Raven Filing for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy!!!

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I noticed that it doesn't list social security benefits as "income you can keep"... is he going to lose, at the very least, his widowers benefits with this filing? Hmm.......
guera said:
I noticed that it doesn't list social security benefits as "income you can keep"... is he going to lose, at the very least, his widowers benefits with this filing? Hmm.......
I don't think so, social security is a given, as is the ss for Kaiden, he will keep those.

Where is the VX in all this? If you look at the 2005 income - it states Unemployment, Social security, but I don't see cingular...dang, I'm confused now. We all know he worked at cingular - I may not be looking at the right paperwork.
2005 Income

Canyon Bicycles $549.00

Innovative Staffing $1,754.00

Salt Lake City based Innovative Staffing Inc., was founded in January of 2000 by leading professionals with many years of experience in the Professional Employer Organization (PEO) industry

Techskills LLC $7,487.00

TechSkills - Raleigh
5400 Trinity Road
Suite 104
Raleigh, NC 27607
919.851.1700 (Phone)
919.851.1734 (Fax)

Sports Endeavors $614.00
Hillsborough, NC

Marketstar $331
MarketStar Corporation
2475 Washington Blvd.
Ogden, Utah 84401

Where is Cingular Wireless in this? Perhaps the Staffing Company? Doesn't make sense that it would be a staffing company with Cingular Wireless???

Anyone here have any ideas?
Income other than from employer or operation of business 2005!

$5,538.00 2005 unemployment -
$1,502 401 K withdrawal -
$1,757.00 sale of employer company stock -
$10,256.00 social security

Where is the INCOME from selling equipment on EBAY?

Where is the Income for the TRUST Fund - through IBEW Federal Credit Union - in which there was a $35.00 overdrawn from?????

Grand Total is $29,788.00 for all the above.......Not to mention the rings are combined total of $50.00 and I may be wrong, but I am sure that Janet had more than just her wedding ring. I thought she had a class ring and other jewelry and where is that jewelry now??? If it was sold or pawned, (remember the pawn receipt?) This isn't listed....
terminatrixator said:
Grand Total is $29,788.00 for all the above.......Not to mention the rings are combined total of $50.00 and I may be wrong, but I am sure that Janet had more than just her wedding ring. I thought she had a class ring and other jewelry and where is that jewelry now??? If it was sold or pawned, (remember the pawn receipt?) This isn't listed....
What did Raven do with all the money he embezzled from ES?

He told the judge that he used it to pay bills and repair his cars.

He didn't seem to pay down many of his bills.
Was all of the ES money embezzeled in 2004 or some in 2004 and 2005?

I still think the IRS needs to take a look at Raven's tax returns for 2004 and 2005. Embezzeled money/goods is taxable income.
WhiteWolf said:
Was all of the ES money embezzeled in 2004 or some in 2004 and 2005?

I still think the IRS needs to take a look at Raven's tax returns for 2004 and 2005. Embezzeled money/goods is taxable income.
Sure is, as a matter of fact, at the IRS there is an IRS Fraud Section where you can fill out information and send to the IRS regarding Tax Fraud, for not paying taxes on income.

Depending on what Tax Bracket the Rave is in 2005 - $29,000.00...and I'm sure he made more at ES in 2004 - it would be the 2004 taxes. $9,600.00 x 15% - 20% tax bracket...it's not that much, but we all know the IRS wants their money.

He got caught in January 2005, so that would be 2004 income taxes filed in 2005....what a tangled web.
This is in answer to Caffeinatd's question which is the last one in "Big Boy Toys" but I thought it would be more appropriate to answer in this section, so we have the embezzlement information listed together.

The Embezzlement fee he owes to Orange County is an unsecured Priority Claim - and the amount stated as entitled to priority is $7,000.00, so I think he still has to pay it, but the boxes were not checked that states "Contingent" "unliquidated" or "Disputed" and it is to Orange County. It states he paid $1,500.00. This is only $8,500.00. In the past there was also filing fees that needed to be paid and there is nothing there on those filing fees as being paid on the Income Tax...which is strange in itself. I thought he was ordered to pay back $9,600.00 in restitution


There is a statement of payments for his future and it states $500.00 a month for Restitution.....which is probably the Embezzlement fee, but $1,500.00 already paid and $7,000.00 left to pay DOES NOT EQUAL $9,600.00...which doesn't seem to include the Court Costs that were not paid the last time we looked.

