Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 2/5 - 2/9 - Break

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She seemed to have a fascination with knives and swords.

It made me wonder if her grandfather was a veteran and he may have had a K-Bar and she took it and he had forgotten all about the knife. A K-Bar would be the perfect knife (length, durability and width of the blade) to complete the almost decapitation of Travis. It also would easily go into thick tire tread when she was on her slashing tires binge.


For folks wondering, KA-BAR knives were selected by USMC for use in WWII:

He managed to make it all the way down the hall while being chased and stabbed by the demon. Flight is a primal response
This fundamental physiologic response forms the foundation of modern day stress medicine. The "fight or flight response" is our body's primitive, automatic, inborn response that prepares the body to "fight" or "flee" from perceived attack, harm or threat to our survival.

I think when she first thrust the knife deep into his chest she then stepped back away from him to see if he was going to lunge at her. When she saw he wasn't but was going toward the sink instead trying to steady himself.........she continued the attack.

Poor Travis was not in the position to fight back. He felt his only option was to try and get away from this demon. Unfortunately, he was in the process of dying from the minute she knifed him in the chest.:( He became weaker and weaker.

She must have left the bathroom for a bit because Travis was able to get from the shower to the sink. I don't see him getting that far if she were stabbing him repeatedly. He couldn't have fended her off--she had no bruises.

She was surprised as well, when her initial thrusts didn't cause him to slump over onto the floor of the shower as she had visualized.

He was moving as she was stabbing, make no mistake.

Look at the defensive wounds on his hands, arms, legs, and feet.
For folks wondering, KA-BAR knives were selected by USMC for use in WWII:

View attachment 68896

My son was in the USMC. He has one and he gave my husband one. It is so sharp I wont even touch it or get it out of the box.

It is one of the strongest knives in the world.

That is why it is still used on the battlefield today during combat.
I know. My main point was that folks posting in many online sites think that something big and juicy is in the part of the interview that wasn't submitted into evidence. That's what started the hunt elsewhere for rumors spread long ago.

But yah, I also think that pedophilia is one of the worst crimes imaginable, and that nobody should be accused of it without actual evidence. JA is a lot of things, but I seriously doubt she's a pedophile. Not her MO. She uses sex to get what she wants/needs from men.

From what we can tell, to her, pedophilia is just one more slander weapon she wields to assassinate her victim's character.

Neither more nor less...
All bruises, scratches and cuts would have been healed by the time of her arrest. Remember she did wear long sleeves on a very hot day when she was in Utah with Ryan and other PPL members.

RB recalls being 'adjusted' by bandaged fingers.
I believe she took it with her when she moved back to Yreka. It could of been a caveat for her too see him again.

But, still, if it was in a drawer, she surely could not have taken it by mistake.

I don't believe she ever did anything by mistake.

And everything she does, she has a ready lie for.

Her life's story...
You're right.

She brought the knife with her.

It was the initial implement of her torture slaughter. She wanted to be in close, to really intimate her hatred.

Too bad for her, TA just wouldn't stay in that shower so she could slice him up nice and neat and wash all the evidence down the drain, just as she had been visualizing and planning for weeks.

I believe that the knife was one of JA's "staples" that she always carried around
in her backpack handy bag of tricks. Just in case someone needed their tires slashed.
The especially cruel nature of this crime is what eclipses anything I've seen JA's crew advance as mitigating evidence to date.

Given time and opportunity, this one will kill again.

I'd bet Ransom's husband's shoes on it.

I'd bet :laugh: Ransom's husband's shoes on it.
You are so witty truth! You help us get through this horribly sad trial ~ AKA the Jodi Arias "show." Thank you so for your much needed humor that allows us to come out of the evil darkness for a few minutes!
The way I took it was that even though he was no doubt mad that she took it, at least he knew where it was and (presumably) he could get it back as opposed to maybe having misplaced it or her say she threw it in a lake or put it down a garbage disposal.

Yes I was thinking that too. That his reassurance was due more to relief that it wasn't missing and could try it back.
I know it's super late but I'm on Pacific time and having trouble sleeping but I wanted to post a thought about the sex tape. Is it possible Travis took the prescription sleep aid Ambien? The reason I ask is that I have been taking it occasionally for the past 6 years and one thing I know with certainty is that if you take it and don't go to sleep soon after or if you are awakened after taking it and going to sleep, you may possibly say or do things that are way out of character and you won't even remember any of it the next day. Under the influence, I have had long, nonsense conversations with my son or with my hubby. I have prepared entire meals, reorganized furniture, sent rambling emails to people (sorta like "drink and dial" but worse), cleaned my garage, trimmed my bangs, the list goes on. Even more embarrassingly, I've initiated sex with my hubby (sometimes dressing up in full seduction outfits - yet usually passing out before following thru with my propositions).

Given how sleepy Travis sounded on the tape and how he lost track of the dialog occasionally and his silly singing towards the end, I think it's quite possible he was under the influence on that recording. If this is true and JA knew that he sometimes used Ambien, then I find her scheme even more diabolical then it already is and I can easily forgive Travis for the more lurid comments he made on that tape.

Regardless, I have no doubt whatsoever that this was just one more example of the utterly cruel self-serving schemes the murderer used to annihilate trusting and naive Travis. She is just a sick, evil beyotch and I pray this jury gets it 110%. Okay, g'nite.....

