DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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From the beginning, it felt to me as though those who wanted to close the case as a suicide tried to intimidate and marginalize everyone who thought Rebecca was killed and wanted the case reopened. The bullying of Bremner by Gore, the online bullying by members of "team Shacknai," the activity of the reputation management firm, etc. have been a central feature of this case since Rebecca's body lay on the grass exposed to the elements and for 12+ hours. I've never seen anything like it, either.

There is that old adage that “whoever controls the media, controls the mind”.

Has definitely been a well-orchestrated campaign to inhibit any analytical thinking & ensure that everyone believes it was “suicide.” They intentionally disrupt any meaningful discussion & tried to derail every discussion on every forum I have seen on this case.

George Orwell — 'Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.'
The photos were included as exhibits when I purchased a defense ROA ( register of actions file) from the court, it was the one objecting to Dr Wecht’s evidence and attempting to prevent his testimony. In the ROA were several autopsy photos, they were really distressing to be honest. I wouldn’t feel comfortable posting them publicly.

I have deferred to Cynic on the photos, for his prior experience on what is and isn’t appropriate on the threads and WS site, as he also has access to the same ROA and photos, as he posted the back of neck image.

I hope you understand, I don’t want to upset or offend anyone.

Just my opinion....
Thanks for the info.
Hi Brit. To the best of my recollection, the lead detective testified that the ‘red stain’ was on the shower floor, it wasn’t tested. There was a ‘handful’ of hair stuck to the wall, it wasn’t tested or collected either. A hairbrush was positioned on a ‘holder’ between the water taps within the shower.

Cyril Wecht testified that the mark on the ( RZs ) left shoulder was of a vertical configuration and was possibly a ‘rope burn’ - it was discussed at trial as an injury at length, so I don’t think it can be interpreted as paint ( although I can see why you would think that from the photo)

If you look further down RZs back, there appears to be further ‘prick’ injuries lower down the back, that run in line with the first ‘scratch mark’ at the upper point of the mark. Personally I don’t believe it’s a fingernail scratch, possibly a scrape against a solid immovable object of some description?

Just my opinion....

Thanks for the corrections. So many different dynamics to this case, it all gets very confusing at times.
I'm not convinced the murder happened in the guest house.

The black paint on the door, the carpet, the plastic bag, and Rebecca's nipples and buttocks, puts her in the balcony room.

There are two black paint marks on the carpet and I'm wondering if this was transfer paint from her nipples if she was laid there and tied up. The plastic bag would be roughly where her head would be in proximity to those paint marks.


In my opinion, every single item in this picture was somehow used in this murder and is the reason they were placed in this room. I think that the blanket might have been used to transport her from one location to another. I do think that it is possible that more happened in the bathroom area because a bathroom is much easier to clean possible evidence then a carpeted spare bedroom. The thing that really stands out to me is her dirty feet. Her feet are not just dirty as if she had walked on a dusty or dirty balcony or other indoor floor. Her feet are filthy with what looks like actual dirt that is not just on the bottoms of her feet like you would expect from walking on a dirty floor or balcony. The dirt actual goes up to the sides of her feet and up the back of her heels. This makes me think that perhaps she tried to flee out of the house. She might've grabbed that long sleeve tshirt to throw on in her escape. If she was rendered unconscious immediatley in the master bathroom, left alone at that point while Adam was collecting items needed to subdue her, ran out the back of the house and around the yard, not knowinig that Adam was probably in that area collecting ropes, gloves from the garage. He then tackled her down to the ground.....would explain dirty feet and shoulder injuries along with the scratches on her lower back....especially if she was tackled down on a stone walkway as I would imagine a the scrape on her right shoulder looks similar to a child skimming their knee on a sidewalk. All my opinions, but the dirty feet tells me that she was definitely out in that yard at some point.

