not clear you of being either a POI or a suspect in the murder
And now you are bankrupt

Way to go man. What a track record you have compiled. And all before you are 30!!

God help us all if you are allowed to roam free on this earth another ten years.
I just wonder what mortgage lenders were doing on his credit report(?) because he didn't own a home at any time, did he???? And so....why would mommy sell her house without using the proceeds to get her into another one? Was his (at one time) decent credit used to purchase her home at one time? :waitasec: It just gets curiouser and curiouser, as they say....
terminatrixator said:
Well, go to Utah Bankruptcy Court, and look it up on Pacer, you can find it.

Oh My Goodness - Raven owns his own company?????

Raven Samuel Abaroa
Mountain Sports Gear

So, Raven, where did you get the SPORTS GEAR? Were you getting things from Canyon Cycles? Where did you get the money to have Sports Gear or were you getting paid under the table with equipment or were they paying you in equipment or did you find a way to embezzle, once again!

What the HECK! This is wicked sick!
Mountainsportsgear.com is in the process of starting in Spring 2006...wow, start and file bankruptcy in the same spring season!:loser:

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