Raven's Website and Online Activity

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Raven's personality is the one that considered the laptop his, the VX his, Janet his, Kaiden his. He thinks of everything including people as possessions. That's just Raven. We have seen glimses of this in the interview when Raven came out of the courthouse and when asked about How Kaiden is doing Raven's response was "He Looks Good." This is not a normal statement, and realizing the fact that Raven is a sociopath, it's quite understandable, Kaiden is a possession.

As far as talking on the phone, I have known people that would not use the phone or gets nervous when someone calls them when their husband is home. As a possession, talking on the phone when th e husband is home is really frowned upon, and should be done on her time, not on his time. Since she is a wife, she is a possession, and therefore, we all know better than to call her after her husband is home.

My feelings regarding the laptop are, he would not leave the laptop alone with Janet.

He may have had records on it regarding the embezzlement. Though I'm sure Janet knew about the indictment, do we know if there is confirmation that Raven tried talking his way out of this with her, and say they have it all wrong? Could he have tried telling Janet it was a mistake, a misunderstanding, and the key to the truth would have been on that laptop?

Also, what if he was seeing someone again, there may have been proof of him communicating with another woman and if so, he would not leave the laptop there alone with Janet, with time on her hands to look through everything.

It's too easy to get into to find hidden files, look into the history, into the cache, temporary hidden files. These can be accessed many different ways, and though you think you got rid of them, there is more than one record of it on your computer. Even with messenger programs, these get recorded and put into other folders, that if you know what you are doing you can access them.

If he would let Janet use the laptop, I would bet it would be with an extremely watchful eye, and Janet would not dare, look into hidden folders, cache, temporary internet files, cookies, history with him standing over her shoulder? Or did she and he caught her?
terminatrixator said:
As far as talking on the phone, I have known people that would not use the phone or gets nervous when someone calls them when their husband is home.
But there's a big difference between feeling uncomfortable if someone calls you when your husband is home and your husband not allowing you to talk to certain people.

terminatrixator said:
...Janet would not dare, look into hidden folders, cache, temporary internet files, cookies, history with him standing over her shoulder? Or did she and he caught her?
I wondered about this too. :(
NCBanker said:
OK - you need to elaborate on this... this is good stuff. Interesting that this has never come out before. Why wouldn't Raven want Janet talking to certain people? Who and why?
Because he is a self-centered JACKASS! He wanted to control everything that Janet did. From what she ate to what she wore and who she socialized with. If he thought someone did not like him he did not want Janet to be friends with them.
JerseyGirl said:
I am SO sorry to hear this. This is extremely sad.

"... when Raven let her use his laptop". Did Raven really look at the laptop as HIS possession and not something that belonged to them as a family? Did he allow Janet to use it on any sort of regular basis - once a week? a couple times a week? Or was it something that he "let" her use when he felt she had earned it or something like that? There are so many possible nuances to what you are saying that I'm not sure how to take it.

I guess what I'm wondering is - how likely is it that Janet would have gone into the office that night to use the computer after Raven left for soccer? Was it a regular thing on Raven's soccer night that she would have computer time? Would she have assumed that the computer was there and have gone in there to maybe surf the Internet or send some e-mail to her friends? Did she have her own e-mail account at home or did she have to use Raven's?

Or is it possible that she was in that room paying bills or hanging up clothes? What are the possibilities for why she was in the room that night? If she wasn't allowed to use the computer or if the computer wasn't there, what else would have caused her to go in there?

Finally, Janet calling people from her walks makes me very curious as to why she felt she needed to do that. I wonder what the ramifications were if Raven were to know that she was talking to someone that he didn't approve of. I wonder who those people were. And I wonder if he checked the cell phone records to find out who she was talking to while she was out.

