Related Issues and Food for Thought

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Why would someone need a purse/fanny pack or similar in jail? People use purses to carry money/passports and such items. I doubt those are needed in jail.

The canteen is not like a cafeteria where they can order a la carte. It is where they can buy requisites ie. toiletries etc, they can also buy some food but much of it is junk food. I believe DM does not like to eat junk according to earlier posts.

I am just wondering what is a risk? I doubt the jail would allow a 10' cable in a cell, is there some reason for suspecting a cable may have passed security?

The waist pouch and coaxial cable is in reference to inmates in Federal Correctional Centres. It has nothing to do with where DM is.
Maybe I have missed something, but I haven't seen anything that would lead me to suspect that DM and MS had some feelings in that regard.

I have a feeling respective girlfriends will be quashing that unfounded rumour at the first opportunity ... :hand: MOO

Things aren't always as they seem with regards to sexuality/sexual preference. Girlfriends/boyfriends/spouses are usually the last to know. And bisexuality is a consideration as well.

Yes , I think we can trust whoever we choose, when it comes to truth.

Nothing is obvious in media reports in my opinion, as we have seen in recent posts many media articles are contradictory and others are repeats of other articles that have been changed somewhat like Chinese Whispers along the way. I find the whole case to be quite the mystery. I think DM means that most people are coming up with too much of the hype fuelled obviouses and not any right there in your face obviouses. But for some, the most obvious is not too obvious to others and I think thats why the actual true obvious is not coming across as obvious.

In my opinion, DM is trying to deflect from the obvious by making it appear as though this is some mystery game to be solved. And who is he referring to when he says it's right in front of "their" faces. If he's referring to LE, he knows what's in front of their faces and it doesn't look good for him. So he tries to get them to think it can't be as obvious as it looks. All I see is deflection on his part with that statement.

I think it's too late for games. If he wanted LE to "see" something, he should have spelled it out for them. I do not believe there is anything to see other than what they are seeing from the evidence.

Things aren't always as they seem with regards to sexuality/sexual preference. Girlfriends/boyfriends/spouses are usually the last to know. And bisexuality is a consideration as well.


How so? Are there any media reports that DM and MS have been more than friends?
What's subject to interpretation? It says right in the letter "They were yelling at each other at the top of their lungs, from under their doors. They got into revealing each other’s dirty secrets."

I don't know if there were cells across from him or if all hallways have cells on both sides. That's why I said "maybe".

Respectfully, most inmates commit suicide by asphyxiation (usually hanging).

Your link regarding razors refers to federal correctional centres, not provincial detention centres where over-crowding is such a problem. If they do allow them to keep the razors in their cells, no wonder there are so many assaults and the lawsuits are growing. But I have to wonder, if they are allowed to keep them, why a prison would go on lock-down to search for razors that are reported missing. Maybe, the one in the picture is waiting to be collected by the guards?


I have to wonder about the difference in rights as to what they can keep in their cells between those incarcerated in a detention centre awaiting trial and those who have been convicted of an offense. I would think that both are allowed to keep a certain amount of toiletries and personal items that they have purchased from the canteen in their cells but I'm not sure if either can keep disposable razors.

I know it's a US case but Jodi Arias claims to have taken her disposable razor apart and hid the blades in her cell to attempt suicide while she was incarcerated awaiting trial.

How so? Are there any media reports that DM and MS have been more than friends?

I was referring to all people in general, not just specific to DM and MS. HTH
In my opinion, DM is trying to deflect from the obvious by making it appear as though this is some mystery game to be solved. And who is he referring to when he says it's right in front of "their" faces. If he's referring to LE, he knows what's in front of their faces and it doesn't look good for him. So he tries to get them to think it can't be as obvious as it looks. All I see is deflection on his part with that statement.

I think it's too late for games. If he wanted LE to "see" something, he should have spelled it out for them. I do not believe there is anything to see other than what they are seeing from the evidence.


I think DM would know its not a game, he has been in jail for two years, I doubt he feels like some fun and games to make light of his situation.,but thats just my opinion.

His 'their' could mean LE but it could mean everyone in general.

Deflection is not going to get him out of jail. His truth just might though. I do not see him deflecting as it will serve him no purpose. JMO

I think he is in solitary for a reason. The truth may well be a part of it. I guess time will tell.
Things aren't always as they seem with regards to sexuality/sexual preference. Girlfriends/boyfriends/spouses are usually the last to know. And bisexuality is a consideration as well.


Those were my thoughts too ..... it seemed weird he had a string of girlfriends , sometimes overlapping , but nothing exclusive or long term .... even his engagement ended rather quickly ... girls can sense if those hetero desires are low so they end up as friend-girls instead of girl-friends

Some guys with those tendencies try to fight it , they do manly things and try hard to appear normal ..... plenty of dating and hanging with girls , but the true love & marriage stuff never happens
I think DM would know its not a game, he has been in jail for two years, I doubt he feels like some fun and games to make light of his situation.,but thats just my opinion.