Also, I think that the two paint marks on the floor is where the paint brushes originally had been placed right after the message was painted, and then moved to where they are in the picture. The marks look similar in size to the two paint brush bristles. I am curious if there was any paint on the rugs left by the brushes placed in the picture once LE collected the someone pointed out earlier, acrylic paint dries very quickly.
I also think that Adam was the one to check RZ's voicemail. I think that he checked the phone to see her texts and make sure she hadn't communicated with anyone about an early morning visit etc. I also think he checked that voicemail seeing that she had a missed call/voicemail from JS and he wanted to make sure he hadn't left a message saying he was coming home. The more I think about it, the more I think that RZ never listened to this voicemail, because if she had, I think that she would've atleast tried to call him back. This is why it is a mistake for the LE and defense to use this as evidence that this triggered suicide. I think that any person would say "well, why wouldn't she have atleast called him back to discuss? I would've". I also think that if she had immediate access to her phone, she would've called 911. I believe that Adam took the phone immediatley after the initial assault so that she couldn't have access to call for help and to inform JS of a possible peeping in the shower situation. She might've even argued with Adam saying she was calling JS to tell him, and he grabbed the phone from her.
....The thing that really stands out to me is her dirty feet. Her feet are not just dirty as if she had walked on a dusty or dirty balcony or other indoor floor. Her feet are filthy with what looks like actual dirt that is not just on the bottoms of her feet like you would expect from walking on a dirty floor or balcony. The dirt actual goes up to the sides of her feet and up the back of her heels. This makes me think that perhaps she tried to flee out of the house. She might've grabbed that long sleeve tshirt to throw on in her escape. If she was rendered unconscious immediatley in the master bathroom, left alone at that point while Adam was collecting items needed to subdue her, ran out the back of the house and around the yard, not knowinig that Adam was probably in that area collecting ropes, gloves from the garage. He then tackled her down to the ground.....would explain dirty feet and shoulder injuries along with the scratches on her lower back....especially if she was tackled down on a stone walkway as I would imagine a the scrape on her right shoulder looks similar to a child skimming their knee on a sidewalk. All my opinions, but the dirty feet tells me that she was definitely out in that yard at some point.....


Brit, I’m in total agreement. It is believed Rebecca was or had just been in the shower prior to being murdered. There is no way the amount of dirt on Rebecca’s feet came from simply a “dirty” balcony, IMO. No way.


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I also think that Adam was the one to check RZ's voicemail. I think that he checked the phone to see her texts and make sure she hadn't communicated with anyone about an early morning visit etc. I also think he checked that voicemail seeing that she had a missed call/voicemail from JS and he wanted to make sure he hadn't left a message saying he was coming home. The more I think about it, the more I think that RZ never listened to this voicemail, because if she had, I think that she would've atleast tried to call him back. This is why it is a mistake for the LE and defense to use this as evidence that this triggered suicide. I think that any person would say "well, why wouldn't she have atleast called him back to discuss? I would've". I also think that if she had immediate access to her phone, she would've called 911. I believe that Adam took the phone immediatley after the initial assault so that she couldn't have access to call for help and to inform JS of a possible peeping in the shower situation. She might've even argued with Adam saying she was calling JS to tell him, and he grabbed the phone from her.

Agree 100%, Adam was the one who listened to the voicemail and deleted it. Rebecca was either already incapacitated or murdered by the time the voicemail was left. JMO

Brit, I’m in total agreement. It is believed Rebecca was or had just been in the shower prior to being murdered. There is no way the amount of dirt on Rebecca’s feet came from simply “dirty” balcony, IMO. No way.

In this picture you can clearly see wet mud like marks on the side of her foot. The bottoms of her feet are filthy with caked on dirt.
This is very helpful if you saw and can share the details! I read in the real estate agents info that the whole property was renovated.. so you say this is not correct and the guest house was not included? And you saw and were in the storage room below the guesthouse both before and after the death?

I ask because it looks freshly painted with what looks like new carpet, the same for all the other storage rooms on the portfolio photographs.

Can you describe what you saw and the layout of the guesthouse storage room? Is it the correct one in the photographs I posted? Is the window the one that accesses to the hallway?

Thankyou for your help!
The Coronado Historical Foundation hosted an “open house” at Spreckels. Unfortunately, the storage areas in both the main house and guest house were roped off. I asked one of the volunteers about why that was, and he was obviously uncomfortable with my question.
Thanks Verboten, for the good info on the window/vent.( sorry I can’t find the original post to quote it!)
This is very helpful if you saw and can share the details! I read in the real estate agents info that the whole property was renovated.. so you say this is not correct and the guest house was not included? And you saw and were in the storage room below the guesthouse both before and after the death?

I ask because it looks freshly painted with what looks like new carpet, the same for all the other storage rooms on the portfolio photographs.

Can you describe what you saw and the layout of the guesthouse storage room? Is it the correct one in the photographs I posted? Is the window the one that accesses to the hallway?

Thankyou for your help!

