Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 2/5 - 2/9 - Break

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Jodi picks and chooses which commandments she likes. They are more like suggestions to her than commandments. She ignores Honor Thy Father & Mother, and Thou Shalt Not Kill.

You forgot some Linask:

Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy (I believe she 'fornicated' on a Sunday)
You shall not commit adultery (if that can be viewed as 'cheating', she did that)
You shall not steal (oops - where did the diamond ring go?)
You shall not bear false witness (big fail there)
You shall not covet (she coveted Travis, his friends, and his life style)
In her journal she writes of an apartment she had in Monterrey, and even naming the building, and something happened, and that at leas the deposit paid for the damages. When did she live in Monterrey alone? and what sat her off to make those damages. She has named several periods of something happening to her psychologically. It was bad enough for Darryl to think she had gone nuts, it's not a far reach to see how she'd go off on Travis if she didn't get her way and crying didn't work.

I always felt when she described the incident with Travis repeatedly banging his head on the the closet door, iirc , it was because she had driven him almost to the brink of insanity. I truly think there were times when he was so exasperated and severely depressed by her behavior that he felt she was going to drive him to the brink of an emotional breakdown.

I don't think anyone will ever really know how much Travis suffered mentally and emotionally before she finally killed him.:( I think there were times she made his life a living hell.
Where can I read the "slamming Nurmi" tweet? :). Im all for that.:happydance::happydance:

It was posted here several times right around the time it hit Twitter. Sorry that I can't post a link, but if you Google "jodi arias twitter" you'll find her twitter page. You don't need to have a Twitter account to read it. Just a dark sense of humor or a strong stomach. :)
Ok folks I found it.
Janeen A. deMarte only one review. Same one as on healthgrades. That tells me it's phony. Or maybe written by Jodis mom? "No children. No empathy". What the heck??
Also, I don't think people rate psychologists as often as a regular MD. Like I said, I used locally and it was fairly accurate. Got several good ratings for my excellent doctor. :)
but just imagine if you wanted revenge. Whew. You could posts some ugly things. So I wouldn't rely on these online ratings.
Nurmi must think he is clever or something.

This is my take on why he called Dr. DeMarte "Dr. Death." Her name is similar to the Spanish language for "Day of the Dead."

I think it was rude and I hope the jurors thought so as well.

Day of the Dead (Spanish: Día de Muertos) is a Mexican holiday observed throughout Mexico and around the world in other cultures.

I've always heard it with the article "los" =the in it. Dia de Los Muertos.
The jurors were within their rights to report this to the judge. If she truly said that then she was not truthful in voir dire and the judge had a right to know. jmo

And would that have caused an immediate mistrial or would they have called in an alternate in their place?

I do think that TA's situation left him woefully unprepared for someone like JA.

Most young men learn about sex from other young men, movies, locker room stories, magazines like Playboy as well as the more clinical details taught in sex ed classes. TA's upbringing precluded most of these avenues and he grew up rather naïve, I would imagine. His religious beliefs also steered him away from the more 'earthy' details of sex like those found in x rated movies and magazines.

Time passes and he has tentative encounters with a Mormon woman who may have been also rather naïve to the ways of sex. Then he meets JA and is introduced to a totally new world by someone who is very experienced in sex and, not just 'tentative' sex but 'adventuresome' sex. It must have been like feast after a famine to a healthy young man.

TA's friends all seemed to strive to be kind, caring, good people. Within the Mormon circles that TA frequented, I am sure he never met anyone like JA. He would have no idea how to deal with someone as selfish, conniving and manipulative as JA. He may not have been a '30 year old virgin' in reality, but he was pretty darn close, when you count his experiences in the world against JA's knowledge and cunning.

Poor Travis. He was so far out of his depths. :(

IMO this is a helpful view. May I say: not many decent young men would be 'prepared' to deal with someone like JA.
Many young men would find this kind of 'jealous obsession' difficult to deal with: her pursuit of him was mixed with the seductive lure of tantalizing sex.
As Dr DM said: "he liked having sex with her" but he didn't like her intrusive behaviour.
IMO her 'jealous obsession' and intrusive behaviors towards him show no regard for his individual rights as a person, just as an 'object' of her own projected fantasies. The degree of her intrusive behaviour, and how far it penetrated into his private life, friends, and family was truly disturbing IMO. Her cunning, manipulation, calculation were disturbing. In the end she took his life!
I tend to think this was a little more that BPD, but these things are difficult to objectively quantify. My opinion only.
JA meltdown and her slamming Nurmi tweet....

BK provides exact time for each of her notes. Reconstructing from that, the tweet about Nurmi was sent out after the lunch break, 7 minutes after court was set to resume.

At the exact minute the tweet was posted JSS was on the bench speaking to the bailiff and JA's guard. JA was in the back room. Minutes more passed with the guards going in and out of the back room. One spoke with JM, leaving JM shaking his head. Don't know where MDLR was (tho the obvious guess is she was with JA); but it seems that Nurmi at least was in the courtroom.