I'm sorry for so many questions and random thoughts, BH. Thanks so much for answering me up to this point.
I don't know why Janet was in the office that night. I don't know how often she used Raven's computer and make no mistakes it was Raven's computer. She had her own email account. She used it. She used her computer at work often. The people she talked to were her friends like me. The reason he did not want her to talk to me was because he personally did not like me and the feelings were mutual.
BirdHunter said:
I don't know why Janet was in the office that night. I don't know how often she used Raven's computer and make no mistakes it was Raven's computer. She had her own email account. She used it. She used her computer at work often. The people she talked to were her friends like me. The reason he did not want her to talk to me was because he personally did not like me and the feelings were mutual.
This only makes the love I have for this guy so much stronger! (tongue planted firmly in cheek!) What a !!!
So....where the hell is his laptop, is what I'd like to know...I don't think for one minute it was stolen! I think he's got it hidden somewhere. Damn, he pisses me off day after day!! WTF? I just have to wonder if his mommy might know where that thing is.
LTUlegal said:
This only makes the love I have for this guy so much stronger! (tongue planted firmly in cheek!) What a !!!
So....where the hell is his laptop, is what I'd like to know...I don't think for one minute it was stolen! I think he's got it hidden somewhere. Damn, he pisses me off day after day!! WTF? I just have to wonder if his mommy might know where that thing is.
..no kidding..........as IF the only thing "stolen" that night happened to be raven's 'pride and joy' laptop.........

.."we" know it was never stolen, and better yet, LE knows it, and has "computer geeks" on their side that can track every bit of activity on that laptop ..

..i LOVE it though------------that his unwillingness to part with a mere piece of machinery, ( while it hasn't bothered him to part with/murder his wife and unborn baby ) will be his undoing.........

..poor raven............he has to realize that LE is putting their case together and will arrest him soon...........i wonder if he sleeps through the night ?
He probably doesn't need much sleep unless he's in his depressive state, but he seems like someone that lives in a hypomania state.

The laptop, long gone, is my guess, he probably got rid of it a long time ago, it's been destroyed is my guess.

My theory is Janet was on the latptop found something and he murdererd her, sorta like Lori Hacking finding out her husband has been lying all this time about schooling.

Raven did not have something happen that caused a traumatization of his brain, like what happened with Mark Hacking.

Raven also had the issues of the embezzlement, affairs, poor money management, poor work ethics and also wanting to be FREE with no responsibilities.

Blend 1/4 Mark Hacking 2/4 Scott Peterson 1/4 Neil Entwistle together and you get Raven Abaroa.
ewwwinteresting said:
RULE-ENGINES-INTEREST archives - May 2005

bargain pricing on Office Pro
· bargain pricing on Office Pro (76 lines)
From: Karyn Bolton <FranklinBarnard@ESCAPINGHADES.COM>
Date: Sat, 7 May 2005 19:02:52 -0700

Not sure what this info is but this escapinghades.com is an interesting site!
I still don't know what this is but here's something I found:

Date: Sat, 7 May 2005 19:02:52 -0700
Reply-To: An interest list for the standardizing of Enterprise Rule Engines
Sender: An interest list for the standardizing of Enterprise Rule Engines
From: Karyn Bolton <xxxxxxxx@ESCAPINGHADES.COM>
Subject: bargain pricing on Office Pro
Comments: To: picojava-interest@java.sun.com
Comments: cc: publishing@java.sun.com, rmi-comments@java.sun.com,
rmi-support@java.sun.com, rmi-users@java.sun.com
Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii"
</SPAN>Content-Disposition: inline

Professional software is normally expensive, right? Wrong! Purchasing software from our online shop will save you hundreds of dollars, maybe even thousands. All of the software is OEM meaning that you do not get the packaging or manual. You only receive the CD and what's needed to install the program(s).

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- Microsoft Windows XP with SP2
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Retail Price: $999.00
You Save: $874
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Look at the massive product inventory
Was that above information an e-mail that was sent by Karyn? Is the date of May 7, 2005 the date that it was sent? Wasn't that the date of Janet's funeral? (There's even a time next to the date - 19:02:52.)

