Recording of Micheal Jacksons completely impaired state.

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The voice we all heard was not Profo - Profo knocks your a$$ out immediately (for about 4 minutes as I understand it). I think the voice here is a drugged MJ on some sort of relaxant because MJ could not sleep. He was in dire need of money when he signed the contract with this company to do this tour and could not handle it physically or mentally and he knew it. He was about to lose everything he owned, and the company knew it would take a high paid doctor to provide the drugs needed to get him thru it which it didn't. Sad indeed and by Janet Jackson claiming that she "tried to get him help for his drug addiction" is a dam joke. I expect the Defense will bring a lot out that hasn't been appreciated yet.

I am from Santa Barbara County and remember "Sycamore Valley Ranch" in Reagan Country before this little creep turned it into a dam mess.....

I do not believe that for one second.

A lot of wealthy people have cash flow problems because their tremendous assets are tied up. That never mean they are broke. Some people had been stating for many many years he was broke yet MJ never declared bankruptcy. Never. So imo that was just another myth. Now the estimated value of his estate is in the billions.

If he had sold off everything he owned he still would have had millions. That is why the estate and the children have gotten to keep so many of his valuable memorabilia and his millions of dollars worth of collectibles.

Michael didn't buy $50 items to furnish his home. Each and every item in his home (tons of it stored in many warehouses when he passed away and in a home in LV) were all worth a gold mine and belonging to MJ made them even more valuable.

His three Rolls Royce's are going to each of his beautiful children. Broke? I think not. I haven't seen one item repossessed yet that he owned.:floorlaugh:

Imo, MJ would never consent to this. Never.

I agree with Tom Messareau. He thinks Murray was the one that made MJ in this impaired state and then recorded him speaking without MJs knowledge. He believes he did it for the same reasons so many others have done that have betrayed MJ for their own personal financial gain.

Like Mes said if MJ fired him this would be another way he could make big money selling it to the tabloids. Mes also thinks Murray taped him at other times too and they just haven't found those recordings.

It did make me think of when Murray called his Texas office that morning and his workers were seen taking boxes out of his warehouse.

MJ could not have given legal consent anyway because he was in an impaired state of mind.

Of course lets keep in mind that if Michael Jackson hadnt manipulated people into his personal sphere (children,unscrupulous doctors ect.) to exploit for his own personal reasons he wouldnt have left himself vunerable to betrayal such as this and the many other times these type of arrangements have got him in trouble.
He was a 50 year old man.Not Peter Pan.
Dont get me wrong I hope Murray is prosecuted to the full extent of the law but Michael Jackson bears responsibilty for what happened as well.
Many folks have had Faaar worse childhoods then the Jacksons and lead responsible lives as functioning adults.

"I was injecting it 50 times a day when I was in my worst period," says an anesthesiologist in the Midwest, who recently completed a stint in rehabilitation to kick the propofol habit. He said he began "pronapping" a couple of years ago while under stress from his job, family and finances. He hid the signs of shooting up by putting a port for a syringe on his leg, where it wasn't visible.

At night, he would inject the drug into the port in the bathroom, where his wife assumed he was brushing his teeth. "Sometimes it acted so fast, I couldn't get back to bed in time," said the anesthesiologist. He would pass out on the floor, terrifying his wife, and he said that on occasion he broke his nose or cheekbone or sprained a wrist.

It is certainly a drug that can be abused.

I think MJ wanted CM to record his voicing of goals about the tour during his euphoria as he felt a keen sense of enlightenment on the drug, but later could not remember his thoughts.

It was because he wanted the tour to be the greatest ever, IMO. He knew that on the drug he was seeing things from a higher plane, but could not remember any of it. Propofil slang for it is "milk of amnesia."


I absolutely will never believe that. MJ was a very shy private man. He knew how people used him for their own personal gain and greediness. He would never open himself up to be exploited with being in this vulnerable condition.

I saw no entitlement in Michael Jackson whatsoever. I never have. I heard a man who was the most famous entertainer of all time talking about helping children. Not talking about what all he was going to buy himself after the tour.:innocent:

I don't agree with JVM often but yesterday she got it right. She said this tape shows Michael Jackson was a man who was pure of heart.

It was totally illegal what Murray did and reprehensible. When one is recorded in California the permission of the person being recorded must be on the same recording in their voice first before any conversation begins.

Murray is just another among a long line of many who have betrayed MJ.:furious:

Of course lets keep in mind that if Michael Jackson hadnt manipulated people into his personal sphere (children,unscrupulous doctors ect.) to exploit for his own personal reasons he wouldn't have left himself vunerable to betrayal such as this and the many other times these type of arrangements have got him in trouble.
He was a 50 year old man.Not Peter Pan.
Dont get me wrong I hope Murray is prosecuted to the full extent of the law but Michael Jackson bears responsibilty for what happened as well.
Many folks have had Faaar worse childhoods then the Jacksons and lead responsible lives as functioning adults.

