Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 11/21-11/23/14 In recess, Part 2

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IIRC in ca case JP made it clear that just because CA phone was triangulating as being at certain locations it doesn't mean that CA was in possession of the phone at that time. So the triangulation stuff was not used in the trial. Isn't this the same thing? If Travis' computer wasn't password protected how can they say just because it was his computer he is the one that had anything to do with *advertiser censored*. I don't care if he watched adult *advertiser censored* but one juror might, and IMO it should not be allowed to enter the trial unless it can be proven that it was him watching *advertiser censored*.

As usual, the defense team is obscuring the real issue with *advertiser censored*. The important thing here is that the prosecution and/or the police may have tampered with evidence and then lied about it. Substitute philately sites for *advertiser censored* websites and the issue would be the same. It's Nurmi. The jury does not (or should not, if they're remembering the admonition) know about this at all yet.
I wish so much that Juan would read this to the jury in his closing and then follow it with the bs voicemail *advertiser censored* JA left for Travis after she killed him.....her utter sociopathy/psychopathy could hardly be more evident

And the danger he was in could hardly be more evident but that's what makes her so dangerous: hiding that violence with her voluminous words of BS and doe eyes. Blech
He also says at some point scrubbers made changes to thousands and thousands of files. Well, there was only two instances where this could have been done by the state. June 10th 2008 and July 19th 2009. He says on July 2008 about 2500 files were modified/changed. But says, overall, thousands of thousands of files were altered by scrubbers.

He's being misleading, no? Because obviously there was a time when scrubbers did their work before Travis was even murdered. And if that's the case couldn't scrubbers have done their work in July, as well? Him saying these scrubbers were installed at some point (looks at state) by someone (looks at Juan), how does he explain that there's no point in time that this could have been done by the state because it was only turned on once after it was seized by the state, (not including June 10th)?

Hope I'm making sense...I'm not even sure if I have this right.

I'm not sure I have it right either, so confusing... but the BBM is so interesting to me, if true...wonder what day in July of 2008 this happened? JA was not arrested till sometime in July of 2008....pressure was mounting and she knew she was going down....I would not put it past her to have done something remotely, if possible...IDK...this stuff is confusing to me so this may not be possible
Wow, you all are good about remembering so much past information, and understanding what is going on with computer.
I am so impressed with whoever found that the computer being turned on, or woke up a half hour before the LE search warrant. I know that a computer can be remotely accessed. Is there any way to tell if it was remotely accessed at this time? I think Jodi has more computer knowledge than she is being given credit for, and since we know she tampered with his computer, I wonder if it was hacking into accounts or remotely entering his computer.

My son remotely works on my computer at times. There is a program he uses, he sets it up with a session number, I must enter the number and I must accept his request on my computer to allow him to work on it. I can see what he is doing at all times, we also are on the phone. Without my accepting he could not do this.

My computer would show the session date and time program that we did this.
The more I think about this (and maybe I'm thinking too much lol), the more I realize the defense really has nothing. There was really only one opportunity for the state to do whys the defense is claiming it did and it's July 19th, 2009. And I think it's obvious they got this wrong. The defense made the request to sign out and see evidence and the computer was only on for 12 minutes. There was not, reasonably, enough time for Juan to do what they're saying he must have done. And I think they realize this. So they're bringing up other stuff that isn't related to make it look like something it isn't.

Neumeister says the state must have given Dworkin an incorrect copy of the hard drive. I find that impossible. I've been reading about computer forensics and, from what I understand, to make sure the right copy has been provided and it's complete and accurate, the expert will compare it to the original hard drive to make sure he has a perfect copy and it matches. I don't know how this is done and I don't even know if I'm right. But I feel pretty sure Dworkin would know if he got an incorrect copy. They were able to get emails and IMs from this copy. So how does BN explain the hard drive being partially correct but not fully? They'd have to have deleted this *advertiser censored* and virus stuff and then given it to Dworkin. But BN is finding it now. So why didn't Dworkin find these deletions then? There is another explanation for why the viruses and *advertiser censored* was missed and I think this part will be the most important to explain. But it's like Steve said last night, the court will not find that the state was being deliberately misleading and the defense expert wasn't. So there must be another explanation for missing this stuff or it was just an honest mistake.

