Remains Discussion Part 4 UPDATE Caylee Tentatively ID'ed

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Bond suggested to me yesterday that the duct tape may have been placed there when Casey noticed leakage in the back of the car after 2.6 days. It makes sense that it would come from the mouth and nose first, rather than ruptures in the skin, which take longer to occur. Then she was put in a garbage bag and driven around until the 27th.

I am hoping that is the case. If we learn otherwise, I think I will have a difficult time sleeping for some time.

Every orifice would have had to be taped if that was her purpose. I don't believe that was the purpose.
The level of decomposition would be in line with a body in a Florida swamp area.

There is a higher level of tannic acid in swampy areas where plant matter rots and tannic acid is a preservative.

There have been bodies preserved almost perfectly for years in bogs in Florida. I am so hoping that is the case here.
Thanks for the link. :(

Do you think that shot of LE moving the playhouse is from the new search warrant, or is it old footage?
If its new, then that has to be some kind of clue as to COD, or at least the location of the crime. ???????

That was taken before the Anthony arrived back home during the back yard search. I believe they knew something because from the chopper's camera it looked like they moved it completely off it's base.
I've been trying to catch up on the other threads.. has there been anymore mentioned about the clothes that were found? I wonder where they were in proximity to the body in the bag? Her statement about law enforcement not even finding the clothes yet led me to believe they were even closer to house. Still perplexed why should would have undressed her before putting her in the bag, but then dumped the clothes close by?? :waitasec:
This is gruesome to think of but maybe Casey did chlorform Caylee to sleep. Then she duct taped her mouth to make sure she didn't wake & make noise.....and then broke her little neck. There were the searches on choloroform and neck breaking so maybe she did both. I wonder if breaking the neck would cause the skull to become detached. Which may have been why it rolled out of the garbage bag. Or maybe just the decomposition caused it to break loose. I'm not up on my anatomy. But maybe that is why they also linked the Anthony's house right away because they could tell? Still wondering what the other big evidence in the bag was....
This is gruesome to think of but maybe Casey did chlorform Caylee to sleep. Then she duct taped her mouth to make sure she didn't wake & make noise.....and then broke her little neck. There were the searches on choloroform and neck breaking so maybe she did both. I wonder if breaking the neck would cause the skull to become detached. Which may have been why it rolled out of the garbage bag. Or maybe just the decomposition caused it to break loose. I'm not up on my anatomy. But maybe that is why they also linked the Anthony's house right away because they could tell? Still wondering what the other big evidence in the bag was....

I'm curious what all they took too, but I think it's a mistake to assume that everything taken from the house will turn out to be related to the case.
That was taken before the Anthony arrived back home during the back yard search. I believe they knew something because from the chopper's camera it looked like they moved it completely off it's base.

Was there a second search of the back yard in the last couple of days?
Is it possible for soft tissue to remain for six months or does that suggest the body was frozen for a while? I don't know what to make of all of this but I certainly believe it was premeditated. I think there must surely be fingers prints and hair on the duct tape. I hope she gets the death penalty.

Since effects of chloroform does not last long , the duct tape may have been applied to the mouth to keep the child quiet in case she woke up before Mommy Dearest was ready to take care of her. MOO
This is gruesome to think of but maybe Casey did chlorform Caylee to sleep. Then she duct taped her mouth to make sure she didn't wake & make noise.....and then broke her little neck. There were the searches on choloroform and neck breaking so maybe she did both. I wonder if breaking the neck would cause the skull to become detached. Which may have been why it rolled out of the garbage bag. Or maybe just the decomposition caused it to break loose. I'm not up on my anatomy. But maybe that is why they also linked the Anthony's house right away because they could tell? Still wondering what the other big evidence in the bag was....

Hi Blueyedgrl, I think the evidence in the bag was something that there was more of at the house the family would not have discarded in the previous 6 months.

Something like we have heard here, a paver to weight the bag, a clear storage bag inside the black garbage bag, a bath towel that matches others in th home, disposable wipe towels, a certain brand of a teeshirt or maybe something bought say 3 to a package like happens with children's apparel or twine cut off a roll. Whatever was used to apply the chloroform, maybe that cotton or whatever was thrown in the bag and it had been pulled off a roll of medicinal cotton from a first aid kit. It could be so many things.
The duct tape is extremely upsetting to me, too. I suppose KC could have put it on her after she died to make it look like a kidnapping, and I hope that is the case. I have a feeling its not, though. I'm starting to think that the theory from awhile back that KC and CA got into the fight, KC left with Caylee, Caylee cried and wanted CA, KC got mad, duct taped her mouth to get her quiet, and then somehow killed her and stuck her in the trunk until she could dispose of her, is what happened. This makes me so sad.