After about ten minutes of this drama JSS called the jury in. JA was still in the back room. JA returned to the courtroom literally one minute after the jury was called.

It looks like she believed she could halt proceedings by throwing a hissy fit and refusing to return. She must have been amazed that everyone, including JSS, was willing and able to move along without her. :)
Really? How'd I miss this?? I thought Jodi insisted on being seated first so the jury couldn't watch her enter with her stun belt???
I am glad <modsnip> said being afraid of heights was a mental illness. Comparing this with BPD. Way to minimize the BPD as a mental illness.
I think Sanders hit on something else about the jury.

They want evidence that they can see and touch.

There is no set of tangibles which tells the story of this especially cruel torture murder like those autopsy photos and the image of JA dragging her nearly decapitated victim back toward the shower. :(

Speaking of evidence, perhaps it's just because I'm Canadian and therefore don't have a lot of experience with guns, but if I were on the jury, I'd like to have seen examples of just how big the weapons believed used would have been. Surely there's a range of sizes, but I don't recall seeing anything during trial that actually showed how big the gun would have been(would it have fit within her palm, been the size of her hand, etc.) as well as examples of the size of the knife it would have taken to inflict those wounds(hunting knife, one of those big chef knives, a smaller paring knife, etc.).

Many people are visual and just cannot process measurements on a piece of paper into the visual, like all the people who keep spouting about how such a small "girl" could have taken down a "man"(ie. TA wasn't the tallest man in the world, or anywhere near the heaviest and JA certainly wasn't a tiny waif, she certainly dwarfs JW.), then you add in JA's martial arts training, type of work(trays of food/drink, on her feet for hours, at least when she was busy running for those tips or after her ex bf's), etc. compared to someone who was battling his weight and basically had a desk job where the heaviest thing he commonly lifted was Naps and perhaps the trays of cookies he'd bake with his friends (not said to sound mean but TA wasn't exactly a jock).
I'm glad you have BK access. I've learned that BK's assertions on AZ law can be flat out wrong; looking forward to seeing any real-time corrections you may make here.

As to Utah amazing....isn't that an indication of PDST, that she wrote about Utah rather than how traumatized she was by having to murder Travis?

Not imo and I was diagnosed with PTSD.

That was all about devaluing Travis which is a trait of someone who has BPD. Also it was a way to cover her butt. She needed to establish an alibi and to Arias what she needs in order to cover her *advertiser censored** is top priority.

If she truly had PTSD from murdering him she wouldn't have gone to his memorial service or ridden by his house after she murdered him. CREEPY!!! Those with PTSD avoid any event that will trigger the trauma that caused the PTSD.

Imo, she was not traumatized in the least by murdering him. JA felt he had it coming. It meant nothing to her and that is why she cant fake remorse. She sneaks peeks at his gruesome autopsy photos. She wants to see her handy work. No person with PTSD would be able to do that and do it so casually as if she was looking at a photography magazine.

Re BK, to be fair, some of our disagreements are not about AZ law per se but about the practical workings of things in our court system. For example, yes, if JSS sentenced JA and JA filed her appeal before the other judge ruled on the omnibus motion, then the other judge wouldn't have jurisdiction to include JA in that ruling. But (1) JSS won't sentence JA while the omnibus motion is pending, (2) the appeal won't be filed for months after sentencing because there are approximately a million post-trial motions to file and brief first, and (3) the appellate court would just send the case back down for a ruling on the omnibus motion. So she didn't have the "law" wrong but just hadn't worked out how it would actually play out, which is something you can only really learn "in the trenches" lol.

So, if JSS won't sentence her with the omnibus motion pending, will she remain in County custody, or State custody?
I'm looking at JA's last journal, over at BK's site. The very first thing JA writes after the murder is: "Wow. UTAH WAS AMAZING!!!!!"

I would love to hear JM read that aloud right before closing, while picture of Travis is on the screen with a slit throat. " UTAH WAS AMAZING". Yes, that would guarantee the DP for sure. Thanks AZ.
I always felt when she described the incident with Travis repeatedly banging his head on the the closet door, iirc , it was because she had driven him almost to the brink of insanity. I truly think there were times when he was so exasperated and severely depressed by her behavior that he felt she was going to drive him to the brink of an emotional breakdown.

I don't think anyone will ever really know how much Travis suffered mentally and emotionally before she finally killed him.:( I think there were times she made his life a living hell.

I agree 100% about why he banged his head against the door. On the long list of what I find sick and revolting about JA is that she seems to have taken pleasure in using what was best about Travis against him, both before and after his death.
I so wish the Arias's would have pressed charges on Jodi's pot growing and that that could be brought up. Growing pot is criminal activity.

They did call the police. I figure she had a Juvie record that Mom and Dad had expunged when she turned eighteen. That is why her attorneys can say she does not have a record now.
Really? How'd I miss this?? I thought Jodi insisted on being seated first so the jury couldn't watch her enter with her stun belt???

Her stun belt really isn't all that visible...

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