His 'their' could mean LE but it could mean everyone in general.

Deflection is not going to get him out of jail. His truth just might though. I do not see him deflecting as it will serve him no purpose. JMO

I think he is in solitary for a reason. The truth may well be a part of it. I guess time will tell.

I didn't mean he was trying to make things look like a mystery game as a fun pastime for himself. IMO, he is trying to make it look like a mystery game to make someone (jury pool?) believe that things are not as obvious as they seem and that they are missing something more obvious but refusing to say what that is and making people guess at what he's talking about. His lawyer indicated right from the beginning that DM was aware he'd be sitting in jail for the long haul awaiting trial. That knowledge still did not prompt him to tell anyone the big secret and what is so obviously in everyone's faces.

That, to me, is nothing more than a deflection game. Not for fun but to try to muster up some doubt of the actual obvious. Which really is staring everyone in the face and for which he and his co-defendent have been charged accordingly.

Those were my thoughts too ..... it seemed weird he had a string of girlfriends , sometimes overlapping , but nothing exclusive or long term .... even his engagement ended rather quickly ... girls can sense if those hetero desires are low so they end up as friend-girls instead of girl-friends

Some guys with those tendencies try to fight it , they do manly things and try hard to appear normal ..... plenty of dating and hanging with girls , but the true love & marriage stuff never happens

There is nothing that I have read to imply DM is anything other than heterosexual. IMO.

He was dating his ex fiance for some time before getting engaged I believe. He has been dating CN since 2011 by all accounts. That is pretty long term IMO. We have no real proof that he was in anything other than exclusive relationships IMO. The LB 'intimacy' has never been proven IMO. I think that this obvious rumour was initiated on this thread IMO. So far it hasn't become anything other than that. MOO
I have to wonder about the difference in rights as to what they can keep in their cells between those incarcerated in a detention centre awaiting trial and those who have been convicted of an offense. I would think that both are allowed to keep a certain amount of toiletries and personal items that they have purchased from the canteen in their cells but I'm not sure if either can keep disposable razors.

I know it's a US case but Jodi Arias claims to have taken her disposable razor apart and hid the blades in her cell to attempt suicide while she was incarcerated awaiting trial.


Although I agree that neither should be able to keep disposable razors, it does appear from Swedie's previous link and from the link below that they are allowed in the Federal Correctional Centres. They have changed them to a smaller "safety" razor, but a razor is a razor in my eyes.

A smaller “safety” razor has now been issued to inmates, but it could still be used as a weapon, and the union is asking why electric razors of some sort are not issued to fully protect staff.

I did find this though and it would appear that they can NOT keep razors in the Provincial Detention Centres.

On occasion, inmates take the blades out the razors they’re provided for shaving, and replace them with tinfoil strips that pass for the blades when the razors are returned.

Not all people convicted of an offense go to a Federal Correctional Centre, only those sentenced to 2 years or more in jail. Less than 2 years serve their time in the Provincial Detention Centre.
I didn't mean he was trying to make things look like a mystery game as a fun pastime for himself. IMO, he is trying to make it look like a mystery game to make someone (jury pool?) believe that things are not as obvious as they seem and that they are missing something more obvious but refusing to say what that is and making people guess at what he's talking about. His lawyer indicated right from the beginning that DM was aware he'd be sitting in jail for the long haul awaiting trial. That knowledge still did not prompt him to tell anyone the big secret and what is so obviously in everyone's faces.

That, to me, is nothing more than a deflection game. Not for fun but to try to muster up some doubt of the actual obvious. Which really is staring everyone in the face and for which he and his co-defendent have been charged accordingly.


I don't think anyone would be naive enough to believe that will swing a jury JMO

What would be the point in saying. "Oh you are missing the obvious" when nothing to substantiate that is released at trial?

Either something will be pointed out at trial or it will become obvious at trial. Other than that, it would serve no purpose for DM to be the one calling *"wolf" *
Not particularly safe to own a black Dodge pickup truck, I guess.

I wonder if they ever did determine whether there was or was not a third person following from TB's house.

I think maybe they should keep looking if they havent been. This guy is exactly same age as T Bosma was too.

Don't serial killers usually go after same age/same same?

Around the same time of night too !

Just a thought !
Other than the fact that this missing person owned a black Dodge Ram truck (that was not for sale, nor was it hidden), there is nothing similar about the circumstances of his disappearance.

On Thursday, officers were able to trace his cellphone signal to a strip mall parking lot located in the area of Jane Street and Eglinton Avenue West. Police didn't find Parsi's phone, but located his truck in the parking lot.

