Rebecca Nalepa - suicide or murder? #7

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Well, JS did hire a PR firm didn't he? Maybe they are doing a VERY good job with the media, suggesting suicide.
Then what in the world are all 15 detectives investigating then? Aren't they supposed to investigate whether this was a homicide?
Taxpayers must be livid.
Well, JS did hire a PR firm didn't he? Maybe they are doing a VERY good job with the media, suggesting suicide.
Yup and it looks like they only had to leak it to NBC's Tony Shin and then everyone else ran with it, just need one and then everyone jumps on the bandwagon.
I keep checking back here for some movement. this is frustrating.
I don't think one needs to be a psychic to predict police is going to declare RN's death a suicide. And Max's death a tragic accident (which I do believe is true). I don't think we will get anything else other than that.
IMO they know it was a murder, but still don't have the evidence they need to nail the correct perp. So, they continue to investigate. And we continue to wait. impatiently. :)
IMO they know it was a murder, but still don't have the evidence they need to nail the correct perp. So, they continue to investigate. And we continue to wait. impatiently. :)

Yes, and while we wait news web sites all over are repeating that police have detrmined her death was a suicide. The latest is the Daily Beast, the web site/blog of Newsweek:

Mogul Lover's Death Suicide: Cops

Scroll all the way down to the bottom to read the RN blurb. It is a short paragraph and then you are directed to the Daily Mail site for the full article.
They are a UK paper that is very gossipy and probably Murdoch owned.

This is a remix of that same shoddy article we've been talking about. Difference is that the Daily Beast has done two "real" articles about this case, and then they do this link to another site with a head line that screams "the cops think she committed suicide". Which may be true, but to my knowledge the investigators have said nothing and we don't even know if the "source" is actually "close to the investigation" or someone that was made up so a sloppy article could be written. OR so that a PR firm could start earning its $$$.

The infuriating thing about this is that a reader who doesn't know much about the case (or even one who DOES) and is skimming sees the headline and thinks that its a done deal, this is what the investigators have said. Creating a "fact" in the public's mind that is not a fact.

That is so sad!
I know it sounds odd, but I bet he found comfort in doing it where those he'd loved would find him.

Yes, it is so sad. He had so much to live for...

We have thought the same as you have stated when trying to make some sense out of it. Maybe he did do it at the place he felt most loved but he destroyed the lives of his grandparents who never got over the tragedy.

That is why I know he was not in the right frame of mind because if he had thought about their pain for one second he would have never come there to do it.

IMO they know it was a murder, but still don't have the evidence they need to nail the correct perp. So, they continue to investigate. And we continue to wait. impatiently. :)

I am not sure that they know it was murder. If the tapes at the hospital shows Dina and Jonah there during the night that Rebecca died then they would be excluded.

So that would leave Adam and he may have taken a poly and passed.

Imo, they have taken Rebecca's cell phone records and have interviewed everyone that came in contact with her from the time of Maxie's accident until she died..... either by phone. email or in person and they asked about her demeanor and if she was highly upset because of Maxie's accident.

I really think they all knew pretty soon after he was taken to the hospital that he was brain dead and was never going to survive so they kept him on life support until his organs could be harvested.

Good morning, :coffeews:

another day of waiting :waiting::waiting:

The PR company did their job :snowball:

I have to believe that LE has looked at everything and their final
decision will be the truth (and that they will share their findings) :cop:

Will check back later today....

:praying::praying: for justice for RN :smiliescale:
Regarding the 911 calls that have been sealed, they must contain a wealth of information about these two cases.

Re MS' Monday "fall": 911 call said to have been made by GS; she is said to have been "hysterical" on the call; must have included most everything she knew about the "fall"; RN was said to have been administering CPR at the time. [sorry no links, all from my memory]

Re RN's discovery on Wednesday: 911 call made by AS must contain more details about RN's state when found; description of location of the blue scarf when found?; description of how he cut her down?; when he last saw her alive.

What is the protocol on releasing the recordings of the 911 calls to the public?

Will they eventually be released?

Or, can they be sealed permanently?

I am not sure that they know it was murder. If the tapes at the hospital shows Dina and Jonah there during the night that Rebecca died then they would be excluded.

So that would leave Adam and he may have taken a poly and passed.

Imo, they have taken Rebecca's cell phone records and have interviewed everyone that came in contact with her from the time of Maxie's accident until she died..... either by phone. email or in person and they asked about her demeanor and if she was highly upset because of Maxie's accident.

I really think they all knew pretty soon after he was taken to the hospital that he was brain dead and was never going to survive so they kept him on life support until his organs could be harvested.


But why wait so long? The autopsy was completed the day after RN was found. The tox reports shouldn't have taken more than a couple of weeks.
What reports are they waiting for so that they can say she commited suicide?

This is soooooooooooooo frustrating.........We need more information!!

Have a good day!
But why wait so long? The autopsy was completed the day after RN was found. The tox reports shouldn't have taken more than a couple of weeks.
What reports are they waiting for so that they can say she committed suicide?

This is soooooooooooooo frustrating.........We need more information!!

Have a good day!

Morning Score!:seeya:

I know it is frustrating to all of us but really until the toxicology results are back in the AR isn't even complete. The ME will not even sign off on the official AR until they have those results back.

While the UK does seem to have the ability to get their results back quicker in the US it has always taken around 8 weeks, and that was even before the economy went south ,and now a lot of labs are hamstrung with major cutbacks so it is even taking longer if their caseload is heavy, and we all know California is a huge state with many cases going on at one time.

I think LE already has a good idea of what happened and the COD/MOD but when a case is a possible suicide then a psychological autopsy is done and imo they need the results of the tox reports to see if Rebecca was under the influence of either drugs or alcohol at the time.

If so, they will use that information to further bolster their decision and will draw from other suicide cases where the person was under the influence.........making them more susceptible to doing something compulsive/irrational especially if they were already dealing with a major tragedy. Alcohol intake exacerbates the depression some feel. "Tear in my beer" mood. etc.

LE is dotting all of their "I's" and crossing their "Ts" imo.

Originally Posted by jjenny; Thread #6, post #834
A tragic accident is called a tragic accident for a reason. There is no "justice" for a tragic accident. Police has never once stated they believe Max's death was anything but a tragic accident, while RN's death could be either a murder or a suicide.
That's just your opinion.

Originally Posted by MyBelle; Thread #6, post #839
I haven't seen LE or ME rule Maxie's death a tragic accident. I have seen the reports they decided to look into his death and are investigating. You are stating facts that haven't even been released.

Bringing this interesting post forward.

Hmmm .... was there a "yet" missing from the end of the last line? Or, would that be redundant?
Her supposed suicide would be even more difficult to pull off if she were in fact intoxicated. We are talking about hand bound behind her back and feet bound.
That would involve some acrobatics to either get onto the table or jump off the balcony. How is someone intoxicated would be able to pull that off?
I am not sure that they know it was murder. If the tapes at the hospital shows Dina and Jonah there during the night that Rebecca died then they would be excluded.


Ocean, I would respectfully take exception to excluding either DS or JS just because they may not have left the hospital when the dirty deed occurred. IMO, either one of them could have had others carry it out with my leaning toward JS.
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