I know that early on I heard/saw that he had insomnia and was taking Ambien. I have searched on the Internet and not found anything except posts where others were wondering about it. I think that it was one of the Hughes or another friend of Travis that mentioned it on television.

It sure would explain the sex tapes. I listened to them twice and will never listen again! His speech pattern changes over and over and you can hear that the tape was pieced together in many places. Also, there is the fact that Neumeister only had to enhance Travis's voice.

Since we know that Travis did not drink I feel Ambien would be a good reason for slurred speech and out of character talk. The only other possibility for me is that she gave him a rufie (spelling?) aka date rape drug.
I think when she first thrust the knife deep into his chest she then stepped back away from him to see if he was going to lunge at her. When she saw he wasn't but was going toward the sink instead trying to steady himself.........she continued the attack.

Poor Travis was not in the position to fight back. He felt his only option was to try and get away from this demon. Unfortunately, he was in the process of dying from the minute she knifed him in the chest.:( He became weaker and weaker.


The pause that caused him to be able to get out and to the sink could have been the moment she sliced her finger and she stopped momentarily because it hurt.
I started by responding to a post about how the 13th Juror said jurors like evidence they can see/touch and I commented that I would have liked to have seen examples of the weapons that were believed to have been used, although I'm fairly good at comprehending the written word, I'm much better with visuals than oral. Anyway, it is the weekend and even though I don't see how this is any worse than having to talk about how the DT is retrying the case.... sorry if I've offended anyone. :/

Your post wasn't offensive at all. Also, very on topic in the sense that it addresses what kind of things can help jurors better digest the evidence. Obviously both sides feel that visuals are important in this regard, actually displaying the text messages, timelines, etc., and I imagine that lawyers in general are increasingly aware of this, thanks to modern techology.
AZl ~ just wanted to thank you for helping us understand all the "attorney" lingo and answering all our questions. I've also noticed that you have a very good sense of humor!
Intelligent, funny and probably gorgeous too, no doubt. You really are a triple threat :smile:
You are appreciated. I love how you modsnip yourself in your posts!
I know that early on I heard/saw that he had insomnia and was taking Ambien. I have searched on the Internet and not found anything except posts where others were wondering about it. I think that it was one of the Hughes or another friend of Travis that mentioned it on television.

It sure would explain the sex tapes. I listened to them twice and will never listen again! His speech pattern changes over and over and you can hear that the tape was pieced together in many places. Also, there is the fact that Neumeister only had to enhance Travis's voice.

Since we know that Travis did not drink I feel Ambien would be a good reason for slurred speech and out of character talk. The only other possibility for me is that she gave him a rufie (spelling?) aka date rape drug.

I've read people saying he was taking Ambien here before, but I haven't seen or heard any evidence of that. Could be true, could be speculation. I just want to know which. :)

I think he just sounded drowsy and the sound in the recording was distorted. The talk was not that out-of-character. She couldn't have drugged him over the phone.
You couldn't ever, ever offend me. I'm not sensitive in the least.

I just don't want to go "backwards" to the guilt phase. Been there, done that. Not worse .. it's the same, IMO. Going in circles.

The .25 weapon (gun) was never found. Example of how tiny that gun is was provided by another poster. The KNIFE ... no clue and it didn't matter anyway for the GUILT phase. Moving on.......

You are right. The 25 caliber gun is very small--and not at all reliable. My hubby is an avid gun collector and he just had to have a 25 caliber to add to his collection. He went to the firing range to fire it and it jammed. It is a totally unreliable gun. As for the knife JA used, I believe she brought it with her as well as the gun. It's extremely likely that it was the same knife she used on Travis's and Lisa's tires.
She seemed to have a fascination with knives and swords.

It made me wonder if her grandfather was a veteran and he may have had a K-Bar and she took it and he had forgotten all about the knife. A K-Bar would be the perfect knife (length, durability and width of the blade) to complete the almost decapitation of Travis. It also would easily go into thick tire tread when she was on her slashing tires binge.


I don't know what a K-Bar is, but according to his 2014 obit, her grandfather was a veteran, having served two years in the Army (early '50s).
She must have left the bathroom for a bit because Travis was able to get from the shower to the sink. I don't see him getting that far if she were stabbing him repeatedly. He couldn't have fended her off--she had no bruises.

I don't see why she had to have left for a bit. She might simply have been standing there, watching to see what effect her first stabs had had. Though he managed to make it to the sink, it would have been very obvious to her - from his staggering, bleeding, etc. - that he was seriously injured and weakened, and possibly about to collapse, and die. I guess not quickly enough, hence more stab wounds in the back.
I know this has already been posted, but it was awhile back. Since this is the weekend, I thought I would re-post it for a "refresher." I had it bookmarked because it is from a favorite blogger of mine.

Thank you so much for posting this. It could be that hindsight is 20/20, as they say, but as I read some of Jodi's entries, I can just see and feel the way she is coming unhinged. Poor Travis. He didn't have a chance. Yes, he knew he had a stalker, but I don't think he had a clue as to what she was capable of.
The pause that caused him to be able to get out and to the sink could have been the moment she sliced her finger and she stopped momentarily because it hurt.

That's a brilliant thought! And so much like Jodi to stop and look (as well as assess) at her own injury as Travis made his way to the bathroom sink. Then, her attention is back on Travis as he stands there. She went full bore on Travis with the knife at that stage in time.
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