Parsi's family say police told them security surveillance camera footage taken from a Tim Hortons restaurant at the strip mall shows the 32-year-old man walking through the parking lot past his truck and towards a wooded area.

Another security camera also shows Parsi entering a bank on the other side of the Tim Hortons just prior to that. Bank records show he withdrew $400.

On Thursday, investigators found Parsi's wallet in the wooded area, but wouldn't disclose if anything had been taken from it.

Sounds like a drug deal gone bad perhaps? The truck was obviously not a target as it was left where the owner parked it.

Other than the fact that this missing person owned a black Dodge Ram truck (that was not for sale, nor was it hidden), there is nothing similar about the circumstances of his disappearance.

Sounds like a drug deal gone bad perhaps? The truck was obviously not a target as it was left where the owner parked it.


Where does it say the truck was not for sale ? We don't know that the truck was the target in TB case.

It says he is without his cell phone. That would suggest that he maybe left it in the truck or it was taken from him. His wallet was found nearby but he was apparently seen walking down Jane Street. So did his wallet fall out before he started walking? I see similarities. It doesn't mean they are connected to TB case but there are similarities IMO

The wife says Parsi would text her if he was going to be late. It would seem that his cellphone has been taken, another similarity JMO
Where does it say the truck was not for sale ? We don't know that the truck was the target in TB case.

It says he is without his cell phone. That would suggest that he maybe left it in the truck or it was taken from him. His wallet was found nearby but he was apparently seen walking down Jane Street. So did his wallet fall out before he started walking? I see similarities. It doesn't mean they are connected to TB case but there are similarities IMO

The wife says Parsi would text her if he was going to be late. It would seem that his cellphone has been taken, another similarity JMO

Kavanagh said 120 officers are working on the case on a daily basis. He had originally stated that the attack on Bosma was "targeted," but Hamilton police later clarified that to mean Bosma's truck was targeted.

TB's cell phone was found. His wallet was not. In this case the wallet was found, the cellphone was not. This man uncharacteristically left a soccer game early and did not go for coffee with his friends. He drove to a strip plaza at Jane and Eglinton, parked his truck and went to the bank to withdraw $400. He then walked into the woods on the other side of the road, presumably with the $400 in his wallet, his cell phone and his keys.

His wallet was found on the ground in the wooded area. He, his cell phone and perhaps his keys are missing. No one stole the truck or his wallet, although I doubt the $400 was still in it.

I've seen no reason to believe that the truck was for sale or that the owner went to meet a prospective buyer in a wooded area after withdrawing $400 from the bank.

Other than the man's age and the kind of vehicle he owned, I see no other similarities to the TB case.

I don't think anyone would be naive enough to believe that will swing a jury JMO

What would be the point in saying. "Oh you are missing the obvious" when nothing to substantiate that is released at trial?

Either something will be pointed out at trial or it will become obvious at trial. Other than that, it would serve no purpose for DM to be the one calling *"wolf" *

The point of stating "everyone is missing the obvious" would be to convince whomever he was conversing with that he is innocent and that there is another "obvious" story that is such a big secret that he can't tell it for almost 3 years but just to trust him that there is one. And since he is not required to tell any story at his trial, what would he care if his insinuation is never substantiated?

And no, I don't think anyone is naive enough to believe anything that DM is saying about the "obvious" story, right in front of our eyes, that everyone is missing. And if his lawyer just keeps dropping innuendo at the trial that there is more to it without producing any absolute proof of his innocence then they are both just clutching at straws at that point hoping to raise some reasonable doubt. And if they have absolute proof of his innocence, why has DM been sitting in jail for 2 years?


TB's cell phone was found. His wallet was not. In this case the wallet was found, the cellphone was not. This man uncharacteristically left a soccer game early and did not go for coffee with his friends. He drove to a strip plaza at Jane and Eglinton, parked his truck and went to the bank to withdraw $400. He then walked into the woods on the other side of the road, presumably with the $400 in his wallet, his cell phone and his keys.

His wallet was found on the ground in the wooded area. He, his cell phone and perhaps his keys are missing. No one stole the truck or his wallet, although I doubt the $400 was still in it.

I've seen no reason to believe that the truck was for sale or that the owner went to meet a prospective buyer in a wooded area after withdrawing $400 from the bank.

Other than the man's age and the kind of vehicle he owned, I see no other similarities to the TB case.


IF the truck was not the target (TB case) which is what I believe (regardless of what LE allege) then it is possible in my opinion that someone who had money on them was the target. It is possible that the guy withdrawing money had other money on him and needed a further $400. TB's cellphone was found in an area that was not where people usually walk by. Both were at night, which is odd. Why would someone walk into a wooded area at night ? I think we will have to agree to differ Kamille.
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