Then there is the business of damaged evidence. Willmott claims the hard drive was already damaged when it came to her expert. To bolster this claim, she brought up damage to Jodi's electronics as proof that damage is always being destroyed in possession of LE. Well, that's just stupid. The judge knows as well as we all do that Jodi is responsible for that damage and they came to LE in that state. Why would the state, with an eye to hide hurtful evidence to Travis, destroy Jodi's electronics but not Travis'? That's just backwards. And maybe I'm missing something, but I don't remember seeing any tweets referencing the hard drive and BN having to reset the pins when he got it, but I might be misremembering. It's like they glossed over it.

But when Juan said he has proof BN destroyed the hard drive BN's response was "that's just slimy, Juan." That's interesting to me. When an accusation is made, and the response is over the top like that, it signals guilt to me. Because a normal person, while incredulous, would deny that claim. They'd be confident in themselves. But "that's just slimy..." I don't know. That's not a normal response.

I noticed Nurmi has been very quiet since Juan has began responding. Willmott is the one who wrote their response to sanctions, she's the one doing all the questioning of witnesses. I wonder if Nurmi wishes he could take the motion back altogether but Willmott wants to keep pushing it, just needing to be right. Clearly, they did not have all their facts when they wrote it. And when you looked at this from one side, it seemed they had something, but the more that came out they realized they were wrong.

Jeff Gold explained Brady Violations last night. He said to prove them the defense must prove 1.) intent and 2.) that the evidence destroyed was exculpatory. I don't think the defense has proven either.


Keep thinking this much, you're good at it!

BBM Didn't Lonnie Dworkin describe exactly that bit-for-bit comparison when he testified on Day 12 last year?
As usual, the defense team is obscuring the real issue with *advertiser censored*. The important thing here is that the prosecution and/or the police may have tampered with evidence and then lied about it. Substitute philately sites for *advertiser censored* websites and the issue would be the same. It's Nurmi. The jury does not (or should not, if they're remembering the admonition) know about this at all yet.

Right, but I thought that one of Juan's motions was granted for witnesses to not be able to bring up the computer *advertiser censored* until this matter was resolved. Meaning if *advertiser censored* is found it could still be brought into the trial. And from the hints we have seen they are going to try and say some of it was child *advertiser censored*. They did searches for teen and tween, but of course those include words such as between. So misleading to the jury IMO.
I'm not sure I have it right either, so confusing... but the BBM is so interesting to me, if true...wonder what day in July of 2008 this happened? JA was not arrested till sometime in July of 2008....pressure was mounting and she knew she was going down....I would not put it past her to have done something remotely, if possible...IDK...this stuff is confusing to me so this may not be possible

I'm very sorry. That was a typo. It's July 2009, the day the defense requested to view evidence.
My son remotely works on my computer at times. There is a program he uses, he sets it up with a session number, I must enter the number and I must accept his request on my computer to allow him to work on it. I can see what he is doing at all times, we also are on the phone. Without my accepting he could not do this.

My computer would show the session date and time program that we did this.

Thank you. I didn't know that the computer being accessed needed to give permission.

Keep thinking this much, you're good at it!

BBM Didn't Lonnie Dworkin describe exactly that bit-for-bit comparison when he testified on Day 12 last year?

I think he might have said that. I sort of zoned out during his testimony but I'm sure he'd know if the copy he was given was incorrect. He'd be looking for that, specifically.
I'm really curious to learn exactly how the police and the experts are exchanging copies of these disks in question. A disk image is not a disk, it's a file on a disk. It hasn't got pins to bend. It's obvious that it's not the original hard drive, it can't be confused with the original hard drive. I really wonder what are these guys doing?
Thank you. I didn't know that the computer being accessed needed to give permission.

Your welcome

I don't know of any other way it could be done. Even when my provider accessed my computer I had to give/put something on my computer.

But I guess hackers do it somehow now that I think about it.

I just don't know.
Thank you. I didn't know that the computer being accessed needed to give permission.

It doesn't if the program doing the accessing is spyware, or if the person using the software has configured the remote computer so that permission is not required or has already been granted. I can remotely access my kids' computers without them knowing because I had physical access to those computers when I set it all up.
I would just love to see Mr M bring in a FBI person with the highest credentials to straighten this mess out. I can see him/her walking in the courtroom raising her/his hand for oath and just busting the crap out of the defense.

I can dream but sure would make my day.