ETA: This could be a completely different Karyn Bolton. I have no idea.
What is escapinghades.com? When I do a web search, the first link appears to be a search engine. However, practically every link thereafter has something to do with surviving sexual abuse. I'm not crazy about the idea of going directly to the site for fear of crashing my hard drive but if anyone knows, please let us know.

ETA: Here's more (although I still don't get it):

Top > Society > Issues > Violence and Abuse > Sexual Abuse and Assault

"... Escaping Hades
Includes rape survivor stories, resources, help for the aftermath and provides a connection to other survivors.

Survivor Search Engine
A collection of links for survivors, including information on suicide, eating disorders, self injury, Depression and PTSD.
YouthResource: Our Lives: Sexual Assault

If you need resources and information, or have been sexually assaulted and you are looking for help, look below for resources. If you're looking for information about dating violence, or building a healthy relationship, you can check info out in these previous features.

SEXUAL *advertiser censored*AULT:

Rape and sexual abuse survivor's site: http://www.escapinghades.com

Hmmm, I wonder how or why someone would get an e-mail address at escapinghades.com. Well, maybe I shouldn't dig any deeper into this area.
Well there is a 21 year old Karyn Bolton.

Question, is it Karyn or Karen, I know they all like changing their names, was the name given to her at BIRTH Karyn or did she change it because she liked it better?
terminatrixator said:
Question, is it Karyn or Karen, I know they all like changing their names, was the name given to her at BIRTH Karyn or did she change it because she liked it better?
Ah, who the hell even knows anymore? Does any one of them still have and use their actual birth name??? :rolleyes: :crazy:
JerseyGirl said:
YouthResource: Our Lives: Sexual Assault

If you need resources and information, or have been sexually assaulted and you are looking for help, look below for resources. If you're looking for information about dating violence, or building a healthy relationship, you can check info out in these previous features.

SEXUAL *advertiser censored*AULT:

Rape and sexual abuse survivor's site: http://www.escapinghades.com

Hmmm, I wonder how or why someone would get an e-mail address at escapinghades.com. Well, maybe I shouldn't dig any deeper into this area.
Do we have any info. on whether Karyn is a victim of abuse? This could be another theory on the divorce/moving questions.
I don't know.

I received a pm a while ago about something weird that happened in the family by someone that doesn't post here and I didn't know this person's nickname on here, so I took it as a rumor, and never posted it, because it did not have to do with Karyn herself, it had to do with someone else in the family, so I let it drop.
terminatrixator said:
I don't know.

I received a pm a while ago about something weird that happened in the family by someone that doesn't post here and I didn't know this person's nickname on here, so I took it as a rumor, and never posted it, because it did not have to do with Karyn herself, it had to do with someone else in the family, so I let it drop.
Hm, isn't THAT something....
terminatrixator said:
I don't know.

I received a pm a while ago about something weird that happened in the family by someone that doesn't post here and I didn't know this person's nickname on here, so I took it as a rumor, and never posted it, because it did not have to do with Karyn herself, it had to do with someone else in the family, so I let it drop.

So are you now thinking that there is more truth to that rumour than you originally thought ? Are you going to post it as a "rumour ' and let us all in ?
ewwwinteresting said:
Do we have any info. on whether Karyn is a victim of abuse? This could be another theory on the divorce/moving questions.

On the other hand, another way to look at it I suppose: maybe Karyn could be the abuser, and Jim Bolton the victim!
Jess said:
So are you now thinking that there is more truth to that rumour than you originally thought ? Are you going to post it as a "rumour ' and let us all in ?
Nope, since it wasn't about Karyn, I am going to leave it as it is.
JerseyGirl said:
Ah, who the hell even knows anymore? Does any one of them still have and use their actual birth name??? :rolleyes: :crazy:
I noticed that when searching them out. The only reasons I can think of for each and everyone of them to change their names multiple times are not good!:croc:

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