In this picture you can clearly see wet mud like marks on the side of her foot. The bottoms of her feet are filthy with caked on dirt.
As I said previously, IMO, Rebecca tried to run out into the large deck adjacent to the master bedroom. It used to have a tar-like surface that was also in the NASNI flight path, so there would have been a lot of dirt/dust from jet fuel.
In my opinion, every single item in this picture was somehow used in this murder and is the reason they were placed in this room. I think that the blanket might have been used to transport her from one location to another. I do think that it is possible that more happened in the bathroom area because a bathroom is much easier to clean possible evidence then a carpeted spare bedroom. The thing that really stands out to me is her dirty feet. Her feet are not just dirty as if she had walked on a dusty or dirty balcony or other indoor floor. Her feet are filthy with what looks like actual dirt that is not just on the bottoms of her feet like you would expect from walking on a dirty floor or balcony. The dirt actual goes up to the sides of her feet and up the back of her heels. This makes me think that perhaps she tried to flee out of the house. She might've grabbed that long sleeve tshirt to throw on in her escape. If she was rendered unconscious immediatley in the master bathroom, left alone at that point while Adam was collecting items needed to subdue her, ran out the back of the house and around the yard, not knowinig that Adam was probably in that area collecting ropes, gloves from the garage. He then tackled her down to the ground.....would explain dirty feet and shoulder injuries along with the scratches on her lower back....especially if she was tackled down on a stone walkway as I would imagine a the scrape on her right shoulder looks similar to a child skimming their knee on a sidewalk. All my opinions, but the dirty feet tells me that she was definitely out in that yard at some point.

Also, I think that the two paint marks on the floor is where the paint brushes originally had been placed right after the message was painted, and then moved to where they are in the picture. The marks look similar in size to the two paint brush bristles. I am curious if there was any paint on the rugs left by the brushes placed in the picture once LE collected the someone pointed out earlier, acrylic paint dries very quickly.

Thought provoking stuff here...Thankyou for sharing.

Re the brushes, only one brush was used, the other was completely clean. I had suggested that the tube was used in an attempt to paint the first ‘s’ and then AS retrieved two brushes ( he didnt know which would do the job, which is likely why he chose a large and a small one - unfamiliar with using the paint...)

Just my opinion....
Do you think it's coincidental that Rebecca's wrist bands are pulled out like this, or do you think they have been pulled out and wiped around in case they had DNA on them? I can't see why they would be protruding through the bindings naturally.

Do you think it's coincidental that Rebecca's wrist bands are pulled out like this, or do you think they have been pulled out and wiped around in case they had DNA on them? I can't see why they would be protruding through the bindings naturally.


Maybe Adam pulled them out when he checked for a pulse? :rolleyes:
Rebecca's hand and nails are very dirty for someone who has just taken a shower. Matches her feet. Old Paint or New Dirt?
Her left arm was underneath her so I don't think he could have checked that one.


I don’t think he checked for a pulse at all, IMO. As Tortoise has suggested, I believe the ropes were loosened during the wiping away of forensic evidence. Again, IMO.
looking at the pictures of her hand previously posted. there does not look to be any paint that i can see on her palms and fingertips, atleast from the angle this picture was taken. There seems to be a great deal on the side of her thumb and the side of her pointer finger. This is very odd because typically you would expect the paint to be more on her fingertips. I know that LE had stated previously that she might've brushed her hand against the door as she painted the message, but this doesn't make sense for two reasons.
1. a painter does not hold a brush close enough to an object being painted that would make your hand graze against the surface being painted, unless you are painting something that requires alot of detail.

2.There looks to be no smudge marks on the message.

To me this looks as if, someone with paint already on their hands grazed against rebecca's hand as they were tying the rope. Or,as they lifted her hands to manuever her body, or subdue her. My thinking is it is the latter, as the side thumb area seems like a likely place to get paint on someones hand if you had grabbed their hand, especially if you needed to grab someones hand who was limp from being unconscious. They would not grab the hands where are fingers are, but the area where you see the paint by her thumb closer to her wrist.
Do you think it's coincidental that Rebecca's wrist bands are pulled out like this, or do you think they have been pulled out and wiped around in case they had DNA on them? I can't see why they would be protruding through the bindings naturally.


I actually think it's strange that the wrist bands would be on at all if the theory is that she tied herself up. I would think that she it would be instinctual for her to remove the bands if she had done this herself, just like she would have likely pulled her hair from the noose. my opinion.
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