I am so sick of sex, *advertiser censored*, pedo crap in this trial I can hardly stand it. Nothing to do with why this monster slaughtered Travis. Nothing!!!! I hope this jury can see through the BS...
Ok, so we know from the picture that was included in one of the defense motions that something was created/modified on August 25/26th. That was when JA was repping herself, yes. My thoughts and JMO, is it possible that she researched to find a time when the "PD" took the computer out of the evidence room, and "no report was made" (Nurmi's first motion to strike), then had the computer expert install something on to the HD on the 25/26th that would correspond to those dates (as well as the 6/10 date - that was in the record, that the PD had powered it on) and make it "look" like all this stuff had happened and "set up" the Mesa PD/State?? And by destroying the original HD, there is no way to follow that path to the truth? Could someone put a virus or two (or 20) on a HD and "predate" it?? Just my wonderings....

Whoa! Good point.
Jodi did say to the investigator when she was being interviewed about the photos that date/timestamps can be altered. She was a pro at these sorts of things.

How easy could it have been to reset the Master Date/Time of the PC itself to "back-date" it to when it was supposedly in LE hands, then...
Unleash the Virus she knew was there by clicking on the "executable" or intalling the known Screen-Saver Virus that made it look like the user of the PC visited thousands of *advertiser censored* sites.

Then, in a few short minutes, change the Master PC Date/Time back to current date and give the darn thing back to LE. Then in these current motions, exclaim...."How did you your LE miss all this stuff?"

I think this could be how some of these shady paid-for-hire DT "experts" could have altered the PC information. Or Jodi herself working alongside her experts when she was at the helm of her own defense.
It doesn't if the program doing the accessing is spyware, or if the person using the software has configured the remote computer so that permission is not required or has already been granted. I can remotely access my kids' computers without them knowing because I had physical access to those computers when I set it all up.

Wow I didn't Know that!!!

Thank you
I cant wait for BN to hand over the 3 cloned drives to Juan. This whole issue just irks me. They had 5+ years to deal with the *advertiser censored*. Just now this is all coming out?
From what I understand the questions of broken and unbroken computer drives, allegations of *advertiser censored* sites, copies of the original hard drive, etc. can all be solved - even BN admits he is a master at "undelete", so there must be more "masters" in this nation. All of this is just another delay tactic and Nurmi will say that he warned the court that trial would last until end of Jan 2015. I think he is making sure it will, just to distance the juror in time and memory from the VIS and to ensure that one by one the jurors will fall off (due to illness, family matters, etc).

A couple of day ago, I think I heard BK say Juror #6 was missing from trial. Did any of the other tweeters mention this? Maybe the Juror was just late but I thought it was odd. Honestly, I will have to go back and listen to her 11/20 report - so I don't want to start a riot here if I am mistaken. (just don't have time right now - maybe another poster/subscriber can correct me if I'm wrong).

Either way, the amount of time that Nurmi keeps witnesses on the stand is excrutiating.

The alleged "*advertiser censored*" does not support the theory that TA had an affinity for little boys. This is so off-topic, unless the "secret witness" was testifying to child *advertiser censored* - I cannot wrap my brain around this, except as a delay and distraction technique.

From what I am gathering, there are no boundaries that Nurmi has "broken" with this "tasmanian devil" sort of strategy - just destroy anything in the path. The biggest sanction for the DT is to have the DP remain on the table - so no harm/no foul if he just continues in this way. I don't know and if there is an Attorney who would like to respond - please do.
Thank you. I didn't know that the computer being accessed needed to give permission.

That is why we often get calls from scammers who claim to be a tech from Windows and they want our permission to get into our computer. They are not and we should never give permission unless we have requested the help. jmo
I cant wait for BN to hand over the 3 cloned drives to Juan. This whole issue just irks me. They had 5+ years to deal with the *advertiser censored*. Just now this is all coming out?

The dance is called the Blur and Stall. (vs. the Bend and Snap).
I have a question for anyone that is attending.....we can see any video, so please tell me this:

What is Judge S doing during the questioning? Is she sitting back and listening to all testimony and watching all the gum chewing, talking, laughing, any cut throat motions that might be going on?
Or is Judge S doing a bunch of paper work, computer work, etc.
I know some of this might pertain to the case, but in watching other cases....the Judges do sit back and listen and watch. I was wondering what Judge S does.

Do we know if she was even there? lol

Maybe she has on her earphones, just chillin...

Maybe sending secret body language messages to JA and her posse?

Writing the next defense motions for KN?

Playing hangman with JMs name?

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