Read this and tell me the Ramseys aren't hiding something ...

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Ivy said:
Maybe the Hi-Tec print was the only print that was made in the white stuff (saponification, mold, or whatever it was), and was therefore the only one that was preserved.


That could ,very well,be the case. However,even though we have only dwelled on the one footprint,early reports claimed another upstairs,and a SAS one outside the grated window. IMO,there were at least two hi-tec prints in the house.(based on early reports,that I believe)
Were there sections cut out of the rug?
There were likely plenty of shoe prints in the wine cellar. Christmas presents were stored there. And all of the Christmas trees had been brought over from the hangar and temporarily stored there prior to taking them upstairs to be positioned and decorated. Why weren't the shoe prints from the people engaged in all of these activities found in the wine cellar?

If the Hi-Tec shoe print was "fresh", then it must have meant it was on top of the other shoe prints that had to have also covered the floor.

The basement floor was carpeted except for the boiler room and the wine cellar in a low-pile indoor/outdoor type of carpet.

Footprints wouldn't show up on the carpet, or on the bare cement floor unless there was material on the bottom of shoes, like mud or snow, to leave prints.

The material that grew on the floor of the wine cellar didn't cover the entire floor area, but it did grow in the area where JonBenét's body was left.

There appeared to be 3 prints in the "mold"--one of them with the Hi Tech logo. Two prints intersected each other. The 3rd print might have been made by a child--Smit thought it might have been made by JonBenét's bare foot.
So...there were three footprints in the wine cellar--two Hi-Tec prints intersecting each that police believe were Burke's, and one print that was probably made by JonBenet's bare foot. Interesting.
That's right! I had forgotten about the little barefoot child's print.
I do have to disagree with your thoughts on carpet and footprints,in my experience ,shortly after vacuuming my basement carpet I can tell, by the size of the footprints and the tread patterns, who among the family members was down there. My husband has slippers that have a ridge to the tread and it shows up so well that I could measure his shoe size in every print.
It's seafoam plush....which btw..wasn't a great choice for a basement.
Ivy said:
So...there were three footprints in the wine cellar--two Hi-Tec prints intersecting each that police believe were Burke's, and one print that was probably made by JonBenet's bare foot. Interesting.
I'm not certain the police ever believed those prints were Burke's,that was "leading" questioning,and so far has not been stated as true. There is IMO a partial print that looks more like a man's size..maybe 9/10..where Burke at age nine likely wouldn't have worn a shoe larger than a five,and if the leading question concerned a purchase Patsy made the year before,he would have been age eight,rarely a slight child like Burke would wear anything beyond a size four at that age. (and I am going by my own family..age 17 ..size 13...age 20ish..size 12..the little one here..age 7..size 2)
.....the girl...age 18..size 9 1/2......out of the kids,the only one that reached adult sized shoes by age 10,was the 10 was an 8. We have some pretty big feet here...mine are a 9 1/ I am probably giving a top limit when guessing age 8 a four.
When I read that questioning concerning compass shoes,I thought,"heck no",this was not a child's print. JMO
Smit revealed those footprint photos to the public. He didn't believe they belonged to Burke.

I haven't read of any LE that believed the prints were Burke's.

The prints were unidentified, and have not been matched to any shoe, boot, or owner that I'm aware of.
sissi and LP, apparently you haven't bothered to check any links I've posted recently, nor did you catch the new flash on CNN when it was announced. BPD investigators were/are satisfied that the Hi Tec logo print belonged to Burke.
LovelyPigeon said:
Smit revealed those footprint photos to the public. He didn't believe they belonged to Burke.
I don't think Smit was aware of the Grand Jury findings in regard to Burke owning the HiTec shoes.
The problem with ALL the prints found on the floor of the little room is they could never be dated to the day, or even the week, of the crime.
Since the Hi Tek print was only a partial, I think it can't be matched to any particular shoe. Wasn't it only a print of the part with the logo or something like that?

I think there is a way to get footprints from rugs while they are still in place, even if no dirt or other stuff was on the shoe. Anyone know about this?

Ivy, the source was anonymous. Someone might be "convinced" but I don't find any convincing evidence to persuade me.

No Hi Tech brand shoes were found in the Ramsey house during 7 days of searching.
LP, the source who gave CNN the information that investigators were confident the Hi-Tec print was Burke's was not named, but CNN would not have aired the information without knowing who the source was and checking the validity of the information.