We are not talking about other things.

This thread is about Murray recording his patient without his knowledge and if Murray had a release from MJ the DT would have whipped it out lightning fast in cross.

A bad childhood is based on the child who lived it. We cannot equate the pain felt by degrees and say it was better or worse unless we are that individual child who lived it.

I absolutely will never believe that. MJ was a very shy private man. He knew how people used him for their own personal gain and greediness. He would never open himself up to be exploited with being in this vulnerable condition.

I saw no entitlement in Michael Jackson whatsoever. I never have. I heard a man who was the most famous entertainer of all time talking about helping children. Not talking about what all he was going to buy himself after the tour.:innocent:

I don't agree with JVM often but yesterday she got it right. She said this tape shows Michael Jackson was a man who was pure of heart.

It was totally illegal what Murray did and reprehensible. When one is recorded in California the permission of the person being recorded must be on the same recording in their voice first before any conversation begins.

Murray is just another among a long line of many who have betrayed MJ.:furious:


I speculated that theory before having much background info on Conman Murray. Now that his profile is more easily written, I believe CM was secretly recording MJ for nefarious reasons, namely as something that would be of financial value later on.
MJ's voice on that tape just haunts me, I get the chills just Thinking about it. For a doctor to do that is beyond disgusting, demonstrates not only his lack of ethics, but much worse, his total lack of morals. Was the doc getting his jollys to take MJ as close to death as possible to just revive him? Or was he using drugs to get MJ to talk, hoping he could get some good blackmail material? I hope MJ rests in peace, but those poor children! they wont ever be the same.
I absolutely will never believe that. MJ was a very shy private man. He knew how people used him for their own personal gain and greediness. He would never open himself up to be exploited with being in this vulnerable condition.

I saw no entitlement in Michael Jackson whatsoever. I never have. I heard a man who was the most famous entertainer of all time talking about helping children. Not talking about what all he was going to buy himself after the tour.:innocent:

I don't agree with JVM often but yesterday she got it right. She said this tape shows Michael Jackson was a man who was pure of heart.

It was totally illegal what Murray did and reprehensible. When one is recorded in California the permission of the person being recorded must be on the same recording in their voice first before any conversation begins.

Murray is just another among a long line of many who have betrayed MJ.:furious:


You are so right. I hope Murray gets everything he deserves and more. So what if Michael had a problem with drugs. Does that mean that a doctor is supposed to get him whatever he wants or demands? Murray got him anything he wanted cause he was getting paid the big bucks and if he said no the money would have stopped. The doctor knew better...that is the point...not that Michael had a problem with drugs. I hold the doctor responsible for Michael's death. First of all he should have never had most of those drugs in the house and he should have not been giving Michael a drug that is only used in surgery in a surgical room. That doctor knew he didn't have the proper equipment in case something went wrong. If he had stayed off the phone maybe he would have realized that something was wrong soon enough to save Michael's life.

I think Murray taped Michael so that he could sell that recording someday. He didn't have good intentions when he recorded him.
You are so right. I hope Murray gets everything he deserves and more. So what if Michael had a problem with drugs. Does that mean that a doctor is supposed to get him whatever he wants or demands? Murray got him anything he wanted cause he was getting paid the big bucks and if he said no the money would have stopped. The doctor knew better...that is the point...not that Michael had a problem with drugs. I hold the doctor responsible for Michael's death. First of all he should have never had most of those drugs in the house and he should have not been giving Michael a drug that is only used in surgery in a surgical room. That doctor knew he didn't have the proper equipment in case something went wrong. If he had stayed off the phone maybe he would have realized that something was wrong soon enough to save Michael's life.

I think Murray taped Michael so that he could sell that recording someday. He didn't have good intentions when he recorded him.

Are we really surprised that another person did something nefarious to MJ in order to make money off of him? The point of him taping MJ in a vulnerable state of mind is he had no legal right to do so whatsoever..yet he did. When one takes advantage of MJ it is always done with 'how many bucks can it bring ME." So I am not surprised this charlatan taped MJ. He is just one among many that had betrayed MJs trust.

While there has been no evidence entered showing MJ to be an active drug addict it is very certain he suffered from terrible insomnia and felt rightly or wrongly propofol was the only thing that worked.

I just read an article yesterday about a recent study done and there does seem to be some truth in that and it can help insomnia patients but of course it is administered in a hospital or clinical setting only.

Murray acted like the doctors we use to hear about who performed abortions in a back alley somewhere. No safeguards in place anywhere for their patients in case an emergency arose.

Murray had done this for 60 days he said in his interview to LE but something went terribly wrong the day he killed MJ. He simply was more preoccupied with talking/texting the ladies than continuing to monitor his paycheck (MJ) and for that reason and that reason alone is why MJ died. CM had to jerry rig the propofol and way too much entered his blood stream at one time causing cardiac arrest minutes after.


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