I was thinking that Caylee was crying and wanting CA too...and maybe thats why the duct tape. It is just so horrible...I shudder to think of what really happened. I hate KC even more than I did before, and I didn't think that was possible.
I don't think that if there really was a Zani...she would had to taped Caylee's mouth....if she were real....this would be someone that Caylee knew and there wouldn't been a reason for taping.....a complete stranger maybe but with a 2 year old I would highly doubt anyone would have to do that. Sadly to me this shows that KC did it and what she did was more horrible than any of us really want to know. I knew Caylee was no longer with us but I kept trying to say to myself that maybe it was an accident and/or the chloroform...but to me that is still no accident...
my heart is broken over this...poor sweet little Caylee.
They can also match any sand that might have been in the bag or on the body with that in the sandbox, right ?
They can also match any sand that might have been in the bag or on the body with that in the sandbox, right ?

Since play sand is a different composition than the natural silt and sand in most yards, it is possible to say that if there is any sand associated with this find that it could be INFERRED to be similar in composition to the play sand in Caylee's sandbox. But thousands of bags of that sand are sold all over the place, so at the very least, it is something the defense would say could have come from some other sandbox.
That quote/story came from someones iphone, they were relaying the info found somewhere else

Now it's wrapped in duct tape, not just on the mouth - I feel like this is the fish story - every time it's told it's grander than the last

Hi Trac. I understand what you mean about the story expanding LOL. The original and most reliable reports (IMO) were that the duct tape was "wrapped around the skull" not that the "skull was wrapped in duct tape," and not that the the duct tape was merely "over the mounth."

There's no way of knowing yet whether the duct tape had been deliberately "wrapped around the head/skull" from the start, or whether it had simply come loose from something else in the bag and then tangled around the skull. But I think it's reasonable to believe right now that the duct tape was indeed wrapped around the skull when the remains were discovered.

Respectfully and IMHO. :)
Hi Trac. I understand what you mean about the story expanding LOL. The original and most reliable reports (IMO) were that the duct tape was "wrapped around the skull" not that the "skull was wrapped in duct tape," and not that the the duct tape was merely "over the mounth."

There's no way of knowing yet whether the duct tape had been deliberately "wrapped around the head/skull" from the start, or whether it had simply come loose from something else in the bag and then tangled around the skull. But I think it's reasonable to believe right now that the duct tape was indeed wrapped around the skull when the remains were discovered.

Respectfully and IMHO. :)

Hi Friday, I agree, mainly because now we know there was still hair and soft tissue attached to the skull, and that would tend to hold it in place.
I definitely agree with this. If it turns out that there were no clothes found at the scene, and Casey did indeed say this to the female bounty hunter, that one little oops, slip of the tongue, could be the deciding point for a lot of jurors. That is a very damning comment and I can't think of any way she could spin it to mean something else. Is she going to say she got a call from the kidnappers saying they were going to mail her Caylee's clothes so she would know who had her or something? When the trial comes along, this is going to be one of the things I am going to be listening for!!!

oooops if she is reading from jail you just gave her an excuse....LOL
that lier does not need any help.
Hey songline!! You are so right!!! By her saying "they haven't even found her clothes yet" is the Bombshell! She left her dead body naked! Busted!! Guess she was bound to have one little slip up in her tangled web of lies!! :woohoo:
"they haven't even found her clothes yet"
Do we have any 'official' or even semi official statement about whether or not clothes were found at the site? Do we know anything more about the duct tape, if there was duct tape - where it was found, etc. So far I have read a number of conflicting reports from all sorts of different news media about each of these things. While I doubt anyone from LE will make an offical statement, is there any one source that seems more reliable than the others in regards to what turns out to be facts?

I have read so many different threads since Thursday, my head is spinning. I know at first media was saying 50 to 60 feet off the road and it's obvious from the footage that it is only about 25 to 30 feet off the road. Was Duct tape found around the skull, around the mouth, around the bag? Were Clothes found in the bag, near the bag, in the area, no clothes were found at all? Dr. G was there, Dr. G was on her way, etc. etc. News did report Dr. G was there today, and this time they had footage, so I guess I can count that as fact :)

Anyway, I guess I am really wondering what do we know for a fact that are facts. What has anyone else gleaned from reading the last 4 days - WOW, can you believe it has been 4 days already?
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