On the bankruptcy paperwork on page "Statistical Summary of Certain Liabilities" - It lists the $7,000.00 as Taxes or Certain Other Debts Owed to Government Units from Schedule E.

And, it states $1,500.00 Student Loan Obligations from Schedule F.

Well as far as I can see he OWES two student loans one to ACS and the other to University of Phoenix, and it seems he may only have to pay back ONE of these Student Loans.

There is NO VX listed whatsoever on the bankruptcy petition as either being SOLD or listed as a vehicle, so where is the VX. If he sold it, it should be listed as some sort of income for 2005 or 2006, and we know he had it in 2005, so is it HIDDEN? He was expected to LIST any big payments or payoffs - and seriously there is nothing listed, anywhere that I can find on the VX.
terminatrixator said:
There is NO VX listed whatsoever on the bankruptcy petition as either being SOLD or listed as a vehicle, so where is the VX. If he sold it, it should be listed as some sort of income for 2005 or 2006, and we know he had it in 2005, so is it HIDDEN? He was expected to LIST any big payments or payoffs - and seriously there is nothing listed, anywhere that I can find on the VX.
Hmmm, could the VX be titled to someone other than Raven? Maybe someone co-signed it for him back when he first got it?
terminatrixator said:
Income other than from employer or operation of business 2005!

$5,538.00 2005 unemployment -
$1,502 401 K withdrawal -
$1,757.00 sale of employer company stock -
$10,256.00 social security

Where is the INCOME from selling equipment on EBAY?

Where is the Income for the TRUST Fund - through IBEW Federal Credit Union - in which there was a $35.00 overdrawn from?????

Certainly seems as if Raven knows how to get every cent he can, huh? I wish we knew dates - sounds pretty desperate to withdrawal money from a 401K and sell off company stock. I guess he kept waiting and waiting for insurance money to come in and as time went on, he had to use these other options.

And - 5 employers in one year??? That's a bit excessive. Does he have problems being tied down?
JerseyGirl said:
Certainly seems as if Raven knows how to get every cent he can, huh? I wish we knew dates - sounds pretty desperate to withdrawal money from a 401K and sell off company stock. I guess he kept waiting and waiting for insurance money to come in and as time went on, he had to use these other options.

And - 5 employers in one year??? That's a bit excessive. Does he have problems being tied down?
JG - you raise a good point.

"He kept waiting and waiting for insurance money to come in" - it obviously didn't come in. So that leads to the question:

If Janet did have a life insurance policy, and a year has passed since her murder, why hasn't Raven been able to collect?

Sounds to me like the insurance company has been talking with Durham LE.
Moxie said:
Sounds to me like the insurance company has been talking with Durham LE.
I absolutely agree. If there was a policy on Janet's life, (and I thought that I heard somewhere that there was - not 100% sure), under the circumstances of Janet's death, the insurance company would undoubtedly want to know if the beneficiary might be involved. They would not release money to the beneficiary if there was any indication from LE that he was involved.
Also, he didn't list the sales on EBAY, and there is Allstate Insurance being bankrupted.

If there was Life Insurance on Janet, which I wholeheartedly believe there was like with Scottie Peterson, where was the life insurance on HIMSELF???? He claims there is no term life insurance on himself, and that he is nothing pending or coming to him.

JANET WAS MURDERED, Raven should have LIFE INSURANCE ON HIMSELF - to protect Kaiden's future.

What is wrong with this picture?????????

He obviously has vehicle insurance and to know that he lists more for his GUITAR than his wedding rings makes me want to hurl.
terminatrixator said:
JANET WAS MURDERED, Raven should have LIFE INSURANCE ON HIMSELF - to protect Kaiden's future.

What is wrong with this picture?????????
Raven has proven himself to be irresponsible time and time again. He doesn't even seem to realize the importance of paying his taxes, filing his taxes truthfully, and paying back court-ordered restitution. If he had a policy on Janet, that seems awfully out of character, especially if he doesn't have one on himself now. This guy, who completely lacks responsibility, had a policy on his wife, who just so happened to be murdered, yet wouldn't have one on himself as the sole surviving parent of a one year-old? That would be very suspicious.
JerseyGirl said:
Raven has proven himself to be irresponsible time and time again. He doesn't even seem to realize the importance of paying his taxes, filing his taxes truthfully, and paying back court-ordered restitution. If he had a policy on Janet, that seems awfully out of character, especially if he doesn't have one on himself now. This guy, who completely lacks responsibility, had a policy on his wife, who just so happened to be murdered, yet wouldn't have one on himself as the sole surviving parent of a one year-old? That would be very suspicious.
Suspicious is a good word for it. If there was one on Janet, and there is not one on himself, for the sake of his child, argh!!!!