The source of the same information given in the news article may have been the same person. Regardless, I have no doubt the source was verified as being a reliable one.
Ivy, Charlie Brennan wrote the article. Other media, including CNN, followed by merely reporting what Brennan had written.

The source remains anonymous.

Why not ask Brennan directly through his email if the Hi Tech print has been positively matched to any footwear?
LP, how do you know CNN took the information from Brennan's article? Do you work for CNN? Anyway, I'm satisfied with the information in the RMN article. You're the one who's not, so why don't you email Brennan?
Lou Smit claims that he is still investigating JonBenet's does anyone know if he is privy to new information and/or evidence? Does he have "close friends" in the DA's office that he could just pick up the phone and call them?

LE questioned Patsy regarding the hi-tecs and if Burke ever owned a pair. They also asked Patsy if she remembered purchasing a pair in a Vail Colorado shopping mall???

If LE proved that Patsy indeed bought Hi-Teks for Burke in Vail...does that make him the primary suspect? Remember Hunter saying that "you'd be surprised" at who we are focusing on?
LovelyPigeon said:
Ivy, the source was anonymous. Someone might be "convinced" but I don't find any convincing evidence to persuade me.

No Hi Tech brand shoes were found in the Ramsey house during 7 days of searching.

And do you take this to be proof that non ever existed?
Jayelles said:
And do you take this to be proof that non ever existed?

The fact that none were actually found inside the house is not proof.

I tend to think that he walked out the door wearing them on the 26th.

Regardless of whether Hi-Tec shoes were found in the Ramseys' house, or whether it was ever proved that Patsy purchased Hi-Tec shoes, Burke and his friend both testified before the grand jury that Burke owned Hi-Tec shoes. Also, Fleet White once said to LE, "What would you say if I told you Burke owned Hi Tec shoes?" or words to that effect.

I agree with Nehemiah that Burke was probably wearing the Hi Tec shoes when he left the house on the 26th. The very fact that the print was there indicates the Ramseys didn't know about it, because if they'd known the print was there, they'd have swept it away.
Ivy said:
Regardless of whether Hi-Tec shoes were found in the Ramseys' house, or whether it was ever proved that Patsy purchased Hi-Tec shoes, Burke and his friend both testified before the grand jury that Burke owned Hi-Tec shoes. Also, Fleet White once said to LE, "What would you say if I told you Burke owned Hi Tec shoes?" or words to that effect.

I agree with Nehemiah that Burke was probably wearing the Hi Tec shoes when he left the house on the 26th. The very fact that the print was there indicates the Ramseys didn't know about it, because if they'd known the print was there, they'd have swept it away.

Burke definitely owned Hi-Tec boots. They were distinctive because a compass was built into the shoestrings of the boot. IMO you're correct, Burke was probably wearing them on the 26th. The Hi-Tec boots were likely bought by Patsy on an out-of-town shopping trip with Susan Stine, who may have purchased a similar pair of Hi-Tecs for Doug. Patsy and Susan often shopped together.

I don't think Burke went to bed that night. His bed was still made in the morning, which Patsy herself termed "unusual". IMO Burke had one or two friends over that night, and the otherwise seemingly unnecessary coverup by the Ramseys was launched, at least in part, to protect their identities as well as cover up the embarrassing EA aspects of the crime (which even John Ramsey admits occurred).

Thus, the Hi-Tec mark on the floor was probably from Burke who, IMO, was still fully dressed that night, or it could have been from Doug, who also may have owned Hi-Tecs.

"Regardless of whether Hi-Tec shoes were found in the Ramseys' house, or whether it was ever proved that Patsy purchased Hi-Tec shoes, Burke and his friend both testified before the grand jury that Burke owned Hi-Tec shoes. Also, Fleet White once said to LE, "What would you say if I told you Burke owned Hi Tec shoes?" or words to that effect."

"I don't think Burke went to bed that night. His bed was still made in the morning, which Patsy herself termed "unusual". IMO Burke had one or two friends over that night, and the otherwise seemingly unnecessary coverup by the Ramseys was launched, at least in part, to protect their identities as well as cover up the embarrassing EA aspects of the crime (which even John Ramsey admits occurred)."

How does anyone really know that Burke testified before the grand jury that he owned those boots since all those records have been sealed? And, where did you read or find out that the bed was still made the morning JonBenet went missing? Can you give me somewhere to find those sources of info. Maybe I'm getting more forgetful in my old age, but I can't remember reading about either of those things. Thanks in advance.

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