Everything about this Murder is messed up, everything about Raven is messed up, everything about this entire scenerio on everything that has happened is messed up. I'm disgusted. Though I believe 100% that Raven did it, even if he didn't he makes me SICK, and yet, I believe, with all honestly that he committed this heinous, viscious murder with full premeditation.

Thankfully I won't be on the Jury someday.
JerseyGirl said:
Hmmm, could the VX be titled to someone other than Raven? Maybe someone co-signed it for him back when he first got it?
I wonder, seriously, but I think there is another scam coming on JG - seriously, another scam of some big proportion.

Where's the VX????? Where's Cingular Wireless????- considering he GOT FIRED FROM IT - he was still there long enough to get a PAY CHECK....oh this is sickening, that he's going to get away with this, filing bankruptcy with so many things that are missing and false.

Where's the TRUST FUND MONEY RAVEN??????
terminatrixator said:
I wonder, seriously, but I think there is another scam coming on JG - seriously, another scam of some big proportion.

Where's the VX????? Where's Cingular Wireless????- considering he GOT FIRED FROM IT - he was still there long enough to get a PAY CHECK....oh this is sickening, that he's going to get away with this, filing bankruptcy with so many things that are missing and false.

Where's the TRUST FUND MONEY RAVEN??????
Does anyone know the anybody in the bBR court in Utah? Seems like they should have correct info..but can another person even go about reporting it?

Thanks Trix for answering my question in the right thread, I responded to someone else, but didn't know how to move it...
caffeinatd said:
Does anyone know the anybody in the bBR court in Utah? Seems like they should have correct info..but can another person even go about reporting it?

Thanks Trix for answering my question in the right thread, I responded to someone else, but didn't know how to move it...
Hi Caffeinatd, thanks for understanding why I posted in here. Sometimes I come off as very brash, and in this instance, I really didn't mean too lol.....

Well the bankruptcy papers do have the information on the Trustee.


Court-appointed trustee who will administer the affairs of a bankrupt company or individual. A trustee in bankruptcy will act on behalf of the debtor to ensure that both the creditor's and debtor's interests are maintained in accordance with the rule of law, and often acts as a negotiator between the two.

The Trustee on this case has two listed...

[font=&quot] R. Kimball Mosier
[/font][font=&quot]Phone:[/font][font=&quot] (801) 363-4300 [/font]
[font=&quot]Email:[/font][font=&quot] trustee@pkhlawyers.com [/font]

[font=&quot]United States[/font][font=&quot] Trustee

[/font][font=&quot]Judge:[/font][font=&quot] Glen E. Clark

Judge really doesn't do much on the case until the end. I know that in civil and criminal cases, if someone goes to the Judge with information, then the Judge is bound to **"recuse" themself from the case. I do not know if that is how it works in Bankruptcy Court.

**[/font]re·cuse (r
) tr.v. re·cused, re·cus·ing, re·cus·es To disqualify or seek to disqualify from participation in a decision on grounds such as prejudice or personal involvement.



terminatrixator said:
2005 Income

Canyon Bicycles $549.00

Innovative Staffing $1,754.00

Salt Lake City based Innovative Staffing Inc., was founded in January of 2000 by leading professionals with many years of experience in the Professional Employer Organization (PEO) industry

Techskills LLC $7,487.00

TechSkills - Raleigh
5400 Trinity Road
Suite 104
Raleigh, NC 27607
919.851.1700 (Phone)
919.851.1734 (Fax)

Sports Endeavors $614.00
Hillsborough, NC

Marketstar $331
MarketStar Corporation
2475 Washington Blvd.
Ogden, Utah 84401

Where is Cingular Wireless in this? Perhaps the Staffing Company? Doesn't make sense that it would be a staffing company with Cingular Wireless???

Anyone here have any ideas?
..August 23, 2005 - Raven pleads guilty to embezzlement (5 COUNTS)

??--Starts working part-time at bike shop

October 17 (I think)--Returns to Buena Vista, VA for SVU's homecoming

..the bike shop STILL has him listed on their site, ( friendly customer service specialist )-------however, if he worked there from october-december 2005.....$549.00 income for the year is VERY part time......(oh right, he needs time off to go on bike trips, and just clean out the trust fund for that..)

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